Nilotpala Lotus Farming Guide for Genshin Impact

Nilotpala Lotus Farming Guide for Genshin Impact

This guide will show you efficient farming routes to farm all 79 available Nilotpala Lotus nodes from Sumeru is under 14 minutes. Make sure to study these routes and learn them by heart to speed up your farming!

Last updated on Aug 05, 2024 at 15:12 by CheshireJae

Vissudha Field Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route

This route starts at Vissudha Field and gets you 3 Nilotpala Lotus in about 1m30.

Screenshots of all Locations
Vissudha Field Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #How to reach Nodes #1 from the Teleport How to reach Nodes #1 from the Teleport Vissudha Field Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #How to reach Nodes #1 from the Teleport again How to reach Nodes #1 from the Teleport again Vissudha Field Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #How to reach Nodes #1 from the Teleport continued How to reach Nodes #1 from the Teleport continued Vissudha Field Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Towards Node #1 Towards Node #1 Vissudha Field Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Towards Node #1 again Towards Node #1 again Vissudha Field Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Towards Node #1 continued Towards Node #1 continued Vissudha Field Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Towards Node #1 continued again Towards Node #1 continued again Vissudha Field Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Keep towards Node #1 Keep towards Node #1 Vissudha Field Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Keep towards Node #1 again Keep towards Node #1 again Vissudha Field Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Keep towards Node #1 continued Keep towards Node #1 continued Vissudha Field Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Keep towards Node #1 continued again Keep towards Node #1 continued again Vissudha Field Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Nodes #1 and #2 Nodes #1 and #2 Vissudha Field Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Nodes #2 and #3 Nodes #2 and #3

Vanarana Nilotpala Lotus Farming Routes

This route starts at the Vanarana and can get you 6 Nilotpala Lotus in about 1m05.

Screenshots of all Locations
Vanarana Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #How to reach Node #4 from the Teleport How to reach Node #4 from the Teleport Vanarana Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Towards Node #4 Towards Node #4 Vanarana Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Nodes #4, #5, #6, and #7 Nodes #4, #5, #6, and #7 Vanarana Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Node #7 Node #7 Vanarana Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Towards Node #8 Towards Node #8 Vanarana Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Towards Node #8 again Towards Node #8 again Vanarana Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Nodes #8 and #9 Nodes #8 and #9 Vanarana Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Node #9 Node #9

Vanarana Southern Path Nilotpala Lotus Farming Routes

This route starts at the Vanarana Southern Path and can get you 4 Nilotpala Lotus in about 25 seconds.

Screenshots of all Locations
Vanarana Southern Path Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #How to reach Node #10 from the Teleport How to reach Node #10 from the Teleport Vanarana Southern Path Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Towards Node #10 Towards Node #10 Vanarana Southern Path Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Nodes #10, #11, #12, and #13 Nodes #10, #11, #12, and #13

The Palace of Alcazarzaray Nilotpala Lotus Farming Routes

These 2 routes start at the The Palace of Alcazarzaray and can get you 9 Nilotpala Lotus in about 2 minutes.

Screenshots of all Locations
The Palace of Alcazarzaray Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #How to reach Node #14 from the Teleport How to reach Node #14 from the Teleport The Palace of Alcazarzaray Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Nodes #14 and #15 Nodes #14 and #15 The Palace of Alcazarzaray Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Node #15 Node #15 The Palace of Alcazarzaray Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Node #16 Node #16 The Palace of Alcazarzaray Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Node #16 again Node #16 again The Palace of Alcazarzaray Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Node #17 Node #17 The Palace of Alcazarzaray Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #How to reach Node #18 from the Teleport How to reach Node #18 from the Teleport The Palace of Alcazarzaray Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Towards Node #18 Towards Node #18 The Palace of Alcazarzaray Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Node #18 Node #18 The Palace of Alcazarzaray Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Node #18 again Node #18 again The Palace of Alcazarzaray Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Towards Node #19 Towards Node #19 The Palace of Alcazarzaray Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Node #19 Node #19 The Palace of Alcazarzaray Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Nodes #19 and #20 Nodes #19 and #20 The Palace of Alcazarzaray Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Node #20 Node #20 The Palace of Alcazarzaray Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Node #21 Node #21 The Palace of Alcazarzaray Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Nodes #21 and #22 Nodes #21 and #22 The Palace of Alcazarzaray Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Node #22 Node #22

Sumeru City Nilotpala Lotus Farming Routes

This route starts north of Sumeru City and can get you 13 Nilotpala Lotus in about 2 minutes.

Screenshots of all Locations
Sumeru City Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #How to reach Node #23 from the Teleport How to reach Node #23 from the Teleport Sumeru City Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Nodes #23 and #24 Nodes #23 and #24 Sumeru City Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Node #24 Node #24 Sumeru City Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Node #25 Node #25 Sumeru City Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Nodes #25 and #26 Nodes #25 and #26 Sumeru City Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Node #26 Node #26 Sumeru City Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Node #26 again Node #26 again Sumeru City Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Nodes #27 and #28 Nodes #27 and #28 Sumeru City Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Nodes #27 and #28 again Nodes #27 and #28 again Sumeru City Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Node #28 Node #28 Sumeru City Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Nodes #29, #30, #31, and #32 Nodes #29, #30, #31, and #32 Sumeru City Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Nodes #29 and #30 Nodes #29 and #30 Sumeru City Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Nodes #30 and #31 Nodes #30 and #31 Sumeru City Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Nodes #31 and #32 Nodes #31 and #32 Sumeru City Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Node #32 Node #32 Sumeru City Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Node #33 Node #33 Sumeru City Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Nodes #33 and #34 Nodes #33 and #34 Sumeru City Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Node #34 Node #34 Sumeru City Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Node #35 Node #35

Gandha Hill Nilotpala Lotus Farming Routes

This route starts at the Gandha Hill and can get you 2 Nilotpala Lotus in about 20 seconds.

Screenshots of all Locations
Gandha Hill Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #How to reach Node #36 from the Teleport How to reach Node #36 from the Teleport Gandha Hill Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Towards Node #36 Towards Node #36 Gandha Hill Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Nodes #36 and #37 Nodes #36 and #37

Chinvat Ravine Nilotpala Lotus Farming Routes

These 2 routes start at the Chinvat Ravine and can get you 10 Nilotpala Lotus in about 1m25.

Screenshots of all Locations
Chinvat Ravine Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #How to reach Node #38 from the Teleport How to reach Node #38 from the Teleport Chinvat Ravine Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Towards Node #38 Towards Node #38 Chinvat Ravine Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Node #38 Node #38 Chinvat Ravine Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Node #38 again Node #38 again Chinvat Ravine Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #How to reach Node #39 from the Teleport How to reach Node #39 from the Teleport Chinvat Ravine Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Towards Node #39 Towards Node #39 Chinvat Ravine Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Node #39 Node #39 Chinvat Ravine Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Node #39 again Node #39 again Chinvat Ravine Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Nodes #40 and #41 Nodes #40 and #41 Chinvat Ravine Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Nodes #40, #41, and #42 Nodes #40, #41, and #42 Chinvat Ravine Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Nodes #41 and #42 Nodes #41 and #42 Chinvat Ravine Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Nodes #42 and #43 Nodes #42 and #43 Chinvat Ravine Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Nodes #43 and #44 Nodes #43 and #44 Chinvat Ravine Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Nodes #44, #45, and #46 Nodes #44, #45, and #46 Chinvat Ravine Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Nodes #45 and #46 Nodes #45 and #46 Chinvat Ravine Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Nodes #46 and #47 Nodes #46 and #47 Chinvat Ravine Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Node #47 Node #47

Mountain Cavern Nilotpala Lotus Farming Routes

This route starts at the Mountain Cavern and can get you 1 Nilotpala Lotus in about 40 seconds.

Screenshots of all Locations
Mountain Cavern Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #How to reach Node #48 from the Teleport How to reach Node #48 from the Teleport Mountain Cavern Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Towards Node #48 Towards Node #48 Mountain Cavern Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Towards Node #48 again Towards Node #48 again Mountain Cavern Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Node #48 Node #48 Mountain Cavern Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Node #48 again Node #48 again

Pardis Dhyai Nilotpala Lotus Farming Routes

These 2 routes start at the Pardis Dhyai and can get you 10 Nilotpala Lotus in about 1m05.

Screenshots of all Locations
Pardis Dhyai Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #How to reach Node #49 from the Teleport How to reach Node #49 from the Teleport Pardis Dhyai Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Node #49 Node #49 Pardis Dhyai Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Nodes #49 and #50 Nodes #49 and #50 Pardis Dhyai Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Nodes #49 and #50 again Nodes #49 and #50 again Pardis Dhyai Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Nodes #50 and #51 Nodes #50 and #51 Pardis Dhyai Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Nodes #51 and #52 Nodes #51 and #52 Pardis Dhyai Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #How to reach Node #53 from the Teleport How to reach Node #53 from the Teleport Pardis Dhyai Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Towards Node #53 Towards Node #53 Pardis Dhyai Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Towards Node #53 again Towards Node #53 again Pardis Dhyai Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Nodes #53, #54, #55, #56, #57, and #58 Nodes #53, #54, #55, #56, #57, and #58

Devantaka Mountain Nilotpala Lotus Farming Routes

These 3 routes start at the Devantaka Mountain and can get you 17 Nilotpala Lotus in about 2 minutes.

Screenshots of all Locations
Devantaka Mountain Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #How to reach Node #59 from the Teleport How to reach Node #59 from the Teleport Devantaka Mountain Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Towards Node #59 Towards Node #59 Devantaka Mountain Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Towards Node #59 again Towards Node #59 again Devantaka Mountain Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Nodes #59 and #60 Nodes #59 and #60 Devantaka Mountain Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #How to reach Node #61 from the Teleport How to reach Node #61 from the Teleport Devantaka Mountain Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Towards Node #61 Towards Node #61 Devantaka Mountain Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Nodes #61, #62, #63, #64, #65, #66, #67, and #68 Nodes #61, #62, #63, #64, #65, #66, #67, and #68 Devantaka Mountain Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Nodes #61, #62, #63, and #64 Nodes #61, #62, #63, and #64 Devantaka Mountain Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Nodes #64, #65, #66, #67, and #68 Nodes #64, #65, #66, #67, and #68 Devantaka Mountain Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Nodes #65, #66, #67, and #68 Nodes #65, #66, #67, and #68 Devantaka Mountain Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #How to reach Node #69 from the Teleport How to reach Node #69 from the Teleport Devantaka Mountain Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Nodes #69, #70, #71, #72, #73, #74, and #75 Nodes #69, #70, #71, #72, #73, #74, and #75 Devantaka Mountain Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Nodes #69, #70, #71, and #72 Nodes #69, #70, #71, and #72 Devantaka Mountain Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Nodes #72, #73, #74, and #75 Nodes #72, #73, #74, and #75

Winding Path Beneath the Ruins Nilotpala Lotus Farming Routes

This route starts at the Winding Path Beneath the Ruins and can get you 4 Nilotpala Lotus in about 1m20.

Screenshots of all Locations
Winding Path Beneath the Ruins Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #How to reach Node #76 from the Teleport How to reach Node #76 from the Teleport Winding Path Beneath the Ruins Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Towards Node #76 Towards Node #76 Winding Path Beneath the Ruins Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Towards Node #76 again Towards Node #76 again Winding Path Beneath the Ruins Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Towards Node #76 continued Towards Node #76 continued Winding Path Beneath the Ruins Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Towards Node #76 continued again Towards Node #76 continued again Winding Path Beneath the Ruins Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Keep towards Node #76 Keep towards Node #76 Winding Path Beneath the Ruins Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Keep towards Node #76 again Keep towards Node #76 again Winding Path Beneath the Ruins Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Nodes #76, #77, and #78 Nodes #76, #77, and #78 Winding Path Beneath the Ruins Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Nodes #77 and #78 Nodes #77 and #78 Winding Path Beneath the Ruins Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Node #78 Node #78 Winding Path Beneath the Ruins Nilotpala Lotus Farming Route: #Node #79 Node #79


  • 05 Aug. 2024: Guide added.
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