Starfell Valley Time Trials

Starfell Valley Time Trial Locations and Guide

Starfell Valley is the starting zone in Mondstadt that you can explore in Genshin Impact. Here is an overview of where you can find the time trials in the Valley.

Last updated on Feb 12, 2025 at 11:08 by Jaymo

Starfell Valley Time Trials Guide

Starfell Valley is one of the 5 areas of Mondstadt. There are a total of 7 Time Trials currently available in the Starfell Valley.

For nearby Time Trials not shown below, please check out the other guides available on Icy Veins!


Starfell Valley Time Trials Locations

  1. On top of a very small hill
  2. Located a bit before the cliff
  3. Located on top of the road
  4. On a rock in the middle of the water
  5. Before the water
  6. Right in front of an enemy tower
  7. At the tip of the cliff


  • 17 Oct. 2024: Guide added.
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