Wanderer Guide and Best Builds for Genshin Impact
Wanderer, formerly known as Scaramouche, is a 5-star Anemo Catalyst user in Genshin Impact who primarily functions as a Hypercarry. Read our guide to learn more about Wanderer's kit, Wanderer's best Builds and also his Ascension and Talent Materials.
Wanderer Strengths and Weaknesses
Strong single target and AoE Damage.
Can fly making Wanderer amazing for exploration.
No Stamina used on charged attacks while in the air.
Can easily be knocked out of the air making shielding important.
Teambuilding often requires Faruzan, ideally at C6.
Terrible at grouping and crowd control compared to most Anemo characters.
Wanderer Build Guide, Best Artifacts, Weapons and Talent Priority
BiS Weapon | Tulaytullah's Remembrance |
Alternative Weapons |
Best Artifacts |
Main Stats |
Substat Priority |
Talent Priority |
Wanderer's best weapon is Tulaytullah's Remembrance which provides a significant DMG increase for the build. Other good weapons include Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds, Skyward Atlas and The Widsith as a 4-star build option.
Build Wanderer's with Desert Pavilion Chronicle which is tailor-made for him. Shimenawa's Reminiscence is a decent secondary option and a more resin efficient set. This does mean you can only burst every 3 rotations. This is also not a recommended set if you have Niban: Moonlit Isle Amidst White Waves (C2).
Furthermore, Energy Recharge is not worth building unless you are at C2 or above. Bursting every other rotation is more damage than tailoring your artifacts to hit around 160% Energy Recharge which is required at C0. This however changes if you hit C2 because Niban: Moonlit Isle Amidst White Waves increases your Elemental Burst's damage making bursting every rotation more worthwhile.
Combos and How to Play Wanderer
Due to being a Hypercarry, you want to start with any skills, bursts and buffs from other party members first which will increase Wanderer's damage once he gets out onto the field. Using Hanega: Song of the Wind will raise Wanderer into the air, make him deal more damage and increase his manoeuvrability.
While in the air you can use both Normal and Charged Attacks to deal damage to your opponents with Charged Attacks not consuming stamina while under the effects of your Elemental Skill.
Additionally, thanks to the effect of Gales of Reverie while in the air any Normal or Charged Attack that hits an enemy occasionally allow you to dash in the air without consuming stamina and also fire wind arrows to a nearby enemy which increases your DPS.
Finally, use your Elemental Burst, Kyougen: Five Ceremonial Plays near the end of your flight if available. Once used, Hanega: Song of the Wind ends which is why it is used at the end of flight.
Different Elements Give Different Buffs
Wanderer can absorb up to 2 different elements during Hanega: Song of the Wind if he comes into contact with them. These then give unique buffs depending on the element:
- Hydro — Increases Kuugoryoku Point (stamina) cap by 20
- Cryo — Increases CRIT Rate by 20%
- Pyro — Increases ATK by 30%
- Electro — Restores 0.8 energy with each attack
Wanderer's Best Team Comps
Wanderer can fit into a range of teams however his strongest ones by far are focused on increasing his personal damage. Faruzan is therefore incredibly important to the vast majority of team compositions.
Hypercarry Wanderer
Main DPS | Sub DPS | Support | Support |
Wanderer | Yelan | Faruzan | Bennett |
Wanderer | Chiori | Faruzan | Zhongli |
Main DPS | Support | Support | Support |
Wanderer | Zhongli | Faruzan | Bennett |
Wanderer | Bennett | Faruzan |
In Hypercarry teams you generally want a combination of Faruzan or Bennett to accompany Wanderer. Using either of these two characters if not both will be a substantial increase to Wanderer's DPS. This therefore leaves space for an additional character such as Yelan who has strong off-field damage and Zhongli, Citlali and Layla as shielder options.
Consider the Spiral Abyss line-up before you decide what team you want to use, Yelan for example won't be useful on enemies with Hydro resistance while Chiori would be great against Geo shields.
Double Pyro Wanderer Team
Main DPS | Support | Support | Support |
Wanderer | Mavuika | Faruzan | Bennett |
Main DPS | Sub DPS | Support | Support |
Wanderer | Xiangling | Faruzan | Thoma |
Double Pyro makes use of Pyro Resonance to increase Wanderer's damage even further with Xiangling or Mavuika helping to provide additional damage which can be useful for example with shields.
Wanderer's Ascensions, Talents, and Constellations
Wanderer Ascension Passives and Materials
Unlock | Ascension Passive | Explanation |
With Character | Strum the Swirling Winds | Mora expended when ascending Bows and Catalysts is decreased by 50%. |
1st Ascension | Jade-Claimed Flower |
If Hanega: Song of the Wind comes into contact with Hydro/Pyro/Cryo/Electro when it is unleashed, this instance of the Windfavored state will obtain buffs according to the contacted element(s).
You can have up to 2 different kinds of these buffs simultaneously. |
4th Ascension | Gales of Reverie | When you hit opponents you have a chance to proc Descent. Descent deals 4 wind arrows of damage when you dash in the air. |
Wanderer requires a range of materials to ascend to the 6th ascension. Starting from the second ascension they gain additional CRIT Rate as their bonus stat giving a total of 19.2% increased CRIT Rate at the final ascension. The total cost to upgrade all ascensions is:
Source | Quantity |
Mora | 420,000 Mora |
Boss Material | 46x Perpetual Caliber |
Ascension Material | |
Local Specialty | 168x Rukkhashava Mushrooms |
Enhancement Material |
Wanderer's Talents
Listed below is each talent and a simplified explanation of how they work.
Type | Talent Name | Brief Explanation |
Normal | Normal Attack: Yuuban Meigen | Performs up to 3 attacks using wind blades, dealing Anemo DMG. |
Elemental Skill | Hanega: Song of the Wind | Gives you flight with a special stamina bar which goes down over time and when you move, deals additional damage and charged attacks do not use stamina. |
Elemental Burst | Kyougen: Five Ceremonial Plays | Large AoE dealing Anemo damage. Ends flight when used. |
To upgrade a single talent to level 10, it costs:
Source | Quantity |
Mora | 1,625,500 Mora |
Special Material | 1x Crown of Insight |
Boss Material | 6x Daka's Bell |
Domain Material |
Enhancement Material |
Wanderer's Constellations
The only Constellation that provides any gameplay changes to Wanderer would be C4 Yonban: Set Adrift into Spring by providing an additional elemental buff. His C2, Niban: Moonlit Isle Amidst White Waves is the most impactful.
# | Name | Explanation |
C1 | Shoban: Ostentatious Plumage | When in flight due to Hanega: Song of the Wind , deal 10% more damage while attacking and deal 25% more damage from Gales of Reverie 's wind arrows. |
C2 | Niban: Moonlit Isle Amidst White Waves | When in flight due to Hanega: Song of the Wind , your elemental burst deals more damage based on how much stamina you have used while in flight. |
C3 | Sanban: Moonflower Kusemai |
C4 | Yonban: Set Adrift into Spring | When you absorb an Element from Jade-Claimed Flower , gain an random additional Elemental effect and increase the cap of buffs in play to 3. |
C5 | Matsuban: Ancient Illuminator From Abroad |
C6 | Shugen: The Curtains' Melancholic Sway |
When the Wanderer actively hits an opponent with an attack while in flight due to Hanega: Song of the Wind , the following effects will occur.
- 17 Jan. 2025: Updated for 5.3.
- 03 Jun. 2024: Reviewed for 4.7.
- 30 Apr. 2024: Updated for 4.6 rerun.
- 31 Jan. 2024: Guide reviewed for Patch 4.4.
- 29 Nov. 2023: Guide added.
Jay is a long time Hoyoverse player in both Genshin and Honkai Star Rail, enjoying the exploration, lore, challenges, and theorycrafting for his favorite characters. Next to creating guides, he is also an avid fan of editing videos, and you can watch him stream on Twitch