Brilliant Chrysanthemum
Brilliant Chrysanthemum are a Local Specialty found around the Stadium of the Sacred Flame and in Huitztli Hill in Natlan.
Brilliant Chrysanthemum are used to ascend Xilonen.
How to Obtain Brilliant Chrysanthemum?
Brilliant Chrysanthemum can be located around the Stadium of the Sacred Flame as well as Huitztli Hill in Natlan. You can follow our Brilliant Chrysanthemum Farming Route Guide to find out efficient farming routes for this local specialty.
Are Brilliant Chrysanthemum Sold by Vendors?
Brilliant Chrysanthemum not sold by any specific Vendors in Genshin Impact.
Can Brilliant Chrysanthemum be Obtained from Gardening?
Brilliant Chrysanthemum Seed can be planted in a Luxuriant Glebe in your Teapot, after which time, you need to wait for 2 days and 22 hours before you can harvest your Brilliant Chrysanthemum.
Which Characters Use Brilliant Chrysanthemum for Their Ascension?
Currently, only Xilonen uses Brilliant Chrysanthemum for their Ascensions.
What Items Can Be Crafted with Brilliant Chrysanthemum?
Brilliant Chrysanthemum is not used in any crafting recipes.
- 17 Oct. 2024: Page added.
This guide has been written by Shikhu (Discord - Shikhu), an avid Genshin Impact player who has been exploring Teyvat since the game has launched. He has experienced all the game has to offer from building his favorite characters, exploring the world to clearing Spiral Abyss each rotation. His favorite character being his C6 Furina.
Local Specialty (Natlan)

A flower with a shape like floating wings. Its petals sway in an unbelievably relaxed, serene manner as they are caressed by the wind.