Local Specialty in Genshin Impact

Local Specialty in Genshin Impact

Local Specialties are items, mostly plants, that can be gathered in specific regions and that are used for Ascension and Cooking. Local Specialty nodes refresh after 48 hours and some of them can also be harvested from the fields in your Teapot.

Last updated on Oct 01, 2024 at 14:08 by Damien

Local Specialties by Region


Mondstadt Local Specialties

Local Specialty Ascension Crafting
Calla Lily Diona Kaeya A Prize Catch Calla Lily Seafood Soup Rainbow Aster A Prize Catch
Cecilia Albedo Venti Anemoculus Resonance Stone
Dandelion Seed Eula Jean Anemoculus Resonance Stone Gushing Essential Oil Windbarrier Potion
Philanemo Mushroom Barbara Klee Mona Anemo Treasure Compass
Small Lamp Grass Amber Diluc Fischl "Once Upon a Time in Mondstadt" "Pile 'Em Up" Sunshine Sprat Woodland Dream "Once Upon a Time in Mondstadt" Woodland Dream
Valberry Lisa Noelle Rosaria Red Dye
Windwheel Aster Bennett Sucrose Anemo Traveler Dendro Traveler Electro Traveler Geo Traveler Hydro Traveler Geo Treasure Compass Wind Catcher
Wolfhook Mika Razor Blue Dye Fruits of the Festival

Liyue Local Specialties

Local Specialty Ascension Crafting
Clearwater Jade Xianyun
Cor Lapis Chongyun Keqing Zhongli Dustproof Potion Geoculus Resonance Stone Unmoving Essential Oil Yellow Dye
Glaze Lily Ningguang Yun Jin Geoculus Resonance Stone
Jueyun Chili Xiangling Yaoyao Black-Back Perch Stew Chili-Mince Cornbread Buns Flash-Fried Filet Humbly Enough Jade Parcels Jueyun Chili Chicken Jueyun Guoba Mint Salad Minty Meat Rolls Qingce Household Dish Qingce Stir Fry Rockin' Riffin' Chicken! Stir-Fried Filet Wanmin Restaurant's Boiled Fish Wanmin Restaurant's Boiled Fish Rockin' Riffin' Chicken! Qingce Household Dish Flash-Fried Filet
Noctilucous Jade Beidou Yanfei
Qingxin Ganyu Shenhe Xiao Fruity Duet Fruity Smoothie Heat-Quelling Soup Jade Fruit Soup Tianshu Meat Heat-Quelling Soup
Silk Flower Hu Tao Xingqiu Fabric
Starconch Gaming Tartaglia Yelan
Violetgrass Baizhu Qiqi Xinyan Black-Back Perch Stew Bountiful Year Heat-Quelling Soup Jade Fruit Soup Stone Harbor Delicacies Wanmin Restaurant's Boiled Fish Wanmin Restaurant's Boiled Fish Heat-Quelling Soup

Inazuma Local Specialties

Local Specialty Ascension Crafting
Amakumo Fruit Kirara Raiden Shogun
Crystal Marrow Aloy Sayu
Dendrobium Chiori Kujou Sara Redrot Bait
Fluorescent Fungus Thoma
Naku Weed Kuki Shinobu Yoimiya Electroculus Resonance Stone
Onikabuto Arataki Itto Shikanoin Heizou Electro Treasure Compass
Sakura Bloom Kamisato Ayaka Kamisato Ayato Electroculus Resonance Stone Fake Fly Bait Quiet Elegance Sakura Mochi Sakura Shrimp Crackers Sakura Tempura "Snow on the Hearth" Summer Festival Fish Tricolor Dango "Snow on the Hearth" Quiet Elegance Summer Festival Fish
Sango Pearl Gorou Sangonomiya Kokomi
Sea Ganoderma Kaedehara Kazuha Yae Miko

Sumeru Local Specialties

Local Specialty Ascension Crafting
Henna Berry Candace Faruzan
Kalpalata Lotus Dori Nahida
Mourning Flower Kaveh
Nilotpala Lotus Layla Tighnari Dendroculus Resonance Stone
Padisarah Nilou Biryani Dendro Treasure Compass Duel Soul Gilded Tajine Goldflame Tajine Padisarah Pudding Swirling Steps Tahchin Tandoori Roast Chicken Goldflame Tajine Swirling Steps Duel Soul
Rukkhashava Mushrooms Collei Wanderer Dendroculus Resonance Stone Forest Watcher's Choice Mushroom Hodgepodge Potato Boat Tandoori Roast Chicken Forest Watcher's Choice
Sand Grease Pupa Alhaitham Dehya
Scarab Cyno
Trishiraite Sethos

Fontaine Local Specialties

Local Specialty Ascension Crafting
Beryl Conch Charlotte Hydro Treasure Compass
Lakelight Lily Emilie Furina
Lumidouce Bell Chevreuse Lynette
Lumitoile Clorinde Neuvillette
Rainbow Rose Arlecchino Lyney Hydroculus Resonance Stone
Romaritime Flower Freminet Sigewinne Hydroculus Resonance Stone
Spring of the First Dewdrop Navia
Subdetection Unit Wriothesley

Natlan Local Specialties

Local Specialty Ascension Crafting
Brilliant Chrysanthemum Xilonen
Glowing Hornshroom Ororon
Quenepa Berry Kachina Pyroculus Resonance Stone
Saurian Claw Succulent Kinich
Skysplit Gembloom
Sprayfeather Gill Mualani Pyroculus Resonance Stone
Withering Purpurbloom Chasca

Local Specialty Amount by Ascension Rank

All characters require the same amount of Local Specialty for each of their 6 Ascension.

Ascension Amount of Local Specialty Needed
#1 3
#2 10
#3 20
#4 30
#5 45
#6 60

Character Talents to Find Local Specialties

Some characters have the ability to display the local specialties of their home region on the mini-map when you have them on your currently active team.

Character Talent
Qiqi Former Life Memories

Displays the location of nearby resources unique to Liyue on the mini-map.

Klee All Of My Treasures!

Displays the location of nearby resources unique to Mondstadt on the mini-map.

Tighnari Encyclopedic Knowledge

Displays the location of nearby resources unique to Sumeru on the mini-map.

Yanfei Encyclopedic Expertise

Displays the location of nearby resources unique to Liyue on the mini-map.

Mika Demarcation

Displays the location of nearby resources unique to Mondstadt on the mini-map.

Lyney Trivial Observations

Displays the location of nearby resources unique to Fontaine on the mini-map.

Gorou Seeker of Shinies

Displays the location of nearby resources unique to Inazuma on the mini-map.

Clorinde Night Vigil's Harvest

Displays the location of nearby resources unique to Fontaine on the mini-map.

Sethos Thoth's Revelation

Displays the location of nearby resources unique to Sumeru on the mini-map.