Sprayfeather Gill
Sprayfeather Gill are a Local Specialty found in Natlan around the Toyac Springs area.
Sprayfeather Gill are used to ascend Mualani.
How to Obtain Sprayfeather Gill?
Sprayfeather Gill can be located around the Toyac Springs area of Natlan. You can follow our Sprayfeather Gill Farming Route Guide to find out efficient farming routes for this local specialty.
Are Sprayfeather Gill Sold by Vendors?
Sprayfeather Gill can not currently be purchased at any vendors.
Can Sprayfeather Gill be Obtained from Gardening?
Sprayfeather Gill Seed can be planted in a Orderly Meadow in your Teapot, after which time, you need to wait for 2 days and 22 hours before you can harvest your Sprayfeather Gill.
Which Characters Use Sprayfeather Gill for Their Ascension?
Currently, Mualani uses Sprayfeather Gill to Ascend.
What Items Can Be Crafted with Sprayfeather Gill?
Sprayfeather Gill are not used in any crafting recipe.
- 01 Oct. 2024: Page added.
This guide has been written by Shikhu (Discord - Shikhu), an avid Genshin Impact player who has been exploring Teyvat since the game has launched. He has experienced all the game has to offer from building his favorite characters, exploring the world to clearing Spiral Abyss each rotation. His favorite character being his C6 Furina.
Local Specialty (Natlan)

A special feather-shaped species that grows by the seaside. It looks kind of like a seagrass but is in truth a soft-bodied aquatic coral with a unique shape.