Xiao Guide and Best Builds for Genshin Impact
Xiao is a 5-star Anemo Plunge DPS who deals high damage mainly as a Hypercarry. Read our guide to learn more about Xiao's kit, Xiao's best Builds and also his Ascension and Talent Materials.
Xiao Strengths and Weaknesses
Simple gameplay with higher skill combos available.
Incredible AoE damage with a wide radius.
Great build options especially with artifacts.
Drains HP during their Elemental Burst which can cause Xiao to be fragile.
Certain enemies are hard to hit such as flying enemies.
Builds are investment-heavy due to Xiao being a hypercarry.
Xiao Build Guide, Best Artifacts, Weapons and Talent Priority
Xiao's is primarily built as a Hypercarry, using various supports available to increase his personal damage. Unlike many other Anemo characters, Xiao does not incorporate swirling various elements into his gameplay.
BiS Weapon | Primordial Jade Winged-Spear |
Alternative Weapons |
Best Artifacts |
Main Stats |
Substat Priority |
Talent Priority |
Xiao's best weapons are ATK scaling with the best weapon to build Xiao being Primordial Jade Winged-Spear, Staff of Homa and Vortex Vanquisher are relatively similar in the overall DMG they provide to Xiao's build. Deathmatch and Lithic Spear are Xiao's best 4-Star options, Lithic can be better but only at 3+ stacks which limits your team compositions heavily.
Xiao's best artifact set is Vermillion Hereafter with Marechaussee Hunter being a strong alternative while also being an artifact set used on a lot of characters' builds while Vermillion is not. Therefore while Vermillion is better for Xiao builds, it is not resin efficient.
Xiao's build should focus on CRIT Rate and DMG and only needs around 130% Energy Recharge depending on your team composition. Xiao's teams often have a lot of Anemo characters meaning you do not need to build a lot of Energy Recharge.
Combos and How to Play Xiao
Xiao's gameplay revolves around using Bane of All Evil to apply his Yaksha's Mask and increase his jump height, Plunge damage and turn his attacks into Anemo Damage. To play Xiao optimally however, start by using both of his Elemental Skills, Lemniscatic Wind Cycling before his Burst. This is because Lemniscatic Wind Cycling will not generate Energy while under the effects of Bane of All Evil.
Afterwards, you can begin your plunge attacking, You also want to throw in the occasional normal/charged attack to animation cancel between plunges which varies depending on if you are fighting 1 enemy or multiple enemies.
- Single Target — Plunge > Normal Attack > Charged Attack > Repeat
- AoE — Plunge > Normal Attack > Plunge
Using Xiao for Exploration
Xiao has several benefits and techniques you can use to help your exploration of the open world.
- Transcension: Gravity Defier reduces stamina consumption while climbing.
- Lemniscatic Wind Cycling can be used in the air helping you cover a lot of distance without losing any height.
- Using Lemniscatic Wind Cycling will also result in restoring a small amount of stamina which can be useful while gliding and especially climbing helping you get further.
Xiao's Best Team Comps
Because Xiao is the Main DPS of your team and by far the primary source of damage, using characters that increase his damage is the way to go. Characters such as Faruzan, Furina and Xianyun are key players in Xiao teams.
Xiao will need a healer to help mitigate his constant HP loss while under the effects of Bane of All Evil. A shielder such as Zhongli or character with interruption resistance can also help but is less important compared to having a healer.
Xiao Hypercarry
Main DPS | Support | Support | Support |
Xiao | Faruzan | Furina | Xianyun |
Xiao | Faruzan | Jean | Bennett |
Xiao | Faruzan | Zhongli | Xianyun |
Xiao | Furina | Zhongli | Faruzan |
Faruzan, Xianyun, Furina and Bennett are there to provide huge damage bonuses. Zhongli is regularly used for comfort while Jean tends to be a battery or at C4 also reduces Anemo RES by 40%.
Double Pyro Xiao
Main DPS | Sub DPS | Support | Support |
Xiao | Xiangling | Bennett | |
Xiao | Mavuika | Sucrose | Bennett |
Instead of characters that aim to support Xiao, Pyro characters can be used for the additional 25% Attack from Pyro resonance as well as any other support they provide.
The main 2 Pyro options here are Xiangling and Mavuika. Both Xiangling and Mavuika provide off-field damage while Bennett brings ATK buffs and healing which is incredibly important. Faruzan is still your best option here although Lynette and Sucrose are viable options bringing different utility.
Xiao's Ascensions, Talents, and Constellations
Xiao Ascension Passives and Materials
Unlock | Ascension Passive | Explanation |
With Character | Transcension: Gravity Defier |
1st Ascension | Conqueror of Evil: Tamer of Demons |
4th Ascension | Dissolution Eon: Heaven Fall |
Xiao requires a range of materials to ascend to the 6th ascension. Starting from the second ascension they gain additional CRIT Rate as their bonus stat giving a total of 19.2% increased CRIT Rate at the final ascension. The total cost to upgrade all ascensions is:
Source | Quantity |
Mora | 420,000 Mora |
Boss Material | 46x Juvenile Jade |
Ascension Material | |
Local Specialty | 168x Qingxin |
Enhancement Material |
Xiao's Talents
Listed below is each talent and a simplified explanation of how they work.
Type | Talent Name | Brief Explanation |
Normal | Normal Attack: Whirlwind Thrust | Performs up to 6 consecutive spear strikes. Plunging Attacks do not deal damage to Xiao regardless of the height. |
Elemental Skill | Lemniscatic Wind Cycling |
Elemental Burst | Bane of All Evil | Uses Yaksha's Mask to increase jump height, AoE radius, damage and converts all damage to Anemo. Xiao will lose HP while Yaksha's Mask is in play. |
To upgrade a single talent to level 10, it costs:
Source | Quantity |
Mora | 1,625,500 Mora |
Special Material | 1x Crown of Insight |
Boss Material | 6x Shadow of the Warrior |
Domain Material |
Enhancement Material |
Xiao's Constellations
Xiao's best constellations are his C1, Dissolution Eon: Destroyer of Worlds, and C6, Conqueror of Evil: Guardian Yaksha. Unfortunately, the remaining constellations are less important with Transcension: Extinction of Suffering being very weak for a C4. His Dissolution Eon: Destroyer of Worlds provides an additional charge of your Elemental Skill making it much easier to generate energy.
Conqueror of Evil: Guardian Yaksha on the other hand drastically changes your gameplay. Using a Plunging Attack while under the effects of your Elemental Burst lets you spam your Elemental Skill. It deals an incredible amount of damage and is honestly really fun.
# | Name | Explanation |
C1 | Dissolution Eon: Destroyer of Worlds | Increases Lemniscatic Wind Cycling's charges by 1. |
C2 | Annihilation Eon: Blossom of Kaleidos | When in the party and not on the field, Xiao's Energy Recharge is increased by 25%. |
C3 | Conqueror of Evil: Wrath Deity |
C4 | Transcension: Extinction of Suffering | When Xiao's HP falls below 50%, he gains a 100% DEF Bonus. |
C5 | Evolution Eon: Origin of Ignorance |
C6 | Conqueror of Evil: Guardian Yaksha | While under the effects of Bane of All Evil, hitting at least 2 opponents with Xiao's Plunging Attack will immediately grant him 1 charge of Lemniscatic Wind Cycling, and for the next 1s, he may use Lemniscatic Wind Cycling while ignoring its CD. |
- 16 Jan. 2025: Updated for 5.3.
- 03 Jun. 2024: Reviewed for 4.7.
- 31 Jan. 2024: Guide updated for Xianyun. Triple Anemo team removed because Xianyun enables proper Triple Anemo.
- 29 Nov. 2023: Guide added.
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Jay is a long time Hoyoverse player in both Genshin and Honkai Star Rail, enjoying the exploration, lore, challenges, and theorycrafting for his favorite characters. Next to creating guides, he is also an avid fan of editing videos, and you can watch him stream on Twitch