Basic Garr Mage Deck (Normal Mode)
This deck can be used to easily defeat Normal-mode Garr in Blackrock Mountain. It contains only basic cards and relies on minions that deal damage when they come into play, helping you manage the 7 Firesworns initially on the board.
Card List
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Garr is fairly straightforward. The only problematic part of this fight, is the 7 Firesworn Minions that are in play at the start of the game. Garr will steadily damage these minions with Magma Pulse, his Hero Power, and if they are allowed to die on the same turn, they will do a large amount of damage to your Hero. To prevent this, this deck plays most of the cards in the basic set that deal damage when they come into play. This allows you to deal damage to the Firesworns, leaving them at different health totals, so that they die on different turns.
Once that problem is dealt with, Garr becomes very simple to defeat. Aim to fight for board control, remembering that any minion you leave on one health, on his side, or yours, will die the next turn, and wait until you draw into your powerful minions like Boulderfist Ogre, Stormwind Champion, and particularly Gurubashi Berserker. Once you are able to get these minions into play, you should easily be able to overwhelm the boss.
This deck is presented to you by Sottle, a professional Hearthstone player who plays for compLexity Gaming. Sottle regularly streams on Twitch and explains all of his moves. Watching him is a good opportunity to see how this and other decks play out in practice, and how decisions are made in real time.
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