Basic Temple Escape Priest Deck (Normal Mode)
This deck can be used to defeat Temple Escape on Normal mode and is comprised of only Basic Set cards. Temple Escape is all about survival and removal, so Priest is a natural choice for the challenge. Packing the deck with Taunts, heals and removal options makes this fight very straightforward.
Card List
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The theme of this deck is simple, Taunt and remove. In a regular Hearthstone deck, filling your deck with Taunt minions is a very bad idea, since these minions have weak stats for their cost, leading to you slowly falling behind on the board. In this fight, however, this is irrelevant since you are simply looking to survive a set number of turns, and the board is reset to nothing half way through the fight.
Mulligan for a Shadow Word: Pain and your early minions. Do not use the Shadow Word: Pain on the initial Zombie Chow, and instead hold onto it for the Oasis Snapjaw that follows. If you are able to get this start, the fight should be more or less wrapped up. Drawing cards when given the options to is usually the better option over the alternative because you want to ensure that you have enough Taunts to last you through the later turns.
The fight can basically be split up into two phases. The first phase is the period up until the board is reset by the temple collapse, and the second phase is everything after this point. Mentally budgeting for these two phases can help you to succeed in this battle. Ideally, you want to be a position where you have two or three Taunt minions in your hand at the point where the board is reset. If you have them, it does not matter too much how low your Health is, since you should be able to prevent your opponent hitting your Hero for the rest of the game.
This deck is presented to you by Sottle, a professional Hearthstone player who plays for compLexity Gaming. Sottle regularly streams on Twitch and explains all of his moves. Watching him is a good opportunity to see how this and other decks play out in practice, and how decisions are made in real time.
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