Acidmaw — Hunter Card

Last updated on Apr 01, 2017 at 05:31 by Kat 21 comments

Table of Contents

Acidmaw is a Hunter-only minion. This card was introduced with The Grand Tournament and can now only be obtained through crafting. Below the card images, you will find explanations to help you use the card optimally in every game mode of Hearthstone.


General Comments

Although Acidmaw has a very powerful effect, the stats are simply too weak for it to have a consistent effect on the game. Furthermore, Hunter does not have a reliable method of dealing small damage to minions, unlike other classes such as Mage.


Constructed Play

In Constructed, Acidmaw is too slow and too unreliable to be included in most Hunter decks. Although it can be used as a late-game removal option in combination with other cards like Unleash the Hounds, the type of Hunter deck that would want to make those sorts of late-game Control plays does not play to the class's strengths.



Acidmaw is no longer available in Arena.or.