Baron Rivendare — Neutral Card

Last updated on Mar 05, 2017 at 16:00 by Kat 19 comments

Table of Contents

Baron Rivendare is a neutral minion. Below the card images, you will find explanations to help you use the card optimally in every game mode of Hearthstone.


General Comments

Baron Rivendare offers an extremely weak body for its Mana cost. Although its ability can create some crazy effects, it is generally too inconsistent to be viewed as a powerful card.


Constructed Play

Baron Rivendare is rarely seen in Constructed. Although it can create strong advantages in the right situation, it is much too inconsistent and individually weak to be relied upon. As such, it is generally only seen in fun gimmick decks, primarily Shaman, alongside cards like Reincarnate and various high value Deathrattle minions.



Baron Rivendare is no longer available in Arena.