Haunted Creeper — Neutral Card

Last updated on Mar 05, 2017 at 16:00 by Kat 7 comments

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Haunted Creeper is a neutral minion. This card used to be obtained in the Naxxramas solo adventure, but is now only obtainable through crafting (unless you purchased the first wing of the Curse of Naxxramas before the expansion was removed from the shop, in which case, you can still purchase the rest of the expansion).' Below the card images, you will find explanations to help you use the card optimally in every game mode of Hearthstone.


General Comments

Haunted Creeper is one of the most difficult 2-drop minions in the game for an opponent to deal with. Because of how difficult it is to remove, it will often stick to the board for at least 1 turn, and allow you to compound an advantage.


Constructed Play

Haunted Creeper is often used in Constructed as an early drop in decks that aim to compound a board advantage by leveraging buff effects to create favourable trades early in the game. Using an Abusive Sergeant or Dire Wolf Alpha on a Haunted Creeper for example, will allow the main body of this minion to trade up into a larger minion, and still retain the 2 1/1 tokens on your side of the board.



Haunted Creeper is no longer available in Arena.