Master Jouster — Neutral Card

Last updated on Apr 01, 2017 at 05:31 by Kat 84 comments

Table of Contents

Master Jouster is a neutral minion. This card was introduced with The Grand Tournament and can now only be obtained through crafting. Below the card images, you will find explanations to help you use the card optimally in every game mode of Hearthstone.


General Comments

Master Jouster is a powerful anti-Aggro card. Due to the Joust mechanic, and Aggro decks generally playing a much lower curve of minions than a Control deck trying to counter them, you will almost always win the Joust. This creates a huge Taunt minion that will easily wall out an aggressive deck unless they have access to a Silence.


Constructed Play

In Constructed, Master Jouster is a fantastic minion to include in a Control deck that is trying to counter an aggressive Meta.



Master Jouster is no longer available in Arena.