Summoning Stone — Neutral Card

Last updated on Apr 01, 2017 at 05:31 by Kat 20 comments

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Summoning Stone is a neutral minion. This card used to be obtained in the League of Explorers Mountain solo adventure, but is now only obtainable through crafting (unless you purchased the first wing of the League of Explorers before the expansion was removed from the shop, in which case, you can still purchase the rest of the expansion). Below the card images, you will find explanations to help you use the card optimally in every game mode of Hearthstone.


General Comments

Summoning Stone is a very low tempo card that then gains incremental amounts of Tempo back again afterwards for each additional spell you are able to cast. Its 6 Health makes it quite tough to remove if your opponent does not have minions in play, but it is perhaps too situational and risky to see high level play.


Constructed Play

Summoning Stone can be used in some Constructed decks, notably Mage, to try and leverage the large number of Spells most Mage decks play by default. However, it is only hugely effective very late in the game, or when it lives for a turn, in which case other options will usually prove more effective anyway.



Summoning Stone is no longer available in Arena.
