Thrallmar Farseer — Neutral Card

Last updated on Jul 15, 2015 at 20:53 by Sottle 31 comments

Table of Contents

Thrallmar Farseer is a neutral minion. Below the card images, you will find explanations to help you use the card optimally in every game mode of Hearthstone.


General Comments

Thrallmar Farseer is a very poor minion. Although the Windfury effect can seem like it would be powerful, this minion is so weak for its Mana cost that it is likely to be dealt with before it ever gets to deal any damage.


Constructed Play

Thrallmar Farseer is an extremely weak choice in Constructed. Even in aggressive decks there are many 3-drop minions that are preferable because they either deal their damage immediately with Charge, or are more resilient to allow them to stick to the board and attack more often.



Thrallmar Farseer is a very poor card in Arena. It is likely to trade evenly with many cards below its Mana cost, which represents poor value, and concedes initiative to your opponent.