Perdition's Blade — Rogue Card

Last updated on Jan 09, 2016 at 18:07 by Sottle 13 comments

Table of Contents

Perdition's Blade is a Rogue-only weapon. Below the card images, you will find explanations to help you use the card optimally in every game mode of Hearthstone.


General Comments

Perdition's Blade is a high value card overall, as it can potentially 3-for-1 your opponent, if you are able to destroy a minion with its Combo effect. However, generally it is in direct competition with SI:7 Agent, which is considered a superior card overall, since Perditions Blade does not provide a huge advantage over your Hero Power Dagger.


Constructed Play

Perdition's Blade is very rarely seen in Constructed as Rogues usually rely on their standard Hero Power Weapon. As a 3-drop, SI:7 Agent is generally considered superior to this card.



Perdition's Blade is a very strong card in Arena. The potential for a 3-for-1 in the early-game is very appealing in Arena, and since the cards that force it out of Constructed are not guaranteed to be available in Arena, it is usually a solid choice.