Cheap Romulo and Julianne Mage Deck (Normal Mode)
This deck can be used to defeat Julianne on Normal mode and contains only Basic cards. It is a fairly standard value-based Mage deck, but includes some extra removal options to be able to consistently keep Romulo off the board.
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This fight is fairly straightforward, as long as you are able to keep Romulo off the board. Mulligan hard for a Frostbolt or Arcane Missiles in order to remove the initial Romulo as effectively as you can. Early minions can do the same job, but there are a large number of Taunts in Julianne's deck that will prevent you from making the trade you need.
Once you have cleared out the initial Romulo, the fight becomes a fairly straightforward battle for value and board control. Make sure you keep a removal option in your hand in the form of a Spell or Charge minion to be able to immediately deal with the resummoned Romulo on turn 4 and the fight should be simple.
This deck is presented to you by Sottle, a professional Hearthstone player who plays for compLexity Gaming. Sottle regularly streams on Twitch and explains all of his moves. Watching him is a good opportunity to see how this and other decks play out in practice, and how decisions are made in real time.
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