Cheap Slitherspear Priest Deck (Heroic Mode)
This deck can be used to defeat Lord Slitherspear on Heroic mode. As with many of the adventure bosses, Slitherspear's tendency to hit your face can be exploited by building a huge minion with Divine Spirit and Inner Fire.
Card List
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This deck relies on building a huge minion and killing Lord Slitherspear in one or two swift attacks. To help you reach this point, the rest of the deck is packed with removal, silences, and AoE in order to help you control the constant flood of his minions.
Mulligan as hard as possible for Northshire Cleric, as this will always get value in the early turns. From here, simply cycle through your deck and remove the bosses minions whenever you can. Do not be afraid to invest a little of your life to set up a better AoE option on the following turn. Since his turns are mostly predictable, you can easily choose how to ration out your spells.
Once you are able to simultaneously clear you opponent's minions and drop your own in the same turn, you can start to build up your counterattack. Deathlord is ideal to drop on the board, as it can very easily be turned into a 16/16 or bigger and steal the game away.
This deck is presented to you by Sottle, a professional Hearthstone player who plays for compLexity Gaming. Sottle regularly streams on Twitch and explains all of his moves. Watching him is a good opportunity to see how this and other decks play out in practice, and how decisions are made in real time.
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