Druid Crafting Guide
Table of Contents
On this page, you will find a list of the most useful Common, Rare, Epic, and Legendary cards for the Druid class, in terms of crafting. We separate cards by their rarity; Common, Rare, Epic and Legendary, but each individual card is given a rating of priority. It is important to know that a Rare or Epic card that is given a "High" or "Top" priority rating should be crafted before a Legendary with a "Medium" rating. In fact, if you have 1,600 Arcane Dust to spend, crafting 2 or 3 Epics and a handful of Rares is usually better than spending it all on a single Legendary. If a card is not mentioned, you can safely assume that it is rarely, or never, used in the Constructed meta.
You will also find a guide on how to best allocate your gold or money between the various Card packs and Adventures. This can vary greatly from class to class and has a great effect on how quickly and efficiently you can build a competitive deck.
Class-Specific Cards
In this section, we list the class-specific cards that are important for you as a Druid.
- Wrath - Priority = HIGH: Wrath is a core removal card in any Druid deck, and without access to this card, you will often find yourself struggling to recover poor board positions. The card draw option can also help you cycle through your deck when your hand is poor.
- Overgrowth - Priority = HIGH: Overgrowth is an extremely powerful ramp tool that provides a massive advantage for many turns when played in the early game.
- Bogbeam - Priority = LOW: Bogbeam is a versatile removal tool that can be used as early-game removal where needed, but becomes 0 Cost from 7 Mana onward, allowing for large tempo swings.
- Acornbearer - Priority = LOW: Acornbearer is a powerful early-game minion that is specifically used in Token Druid decks due to its ability to flood the board with ease.
- Nourish - Priority = MEDIUM: Nourish is a powerful card that fits into most Druid decks. The ability to draw multiple cards greatly helps replenish the cards used to gain Mana Crystals in the early game.
- Dreamway Guardians - Priority = MEDIUM: Dreamway Guardians is a flexible early-game card that can be used as a cheap way to summon multiple minions or an indirect method of restoring Health.
- The Forest's Aid - Priority = LOW: The Forest's Aid is an efficient way to flood the board in the late game. Although the initial cast may not be too threatening, its Twinspell effect allows it to be played a second time on a later turn to flood the board once again.
- Ironbark - Priority = LOW: Ironbark is a useful defensive tool that gains tempo when used after having at least 7 Mana. It can be powerful when paired with Overgrowth.
- Breath of Dreams - Priority = LOW: Under the right conditions, Breath of Dreams provides a powerful improvement over the traditional Wild Growth card. However, due to only being effective in Dragon decks, the card is a low priority.
- Anubisath Defender - Priority = HIGH: Anubisath Defender naturally synergise with the high-Cost spells found in the Druid class. As a free Taunt minion, it helps support the greedy playstyle of many Druid decks by slowing down opponents.
- Glowfly Swarm - Priority = LOW: Glowfly Swarm is an essential card for token decks, providing an efficient way to generate a wide board of minions.
- Embiggen - Priority = LOW: Embiggen provides a powerful boost to all minion in your deck at the expense of raising their Mana Cost. The card is effective in minion-based Druid decks.
- Keeper Stalladris - Priority = LOW: Keeper Stalladris is a high-value card that can fit into any Druid deck by adding additional copies of Druid's "Choose" cards to your hand. Despite the high power level of the card, it is not strategically essential for any deck, preventing it from reaching a higher priority.
Neutral Cards
In this section, we list neutral cards that are always good to craft if you are playing Druid. Note that many of these cards will be usable in a wide range of decks across multiple classes. This means that crafting these cards over class specific ones is often a good idea if you plan to play a range of classes.
- Big Ol' Whelp - Priority = LOW: Big Ol' Whelp is a strong neutral card that provides both card draw and Dragon synergy for Breath of Dreams.
- Violet Teacher - Priority = LOW: Violet Teacher is an excellent card in Druid mainly due to its excellent synergy with Power of the Wild and Savage Roar. However, this combination is limited to one specific deck archetype and outside of Druid and Rogue, no other classes commonly use this minion.
- Scrapyard Colossus - Priority = LOW: Scrapyard Colossus is a sticky Taunt minion that functions as an excellent defensive tool. While it may have a high Mana Cost, the Druid class excels at gaining additional Mana Crystals to reach the card's cost much earlier than other classes.
There are currently no neutral Epic cards used in commonly played Druid decks.
- Archmage Vargoth - Priority = HIGH: Archmage Vargoth is a powerful card that can duplicate the effect of a spell you have used within a turn. Druid's naturally powerful spells allow the card to be extremely powerful in any Druid deck.
- Kael'thas Sunstrider - Priority = HIGH: Kael'thas Sunstrider is a powerful tool that naturally fits the Druid class. It utilises a mix of free spells, including Bogbeam and Ironbark, along with Druid's many high-Cost spells for extremely explosive turns.
- Bloodmage Thalnos - Priority = LOW: Bloodmage Thalnos is similar to Azure Drake with its ability draw a card while providing Spell Power. It is able to significantly boost the removal power of Druid decks when combined with Wrath or Swipe.
Gold Allocation Guide
Pack Type.
The Rise of Shadows expansion added a range of Token Druid support cards, such as Acornbearer, Blessing of the Ancients, and The Forest's Aid, in addition to the universally powerful Archmage Vargoth. The expansion is an excellent investment for dedicated Druid players.
The Saviors of Uldum expansion provides support for Quest Druid decks with cards like Untapped Potential and Oasis Surger. Alongside those there are also multiple flexible cads availabile like Worthy Expedition and Anubisath Defender, making the expansion very powerful for Druid enthusiasts.
The Descent of Dragons expansion added many powerful Dragons for Druid to use in addition to Embiggen and Strength in Numbers. The expansion is an excellent choice for Druid players who enjoy prefer big minion-based Druid decks.
The Ashes of Outland expansion provides support for the spell-druid archetype, with powerful cards like Glowfly Swarm and Fungal Fortunes. Additionally, it also has strong cards useful for all decks including like Overgrowth and Bogbeam. Overall, the expansion is incredibly useful for all Druid players and one of the best expansions for the class to date.
The polarised nature of expansions for the Druid class means that knowing the Druid archetype you wish to play will greatly define which packs are your best choice. However, for general purposes, you should priortise Ashes of Outland ans Classic packs to ensure you pick up the most essential Druid cards.
The Galakronds Awakening adventure only provides a small subset of cards, but includes 3 extremely useful Druid cards. All of Rising Winds, Steel Beetle, and Winged Guardian see regular play in a range of Druid decks. You should therefore look to invest into the adventure once you have picked up the most essential Druid cards from packs.
- 27 Apr. 2020: Updated for the Ashes of Outland expansion.
- 01 May 2019: Updated for the Rise of Shadows expansion.
- 28 Aug. 2018: Updated for The Boomsday Project expansion.
- 28 May 2018: Updated for the Witchwood expansion.
- 31 Dec. 2017: Updated for the Kobolds and Catacombs expansion.
- 01 May 2017: Updated for the Journey to Un'Goro expansion.
- 21 Feb. 2017: Updated to reflect MSG meta.
- 19 May 2016: Updated to further reflect ToG meta.
- 25 Apr. 2016: Updated to reflect changes for ToG and Standard format.
- 02 Sep. 2015: Updated to cover BRM and TGT expansions.
- 19 Feb. 2015: Complete overhaul in format, and update for the Goblins vs. Gnomes meta.
- 08 Sep. 2014: Removed Tinkmaster Overspark.
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