Survival Puzzles Guide for the Puzzle Lab
Survival Puzzles are another kind of puzzle very similar to situations you will find in normal games. In these puzzles, your opponent will be given an extremely powerful Hero Power that will deal a large amount of damage to you on the following turn. The aim of the puzzles is to be able to heal yourself to full Health by any means necessary so that you are able to survive the impending damage on the following turn.
Hints and Solutions for each of the Survival Puzzles can be found below.
- 1. Survival Puzzles Overview
- 2. Boomnician Breena's Survival Puzzle #1
- 3. Boomnician Breena's Survival Puzzle #2
- 4. Boomnician Breena's Survival Puzzle #3
- 5. Boomnician Breena's Survival Puzzle #4
- 6. Boomnician Breena's Survival Puzzle #5
- 7. Boomnician Breena's Survival Puzzle #6
- 8. Boomnician Breena's Survival Puzzle #7
- 9. Boomnician Breena's Survival Puzzle #8
- 10. Boommaster Flark's Survival Puzzle #1
- 11. Boommaster Flark's Survival Puzzle #2
- 12. Boommaster Flark's Survival Puzzle #3
- 13. Boommaster Flark's Survival Puzzle #4
- 14. Boommaster Flark's Survival Puzzle #5
- 15. Boommaster Flark's Survival Puzzle #6
- 16. Glow-Tron 2000's Survival Puzzle #1
- 17. Glow-Tron 2000's Survival Puzzle #2
- 18. Glow-Tron 2000's Survival Puzzle #3
- 19. Glow-Tron 2000's Survival Puzzle #4
- 20. Glow-Tron 2000's Survival Puzzle #5
- 21. Glow-Tron 2000's Survival Puzzle #6
- 22. Crystalsmith Kangor's Survival Puzzle #1
- 23. Crystalsmith Kangor's Survival Puzzle #2
- 24. Crystalsmith Kangor's Survival Puzzle #3
- 25. Crystalsmith Kangor's Survival Puzzle #4
- 26. Crystalsmith Kangor's Survival Puzzle #5
- 27. Dr. Boom's Final Survival Puzzles
Survival Puzzles Overview
Boomnician Breena Block
- Boomnician Breena's Survival Puzzle 1
- Boomnician Breena's Survival Puzzle 2
- Boomnician Breena's Survival Puzzle 3
- Boomnician Breena's Survival Puzzle 4
- Boomnician Breena's Survival Puzzle 5
- Boomnician Breena's Survival Puzzle 6
- Boomnician Breena's Survival Puzzle 7
- Boomnician Breena's Survival Puzzle 8
Boommaster Flark Block
- Boommaster Flark's Survival Puzzle 1
- Boommaster Flark's Survival Puzzle 2
- Boommaster Flark's Survival Puzzle 3
- Boommaster Flark's Survival Puzzle 4
- Boommaster Flark's Survival Puzzle 5
- Boommaster Flark's Survival Puzzle 6
Glow-Tron 2000 Block
- Glow-Tron 2000's Survival Puzzle 1
- Glow-Tron 2000's Survival Puzzle 2
- Glow-Tron 2000's Survival Puzzle 3
- Glow-Tron 2000's Survival Puzzle 4
- Glow-Tron 2000's Survival Puzzle 5
- Glow-Tron 2000's Survival Puzzle 6
Crystalsmith Kangor Block
- Crystalsmith Kangor's Survival Puzzle 1
- Crystalsmith Kangor's Survival Puzzle 2
- Crystalsmith Kangor's Survival Puzzle 3
- Crystalsmith Kangor's Survival Puzzle 4
- Crystalsmith Kangor's Survival Puzzle 5
Boomnician Breena's Survival Puzzle #1

- Holy Light is more Mana-efficient Healing than Forbidden Healing.
- Use Holy Light on your Hero.
- Use Forbidden Healing on your Hero.
Boomnician Breena's Survival Puzzle #2

- Be careful not to over heal your Deranged Doctor or you will not be able to trigger its Deathrattle.
- Use Binding Heal on the enemy Flamewreathed Faceless.
- Trade your Deranged Doctor with the Flamewreathed Faceless.
- Use Flash Heal on your Hero.
- Use Your Hero Power to heal your Hero.
Boomnician Breena's Survival Puzzle #3

- Killing Corrupted Healbot in a single attack will yield a net gain of 2 Health.
- There is no need to use Equality if you already have enough damage.
- Play Seal of Light.
- Play Truesilver Champion.
- Attack the Corrupted Healbot with your Hero.
- Use both copies of Holy Light on your Hero.
Boomnician Breena's Survival Puzzle #4

- Sometimes playing Truesilver Champion is not an efficient way to gain Health.
- Play Equality.
- Trade your Silver Hand Recruit into the Corrupted Healbot.
- Use both copies of Holy Light on your Hero.
Boomnician Breena's Survival Puzzle #5

- Crystalsmith Kangor will only boost the healing from your own cards.
- Play Crystalsmith Kangor.
- Use Forbidden Healing on your Hero.
Boomnician Breena's Survival Puzzle #6

- Auctionmaster Beardo and Lesser Heal is not a Mana-efficient combo for gaining Health.
- Play Radiant Elemental.
- Play Priest of the Feast.
- Use 2 copies of Flash Heal on your Hero.
- Use Shadow Word: Pain on your Radian Elemental.
- Heal your remaining Health with your Hero Power.
Boomnician Breena's Survival Puzzle #7

- Reincarnate can be useful when played on enemy minions.
- Do not look to get the most flashy play and instead look for the most Mana-efficient healing.
- Use Reincarnate on the Mistress of Mixtures.
- Use Lightning Bolt on the Mistress of Mixtures.
- Use Jinyu Waterspeaker on your Hero.
- Use Healing Wave on your Hero.
Boomnician Breena's Survival Puzzle #8

- Your have copies of Shadow Visions, Flash Heal and Divine Hymn in your deck.
- Auctionmaster Beardo leads for very inefficient use of Mana.
- Play Radiant Elemental.
- Play Priest of the Feast.
- Play Shadow Visions 3 times, selecting a another copy of Shadow Visions each time.
- Play a fourth copy of Shadow Vision and select Flash Heal.
- Cast Flash Heal on your Hero.
Boommaster Flark's Survival Puzzle #1

- When using Maiden of the Lake, you need to use your Hero Power at least 4 times to break even on the Mana investment.
- Topsy Turvy and Shadow Word: Pain can sometimes be used to remove minions.
- Trade your Deranged Doctor into the Booty Bay Bodyguard.
- Heal yourself with your Hero Power.
- Use Topsy Turvy on the Hoarding Dragon.
- Heal yourself with your Hero Power again.
- Use Shadow Word: Pain on the Hoarding Dragon.
- Heal yourself with your Hero Power again.
- Play both copies of The Coin
- Heal yourself with both Flash Heals.
- Heal yourself with Light of the Naaru.
- Heal yourself with Voodoo Doctor.
Boommaster Flark's Survival Puzzle #2

- Floop's Glorious Gloop is a great way to gain additional Mana and enemy minions dying will also yield Mana.
- Minions are not permanently lost with Poison Seeds as they will be replaced by Treants.
- Play Floop's Glorious Gloop.
- Trade both of your Wisps into a single Haunted Creeper.
- Play two Wisps from your hand.
- Play Poison Seeds.
- Play Poison Seeds again.
- Play Tree of Life.
Boommaster Flark's Survival Puzzle #3

- The Turret Sentinel refreshes the Mana Crystals of both players.
- Be careful not to kill off the Turret Sentinel with your first attack with Flying Machine.
- Use Zilliax's Magnetic buff on Flying Machine.
- Attack the Turret Sentinel with your Flying Machine.
- Use Blessed Champion on your Flying Machine.
- Attack the Turret Sentinel again.
- Use Forbidden Healing on your Hero.
Boommaster Flark's Survival Puzzle #4

- Look for the most efficient source of damage to put your Lifesteal buffs onto.
- Play Steel Rager.
- Buff your Steel Rager with Zilliax' Magnetic buff.
- Buff your Steel Rager further with Glow-Tron's Magnetic buff.
- Attack the Target Dummy with your Steel Rager.
- Play Battery Pack.
- Use Forbidden Healing on your Hero.
Boommaster Flark's Survival Puzzle #5

- Turret Sentinels will attack any minion that you play.
- Play Refreshment Vendor.
- Play Antique Healbot.
- Play Forked Lightning.
- Use Healing Wave on your Hero.
- Play Murmuring Elemental.
- Use Lava Burst on the remaining Turret Sentinel.
- Play Shudderwock.
Boommaster Flark's Survival Puzzle #6

- Ancestral Spirit can be used to gain additional copies of Zilliax.
- Reincarnate can be used on enemy minions.
- Use Ancestral Spirit on the enemy Corrupted Healbot.
- Play Zilliax.
- Use Rockbiter Weapon on your Zilliax.
- Trade the Zilliax into the Turret Sentinel.
- Cast a second copy of Ancestral Spirit on the enemy Corrupted Healbot.
- Use Reincarnate on the Corrupted Healbot.
- Play Unbeakered Lightning.
Glow-Tron 2000's Survival Puzzle #1

- Prophet Velen will double the damage of Spirit Lash and then double the healing gained from that damage.
- Use both copies of Replicating Menace to Magnetic buff the Microbot.
- Trade the Microbot into the Turret Sentinel.
- Play Spirit Lash.
Glow-Tron 2000's Survival Puzzle #2

- As you cannot attack the enemy Hero, try and maximise the number of minions that can attack into the Turret Sentinel.
- Take care with your minion positioning to maximise the damage bonus of Flametongue Totem.
- Place Vicious Scalehide next to the Flametongue Totem.
- Attack the Turret Sentinel with one of your Rusty Recyclers.
- Buff your other Rusty Recycler with Rockbiter Weapon and Earthen Might.
- Trade your other Rusty Recycler into the Turret Sentinel.
- Use Healing Wave on your Hero.
- Use Jinyu Waterspeaker on your Hero.
Glow-Tron 2000's Survival Puzzle #3

- Be careful not to heal yourself while Auchenai Soulpriest is still in play.
- The damage of a Lightwarden can snowball out of control very quickly.
- Use Light of the Naaru on your Auchenai Soulpriest.
- Use Elixir of Life on your Lightwarden.
- Play Breakout.
- Trade your Auchenai Soulpriest into the Abomination.
- Heal the Abomination with your Hero Power.
- Use Earthen Ring Farseer to heal your Hero.
- Attack the Abomination with your Tournament Medic.
- Play Circle of Healing.
- Attack the Abomination with your Mistress of Mixtures.
- Attack the Abomination with your Lightwarden.
- Heal your Tournament Medic with Binding Heal.
Glow-Tron 2000's Survival Puzzle #4

- The auto-attacking ability can be a great way to immediately trigger Carnivorous Cube.
- Freezing a Turret Sentinel will stop it from auto attacking.
- Use your Brrrloc to Freeze a Turret Sentinel.
- Play Hallazeal the Ascended.
- Use Reincarnate on the Frozen Turret Sentinel.
- Play Ancestral Spirit on your Hallazeal the Ascended.
- Use Carnivorous Cube on your Hallazeal the Ascended.
- Play Unbeakered Lightning.
Glow-Tron 2000's Survival Puzzle #5

- Primalfin Champion will return all kinds of spells you have on it upon dying.
- Play Zilliax
- Cast Blessing of Might on your Zilliax.
- Cast Forbidden Healing on your Primalfin Champion.
- Use Mana Addict to remove the Bronze Gatekeeper.
- Trade the Primalfin champion into the Turret Sentinel to retrieve a copy of Forbidden Healing.
- Trade Zilliax into the Turret Sentinel.
- Use Forbidden Healing on your Hero.
Glow-Tron 2000's Survival Puzzle #6

- The 6 remaining cards in your deck are all copies of Lay on Hands.
- Moat Lurker can target enemy minions as well as friendly ones.
- Play Wickerflame Burnbristle.
- Use Moat Lurker on one of the Turret Sentinels.
- Play Uther of the Ebon Blade.
- Use your weapon to kill the damage Turret Sentinel.
- Use Lay on Hands on your Hero.
- Play Steel Rattler on the right-hand side of the board.
- Use Lay on Hands on your Hero.
- Use Holy Light.
Crystalsmith Kangor's Survival Puzzle #1

- Your opponent's Hero Power does specifically 1 less damage than your maximum Health and not a flat 29 damage.
- Play Demonic Research
- Use Phasing Portal on Lord Jaraxxus.
- Use your Hero Power to draw Jaraxxus.
- Play Jaraxxus.
Crystalsmith Kangor's Survival Puzzle #2

- There are a lot of hand buffs available in combination with Lifesteal minions, but you will need to find the Mana to use them.
- Make sure there are enough Turret Sentinels remaining to attack your Lifesteal minions.
- Play Grimestreet Outfitter.
- Use Moat Lurker on the 4/7 Turret Sentinel.
- Play a Paragon of Light.
- Play a Glowstone Technician.
- Play Wickerflame Burnbristle.
- Play a second Paragon of Light.
Crystalsmith Kangor's Survival Puzzle #3

- As seen in an earlier Puzzle, the aim is to find a way to play Lord Jaraxxus to instantly have your Health set to your maximum.
- Try to find the most efficient way to navigate through the negative auras of the minions on the board.
- Play Tentacle of N'Zoth.
- Trade the Nerubian Unraveler into the Turret Sentinel.
- Silence the Nerub'ar Weblord.
- Cast Entomb on Lord Jaraxxus.
- Use Elven Archer on the Mana Wraith.
- Play Bright-Eyed Scout.
- Play Lord Jaraxxus.
Crystalsmith Kangor's Survival Puzzle #4

- Spiritsinger Umbra and Carnivorous Cube can duplicate a lot of healing effects together.
- Use Treachery to give key healing minions back to your opponent.
- Play Demonic Research.
- Play Spiritsinger Umbra.
- Cast Dark Pact on Sylvanas Windrunner.
- Use your Carnivorous Cube on the Mistress of Mixtures.
- Use your second Dark Pact on the Carnivorous Cube.
- Use Treachery on your Corrupted Healbot.
- Play Cataclysm.
Crystalsmith Kangor's Survival Puzzle #5

- Witchwood Piper is a very subtle Demon.
- Try and find a way to play Lord Jaraxxus.
- Play Demonic Research.
- Play Mistress of Mixtures.
- Cast Dark Pact on the Mistress of Mixtures.
- Use your Phasing Portal on Lord Jaraxxus.
- Play Witchwood Piper.
- Use Sacrificial Pact on your Witchwood Piper.
- Play Lord Jaraxxus.
Dr. Boom's Final Survival Puzzles
Once you have completed all 25 standard Survival Puzzles, you will unlock the Survival section of Dr. Boom's final challenge. Hints and solutions to these puzzles can be found in the Dr. Boom's Puzzles Guide.
- 24 Aug. 2018: Added all puzzle images.
- 22 Aug. 2018: Guide added
This guide is presented to you by Kat, a professional Hearthstone player competing at the highest level since closed beta. She is a consistent legend player in both Wild and Standard with multiple high-rank finishes.
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