The Dalaran Heist Guide
The Dalaran Heist is a five-part single player game mode introduced as part of the Rise of Shadows expansion. It can be accessed through the Solo Adventures menu. The first wing is free to play and the remaining 4 wings can be unlocked with real money or in-game gold.

The Dalaran Heist Overview
The Dalaran Heist is a single-player game mode where you assume the role of an E.V.I.L. henchman that is helping The League of E.V.I.L. steal the entire city of Dalaran!
The content itself is split into five chapters, that will be released weekly starting May 16th. The first chapter is completely free to play and the following chapters can be purchased for $6.99 / €6.99 / £4.99 or 700 in-game gold each. Alternatively, all wings can be bought at once for $19.99 / €19.99 / £16.99.
Each chapter is reminiscent of previous rogue-like content, such as Dungeon Run, Rumble Run, and Monster Hunt, where you will be given a starter deck that you will build upon as you face off against a series of 8 increasingly strong AI boss encounters. Each chapter has its own set of bosses that you will face, although the specific bosses you face each time you attempt to complete a chapter will be different each time. In addition to different bosses, each chapter will also feature a unique mechanic that will be present during each encounter.
The release date and mechanics of each chapter are as follows:
Chapter | Mechanics | Release date |
Chapter 1: Dalaran Bank | Coin-filled Coffers — a 0/3 cache will start on the bosses' side of the board, adding 2 Coins to both players' hand when killed. | May 16th |
Chapter 2: The Violet Hold | Imprisoned minions — a minion from each player's deck will be imprisoned on their side of the board, becoming free once the number of turns equal to its Mana cost have passed. | May 16th |
Chapter 3: Streets of Dalaran | Crowded Streets — 3 untargetable tokens will be present on each player's side of the board, restricting the number of minions that can be in play. | May 23rd |
Chapter 4: The Underbelly | The attack and Health of all minions in play are swapped. | May 30th |
Chapter 5: Kirin Tor Citadel | The chapter has 4 additional boss encounters that must be defeated for completion. | June 6th |
Classes, Hero Powers, and Starting Decks

When you begin a run of one of The Dalaran Heist's 5 chapters, you will first begin by picking one of 9 Henchmen, with each one representing one of Hearthstone's 9 classes. Unlike previous game modes, not all classes will be immediately available, with each class Henchman only becoming available once a certain chapter has been purchased and unlocked.
Details of each Henchman is as follows:
Class | Henchman | Release date and Chapter |
Mage | Rakanishu | May 16th - Chapter 1 |
Hunter | Ol' Barkeye | May 16th - Chapter 2 |
Shaman | Vessina | May 16th - Chapter 2 |
Priest | Kriziki | May 23rd - Chapter 3 |
Rogue | Captain Eudora | May 23rd - Chapter 3 |
Druid | Squeamlish | May 30th - Chapter 4 |
Warrior | Mr. Chu | May 30th - Chapter 4 |
Paladin | George the Fallen | June 6th - Chapter 5 |
Warlock | Tekahn | June 6th - Chapter 5 |
After you have chosen your class Henchman, you will then have the ability to choose from a selection of Hero Powers and starting decks. Initially you will be limited to a class's default Hero Power, but as you defeat bosses with a class, you will quickly unlock new ones for use in future runs. In addition to specific starting decks, there will also be a "random deck" option that will provide 10 completely random cards to start with for those who like a challenge.
A full list of Hero Powers and starting decks can be found below:
Class | Hero Powers | Starting Decks |
Mage |
Hunter |
Shaman |
Priest |
Rogue |
Druid |
Warrior |
Paladin |
Warlock |
Expanding Your Deck
As you defeat bosses throughout the run, you will get to add additional cards and Treasure into your deck. As with previous rogue-like content, you will also get to choose one of 3 sets of 3 cards (buckets) to put into your deck. These sets called buckets are are all designed to fit a certain theme or strategy. As an additional part of the Dalaran Heist, you will also face Tavern encounters that will allow you to manipulate the cards in your deck.
After each respective victory in a run, you will be able to add the following to your deck:
- after your first victory: Bucket + Passive Treasure;
- after your second victory: Bucket;
- after your third victory: Bucket + Treasure Card + Tavern Encounter;
- after your fourth victory: Bucket;
- after your fifth victory: Bucket + Passive Treasure + Tavern Encounter;
- after your sixth victory: Bucket;
- after your seventh victory: Bucket + Treasure Card.

Below, we list all the currently known treasures you can be offered. It appears that the set of 3 treasures from which you can choose is random each time and can include a Treasure which you have previously picked.
Treasure Cards
- Annoy-o Horn
- Banana Split
- Big Boomba
- Case Study
- Continuum Collider
- Dagwik Stickytoe
- Dreamgrove Ring
- Duplatransmogrifier
- Elder Taggawag
- Elistra the Immortal
- EVIL Propaganda
- Fly-By
- Gnomish Army Knife
- Golden Candle
- Hyperblaster
- Loyal Henchman
- Master Scheme
- Murgatha
- Orb of the Untold
- Overpowered
- Soulreaper's Scythe
- Sow the Seeds
- Super Simian Sphere
- Swampqueen's Call
- The Box
- THE... Candles?
- The Muscle
- Untold Splendor
Passive Treasures
- A Prince's Ring
- Battle Totem
- Book of Wonders
- Captured Flag
- Cloak of Invisibility
- Crystal Gem
- Dr. Boom's Remote
- Elixir of Vigor
- Elixir of Vile
- Elixir of Vim
- Emerald Goggles
- Expedite
- First Aid Kit
- Glyph of Warding
- Hagatha's Embrace
- Mysterious Tome
- Potion of Vitality
- Recycling
- Resourcefulness
- Robes of Gaudiness
- Robe of the Magi
- Rocket Backpacks
- Scepter of Summoning
- Small Backpacks
- Stargazing
- The Hand of Rafaam
- Togwaggle's Dice
- Totem of the Dead
- Wondrous Wisdomball

Below, we list all of the bucket themes that each Class can be offered. Like with Treasures, it does not seem that there is any significant pattern to the groups of buckets you are offered, although you cannot be offered the same bucket more than once at a time. Within each bucket, the actual cards that you will be offered differ wildly, being chosen from seemingly a large pool of potential cards. In other words, no two "Frost"-themed buckets will have the same cards offered (or at least, it is unlikely that this will happen). Finally, it is worth noting that it seems like choosing a bucket will increase the chances that it will appear again as a choice in the future, thus allowing you to form a more cohesive theme.
- Druid:
- All Bark
- Beasts and Buffs
- Big Friends
- Choices, Choices
- Feral Bite
- Legends
- Nature's Wrath
- Nurture and Grow
- Protectors
- Recovery
- Roar!
- Swarm
- Hunter:
- Aggression
- Battlecry
- Big Beasts
- Deathrattle
- Empowering
- Legends
- Overwhelm
- Professional
- Secretive
- Spells
- Technological
- Tiny Trouble
- Mage:
- Cold Snap
- Elements
- Fate's Hand
- Go Big
- Inspired
- Legends
- Multicast
- Powered Up
- Technology
- Trade Secrets
- Summoning
- Paladin:
- Dragons
- Handbuff
- Healing Hands
- Holy Infusion
- Judgement
- Legends
- Murglgglgl
- Protectors
- Robotic
- Secret Whispers
- Small Army
- The Silver Hand
- Priest:
- Afterlife
- Miracles
- Strength Within
- Twisted
- Dragonfire
- From the Graves
- Legends
- Old God
- Shadows
- Curative
- Pint-Sized
- What's Mind is Mine
- Rogue:
- Combo
- Spellslinger
- Battlecry
- Draw!
- Cogs and Gears
- Deathrattle
- Legends
- Scallywags
- Thief
- Trickery
- Kingslayer
- Cutthroat
- Shaman:
- Battlecry
- Big Shaman
- Carvings
- Elemental Wrath
- Fishy
- Flood
- Legends
- Overload
- Regeneration
- Shifting Scales
- Spirits
- Sssspells
- Warlock:
- Big Demons
- Curatives
- Destruction
- Discard
- Draw
- Empowering
- In Control
- Legends
- Lil' Demons
- Pain
- Sacrifice
- Swarming
- Warrior:
- All Might
- Armored Up
- Arsenal
- Big Minions
- Bombs Away
- Damaged
- Dragon
- Iron and Steel
- Legends
- Mercenaries
- Rush
- Taunt
Tavern Encounters

Tavern Encounters are a new friendly event added as part of The Dalaran Heist. At the beginning of a Tavern Encounter, you will start with 4 minions from your deck present on the board, in addition to 4 other minions that belong to your opponent, Bartender Bob. You will also start with 2 Gold, that functions exactly the same as Mana Crystals. In addition to this, you will be given up to 6 special cards in your hand that will cost 0 or 1 Gold to play. The cards will have a range of effects that will allow you to add and remove cards in your deck, manipulate the stats of your minion on the board before they go back into your deck, and change the stats of cards in your deck.
The full list of card that known cards that can be used in Tavern Encounters is listed below:
- Brood
- Dismiss
- Good Food
- Kindle
- Recruit
- Recruit a Veteran
- Right Hand Man
- Round of Drinks
- Take a Chance
- Tell a Story
- Tall Tales
- The Gang's All Here!
- The Upper Hand
- You're All Fired!
For recommendations and further information, visit our Tavern Encounter guide.

As you progress through each chapter of The Dalaran Heist, the difficulty of each boss you will face will increase, with the first boss being typically very weak, whereas the final boss will be very difficult. Note that you own Hero's Health will also increase as you progress through a chapter.
The specific bosses you encounter on each level as your progress through a Chapter will be random. There is a specific pool of bosses that can appear on each level and some bosses are able to appear on multiple different levels with a different starting Health, Hero Power, and deck. However, no boss will appear more than once in a single play through. Each chapter throughout The Dalaran Heist will have its own set of bosses that you will come up against.
The lists below show the known bosses that can appear on each level.
Dalaran Bank Bosses
- Level One:
- Alchemist Wendy
- Kizi Copperclip
- Linzi Redgrin
- Marei Loom
- Level Two:
- Carousel Gryphon
- The Great Akazamzarak
- Linzi Redgrin
- Marei Loom
- Moon Priestess Nici
- Hesutu Stonewind
- Level Three:
- Awilo, Cooking Trainer
- Carousel Gryphon
- Soothsayer Zoie
- The Amazing "Bonepaw"
- Level Four:
- Awilo, Cooking Trainer
- Disidra Stormglory
- Mo Eniwhiskers
- P.O.G.O
- Gold Elemental
- Tala Stonerage
- The Amazing "Bonepaw"
- Xur'ios
- Level Five:
- Banker Biggs
- Dagg Cruelmight
- Draemus
- Flight Master Belnaara
- Gold Elemental
- P.O.G.O.
- Tala Stonerage
- Ungan Oddkind
- Level Six:
- Anaril Duskgrove
- Banker Biggs
- Noz Timbertail
- Ranger Ar'ha
- Sky Captain Smiggs
- Vas'no
- Level Seven:
- Aki the Brilliant
- Haro Setting-Sun
- Oxana Demonslay
- Level Eight:
- Queen Wagtoggle
- Trade Prince Gallywix
Violet Hold Bosses
- Level One:
- Alchemist Wendy
- Kizi Copperclip
- Linzi Redgrin
- Marei Loom
- Level Two:
- Carousel Gryphon
- Hesutu Stonewind
- Linzi Redgrin
- Moon Priestess Nici
- The Great Akazamzarak
- Level Three:
- Awilo, Cooking Trainer
- Bookmaster Bae Chao
- The Amazing "Bonepaw"
- Level Four:
- Bookmaster Bae Chao
- Dalaran Fountain Golem
- P.O.G.O
- The Amazing "Bonepaw"
- Whirt the All-Knowing
- Level Five:
- Dagg Cruelmight
- P.O.G.O.
- Whirt the All-Knowing
- Level Six:
- Lieutentant Sinclari
- Nozari
- Ranger Ar'ha
- Sky Captain Smiggs
- Level Seven:
- Lavanthor
- Ichoron
- Mallificent Manastorm
- Oxana Demonslay
- Ranger Ar'ha
- Sael'orn
- Level Eight:
- Cyanigosa
- Moragg
- Zuramat the Obliterator
Streets of Dalaran Bosses
- Level One:
- Alchemist Wendy
- Kizi Copperclip
- Linzi Redgrin
- Marei Loom
- Level Two:
- Applebough
- Carousel Gryphon
- Hesutu Stonewind
- Linzi Redgrin
- Moon Priestess Nici
- Soothsayer Zoie
- The Great Akazamzarak
- Level Three:
- Awilo, Cooking Trainer
- Bookmaster Bae Chao
- Tierra Blythe
- The Amazing "Bonepaw"
- Level Four:
- Kaye Toogie
- Locksmith Zibb
- P.O.G.O
- The Amazing "Bonepaw"
- Whirt the All-Knowing
- Level Five:
- Albin Eastoft
- Dagg Cruelmight
- Dancin' Deryl
- Whirt the All-Knowing
- Level Six:
- Aki the Brilliant
- Kazamon Steelskin
- Ranger Ar'ha
- Sky Captain Smiggs
- Level Seven:
- Aki the Brilliant
- Ol' Toomba
- Ranger Ar'ha
- Rasil Fireborne
- Sael'orn
- Level Eight:
- Jepetto Joybuzz
The Underbelly Bosses
- Level One:
- Chomper
- Kizi Copperclip
- Linzi Redgrin
- Marei Loom
- Level Two:
- Carousel Gryphon
- Chomper
- Hesutu Stonewind
- Kizi Copperclip
- Moon Priestess Nici
- Soothsayer Zoie
- The Great Akazamzarak
- Level Three:
- Awilo, Cooking Trainer
- Mama Diggs
- Tierra Blythe
- The Amazing "Bonepaw"
- Level Four:
- Kaye Toogie
- The Amazing "Bonepaw"
- Whirt the All-Knowing
- Level Five:
- Albin Eastoft
- Cravitz Lorent
- Dagg Cruelmight
- Dancin' Deryl
- Whirt the All-Knowing
- Level Six:
- Aki the Brilliant
- Kazamon Steelskin
- Ranger Ar'ha
- Sky Captain Smiggs
- The Rat King
- Level Seven:
- Aki the Brilliant
- Oxana Demonslay
- Ranger Ar'ha
- Sael'orn
- Level Eight:
- Boommaster Flark
- Madam Goya
Kirin Tor Citadel Bosses
- Level One:
- Kizi Copperclip
- Linzi Redgrin
- Marei Loom
- The Great Akazamzarak
- Level Two:
- Carousel Gryphon
- Hesutu Stonewind
- Kizi Copperclip
- Linzi Redgrin
- Moon Priestess Nici
- The Great Akazamzarak
- Level Three:
- Awilo, Cooking Trainer
- Bookmaster Bae Chao
- Tierra Blythe
- The Amazing "Bonepaw"
- Level Four:
- Archivist Oshi
- Awilo, Cooking Trainer
- Kaye Toogie
- The Amazing "Bonepaw"
- Whirt the All-Knowing
- Level Five:
- Albin Eastoft
- Dagg Cruelmight
- Dalaran Fountain Golem
- Dancin' Deryl
- Whirt the All-Knowing
- Xur'ios
- Level Six:
- Aki the Brilliant
- Kazamon Steelskin
- Ranger Ar'ha
- Sky Captain Smiggs
- Level Seven:
- Aki the Brilliant
- Kara Stamper
- Oxana Demonslay
- Ranger Ar'ha
- Sael'orn
- Sky Captain Smiggs
- Level Eight:
- Kara Stamper
- Lilayell Suntear
- Level Nine:
- Magistrix Norroa
- Level Ten:
- Archmage Vargoth
- Level Eleven:
- Archmage Kalec
- Level Twelve:
- Khadgar
Heroic Mode and Anomaly Mode
In addition to having 5 chapters of content, The Dalaran Heist also comes with 2 additional game modes after all 5 chapters have been completed, Heroic Mode and Anomaly Mode.
Heroic Mode functions similarly to previous Adventures, providing each boss a significant boost with better decks and Hero Powers, resulting in a huge increase in difficulty
Anomaly Mode creates another twist to the game play adding another level of replayability. At the start of a run, one of 18 different modifiers will be activated that will dramatically affect game play. A list of known modifiers can be found below:
Modifier | Description |
Arcane | All spells cost 2 less |
Crying | All Battlecries Trigger Twice |
Fishy | Murlocs occasionally join the battle |
Glittering | Gain a Treasure after playing high-cost cards |
Growing | Minions gain +1/+1 at the end of their owner's turn |
Gorged | Both players start with two extra cards and Mana Crystals |
Hallucinating | Both players start with 10 Hallucinations in their deck |
Infused | Summoning minions will give them Taunt, Divine Shield, Rush, or Windfury at random |
Ogreish | All minions have a 50% chance to attack the wrong enemy |
Reductive | At the end of each player's turn, reduce the cost of cards in their hand by 1 |
Wild Magic | All spells cast an additional time (Targets chosen randomly) |
After the first successful completion of each Chapter, you will be rewarded with 3 Rise of Shadows card packs, for a total of 15 card packs once all Chapters are completed. Once all chapters have been completed, you will also receive the additional bonus of a Golden Classic Pack, that contains 5 Golden cards from the Classic set.
After all Chapters completed on Normal difficulty you will also be rewarded with the Dalaran Card Back. Finishing all Chapters on Heroic difficulty will also reward you with the Aluneth Card back.
In addition to card backs, you will also receive a golden copy of Zayle, Shadow Cloak, which will provide you with a random E.V.I.L. deck, in a similar way to Whizbang the Wonderful, when used in Constructed.
- 06 Jun. 2019: Added Warlock and Paladin buckets, and list of bosses for the final wing.
- 02 Jun. 2019: List of buckets for Warrior and Druid updated.
- 16 May 2019: Guide added.
This guide is presented to you by Kat, a professional Hearthstone player competing at the highest level since closed beta. She is a consistent legend player in both Wild and Standard with multiple high-rank finishes.
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