The Witchwood Expansion Hub

Last updated on Apr 09, 2018 at 22:25 by Aleco 1 comment

Table of Contents

The Witchwood

The Witchwood will be the first Hearthstone expansion of 2018, kicking off The Year of the Raven. When The Witchwood is released on April 12th, it will rotate One Night in Karazan, Whispers of the Old Gods, and Mean Streets of Gadgeztan from Standard, and add the cards Ice Block, Coldlight Oracle, and Molten Giant to the Hall of Fame.

The Witchwood will be classic horror themed set, featuring werewolves, curses, and an evil forest corrupted by dark magic. The following information has been revealed about the set:


New Keyword: Rush

Rush is similar to the ability on Charged Devilsaur. Minions with Rush can attack enemy minions the turn they are played, but they cannot attack the enemy hero directly.


New Keyword: Echo

After a card with Echo is played, a copy of the card will be added to your hand, where it can be played repeatedly until the end of the turn. Cards with Echo will functionally similar to the card Unstable Evolution.


"The Witchwood" Cards

All of the cards spoiled so far from The Witchwood. Card images are courtesy of

Druid Cards


Hunter Cards


Mage Cards


Paladin Cards


Priest Cards


Rogue Cards


Shaman Cards


Warlock Cards


Warrior Cards


Neutral Cards


The Witchwood Card Backs

All pre-purchases of The Witchwood for 49.99 USD / 49.99 EUR / 44.99 GBP come with 70 packs (increased from 50 packs for previous pre-purchases) and the following card back:

The Witchwood Card Back

Players can also unlock the following card back by completing Monster Hunt, the new single-player game mode which will be released with The Witchwood.

Monster Hunt Card Back

Monster Hunt

Monster Hunt is The Witchwood's new single-player adventure. It will be designed very similarly to Dungeon Runs, but themed to match The Witchwood's horror motif.

Instead of playing as one of the games nine classes, players will choose from one of four new classes which have been designed specifically for Monster Hunts. They are named the Cannoneer, Houndmaster, Time Tinkerer, and Tracker:

Cannoneer Houndmaster Time Tinkerer Tracker

The Witchwood Battlefield


Icy Veins Coverage



  • 09 Apr. 2018: Changed the ordering of the cards
  • 09 Apr. 2018: Added the full spoilers
  • 05 Apr. 2018: Added new cards and articles
  • 04 Apr. 2018: Added cards from 4/3 and 4/4
  • 02 Apr. 2018: Added new cards from 3/31, 4/1, and 4/2
  • 30 Mar. 2018: Added new cards
  • 29 Mar. 2018: Added a Reactions section
  • 29 Mar. 2018: Introduced new cards from the 28th and 29th
  • 27 Mar. 2018: Added many new articles, cards for beginning of spoiler season
  • 22 Mar. 2018: Added 2 new cards, new article
  • 20 Mar. 2018: Added new article
  • 15 Mar. 2018: Added 4 new cards
  • 15 Mar. 2018: Added initial version of hub
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