Tombs of Terror Brann Bronzebeard Hunter/Warrior Guide
This guide is designed to aid you in your adventures through Tombs of Terror. It goes into great detail regarding Treasure and Bucket choices when it comes to playing Brann Bronzebeard, the Hunter/Warrior Hero, to help you make optimal choices in creating a deck throughout the Tombs of Terror chapters.
The Hero Brann Bronzebeard represents the Hunter and Warrior classes in the Tombs of Terror adventure. Upon first picking the Hero, you will begin with the Ol' Faithful Signature Treasure, the Spread Shot Hero Power, in addition to a 10-card starter deck. Once you begin using Brann Bronzebeard in Tombs of Terror, you will begin unlocking new Hero Powers, Signature Treasures, and starter decks for your future runs.
Signature Treasures
After selecting your Hero, you will first be asked to pick 1 of 6 Signature Treasures that will be added to your deck at the start of your run.

Ol' Faithful is the base Signature Treasure that must be used on your very first run with Brann Bronzebeard and is an Average pick. It offers a good amount of board control, similar to Death's Bite or Blood Razor. However, due to there being many Hunter and Warrior weapons available, you will often to begin using your other weapons, preventing you from saving Ol' Faithful for the perfect moment.
Brann's Saddle is unlocked after defeating 5 Bosses with Brann Bronzebeard in Tombs of Terror and is an Average pick. It can potentially offer good value if you consistently keep minions on the board, but will often feel lacklustre when your entire board is cleared in one turn.
Titan-Forged Grapnel is unlocked after dealing 50 damage to Plague Lords with Brann Bronzebeard in Tombs of Terror and is an Average pick. The Armor generated by the card is fairly negligible throughout your runs and removing two minions for 3 Mana is only marginally better than other Hunter and Warrior removal tools like Deadly Shot, Execute, and Shield Slam.
Jr. Excavator is unlocked after defeating 1 Plague Lord with Brann Bronzebeard in Tombs of Terror and is an Average pick. It functions as a nice way to refill your hand and provides a discount to any minions drawn, but has no real impact on the board itself. After completion of the first 4 Chapters, this Treasure will upgrade to Sr. Excavator and becomes a Good pick as a result. This upgraded version of the card heavily discounts any minion it draws, allowing cards to be played for little or no Mana, resulting in a large burst of tempo.
Flo Slatebrand is unlocked after defeating 2 Plague Lords with Brann Bronzebeard in Tombs of Terror and is an Excellent pick. Flo is a strong early-game minions with good stats and a low Mana Cost. It additionally provides 2 further random Treasures to your hand from its Battlecry and Deathrattle. As even the weakest Treasures are much stronger than most collectible cards, this effect is incredibly strong.
Brann's Epic Egg is unlocked after defeating 3 Plague Lords with Brann Bronzebeard in Tombs of Terror and is a Good pick. The card can sometimes take some setup, but when combined with Warrior cards like Warpath, Whirlwind, and Inner Rage, it can rapidly fill the board with copies of King Krush to quickly take down most bosses.
Hero Powers
Each Hero has 3 available Hero Powers that can be chosen at the start of a run.

The Spread Shot Hero Power is the base Hero Power for Brann Bronzebeard and must be used on your first run. It is an Average Hero Power that is a mix of the Fireblast and Steady Shot Hero Powers and can be used for light board control and damage to bosses.
The Well Equipped Hero Power is unlocked by dealing 300 damage to enemy Heroes with Brann Bronzebeard in your Tomb of Terror runs. It is a Good Hero Power that can be used to generate a weapon that can be used to control the board or deal moderate damage directly to bosses.
The Dino Tracking Hero Power is unlocked after attacking with a weapon 50 times. It is an Excellent passive Hero Power that allows you to Discover the card you draw each turn, giving you a significant boost in your consistency throughout the game.
Starting Decks
After you have chosen your Hero Power, you will be able to choose from 1 of 4 10-card starting decks. Initially, you will only be able to choose from one deck, but you will unlock more in your future runs as you defeat bosses as Brann Bronzebeard.
Taming Dinos
Taming Dinos is a deck that uses a mixture of Beasts and light removal tools to establish board control quickly. It is an Average deck choice, and consists of the following 10 cards:
Hunter Cards | Warrior Cards | Neutral Cards |
Beastly Bodyguards
Beastly Bodyguards uses a mixture of Beasts, Token and Taunt minions to swarm the board. It is an Average starting deck and consists of the following 10 cards:
Hunter Cards | Warrior Cards | Neutral Cards |
Call for Help
Call for Help is the third starting deck for Brann Bronzebeard and can be unlocked after defeating 16 bosses with Brann Bronzebeard. The deck is themed around spells and card generation, resulting in a deck that is packed full of value right from the beginning of a run. It is an Excellent starting choice and consists of the following 10 cards:
Hunter Cards | Warrior Cards | Neutral Cards |
Random Brann Deck
The option to have a Random 10-card Deck to begin with can be unlocked after defeating 24 bosses with Brann Bronzebeard. The cards chosen are completely random and will be a mix of Hunter, Warrior, and Neutral cards that offer little to no synergy. The starting deck is a Bad choice and should only be chosen if you want a challenge.
After defeating the 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th boss in a Tombs of Terror run, you will get to choose 1 of 3 random powerful Treasure cards that you can add to your deck. The Treasures after the 1st and 5th boss will offer passive effects and the Treasures offered after the 3rd and 7th bosses will be powerful playable cards that you can add to your deck.
The tables below contain a list of all the possible Treasures and Passive effects available and give them a general rating as to how good they are when playing as Brann Bronzebeard. The comments give further details as to how and why the Treasures are good in addition to some of the Card Buckets that they have good synergies with.
Treasure Cards
Treasure | Rating | Comments |
Map of Uldum | Excellent | Map of Uldum should be picked with later bosses in mind. It provides the perfect mix of tempo and value and will often single-handedly defeat bosses when played early in the game. |
Mystical Mirage | Excellent | Mystical Mirage is an invaluable tempo tool that can be used to access a temporary hand of cards and refresh your Mana Crystals twice, effectively providing you with 2 additional turns with free cards to use each turn. |
Runaway Gyrocopter | Excellent | Runaway Gyrocopter provides a repeatable board clear effect that will also help you avoid fatigue against Plague Lords due to its shuffle effect. |
Stone Fox Statue | Excellent | Stone Fox Statue is an excellent source of tempo that provide two free copies of a powerful minions. It is best to save the card for powerful Legendary minions like Ragnaros the Firelord, The Lich King, and N'Zoth, the Corruptor. |
Tracking Device | Excellent | Tracking Device is a powerful early game tool that adds consistency to your deck. Due to it always being playable on turn 1, it guarantees you plays for your first 5 turns and allows you to focus heavily on building your deck for the late game. |
Advanced Targeting Monocle | Good | Advanced Targeting Monocle provides a somewhat-predictable burst of spells from your deck. When used in a well-rounded deck it will often clear the board and populate your board with minions afterward, activating any other Treasure cards in your deck in the process. |
Ancient Reflections | Good | Ancient Reflections provides a great way to fill the board with weak copies of a minion on the board. It is best to use it on minions with powerful Deathrattle effects like Sneed's Old Shredder and Sylvanas Windrunner or strong end of turn effects like Ragnaros the Firelord or The Lich King. |
Blade of the Burning Sun | Good | Blade of the Burning Sun is a consistent removal tool that will continually buff your deck with usage, providing more value the longer the game goes. |
Canopic Jars | Good | Canopic Jars is a niche card that is excellent at turning a wide board of minions into a range of powerful Legendaries. |
Crawling Claw | Good | Crawling Claw is a solid removal tool that can shift card advantage into your favor in the process. |
Crusty the Crustacean | Good | Crusty the Crustacean functions as a powerful removal tool and a large threat by itself, making it a great card for almost any situation. |
Hearthstone | Good | Hearthstone is a cantrip that can be used to escape from any boss that you feel you may lose against. After using the card you must face the same boss again, with Plague Lords retaining any damage that was previously dealt to them. |
Kodo Hide Whip | Good | Kodo Hide Whip is a consistent removal tool that guarantees it can remove 3 minions. If a minion is not immediately killed by your weapon, it will be removed from the board and put into your hand, providing an easy way to deal with Deathrattle minions and adding resources to your hand in the process. |
LOCUUUUSTS!!! | Good | LOCUUUUSTS!!! is a flexible tool that can simultaneously be used to remove a threat and populate the board and can be used again due to its Twinspell effect. |
Murky's Battle Horn | Good | Murky's Battle Horn is a good tempo tool that can be used to populate the board twice. Due to the card automatically casting on following turn, it should be used when you expect your board to get cleared to maximise the value of the card. |
Stolen Titan Secrets | Good | Stolen Titan Secrets is a niche card that can be used to copy the Hero power of a boss for the remainder of the run. Most bosses have Hero Powers that are very reasonable to steal, with some having extremely powerful effects when used by a capable player. |
Zephrys's Lamp | Good | Zephrys's Lamp Discovers a wish in the same manner as Zephrys the Great. Due to the nature of the Discover effect, this Treasure is very flexible and can be used in any situation. |
Aegis of Death | Average | Aegis of Death effectively provides an Immune effects similar to Ice Block or Time Out! that lasts 10 turns, with the drawback that you will die at the end. While this may generally be strong, you should be mindful of bosses that can force you to equip weapons with cards like Plague of Madness, destroying your weapon and killing you in the process. |
Amakir the Light | Average | Amakir the Light is a source of consistent value each turn. However, it is very vulnerable to being removed and is unlikely to survive for multiple turns. |
Bauble of Beetles | Average | While resurrecting 4 minions and giving them Reborn has the potential to be very strong, the Treasure is limited to your first 4 minions that died, which are likely to be quite weak. |
Book of the Dead | Average | Book of the Dead is a board clear that gets stronger as the game goes on. |
Flex-plosion | Average | Flex-plosion will destroy half, rounded up, of the cards on your opponent's board, in their hand, and in their deck. While this may seem strong, Plague Lords specifically receive a new hand and deck of cards for each of their 3 phases, greatly diminishing the value of this card. Because of this, the Treasure is slightly weaker than other board-clear Treasures like Book of the Dead. |
"Gnomebliterator" | Average | Gnomebliterator is a reasonable single-target removal spell you can add to your deck. However, the additional 10 damage it allows you to deal to Plague Lords is insignificant relative to their massive 300 Health points. |
Phaoris' Blade | Average | Phaoris Blade is a weapon that continually gets stronger as it kills minions in a game. However, it is very difficult to get value out of and will often force your Hero to take far too much damage in the process. |
Staff of Ammunae | Average | Staff of Ammunae is a "win more" card that allows you to use your minions to deal significant damage and not die in the process. However, it is very situtational and often only strong in situations where it is not necessary. |
Staff of Scales | Average | Staff of Scales effectively provides 6 Poison Rush minions that allows it to function as an additional board clear for your deck. |
Bob's Bouncer | Bad | Bob's Bouncer is effectively a copy of Brawl. Although there is chance the target minion wins the Brawl and fills your board, it is statistically unlikely and you should therefore not base a strategy around it. |
Passive Treasures
Treasure | Rating | Comments |
Alchemist's Stone | Excellent | Alchemist's Stone is a powerful tempo tool if used correctly. By playing cards with sequential Mana Costs, starting at 1 Mana, you can rapidly decrease the cost of the cards in your hand. To complement this, you should try to draft card draw and card generation effects to ensure you always have cards to play. |
Crook and Flail | Excellent | Crook and Flail is another strong tempo tool that allows you to rapidly populate the board. After you have picked up this Treasure, you should do your best to build around it by focusing on high-Cost minions and low-Cost spells. This Treasure works especially well alongside Elixir of Vigor to ensure you do not run out of resources. |
VIP Membership | Excellent | VIP Membership is a passive Treasure that dramatically improves your Tavern Encounters. In Tavern Encounters it will provide you with a hand full of cards, 7 minions on each side of the board, and 6 Gold to spend. It is important to pick this Treasure up as your first Passive Treasure to ensure you can use it to benefit from 2 Tavern Encounters. |
Band of Scarabs | Good | Band of Scarabs is a useful Treasure that will consistently weaken enemy minions and make it significantly easier to control the board. |
Captured Flag | Good | Captured Flag is a well-rounded Treasure that gives a flat boost to your minions throughout the game. It is a good choice for Brann Bronzebeard as Hunter cards are especially good at flooding the board. |
Cloak of Invisibility | Good | Cloak of Invisibility allows a great deal of flexibility for your minions, allowing you to dictate all trades that are made and extract additional value from heavily-injured minions. |
Elixir of Vigor | Good | Elixir of Vigor provides you with an endless supply of minions by shuffling 2 copies of each minion you play back into your deck. This ability is invaluable against 300-Health Plague Lords where you can expect to draw through your entire deck. This Treasure naturally pairs excellently with Elixir of Vim. |
Ever-Changing Elixir | Good | Ever-Changing Elixir provides a consistent supply of value by Evolving one of your minions randomly at the end of your turn. This not only provides you with a stronger minions on average, but also removes any damage the minion has taken previously. |
Lucky Spade | Good | Lucky Spade is a solid Treasure that provides a good amount of value that make it incredibly useful against Plague Lords at the end of a Chapter. If you draft this Treasure, try to prioritise picking cards with Discover effects to maximise its value. |
Resourcefulness | Good | While the value of the Treasure can vary a lot, any early-game weapon serves as an excellent tool for controlling the board to dictate the pace of the game. The high base Health of your Hero against the later bosses gives you a lot of breathing room to trade with your weapon. |
Rocket Backpacks | Good | Rocket Backpacks is a welcome addition to any deck, providing initiative when playing minions onto the board to provide more control over the game. |
Scepter of Summoning | Good | Scepter of Summoning is a good Treasure that can function similarly to Alchemist's Stone. It allows big minions to be played cheaply, but offers no benefit for smaller minions, making it essential to pick up many card buckets containing big minions once you have picked it up. |
Band of Bees | Average | Band of Bees adds significant value to cheaper minions in your deck, which becomes increasingly useful against later bosses. However, you should aim to have higher Cost cards in your deck, which greatly limited the number of minions this Treasure will affect. |
Battle Totem | Average | Battle Totem can be a great way to boost the value of a Battlecry-oriented deck. This Treasure is much weaker for Brann Bronzebeard due to the lack of strong Battlecry in the Hunter and Warrior toolkits. |
Book of Wonders | Average | Book of Wonders is very much a Treasure to pick if none of the other options look appealing. While there is the potential for random spells to have a negative effect, most spells will either have a positive effect or do nothing at all. |
Darklight Torch | Average | Darklight Torch provides your even-Cost cards with some additional value, but is significantly weaker and less consistent than the similar effect of Alchemist's Stone. This Treasure works best alongside a starting Hero Power that benefits from being used as frequently as possible. |
Disks of Legend | Average | Disks of Legend allow you to greatly increase the value of Legendary minions and is especially powerful on cards like Ragnaros the Firelord. However, it is heavily reliant on being paired with another Treasure that helps you play Legendary minions quickly, such as Scepter of Summoning or Alchemist's Stone. |
Elixir of Vim | Average | Elixir of Vim is a great tempo tool that allows you to rapidly draw through your deck. However, it must be paired with a method to replenish your deck, such as Elixir of Vigor, or you will not have the necessary amount of cards to defeat Plague Lord bosses at the end of your run. |
First Aid Kit | Average | First Aid Kid provides a consistent supply of healing for your minions, greatly increasing the benefit of value trading. However, most encounters will be too fast for the Treasure to offer significant value. |
Mummy Magic | Average | Mummy Magic is a strong Treasure that aims to empower Deathrattle minions. However, it can be difficult to draft a large enough number of Deathrattle minions to truly allow this Treasure to shine. |
Mysterious Tome | Average | Mysterious Tome is a treasure that provides a small amount of tempo at the start of each encounter. It is a reasonable choice in any situation if there is no other appealing option. |
Primordial Bulwark | Average | Primordial Bulwark provides a great defence against being defeated by bosses and will do a lot of the work toward defeating the first 7 bosses in your run if you are struggling. However, it has minimal effect on the 300-Health Plague Lords at the end of a chapter. |
Robes of Diminishing | Average | Robes of Diminishing allow you to immediately play spells that are drawn. However, as most spells are best saved for the perfect time, this Treasure is best when paired with Crook and Flail or Elixir of Vim. |
Scroll of Nonsense | Average | Scroll of Nonsense is a powerful early-game tool that gives access to a diminishing supply of Spell Damage. While it is excellent for rushing down earlier bosses, later encounters will last significantly longer than the Spell Damage this Treasure gives. |
Titanic Ring | Average | Titanic Ring adds extra value to your deck by providing your minions with Taunt and additional Health. This Treasure is most useful for its Taunt effect to provide you with additional survivability for greedy strategies. |
Disks of Swiftness | Bad | Disks of Swiftness guarantees early-game board control by forcing bosses to skip their early turns. However, as bosses will still gain a Mana Crystal each turn, they can quickly regain tempo with mid-game cards. |
Glyph of Warding | Bad | Glyph of Warding is unimpactful compared to most Treasures and will often just be a minor inconvenience for most bosses. |
Khadgar's Scrying Orb | Bad | Khadgar's Scrying Orb provides a small increase in tempo for the use of spells. However, as minions are more important for controlling this board, this Treasure is often very lacklustre. |
Recycling | Bad | Most decks will never play enough minions for Recycling to have a significant impact in a game. Even in decks built around the Treasure, it is still unlikely to provide as much healing as First Aid Kit. |
Unlocked Potential | Bad | Unlocked Potential is a very niche Treasure and unless you are fortunate enough to build your deck fully around it, it will likely lower the Attack of as many minions as it increases the Attack of. |
Card Buckets
After you defeat each boss, you will be offered a choice of 3 different card buckets that you can add to your deck. Each bucket contains 3 cards that fit a certain theme and will help shape your deck in different ways.
The table below contains a list of all the possible card buckets for Brann Bronzebeard and gives a general rating as to how good each card bucket is on average. The comments section contains further details of each bucket and when to choose them.
Bucket | Rating | Comments |
Dire Rush | Excellent | Dire Rush contains a large range of Rush minions, many of which are Beasts. This bucket also contains the Dire Frenzy spell, making it easy to combo with many Rush beasts like Vicious Scalehide, Akali, the Rhino, and Redband Wasp to add strong board control tools to your deck. |
Big Beasties | Good | Big Beasties contains a range of high-cost Beasts like Oondasta and Gahz'rilla. This bucket is a good source of late-game threats for your deck. |
Combat Ready | Good | The Combat Ready bucket is a support bucket designed to immediately interact with the board in some way. It contains cards like Houndmaster Shaw that can be used instead of the Dire Rush bucket or and cards like Commanding Shout that can be used alongside it. |
Deathrattle | Good | The Deathrattle bucket is another strong source of late-game threats. As well as neutral cards like Sylvanas Windrunner, it contains many strong Hunter cards like Kathrena Winterwisp and Savannah Highmane. |
Direct Hit/td> | Good | Direct Hit is themed around doing damage with spells. It is a great place to pick up some essential removal tools like Marked Shot, Flanking Strike, and Baited Arrow for any deck. |
Discover | Good | Discovery offers a range of Discover effects and offers a lot of high-value cards that will help you in long battles against later bosses. |
Dragons | Good | As the name suggest, the Dragon bucket is themed around Dragons. It contains most Dragons available to Hunters and Warriors and is a great source of late-game threats like Ysera, Chromaggus, and Deathwing, Dragonlord. Best of all this bucket is an excellent place to pick up Emeriss, which can rapidly snowball out of control if you are able to play multiple copies of it against later bosses. |
Draw | Good | As the name suggests, the Draw bucket contains a range of draw effects available for Hunter and Warrior. It is a good idea to pick this bucket up at least once in your run to ensure you do not run out of resources in the longer battles against later bosses. |
Legends | Good | Legends contains Legendary minions available for Hunters and Warriors. Picking up this bucket will allow you to add some powerful late-game threats to your deck that will be essential against later bosses. |
Take 'Em Down | Good | Take 'Em Down contains all sources of removal and board clears available for Hunters and Warriors, such as Execute, Deadly Shot, Brawl, and Plague of Wrath. You should pick up this bucket at least once in your run to ensure you have access to the necessary tools to regain control of the board against later bosses. |
Bombs Away! | Average | The Bombs Away! bucket is themed around putting Bombs into your opponent's deck. Due to Plague Lords having up to 300 Health, the damage from Bombs is insignificant. However, many of the cards on offer, like Wrenchcalibur and Augmented Elekk, are still reasonable on their own. |
Callin' Fer Help | Average | This bucket contains effects themed around summoning and Recruiting minions. For most decks it is not a strong choice, but if you are building a deck made of big minions from cards buckets like Legendary and Big Beasties, this bucket is an excellent support. |
Dino Tamin' | Average | The Dino Tamin' bucket contains a range of dinosaur-themed Beast minions. The value of the cards offered can vary greatly, but you should look out for strong cards like King Mosh and Swamp King Dred. |
Keep Swingin' | Average | Keep Swingin' contains all Hunter and Warrior weapons in addition to other cards themed around attacking, such as Hench-Clan Thug and Giant Sand Worm. Picking up some strong weapons from this bucket will provide you with a great way to deal with smaller minions throughout your run. |
Pain Gains | Average | Pain Gains is a bucket that is themed around damaging minions, interacting with damaged minions, and minions that benefit from being damaged. The value of the cards offered can vary greatly, but can offer some great minions like Ravaging Ghoul, Frothing Berserker, and Rotface as well as strong removal cards like Warpath and Execute. |
Protectors | Average | The Protectors bucket consists entirely of Taunt minions, and Taunt synergies like Bolster. Although many of the choices offered are well below average, you should try to pick up strong cards like Armagedillo, Tomb Warden, and The Lich King. |
Rust Buckets | Average | Rust Buckets is a Mech-themed bucket with many cards on offer. It is inadvisable to build a deck based around mech synergies, but there are many strong standalone options available like Zilliax, Tomb Warden, Omega Assembly, SN1P-SN4P, and Piloted Sky Golem. |
Swarming Beasts | Average | The Swarming Beasts bucket contains a multitude of Beast cards that can flood the board like Swarm of Locusts, Rat Pack and Infested Wolf. While the bucket does contain some strong cards like Savannah Highmane, you should not try to build your deck around it as it has very little synergy with the many Warrior cards you will pick up. |
Armor Up! | Bad | The Armor Up! bucket contains a range of cards that will generate Armor or interact with your Armor count in some way. Due to the low tempo and minimal board interaction of the cards offered, this bucket should never be picked. |
Pump It Up! | Bad | Pump It Up! offers cards themed around hand buffs and buffing minions. Most of the cards, especially hand buffs, are far too weak and situational to be considered picking. |
Tricky Traps | Bad | The tricky traps card bucket contains a range of Secrets and cards that synergise with them such as Eaglehorn Bow. The cards themselves are low tempo on their own and as you progress through runs your deck will become too diluted to ever see the bucket's synergies consitently come into play. |
Wee Minions | Bad | Wee Minions contains a range of very cheap minions, themed around the The Marsh Queen Quest. Due to the low value of the minions, this bucket should never be picked. |
- 10 Dec. 2021: Tricky Treasures card bucket added to the guide.
- 02 Oct. 2019: Guide added.
This guide is presented to you by Kat, a professional Hearthstone player competing at the highest level since closed beta. She is a consistent legend player in both Wild and Standard with multiple high-rank finishes.
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