Alexstrasza Abilities and Strategy
Welcome to our Abilities page for Alexstrasza. Here, we give you an overview of every ability in Alexstrasza's kit. For each of them, we explain what it does, how to best use it, and how it works in combination with Alexstrasza's other abilities. We also give you strategy tips to play Alexstrasza efficiently.
Alexstrasza's Tips and Tricks
Gift of Life costs Health instead of Mana, so try to keep your Health high.
Abundance should be positioned trying to predict how your team will move in the next 3 seconds and without putting them in danger to get the healing.
Flame Buffet costs a lot of Mana, unless you hit the same target multiple times in a row, so stop using it for a dozen of seconds when you missed too many times in a row and you want to keep your Mana high.
Life-Binder should be used on a Hero who has low Health when Alexstrasza has high Health or on a Hero who has high Health when Alexstrasza has low Health, but not when they have a similar percentage of Health.
Cleansing Flame can be used as a form of escape or as a global if you are away from your team and want to help them immediately.
Dragonqueen is an important Ability that must be used strategically, when the enemy team cannot disengage because they are committed or because there is an Objective to contest.
Breath of Life costs no Health and no Mana, so you should usually cast it on cooldown.
Preservation should usually be positioned aggressively, forcing the enemy team to fight in an unfavorable scenario while they try to disengage and wait for
Dragonqueen to end.
Wing Buffet can be used to peel, interrupt, or even disengage if really needed.
Life-Binder has more range while
Dragonqueen is active.
Cleansing Flame has no cast time while
Dragonqueen is active and can be used to extend its duration.
Gift of Life

- Cooldown: 7 seconds
Sacrifice 15% of Alexstrasza's current Health, healing an allied Hero for 150% of that amount.
Passive: Increase Alexstrasza's Health regeneration by 150%.
Dragonqueen: Breath of Life
Cooldown greatly reduced and does not cost Health.
Gift of Life is a Basic Ability that does not cost
Mana but Health. The amount of Health paid for casting it gets amplified 1.5 times
and then applied as healing on the target allied Hero.
As a consequence of the Health cost, each consecutive cast will heal for a lower amount than the previous one, unless Alexstrasza gets her Health back. The increased Health Regeneration provided helps with that.
We recommend healing Alexstrasza herself by using
Abundance as much as possible,
Gift of Life will quickly become ineffective.

- Mana: 75
- Cooldown: 14 seconds
Plant a seed of healing that blooms after 3 seconds, healing nearby allied Heroes for 20% of their maximum Health.
Dragonqueen: Preservation
Heal area and amount greatly increased.
Abundance is a Basic Ability that provides
delayed area of effect healing.
The healing provided is based on the maximum Health of the affected allied Heroes, particularly effective on Heroes who have it high (usually Tanks and Bruisers, but there are a few exceptions across other Roles).
The healing happens after a few seconds that the circle has been on the ground,
where both allies (colored in green) and enemies (colored in grey) can see it.
You do not have to stay in the circle from the beginning and completely inside it,
but you need a part of your hitbox (the circle below your Hero) to be inside when the healing
will happen. Using this method will make it easier to dodge enemy Abilities
that counter Abundance (for example
Concussion Mine by Junkrat).
Considering all of this, its position should be chosen based on how allied Heroes will move in the next few seconds:
- if your team wants to engage, use it at maximum range towards the allied frontline;
- if your team wants to control the area, use it near yourself;
- if your team wants to retreat, use it at maximum range behind the allied backline.
Last but not the least, if the enemy team is playing in a way that makes
Abundance more dangerous than helpful for your team, then just use it
to keep your Health high by casting it where the enemy team cannot see it
and heal allied Heroes with
Gift of Life instead.
Flame Buffet

- Mana: 50
- Cooldown: 2 seconds
Launch a fireball, Burning enemies hit for 75 (+4% per level) damage over 5.5 seconds.
Hitting enemies that are already Burning deals 125 (+4% per level) bonus damage upon impact, Slows them by 40% decaying over 2 seconds, and refunds the Mana cost.
Dragonqueen: Wing Buffet
Damage and Knockback enemies in an arc.
Flame Buffet is a Basic Ability that provides
a good Slow effect and constant damage, unless you miss.
While it has an extremely low cooldown, it requires precise aim because the high Mana cost will easily add up if you do not get the Mana refund by hitting the same target multiple times in a row.
If you have less than 200 Mana, avoid using this Ability for a while
and keep your Mana only for Abundance instead—a
strategy that will allow you to heal for one more minute before going out of Mana
when you do not have time to Hearthstone and/or cannot use the Healing Fountain.
In this section we discuss how this Heroic Ability works and give some tips on how to use it. If you are looking for a detailed explanation on when and why you should pick it, check out the dedicated section in the Talent Build page.

- Heroic
- Mana: 50
- Cooldown: 50 seconds
Bind Alexstrasza's life force with an allied Hero. Both her and her target are healed for 480 (+4% per level) Health over 2 seconds. Afterwards, the Hero with a lower percentage of Health is healed to the same Health percentage as the other Hero.
Life-Binder is a defensive Heroic Ability that allows
Alexstrasza to transfer Health percentage between Alexstrasza and the target allied Hero,
a powerful effect to save a Hero who is getting focused down by the enemy team,
even if the 2-second delay makes it not that easy to use against burst damage
(for example Jaina).
Thanks to its design, you can use it in two different ways:
- if you have low Health, cast it on an allied Hero who has high Health to heal yourself;
- if you have high Health, cast it on an allied Hero who has low Health to heal them.
While Dragonqueen is active, Life-Binder has 33% more range.
Cleansing Flame
In this section we discuss how this Heroic Ability works and give some tips on how to use it. If you are looking for a detailed explanation on when and why you should pick it, check out the dedicated section in the Talent Build page.

- Heroic
- Mana: 100
- Cooldown: 100 seconds
After 1.25 seconds, take to the sky and drop 5 fireballs over 6 seconds at the position of the mouse cursor. Fireballs deal 135 (+4% per level) damage to enemies and heal allied Heroes for 300 (+4% per level) Health.
2 seconds after dropping all fireballs, Alexstrasza lands at the position of the mouse cursor.
Cleansing Flame is a versatile Heroic Ability that,
after a short cast time, makes Alexstrasza fly in the air
and shoot 5 fireballs over 6 seconds where your mouse cursor is in that given moment.
If its initial channel gets interrupted, it goes on a 10-second cooldown, so try to cast it from a safe position.
Once successfully cast, Alexstrasza becomes untargetable and you can move the mouse cursor to choose where to shoot a fireball on the ground once every second and then you will be able to choose where to land, so be careful not to end up in the enemy formation.
Each fireball will heal allied Heroes for a fixed amount and damage enemy Heroes for about half of that value, therefore you should prefer using them to heal.
In case you want to heal an allied Hero that is out of range,
you can use Cleansing Flame
as a global by using a few fireballs at maximum range on the ground
while you get closer and then use the remaining ones to heal.
The further you are, the less effective this trick is.
While Dragonqueen is active, Cleansing Flame
is instant cast and impossible to interrupt for that reason.

- Cooldown: 150 seconds
After 1.25 seconds, transform into a dragon and gain 500 Health.
While Dragonqueen is active, Alexstrasza's Abilities are empowered, and her Basic Attacks deal 143 (+4% per level) damage and heal allied Heroes for 43 (+4% per level) in an arc in front of her. Additionally, the duration of incoming Stuns, Roots, and Slows, is reduced by 50%.
Lasts 15 seconds.
Dragonqueen is a very powerful Trait that
can easily decide the outcome of a team fight in your team's favor
by improving all your Basic and Heroic Abilities.
If its initial channel gets interrupted, it goes on a 10-second cooldown, so try to cast it from a safe position.
When the effect starts and ends, Alexstrasza goes through an invulnerable frame
that will sometimes cause her to dodge the healing from Abundance
Preservation but will also make her dodge any damage
(for example
Pyroblast by Kael'thas) for a moment.
Since it comes with a long cooldown, Dragonqueen should be used strategically.
As a general rule, you should use
based on the current game phase:
- early game: to contest the Objective, but not to save an allied Hero or to win a team fight when the Objective is not available;
- mid game: to contest the Objective or to win a team fight, but not to save an allied Hero when the Objective is not available;
- late game: to contest the Objective, to win a team fight, or to save an allied Hero even if the Objective is not available.
While Dragonqueen is active, Basic Attacks used on enemy Heroes deal damage in an arc in front of Alexstrasza and heal allied Heroes in the same area for about 1/3 of that; furthermore, the duration of Stuns, Roots, and Slow applied to her is reduced by 50%.
To make up for its power, Dragonqueen will be
on cooldown at the start of the game, until around 1:55 Game Time.
Breath of Life

- Cooldown: 3 seconds
Heal an allied Hero for 20% of Alexstrasza's current Health.
Breath of Life a special Basic Ability usable only when
Dragonqueen is active and is the empowered version of
Gift of Life.
Contrary to its counterpart, it has a bit more range that helps you target the frontline of your team while keeping a safe position in chaotic moments.
Use it as much as possible to keep allied Heroes alive during team fights because it costs no Health and no Mana, but pay attention to not waste its short but still meaningful cooldown by overhealing—healing more than the Health missing on a given Hero.
Talents that improve Gift of Life
do not affect
Breath of Life
because it is treated as a completely separate Ability.

- Cooldown: 16 seconds
Plant a seed of healing that blooms after 3 seconds, healing nearby allied Heroes for 30% of their maximum Health.
Preservation is a special Basic Ability usable only when
Dragonqueen is active and is the empowered version of
Contrary to its counterpart,
it has a significantly bigger radius and also heals for more maximum Health
at the cost of no Mana. Talents that improve Abundance
do not affect
because it is treated as a completely separate Ability.
You can usually cast it only once per Dragonqueen, unless you use an effect to
prolong the duration of your Trait:
Cleansing Flame at Level 10, if you cast the first
Preservation when
Dragonqueen has more than 50% duration remaining and then use your Heroic Ability to extend that time by 8 seconds;
Draconic Discipline at Level 16, if you cast it within 4 seconds of
Dragonqueen being used.
Using both the effects mentioned above will not allow you to cast 3 Preservation
with a single
Wing Buffet

- Cooldown: 4 seconds
Deal 150 (+4% per level) damage to enemies in an area, knocking them back and Slowing them by 50% for 3 seconds.
Wing Buffet is a special Basic Ability usable only when
Dragonqueen is active and is the empowered version of
Flame Buffet.
Contrary to its counterpart, it costs no Mana and the damage done is instant rather than over time while the Slow provided lasts a bit longer and does not decay anymore, but it has less range.
In addition to that, it provides a Knockback
which can prove to be crucial to save threatened allied Heroes or herself
and can eventually be used to interrupt powerful
channeled Abilities (such as Mosh Pit
by E.T.C.).
Talents that improve Flame Buffet
do not affect
Wing Buffet
because it is treated as a completely separate Ability.
- 12 Dec. 2023: Guide reviewed.
- 30 Mar. 2022: Guide reviewed for the latest Balance Update.
- 03 Mar. 2021: Guide reviewed for the latest Balance Update.
- 05 Nov. 2020: Guide reviewed for the latest Balance Update.
- 11 Oct. 2020: Guide reviewed for the latest Balance Update.
- 22 May 2020: Ability and Strategy fully revised to match new standards.
- Tips and Tricks modified to add important tips that were missing.
- Ability Descriptions modified to better explain how to use Abilities effectively.
- 03 Jun. 2019: Applied some minor updates to Alexstrasza's ability descriptions.
- 31 Jan. 2019: Updated Flame Buffet's description.
- 23 Nov. 2017: Updated Cleansing Flames' description.
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Elitesparkle is a multiple times Master player in Europe who plays Heroes of the Storm since its release. He is an active member of the community who likes to teach new and veteran players all he knows about his favorite game.
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