Arthas Talents
Welcome to our Talents page for Arthas. Here, we give you an overview of how strong each of Arthas's talents is. Then, we present several viable builds, before analyzing each talent row separately, so that you can make informed decisions.
Arthas's Talent Build
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Arthas's Talent Build Cheatsheet
Death Coil Build
RecommendedArthas's Death Coil Build increases his self-sustain and poke damage, so that he is less vulnerable to poke damage and can trade better in team fights.
When casting Death Coil
on enemy Heroes after picking
Immortal Coil at Level 7,
Arthas can heal himself and deal damage to the targeted enemy Hero at the same time.
When self-casting it, Arthas gets extra healing from the same Talent.
Frozen Tempest Build
AdvancedArthas's Frozen Tempest Build allows him to cripple the enemy team's advance or retreat
by further increasing the power of Howling Blast
Frozen Tempest.
The combination of Frozen Wastes at Level 4
Remorseless Winter at Level 16 is particularly
good to keep melee Heroes in check.
Frostmourne Build
SituationalArthas's Frostmourne Build increases his damage output
in the late game, given you can
get at least 20 stacks for Eternal Hunger
at Level 1 during the game.
ARAM Build
ARAMArthas's Death Coil Build increases his self-sustain and poke damage, so that he is less vulnerable to poke damage and can trade better in team fights.
When casting Death Coil
on enemy Heroes after picking
Immortal Coil at Level 7,
Arthas can heal himself and deal damage to the targeted enemy Hero at the same time.
When self-casting it, Arthas gets extra healing from the same Talent.
Level 1 Talents for Arthas

Quest: Root enemy Heroes with Howling Blast.
Reward: After Rooting 5 Heroes, Howling Blast's cooldown is reduced by 2 seconds.
Reward: After Rooting 10 Heroes, Howling Blast's range is increased by 20%.
Reward: After Rooting 20 Heroes, Howling Blast also Roots enemies in its path.
Frost Presence is a strong Talent that, once the Quest
is completed, allows Arthas to Root enemies with
Howling Blast on its path, rather than just at the target point.
After completing the Quest, remember to change your playstyle from aiming right on the enemy Hero to aiming slightly beyond them—not because the former will not work, but because the latter will give you more value as the Ability will cover a bigger area and sometimes even hit more enemies than usual.
If you are playing as main Tank for your team,
you should prefer picking this Talent over the alternatives because the additional range
helps you to engage and the additional area covered
helps you to peel, unless you really need Rime to survive.

Quest: Use Frostmourne Hungers on an enemy Hero.
Reward: Increases the Mana it restores by 4, to a maximum of 40, and its damage by 4.
Eternal Hunger is a decent Talent that
increases the damage done and Mana restored via
Frostmourne Hungers.
While the Mana bonus has a cap, the damage does not have a reachable limit.
Pick this Talent only if the enemy Offlaner
will easily allow you to stack (for example Rexxar) and
you do not need Rime.

Every 5 seconds, gain 75 Physical Armor against the next enemy Hero Basic Attack, reducing the damage taken by 75%. Stores up to 3 charges.
Rime is a situational Talent that provides additional survivability
when playing against Heroes with slow but heavy-hitting Basic Attacks (such as Leoric)
and really bad when playing against Heroes with fast-hitting Basic Attacks (like D.Va).
Level 4 Talents for Arthas

Increase the range of Death Coil by 30%, reduce its cooldown by 3 seconds, and if Death Coil is used on an enemy Hero, its Mana cost is refunded.
Deathlord is a good Talent that
allows Arthas to poke enemy Heroes for free from the distance.
In particular, this Talent removes the Mana cost of
Death Coil
when used on an enemy Hero, increases its range, and reduces its cooldown.
Pick this Talent
to better handle a particular matchup in the offlane
(for example to constantly poke Fenix so that
Shield Capacitor cannot regenerate his Shield),
or when planning to go
Deathlord at Level 7
Embrace Death at Level 16.

Frozen Tempest Mana cost reduced by 2 per second.
Quest: Damage enemy Heroes with Frozen Tempest.
Reward: After damaging enemy Heroes 150 times with Frozen Tempest, the Movement and Attack Speed Slows of Frozen Tempest last an extra 1.5 seconds against enemy Heroes.
Frozen Wastes is a good Talent that
reduces the Mana cost of
Frozen Tempest when picked
and allows its effect to persist on enemy Heroes for a short while when the Quest
gets completed.
Pick this Talent when playing against Heroes who have short range and rely on Basic Attacks,
especially if they are able to get out from Frozen Tempest
by using their mobility
(such as Kerrigan with

Gain 3% Attack Speed for 1.5 seconds every time a Hero is damaged by Frozen Tempest, to a maximum of 60%.
Icy Talons is a situational Talent that
provides a powerful Attack Speed buff when fighting against Heroes who cannot
get out of
Frozen Tempest with ease (such as Artanis).
All that said, you should usually avoid picking this Talent because it is hard to get value from it in most scenarios, especially during team fights.
Level 7 Talents for Arthas

Gain the healing effect of Death Coil even when used on enemies. If Death Coil is used on Arthas, it heals for an additional 50% bonus healing.
Immortal Coil is a good Talent that doubles the healing
provided by
Death Coil when used on enemies
and increases its effectiveness when used on himself.
You should pick this Talent only when having Deathlord at Level 4
and planning to go
Embrace Death at Level 16.

Every 3rd Basic Attack heals Arthas for 5% of his max Health.
Rune Tap is a decent Talent that slightly increases
Arthas's survivability while dueling in the offlane
by making every third Basic Attack heal him for a percentage of his maximum Health.
The healing via Basic Attacks has synergy with Frostmourne Hungers
that resets the cooldown of your next Basic Attack and with
Icy Talons
that increases your Attack Speed.
The synergy with Icy Talons should not be a reason
to skip the always useful
Icebound Fortitude.

- Cooldown: 35 seconds
Activate to gain 25 Armor, reducing damage taken by 25%, and reduce the duration of Stuns, Slows, and Roots against Arthas by 75% for 3 seconds.
Icebound Fortitude is a strong Talent that heavily increases
Arthas's survivability against most crowd control effects
and burst damage, something that is always a threat to Arthas
during team fights.
Think twice before not taking this Talent because the lack of it will make Arthas way easier to kill for the enemy team. For this reason, you should always take it when playing as main Tank and almost always when as Offlaner.
Level 10 Talents for Arthas
In this section we discuss when and why to pick a given Heroic Ability. If you want to read how they work in detail and/or you are looking for some tips on how to use them, check them out on the Abilities and Strategy page.

- Mana: 80
- Cooldown: 80 seconds
Summons Ghouls that last 15 seconds and attack for 20 (+4% per level) damage. Sacrifice Ghouls to heal for 267 (+4% per level) Health.
Army of the Dead is a strong Heroic Ability that
heavily increases Arthas's survivability in team fights.
Pick it in most if not all games, sometimes even against burst damage and/or healing reduction effects because it still helps before and/or after they hit you.

- Mana: 100
- Cooldown: 100 seconds
Deals 230 (+4% per level) damage and Slows enemies by 60% for 4 seconds. Also disables Minions, Mercenaries, Monsters and Structures for 20 seconds.
Summon Sindragosa is a strong Heroic Ability that
gives some damage and crowd control, something that
allows Arthas to engage from the distance and eventually combo with other Heroic
Abilities (for example
Purification Salvo by Fenix).
Pick when you do not need the additional survivability provided by Army of the Dead and your team wants to play aggressively, especially if your team has a solid lead when reaching Level 10 and you can capitalize on it by getting an early Keep with the combination of a powerful Objective and the enemy Structures being disabled for enough time to take them down or get some kills and then push uncontested.
Level 13 Talents for Arthas

Enemy Heroes hit by Howling Blast have their Armor reduced by 15 for 4 seconds.
Shattered Armor is a strong Talent that, by reducing the
Armor of enemies Heroes hit by
Howling Blast,
indirectly increases the damage output of your team, especially if
there is a Mage involved (for example Kael'thas).
While it has synergy with Frost Presence at Level 1,
it is not a strong requirement and can therefore be picked without it as well.

Each second an enemy is damaged by Frozen Tempest, it deals 12.5% bonus damage, up to a 50% bonus.
Biting Cold is a good Talent that causes
Frozen Tempest
to deal significantly more damage over time, which is especially useful against targets
that lack any form of mobility.
Pick this Talent when your team does not really need Shattered Armor because your team does not have enough burst damage to follow up and team fights are lasting long enough to get value from it.

Frostmourne Hungers also Slows the target by 50% for 1.5 seconds. Hitting that target with Death Coil while they are Slowed also Silences them for 1 second.
Frost Strike is a good Talent that adds a Slow
effect to
Frostmourne Hungers. Furthermore,
hitting the same target with
Death Coil while they are
Slowed by
Frost Strike,
will cause them to be Silenced.
We find this Talent particularly good against Heroes who need to channel Abilities (for example Gul'dan), that rely on mobility to stay alive (such as Fenix), or who can heal a lot if left unchecked (notably Whitemane).
Level 16 Talents for Arthas

Death Coil deals more damage and heals more the lower Arthas's current Health is, to a maximum of 100% bonus damage and healing.
Embrace Death is a good Talent that increases
the effectiveness of
Death Coil when Arthas has low Health.
The lower your Health is, the more damage and healing you will get from it.
Pick this Talent when there is a need of burst healing
(for example against Greymane with Cursed Bullet),
or when having
Deathlord at Level 4
Immortal Coil at Level 7.

Enemy Heroes that remain within Frozen Tempest for 3 seconds are Rooted for 1.25 seconds. This effect can only happen once every 10 seconds.
Remorseless Winter is a strong Talent that allows Arthas
to Root enemy Heroes that stay too long inside
Frozen Tempest,
drastically increasing his crowd control capabilities
against low-mobility Heroes (such as Cassia).

Hitting an enemy Hero with Frostmourne Hungers activates it a second time for free, expiring after 4 seconds. This cannot benefit from Frostmourne Feeds.
Frostmourne Feeds is a good Talent that increases
your burst damage when using
Frostmourne Hungers
by empowering an additional Basic Attack, given you hit a target it within 4 seconds.
If you have a good amount of stacks
on Eternal Hunger at Level 1 and you do not need
the extra crowd control from
Remorseless Winter
or the extra healing from
Embrace Death,
then you may consider going for this Talent to basically double them.
Level 20 Talents for Arthas

3 additional Ghouls are created. Ghouls deal 50% more damage, heal for an additional 50%, and last 5 seconds longer.
Legion of Northrend is a good Talent that drastically
increases Arthas's survivability by increasing the amount of healing, the duration,
and the number of Ghouls coming from
Army of the Dead.
Avoid picking this Talent when the enemy team has healing reduction effects
(for example Mortal Wound by Xul).

Sindragosa flies twice as far. Enemy Heroes are Rooted for 2.5 seconds, and then Slowed by 60% for 4 seconds.
Absolute Zero is a strong Talent
that greatly increases the strength of
Summon Sindragosa
by adding a relatively long Root before the already powerful
Slow effect.
Considering that Summon Sindragosa already has a high range,
the additional distance covered is not that useful. That said,
sometimes it may help you disable enemy Structures from the distance
and/or catch enemy Heroes that want to avoid a team fight at all costs.
Avoid picking this Talent when you need the additional survivability provided by
either Legion of Northrend or
Anti-Magic Shell.

Increases Movement Speed by 10%. Frozen Tempest's maximum Movement Speed Slow and Attack Speed Slow increased from 40% to 60%.
Death's Advance is a strong Talent that
slightly increases Arthas's Movement Speed, making up for his lack of mobility,
and empowers both effects provided by
Frozen Tempest,
further reducing the Movement Speed and Attack Speed of enemy Heroes hit.
The combination of these effects allows you to chase and/or body block enemy Heroes, so pick this Talent when you want to play more aggressive and do not need defensive Talents from this Tier.

- Cooldown: 60 seconds
Activate to make Arthas immune to Spell Damage for 4 seconds and heal Arthas for 25% of the damage prevented.
Anti-Magic Shell is a situational Talent that allows
Arthas to survive burst damage in the form of both
Spell Damage and percent-based damage.
Activating this Talent allows to mitigate the huge amount of damage that notable Arthas's counter picks (for example Jaina) can deal to him.
- 13 Dec. 2024: Guide reviewed for the latest Balance Update.
- 18 Aug. 2024: Guide reviewed.
- 20 Sep. 2023: ARAM Build added.
- 26 Nov. 2022: Guide reviewed.
- 02 May 2022: Builds added.
- 07 Dec. 2021: Guide reviewed for the latest Major Patch.
- 09 Mar. 2021: Builds and Talents updated.
- 21 Aug. 2020: Talent Build page updated.
- Balance Update revision.
- Minor fixes.
- New layout.
- 03 May 2020: Talent Build fully revised to match new standards.
- Talent Build and Talent Build Cheatsheet modified to reflect the current metagame.
- Talent Descriptions modified to better describe when to pick them.
- 23 Jan. 2020: Updated Arthas's Tank Build.
- 25 Nov. 2019: Changed Deathlord from Situational to Not Recommended.
- 05 Jun. 2019: Completely overhauled and updated Arthas's talents and builds to make the guide more up-to-date with the current state of the game.
- 04 May 2017: Updated Frost Presence's talent description.
- 16 Apr. 2017: Changed the Howling Blast build to use Icebound Fortitude instead of Mortal Coil and improved the description of the Bruiser build.
- 15 Mar. 2017: Removed Self-Heal Build and updated the other two builds.
- 14 Mar. 2017: Overhauled talent recommendations following Arthas's rework in Probius's patch.
More Tank Guides
Elitesparkle is a multiple times Master player in Europe who plays Heroes of the Storm since its release. He is an active member of the community who likes to teach new and veteran players all he knows about his favorite game.
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