Auriel Talents

Last updated on Feb 10, 2025 at 12:53 by Elitesparkle 29 comments
General Information

Welcome to our Talents page for Auriel. Here, we give you an overview of how strong each of Auriel's talents is. Then, we present several viable builds, before analyzing each talent row separately, so that you can make informed decisions.


Auriel's Talent Build

Level Choices
1 Increasing Clarity ? Righteous Assault ? Searing Light
4 Majestic Span ? Heavy Burden ? Repeated Offense
7 Glimmer of Hope ? Empathic Link ? Energized Cord
10 Resurrect ? Crystal Aegis
13 Blinding Flash ? Converging Force ? Piercing Lash
16 Reservoir of Hope Will of Heaven ? Wrath of Heaven ?
20 Light Speed ? Diamond Resolve ? Angelic Flight ✘︎ Shield of Hope

Auriel's Talent Build Cheatsheet

Detainment Strike Build

Level 1 Searing Light Icon
Level 4 Repeated Offense Icon
Level 7 Energized Cord Icon Glimmer of Hope Icon ? Empathic Link Icon ?
Level 10 Crystal Aegis Icon
Level 13 Piercing Lash Icon
Level 16 Reservoir of Hope Icon
Level 20 Shield of Hope Icon

Auriel's Detainment Strike Build empowers your healing output, crowd control, and damage. Due to how Detainment Strike Icon Detainment Strike works, this Build works best when fighting near impassable terrain.

The fact that Repeated Offense Icon Repeated Offense at Level 4 makes Detainment Strike Icon Detainment Strike knock back enemy Heroes farther away increases the chances they will be Stunned against impassable terrain.

Thanks to Piercing Lash Icon Piercing Lash at Level 13, Detainment Strike Icon Detainment Strike will pierce enemy Heroes, allowing you to interrupt a Hero that is behind another one, or to Knockback or Stun multiple Heroes at the same time.

Since it increases your maximum Energy, Reservoir of Hope Icon Reservoir of Hope at Level 16 not only makes Ray of Heaven Icon Ray of Heaven heal more but also deal more damage to enemy Heroes via Searing Light Icon Searing Light at Level 1. So, when hitting enemy Heroes with it, you will gain Energy.

Sacred Sweep Build

Level 1 Searing Light Icon Righteous Assault Icon ?
Level 4 Majestic Span Icon
Level 7 Energized Cord Icon Glimmer of Hope Icon ? Empathic Link Icon ?
Level 10 Crystal Aegis Icon
Level 13 Blinding Flash Icon
Level 16 Reservoir of Hope Icon Wrath of Heaven Icon ?
Level 20 Shield of Hope Icon

Auriel's Sacred Sweep Build empowers your healing output, utility against Heroes relying on Basic Attacks, and damage. Choose this Build when you need to Blind enemy Heroes that have low or average Attack Range.

The increased radius provided by Majestic Span Icon Majestic Span at Level 4 makes Sacred Sweep Icon Sacred Sweep hit enemy Heroes that are farther away and increases the chances you will hit them with the inner area, and therefore Blinding them.

Since it increases your maximum Energy, Reservoir of Hope Icon Reservoir of Hope at Level 16 not only makes Ray of Heaven Icon Ray of Heaven heal more but also deal more damage to enemy Heroes via Searing Light Icon Searing Light at Level 1. So, when hitting enemy Heroes with it, you will gain Energy.

If you need to Blind enemy Heroes more often, you can replace Searing Light Icon Searing Light at Level 1 with Righteous Assault Icon Righteous Assault.

ARAM Build

Level 1 Searing Light Icon
Level 4 Repeated Offense Icon
Level 7 Energized Cord Icon Glimmer of Hope Icon ? Empathic Link Icon ?
Level 10 Crystal Aegis Icon
Level 13 Piercing Lash Icon
Level 16 Reservoir of Hope Icon
Level 20 Shield of Hope Icon

Auriel's ARAM Build empowers your healing output, crowd control, and damage. Due to how Detainment Strike Icon Detainment Strike works, this Build works best when fighting near impassable terrain.

The fact that Repeated Offense Icon Repeated Offense at Level 4 makes Detainment Strike Icon Detainment Strike knock back enemy Heroes farther away increases the chances they will be Stunned against impassable terrain.

Thanks to Piercing Lash Icon Piercing Lash at Level 13, Detainment Strike Icon Detainment Strike will pierce enemy Heroes, allowing you to interrupt a Hero that is behind another one, or to Knockback or Stun multiple Heroes at the same time.

Since it increases your maximum Energy, Reservoir of Hope Icon Reservoir of Hope at Level 16 not only makes Ray of Heaven Icon Ray of Heaven heal more but also deal more damage to enemy Heroes via Searing Light Icon Searing Light at Level 1. So, when hitting enemy Heroes with it, you will gain Energy.


Level 1 Talents for Auriel

Auriel Increasing Clarity ?
Increasing Clarity (Level 1) Diablo Auriel

Quest: Every time Sacred Sweep hits a Hero in the center, increase the center damage by 2, up to 50.

Reward: After hitting 25 Heroes, this center damage bonus is increased to 180.

Increasing Clarity Icon Increasing Clarity is a decent Quest-based Talent that increases the center damage of Sacred Sweep Icon Sacred Sweep, something that provides you with additional burst damage and waveclear.

The requirement to hit enemy Heroes with Sacred Sweep Icon Sacred Sweep will unnecessarily force yourself to expose during the early game.

Auriel Righteous Assault ?
Righteous Assault (Level 1) Diablo Auriel

Reduces the cooldown of Sacred Sweep by 3 seconds for each enemy Hero hit by its center.

Righteous Assault Icon Righteous Assault is a good Talent that allows you to cast Sacred Sweep Icon Sacred Sweep more often than usual, increasing both your damage done and Energy generation.

To increase the chances that enemy Heroes will be hit by the center area of Sacred Sweep Icon Sacred Sweep, you can combine this Talent with Majestic Span Icon Majestic Span at Level 4 and/or Converging Force Icon Converging Force at Level 13.

The cooldown reduction provided by this Talent can be used to Blind enemy Heroes more often with Blinding Flash Icon Blinding Flash at Level 13.

Auriel Searing Light
Searing Light (Level 1) Diablo Auriel

Ray of Heaven also deals damage to enemy Heroes in the area equal to 30% of the energy consumed.

Searing Light Icon Searing Light is a good Talent that makes Ray of Heaven Icon Ray of Heaven deal damage to enemy Heroes hit, but only for 30% of the Energy paid for casting it.

The damage done by Ray of Heaven Icon Ray of Heaven thanks to this Talent will contribute to your Energy Regeneration via Bestow Hope Icon Bestow Hope.

As your primary task is to heal your team, you should rarely use Ray of Heaven Icon Ray of Heaven only to deal damage—basically only if you can kill an enemy Hero without causing an allied Hero to die in the process.

Thanks to the area of effect nature of Ray of Heaven Icon Ray of Heaven, Searing Light Icon Searing Light is better against team composition that feature multiple short-range or melee Heroes.


Level 4 Talents for Auriel

Auriel Majestic Span ?
Majestic Span (Level 4) Diablo Auriel

Increases the radius of Sacred Sweep by 15%.

Majestic Span Icon Majestic Span is a good Talent that increases the distance covered by Sacred Sweep Icon Sacred Sweep, helping you to hit enemy Heroes from a slightly safer position.

We find this Talent useful when planning to pick Blinding Flash Icon Blinding Flash or Converging Force Icon Converging Force at Level 13 because it increases the chances that enemy Heroes will be hit by the center area of Sacred Sweep Icon Sacred Sweep.

Auriel Heavy Burden ?
Heavy Burden (Level 4) Diablo Auriel

Detainment Strike Slows enemy Heroes by 20% for 2.5 seconds. Slow amount and duration doubled on enemies it Stuns.

Passive: Increase Detainment Strikes' Stun duration by 0.25 seconds.

Heavy Burden Icon Heavy Burden is a decent Talent which empowers Detainment Strike Icon Detainment Strike in two ways: makes the Stun slightly longer and empowers the Slows. If the collision on impassable terrain happens, then the Slow will be stronger and last longer.

Auriel Repeated Offense
Repeated Offense (Level 4) Diablo Auriel

Enemies hit by Detainment Strike are knocked back 25% farther.

Quest: Every time Detainment Strike stuns a Hero, increase the stun damage by 10, up to 60.

Reward: After stunning 6 Heroes, increase this damage bonus to 250.

Repeated Offense Icon Repeated Offense is a strong Talent that increases the knockback distance of Detainment Strike Icon Detainment Strike. Furthermore, successfully Stunning enemy Heroes with it makes Detainment Strike Icon Detainment Strike deal more damage.

The additional distance increases the number of situations where Detainment Strike Icon Detainment Strike can result in a Stun when near impassable terrain, and it also makes Detainment Strike Icon Detainment Strike slightly better for peeling when a collision is not possible.


Level 7 Talents for Auriel

Auriel Glimmer of Hope ?
Glimmer of Hope (Level 7) Diablo Auriel

Collecting a Regeneration Globe reduces the cost of Auriel's next Ray of Heaven by 75%.

Glimmer of Hope Icon Glimmer of Hope is a good Talent that, after collecting a Regeneration Globe, reduces the cost of your next Ray of Heaven Icon Ray of Heaven by 75% of the amount of Energy you have while casting it.

The requirement of having a Regeneration Globe is not that easy to fulfill during team fights, however, Glimmer of Hope Icon Glimmer of Hope will still help you to start team fights with way higher Energy than usual.

Thanks to its percent-based effect, Glimmer of Hope Icon Glimmer of Hope is great when paired with Reservoir of Hope Icon Reservoir of Hope as it gets better when your maximum Energy increases.

Given it requires a Regeneration Globe to work, this Talent gives more value on Maps were your team can easily rotate from a lane to another (notably Tomb of the Spider Queen) and/or where team fights happen near where Minions clash (for example Dragon Shire).

Auriel Empathic Link ?
Empathic Link (Level 7) Diablo Auriel

Auriel stores 25% of damage taken by allies with Bestow Hope.

Empathic Link Icon Empathic Link is a good Talent that allows Auriel to convert part of the damage taken by the allied Hero with Bestow Hope Icon Bestow Hope on them into Energy.

We find this Talent more valuable when in team with Cho'Gall as it allows you to get Energy when Cho takes damage, when Cho deals damage at melee range, and when Gall deals damage from the distance.

Auriel Energized Cord
Energized Cord (Level 7) Diablo Auriel

Increases the energy stored from Auriel's Basic Attacks to 140% of the damage against Heroes and 85% of the damage against non-Heroes.

Does not affect Auriel's Bestow Hope ally.

Passive: Increase Basic Attack Range by 1.1.

Energized Cord Icon Energized Cord is a good Talent that makes Auriel gain more Energy when hitting enemies with Basic Attacks: 60% more Energy against Heroes and 35% more Energy against non-Heroes. In addition to that, Auriel gains 1.1 Attack Range.

The first part of the Talent mostly helps during team fights as you will basically be able to fill up your Energy with half the Basic Attacks than usual when hitting enemy Heroes, however, keep in mind that Blinds will counter this Talent.

The second part of the Talent mostly helps outside of team fights because she gets way less Energy from damaging non-Heroes compared to damaging Heroes, a gap that gets reduced after picking Energized Cord Icon Energized Cord.

The additional Attack Range mostly helps in team fights as it allows you to hit enemy Heroes that are farther away but also allows you to stay slightly safer when attacking non-Heroes in an area where enemy Heroes could punish you.


Level 10 Talents for Auriel

In this section we discuss when and why to pick a given Heroic Ability. If you want to read how they work in detail and/or you are looking for some tips on how to use them, check them out on the Abilities and Strategy page.

Auriel Resurrect ?
Resurrect (Level 10) Diablo Auriel
  • Cooldown: 100 seconds

Channel on the spirit of a dead ally for 1 second. After a 3 second delay, they are brought back to life with 100% of their maximum Health at the location where they died.

Auriel can use this ability while dead to resurrect herself.

Resurrect Icon Resurrect is a decent Heroic Ability that enables allied Heroes to play more aggressively as it can turn an even trade into a favorable one.

Due to its relatively long cooldown, we only find this Heroic Ability playable when having Cho'Gall in team because by using it on them you will basically be resurrecting 2 allied Heroes at the same time.

Auriel Crystal Aegis
Crystal Aegis (Level 10) Diablo Auriel
  • Cooldown: 60 seconds

Place an allied Hero into Stasis for 2 seconds. Upon expiration, Crystal Aegis deals 255 (+4% per level) damage to all nearby enemies.

Crystal Aegis Icon Crystal Aegis is a strong Heroic Ability that counters burst damage and various debuffs.

While not that easy to use, we recommend picking this Heroic Ability in most if not all games because it lets you protect allied Heroes from incoming damage when Ray of Heaven Icon Ray of Heaven is on cooldown and/or when the damage is too much for them to survive.


Level 13 Talents for Auriel

Auriel Blinding Flash ?
Blinding Flash (Level 13) Diablo Auriel

Enemies hit by the center area of Sacred Sweep are blinded for 2 seconds.

Blinding Flash Icon Blinding Flash is a good Talent that adds a Blind component to the center of Sacred Sweep Icon Sacred Sweep.

While we find this Talent good in most if not all scenarios, you should definitely pick this Talent against Heroes who deal most of their damage via Basic Attacks.

Auriel Converging Force ?
Converging Force (Level 13) Diablo Auriel

Enemies hit by the outer area are pushed slightly toward the center.

Converging Force Icon Converging Force is a decent Talent that gently displaces enemy Heroes hit with the outer area of Sacred Sweep Icon Sacred Sweep towards its inner area.

The slow knockback effect provided slightly increases the chance that you will deal bonus damage by hitting with the inner area of Sacred Sweep Icon Sacred Sweep. Furthermore, it can be used to interrupt the following effects, although you will probably never be in range for dealing with some of them. Abilities not present in this list cannot be interrupted via this Talent.

Auriel Piercing Lash
Piercing Lash (Level 13) Diablo Auriel

Detainment Strike now pierces and hits all enemy Heroes in a line, reducing the cooldown by 2 seconds for each Hero hit.

Piercing Lash Icon Piercing Lash is a good Talent that makes Detainment Strike Icon Detainment Strike pierce enemy Heroes hit and proportionally reduce its cooldown.

The pierce component of this Talent lets you use Detainment Strike Icon Detainment Strike to interrupt a Hero that is behind another one, or to Knockback or Stun multiple Heroes at the same time.

We find this Talent particularly good against team compositions that feature multiple melee Heroes with low mobility as you will easily get multi-hits to peel them away from yourself or the rest of your team.


Level 16 Talents for Auriel

Auriel Reservoir of Hope
Reservoir of Hope (Level 16) Diablo Auriel

Quest: Each maximum energy Ray of Heaven Auriel casts increases the maximum amount of energy that can be stored by 55.

Reservoir of Hope Icon Reservoir of Hope is a strong Quest-based Talent that increases the amount of maximum Energy that Auriel can store by a small amount each time she uses Ray of Heaven Icon Ray of Heaven while having full Energy.

In practice, this Talent increases the amount of healing you can do with a single cast of Ray of Heaven Icon Ray of Heaven, effectively increasing your healing output if your Bestow Hope Icon Bestow Hope can quickly and constantly generate Energy for you by dealing damage to enemy Heroes.

Auriel Will of Heaven ?
Will of Heaven (Level 16) Diablo Auriel

Allies with Bestow Hope gain 20% Attack Speed.

Passive: Auriel gains 10% increased Basic Attack Damage.

Will of Heaven Icon Will of Heaven is a situational Talent that increases the Attack damage of allied Heroes affected by Bestow Hope Icon Bestow Hope by a good amount and your Attack damage by a decent amount. As a consequence, you will also generate more Energy.

We find this Talent not great for increasing your healing output because Auriel will easily reach full Energy without it, however, you may want to consider picking it when your team lacks damage and your preferred Bestow Hope Icon Bestow Hope's target does most of their damage via Basic Attacks.

Auriel Wrath of Heaven ?
Wrath of Heaven (Level 16) Diablo Auriel

Allies with Bestow Hope gain 15% Spell Power.

Enemy Heroes hit by the center area of Sacred Sweep or the terrain collision of Detainment Strike have their Spell Armor reduced by 20 for 3 seconds.

Wrath of Heaven Icon Wrath of Heaven is a situational Talent that increases the Spell Power of allied Heroes affected by Bestow Hope Icon Bestow Hope by a decent amount and decreases the Armor of enemy Heroes hit by the center area of Sacred Sweep Icon Sacred Sweep or the terrain collision of Detainment Strike Icon Detainment Strike. As a consequence, you will also generate more Energy.

We find this Talent not great for increasing your healing output because Auriel will easily reach full Energy without it, however, you may want to consider picking it when your team lacks damage and your preferred Bestow Hope Icon Bestow Hope's target does most of their damage via Abilities.


Level 20 Talents for Auriel

Auriel Light Speed ?
Light Speed (Level 20) Diablo Auriel

Resurrected allies gain 200% increased Movement Speed, decaying over 4 seconds. While a resurrected ally remains alive, Resurrect's next cooldown recharges 100% faster.

Light Speed Icon Light Speed is a decent Talent that gives a high amount of Movement Speed to whoever you Resurrect Icon Resurrect and makes you use your Heroic Ability more often by reducing its cooldown.

The cooldown reduction is conditional: the longer your latest Resurrect Icon Resurrect stays alive, the more cooldown reduction you get. You can get up to 50 seconds of cooldown reduction this way.

Auriel Diamond Resolve ?
Diamond Resolve (Level 20) Diablo Auriel

When Crystal Aegis expires, it grants the target 75 Armor for 5 seconds, reducing damage taken by 75%.

Diamond Resolve Icon Diamond Resolve is a decent Talent that makes Crystal Aegis Icon Crystal Aegis give a huge amount of Armor to the affected Hero when the Stasis ends, drastically increasing their survivability for 5 seconds.

The additional survivability can allow the affected allied Hero to get away to safety if low on Health or play more aggressively if high on Health.

Auriel Angelic Flight
Angelic Flight (Level 20) Diablo Auriel
  • Cooldown: 30 seconds

After 2 seconds, fly to a target location.

Angelic Flight Icon Angelic Flight is a weak Talent that, after channeling for 2 seconds, makes you fly to a chosen location within 75 range.

Due to its slow cast time, this Talent is not reliable for escaping from danger, although it can still be used for that if you are in a desperate situation, hoping you will not die or get interrupted before it goes off. At most, it could be used to quickly join your team if you are the only Hero that died during the previous fight, acting as a sort of Death Timer reduction.

Auriel Shield of Hope
Shield of Hope (Level 20) Diablo Auriel
  • Cooldown: 60 seconds

Activate to grant all nearby allied Heroes a shield for 3 seconds equal to 50% of the amount of Health they are missing.

Shield of Hope Icon Shield of Hope is a strong Talent that gives a powerful Shield to Auriel and any allied Hero within 8 range.

The amount of Shield will be lower for allied Heroes with high Health and higher for allied Heroes with low Health, so you should try to use it when whoever is getting focused by the enemy team is below 50% Health to get at least 25% of their maximum Health as Shield.



  • 10 Feb. 2025: Guide reviewed.
  • 31 Jan. 2025: Guide reviewed for the latest Balance Update.
  • 15 Oct. 2024: Guide reviewed.
  • 20 Sep. 2023: ARAM Build added.
  • 07 Dec. 2021: Guide reviewed for the latest Major Patch.
  • 25 Jun. 2021: Builds updated.
  • 20 Jan. 2021: Guide reviewed for the latest Balance Update.
  • 27 Oct. 2020: Builds updated.
  • 03 Oct. 2020: Talent Build fully revised to match new standards.
    • Talent Descriptions modified to better describe when to pick them.
  • 10 Apr. 2020: Talent Build partially revised to match new standards.
    • Talent Build and Talent Build Cheatsheet modified to reflect the current metagame.
    • Talent Descriptions modified to better describe when to pick them.
  • 29 Aug. 2019: Guide reviewed following balance patch - Updates to recommended Builds and Talent discussions.
  • 10 May 2018: Talent discussion updated to reflect balance patch.
  • 26 Aug. 2017: Bursting Light removed.
  • 14 Aug. 2017: Adjusted Level 7 Talent suggestions to current meta.
  • 29 Apr. 2017: Updates to Talent suggestions and strategies following Heroes 2.0 Launch event
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