Blackheart's Bay Map Guide
Welcome to our strategy guide for Blackheart's Bay, a Map in Heroes of the Storm. On this page, you will find everything required to understand how it is designed and how to play it.

Blackheart's Bay is a 3-lane Map belonging to the Nexus universe. The signature Objective of this Map are Doubloons to collect from Treasure Chests and Mercenary Camps. Whenever a team pays the required amount of Doubloons, Captain Blackheart will use the cannons of his ghost ship to shoot at enemy Structures.
Draft Strategy
- Heroes for clearing Mercenary Camps
- High-tickrate damage to open Treasure Chests
- Double Bruiser
- Global presence
- Offlaner who can double soak
- Point control for Boss Camp
- Split-push
- Vision tools
- Effects relying on impassable terrain
- Quests to stack on Heroes
Lane Assignments
Here you can find one or more formations that are viable on this Map. Keep in mind that positions in lane are not strict and will often change based on the situation.
Formation 1-3-1
The go-to formation for Blackheart's Bay is 1-3-1:
- 1 Hero, the Offlaner, double-soaks the middle and top lane;
- 3 Heroes collect Doubloons from Mercenary Camps and Doubloon Camps;
- 1 Hero covers the bottom lane.
Formation 1-4
An alternative formation for Blackheart's Bay is 4-1:
Map Strategy
- At 1:00 minutes or several seconds before the next Objective phase, start clearing the allied Siege Camp and capture it slightly before the next Treasure Chest spawns. To make this Mercenary Camp join the lane behind allied Minions, capture it at 1:15 minutes or 15 seconds after a wave of Minions spawned.
- Right after capturing the allied Siege Camp or whenever available, capture the allied Doubloon Camp nearby.
- At 2:00 minute or whenever available, start clearing the allied Bruiser Camp and capture it as soon as possible. To make this Mercenary Camp join the lane in front of allied Minions, capture it at 2:35 minutes or 5 seconds after a wave of Minions spawned.
- Right after capturing the allied Bruiser Camp or whenever available, capture the allied Doubloon Camp.
- After that, whenever your team has an advantage, turn in Doubloons or start clearing the neutral Bruiser Camp and capture it as soon as possible.
- After 10:00 minutes, whenever your team has an advantage while there is no Objective to contest, you can capture the Boss Camp and either push with it or use it as a distraction for paying Doubloons. Avoid doing it earlier if you do not have a dedicated team composition.
Mercenary Camps
As shown in the image below, Blackheart's Bay has a total of 6 Mercenary Camps:
- 2 allied/enemy Bruiser Camps and 1 neutral Boss Camp in the top lane;
- 2 allied/enemy Doubloon Camps near the top lane;
- 2 allied/enemy Doubloon Camps near the bottom lane;
- 2 allied/enemy Siege Camps and 1 neutral Bruiser Camp in the bottom lane.
After capturing a Mercenary Camp, 2 Doubloons will appear on the ground. Do not forget to collect them! You need them for the Map Objective.
Unlike some other Maps, Mercenary Camps on Blackheart's Bay do not disappear from the battlefield during the Objective phase or right after it ends.
Mercenary Camps indicated with an orange icon are part of the Map Objective and do not go in lane.
Mercenary Camps indicated with a red icon are immune to Bribe effects.
Doubloon Camp
This type of Mercenary Camp features 2 Skeletal Pirates. They are part of the Map Objective and do not go in lane. Once captured, you will get 2 Doubloons from it.
Spawn | Respawn |
1:00 minute | 2:30 minutes after its last capture |
You should clear these Camps on cooldown in order to get as many Doubloons as possible. They are extremely easy to kill, so any Hero can solo them in a reasonable time.
Siege Camp
This type of Mercenary Camp features 2 Giants. Once captured, it spawns the same units fighting for your team in the corresponding lane. When possible, push with them to get more value. On this Map, you will also get 2 Doubloons from it.
Spawn | Respawn |
1:00 minute | 3:00 minutes after its last capture |
Instead of attacking enemies with Basic Attacks, Giants throw stones at them. These stones can be dodged, so it is possible to capture them without taking any damage. Once captured, they are capable of damaging enemy Structures without getting in their range. Giants deal 100% bonus damage to Structures.
Bruiser Camp
This type of Mercenary Camp features 3 Knights and 1 Wizard. Once captured, it spawns the same units fighting for your team in the corresponding lane. When possible, push with them to get more value. On this Map, you will also get 2 Doubloons from it.
Spawn | Respawn |
1:00 minute | 4:00 minutes after its last capture |
Right after being captured and while in lane, the Wizard creates a Spell Armor field around him which reduces some of the damage taken by Minions, Mercenaries, and Heroes within range. Avoid fighting the enemy team if they still have a Wizard helping them!
Boss Camp
This type of Mercenary Camp features 1 Grave Golem. Once captured, it spawns the same unit fighting for your team in the corresponding lane. When possible, push with it to get more value. On this Map, you will also get 2 Doubloons from it.
Spawn | Respawn |
5:00 minutes | 5:00 minutes after its last capture |
While in combat, the Grave Golem will use Mega Smash (10-second cooldown) to damage and Stun all enemies in melee range and Binding Roots (15-second cooldown) to damage and Root enemies who get hit by them.
Watch Towers
Blackheart's Bay features 1 Watch Tower: it is located between the middle and the top lane, providing vision on the fastest paths to rotate between them and on a considerable portion of the adjacent lanes.
Securing a Watch Tower provides your team with greater vision, allowing you to keep an eye on enemy movements in that part of the battlefield. Watchtowers can be captured similarly to defeated Mercenary Camps, by standing in the area until your team gains control.
Watch Towers controlled by the enemy team are extremely dangerous, especially when there are bushes nearby, therefore you should think twice before contesting them. If you do not have mobility tools at your disposal and your teammates are not nearby to help you, you should definitely not try to capture a Watch Tower as you will only risk dying for no reason. Staying alive is more important than getting vision.
Map Objective
The signature Objective of Blackheart's Bay consists of Doubloons:
- Treasure Chests contain 5 Doubloons;
- Doubloon Camps have 2 Doubloons;
- Mercenary Camps have 2 Doubloons.
Heroes can pay Captain Blackheart in the middle of the battlefield to get his assistance. Each payment requires 10 Doubloons, plus 2 Doubloons for each time that team paid during the game. In order to pay, Heroes have to channel for 8 seconds.
Spawn | Respawn |
1:30 minutes | 3:00 minutes after the Chests are destroyed (paused while Cannonballs are being fired) |
![]() Collect Doubloons
Attack treasure chests, mercenaries, and skeletons to collect doubloons.
![]() Turn in Doubloons
Hand your doubloons over to Blackheart or you will drop them all when you die!
![]() Bombard Your Enemies
After receiving enough doubloons from your team, Blackheart will bombard your enemy's forts!
The best Heroes for opening Treasure Chests are the ones who can hit them multiple times in a couple of seconds:
- Alexstrasza, using
Flame Buffet;
- Ana, using Basic Attacks;
- Arthas, using
Frozen Tempest;
- Azmodan, using
All Shall Burn;
- Blaze, using
Oil Spill followed by
Flame Stream to Ignite it;
- Deathwing, using
Lava Burst and/or
Molten Flame;
- Dehaka, using
Dark Swarm;
- Diablo, using
Fire Stomp;
- D.Va, using Mech's Basic Attacks;
- Falstad, using
Lightning Rod;
- Genji, using Basic Attacks and/or
Gul'dan, using
Drain Life and/or
- Kharazim, using
Deadly Reach;
- Kel'Thuzad, using
Death and Decay;
- Lucio, using Basic Attacks;
- Lunara, using Basic Attacks;
- Mei, using
- Nazeebo, using
Corpse Spiders;
- Qhira, using
- Stitches, using Basic Attacks;
- Stukov, using
Lurking Arm;
Sylvanas, using
Withering Fire and/or
Shadow Dagger;
Tassadar, using Basic Attacks
Psionic Storm;
- Tracer, using Basic Attacks;
- Tychus, using Basic Attacks;
- Zarya, using Basic Attacks.
You can also get 2 Doubloons from Doubloon Camps and from other Mercenary Camps. Doubloons should preferably be collected by Heroes with mobility because those Heroes can easily escape from unwanted team fights to protect Doubloons from being lost on death and then being collected by enemy Heroes.
A successful payment results in 12 Cannonballs being fired over 40 seconds; Cannonballs deal 2815 damage (not scaling) directly to Structures and 750 splash damage (not scaling) to everything in a small radius around the impact. As soon as a bombardment ends, it is possible to pay again.
Cannonballs will target Structures in this order:
- Towers, Gate, and then Fort in the middle lane;
- Towers, Gate, and then Fort in the top lane;
- Towers, Gate, and then Fort in the bottom lane;
- Towers, Gate, and then Keep in the middle lane;
- Towers, Gate, and then Keep in the top lane;
- Towers, Gate, and then Keep in the bottom lane;
- Core.
Considering that 12 Cannonballs deal a total of 33780 damage and that Cores scale up to 22000 Health and 11000 Shield at 20 minutes, if the attacked team has no more Towers, Forts, and Keeps on the battlefield, the Objective will always do enough damage to destroy their Core.
Core Ability
Every 4 seconds, the Core will shoot a Cannonball at 2 nearby enemy Heroes, dealing 5% maximum Health as damage, Slowing them by 70% for 1.5 seconds, and Knocking them back.
Win Conditions
To win the game on Blackheart's Bay, you should count on any of the following win conditions:
- Map Objective,
- Boss Camp,
- Split-push.
Tips and Tricks
- Avoid using the Healing Fountain (2-minute cooldown) early because the first Objective on this Map activates at 1:30 minutes, which is lower than the Healing Fountain's cooldown.
- Use effects that can deal damage multiple times in a couple of seconds to quickly open Treasure Chests and have an allied Hero near them to pick up the Doubloons as they fall on the ground.
- Every time you have 5 Doubloons or more, pay to avoid losing them on death. Doubloons that fall on the ground do not disappear and can be picked up by enemy Heroes too, causing your team to take more damage on Structures throughout the game.
- You can press Tab to see who has the highest amount of Doubloons among enemy Heroes. Use that information to not let that Hero pay while your team does or to kill them when no other enemy Heroes are nearby to pick up their lost Doubloons.
- The first Objective will always do enough damage to take down 2 Towers and 1 Fort, so you do not need to damage or destroy enemy Structures before paying 10 Doubloons for the first volley of Cannonballs.
- Do not fight unless the enemy team has way more Doubloons than you and your team has an advantage, or they are doing a game-winning play (turning in Doubloons, capturing a Boss Camp when you no longer have a top Keep, or going Core).
- 22 Nov. 2024: Guide created.
Elitesparkle is a multiple times Master player in Europe who plays Heroes of the Storm since its release. He is an active member of the community who likes to teach new and veteran players all he knows about his favorite game.
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