Blaze Talents
Welcome to our Talents page for Blaze. Here, we give you an overview of how strong each of Blaze's talents is. Then, we present several viable builds, before analyzing each talent row separately, so that you can make informed decisions.
Blaze's Talent Build
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Blaze's Talent Build Cheatsheet
Basic Attacks Build
RecommendedBlaze's Basic Attacks Build primarily empowers your waveclear while also increasing your survivability, utility, and damage. As a consequence, we recommend this Build when playing Blaze as Offlaner.
In particular, Incinerator Gauntlets at Level 4
makes it easier to clear Minions and Mercenaries while laning
Adrenaline Stimpack at Level 1 further empowers its value
against Mercenaries while also boosting your damage against enemy Heroes.
Oil Spill Build
SituationalBlaze's Oil Spill Build primarily empowers your engage while also increasing your survivability, utility, and damage. As a consequence, we recommend this Build when playing Blaze as Tank.
In particular, the Slow increase provided by
Oil Dispersal at Level 4
makes it easier to use
Oil Spill as a setup
Jet Propulsion.
ARAM Build
ARAMBlaze's ARAM Build primarily empowers your engage while also increasing your survivability, utility, and damage. As a consequence, we recommend this Build when playing Blaze as Tank.
In particular, the Slow increase provided by
Oil Dispersal at Level 4
makes it easier to use
Oil Spill as a setup
Jet Propulsion.
Level 1 Talents for Blaze

- Cooldown: 30 seconds
Passive: While over 80% Health, gain 25% bonus Attack Speed and 10% bonus Movement Speed.
Activate to gain 100% Attack Speed and 25% Movement Speed for 5 seconds.
Adrenaline Stimpack is a strong Talent that passively increases
your Attack Speed and Movement Speed by a small amount when having high Health
and by a big amount when you decided to use its active component.
The possibility to double your Attack Speed on demand helps you to take down enemy Heroes.
If combined with Incinerator Gauntlets at Level 4,
Adrenaline Stimpack greatly boosts your ability to clear Mercenaries.

- Cooldown: 30 seconds
Activate to gain a Shield that absorbs 590 (+4% per level) damage over 5 seconds.
When taking damage while below 30% maximum Health, Endurance Stimpack will automatically be cast if it is not on cooldown.
Endurance Stimpack is a good Talent that
gives you access to a Shield that can be either used on-demand
or that will automatically go off when low on Health.
You can pick this Talent to further increase your survivability, something which comes in handy especially when the enemy team features Heroes who can deal percent-based damage.

- Cooldown: 30 seconds
Activate to gain 40 Mana and cause Basic Ability cooldowns to recharge 100% faster for 5 seconds.
Neural Stimpack is a good Talent that
allows Blaze to reduce the cooldown of his Basic Abilities
by an additional 5 seconds over 5 seconds.
In practice, this effect lets him cast a
second round of Abilities when most other Heroes would only have one.
If there is no need to pick New Habits, this
short-term power increase to his damage, survivability, and disruptiveness is
invaluable in team fights.

Collecting Regeneration Globes reduces the cooldown of Pyromania by 6 seconds.
Quest: Collect 15 Regeneration Globes.
Reward: Pyromania grants Unstoppable for 2 seconds.
New Habits is a good Quest-based Talent that,
once completed, helps Blaze to deal with crowd control
by becoming Unstoppable for 2 seconds
when using
Before completing it, you still get some value from Regeneration Globes
as they will reduce the cooldown of your Trait when picked up.
After completing it, New Habits can be used right before
Combustion to ensure that it gets
channeled for about 2 seconds.
Level 4 Talents for Blaze

Increase Oil Spill's area by 20%. Each enemy Hero hit by Flame Stream reduces the cooldown of Oil Spill by 0.75 seconds and refunds 5 Mana.
Oil Dispersal is a good Talent that improves the reliability and power of
Oil Spill by modestly increasing its area of effect,
making it easier to use
Oil Spill as a setup for
Jet Propulsion.
In addition to that, each enemy Hero hit with
Flame Stream will reduce
the cooldown of
Oil Spill by a small amount and give you some Mana.

Hitting an enemy Hero with Pyromania reduces their damage dealt by 8% for 2.5 seconds, up to 40%.
Meltdown is a situational Talent that provides you with a respectable damage
reduction debuff, which can be useful to not only make yourself harder to kill
but also to peel for your teammates.
The easiest way to get value from this Talent is to activate Pyromania
when surrounded by one or more enemy Heroes that have no mobility or when an enemy Hero is standing still
to channel a powerful Ability (for example
Lightning Breath by Diablo).
Unfortunately, this Talent is gated behind
Pyromania's long cooldown, making it difficult to
justify if not picked in conjunction with
New Habits at Level 1.

Increase Basic Attack area by 15%, and Basic Attack damage to Minions, Mercenaries, and Monsters by 50%.
Incinerator Gauntlets is a strong Talent that increases
your Attack Area by a modest amount and your Attack damage against Minions,
Mercenaries, and Monsters by a solid amount.
Pick this Talent when you want to boost your waveclear
or when you want to clear Mercenary Camps faster, especially if
paired with Adrenaline Stimpack at Level 1.
Level 7 Talents for Blaze

Each stream of Flame Stream reduces the Spell Power of Heroes hit by 25% for 4 seconds, up to 50%.
Suppressive Fire is a strong Talent that reduces
the Spell Damage
of enemy Heroes hit with
Flame Stream
by 20% per stream, up to 40% damage reduction.
You can use this Talent to reduce the healing and/or damage done by enemy Heroes with their Abilities. If those Heroes can heal based on damage done with Abilities, then their healing done will be reduced as a consequence.

Enemies standing in Oil Spills and Ignited Oil Spills have their Attack Speed reduced by 50% for 3 seconds.
Nanomachine Coating is a good Talent that offers a lot of value
against enemy Heroes that rely on Basic Attacks to deal damage,
especially if they lack mobility (such as The Butcher).
Oil Dispersal at Level 4 makes it easier to hit enemy Heroes
Oil Spill and therefore to debuff
them with this Talent. That said, the synergy is not mandatory.

Jet Propulsion creates Oil Spills along Blaze's path. If Jet Propulsion impacts an enemy Hero, an additional Oil Spill is created underneath them.
Fuel Leak is a weak Talent that makes
Jet Propulsion
leave a trail of Oil Spill right behind Blaze and creates a stain of Oil Spill right below enemy Heroes hit.
Other than occasionally increasing your self-sustain while out of team fights, the additional Oil Spill also increases your survivability during long team fights as you will be able to heal for longer. The trail will also act as a defensive tool in a given area because enemy Heroes walking on it will be Slowed or, when Ignited, take damage from it.
It is important to mention that the Oil Spill created by this Talent
will be Ignited when using Flame Stream to deal damage.
That fire will then spread to other Oil Spills that you do not want to Ignite because
they apply a higher Slow when not Ignited. To play around this,
wait for the Ignited Oil Spill to expire, cast
Flame Stream,
and then cast
Oil Spill.
We do not recommend picking this Talent because it cannot compete with the other options
in the same Tier, especially considering that we are not going to spend more than one Talent
to empower Oil Spill.
Level 10 Talents for Blaze
In this section we discuss when and why to pick a given Heroic Ability. If you want to read how they work in detail and/or you are looking for some tips on how to use them, check them out on the Abilities and Strategy page.

- Mana: 70
- Cooldown: 70 seconds
After 0.5 seconds, deploy and enter a Bunker with 1435 (+4% per level) Health. Blaze and his allies can enter and exit the Bunker at will. While in the Bunker, occupants gain access to Flamethrower, dealing 170 damage to enemies in a line.
Exiting the Bunker grants 25 Armor for 2 seconds. Bunkers last 10 seconds, or until destroyed.
Bunker Drop is Blaze's defensive Heroic Ability
choice. Its main purpose is to allow allied Heroes to temporarily disable
themselves in exchange for a large shared defensive effect and the ability to
deal some damage through a new
Flame Stream-like

- Mana: 70
- Cooldown: 80 seconds
Channel for up to 2.6 seconds. Upon ending, Slow nearby enemies by 60% and deal 55 (+4% per level) damage to them every 0.5 seconds. Combustion's Slow and damage over time duration is extended the longer Blaze Channels, from 1 second up to 5 seconds.
Blaze's Movement Speed is reduced by 40% while Channeling.
Combustion is Blaze's damage-oriented Heroic Ability
choice. If you are running a double Tank or double
Healer team composition, feel like your team may lack
damage, or have a proper way of setting up for the
Ability (such as
Void Prison), Combustion is an
appropriate choice.
New Habits at Level 1 allows
you to channel Combustion without fearing
interrupting effects. You just need to use
Pyromania right before casting
Level 13 Talents for Blaze

Increase Ignited Oil Spill damage by 45%.
Quest: Damage enemy Heroes with Ignited Oil Spills 30 times.
Reward: Increase Oil Spill's Ignite duration by 2 seconds.
Grill and Kill is a weak Talent that increases
both Blaze's damage output against enemies who are standing in Ignited
Oil Spill
and, once its Quest has been completed, also makes Ignited
Oil Spill last longer.
While it provides a fair amount of damage, we do not recommend picking this Talent because
it cannot compete with the high amount of burst damage provided by
Collision Course, which is more useful when trying to secure kills.

Enemies standing in Oil Spill when it is Ignited are Slowed by 40% and take 35% more Basic Attack damage from Blaze for 3 seconds. Additionally, Basic Attack splashes Ignite Oil Spills.
Adhesive Petroleum is a weak Talent that increases
your Attack damage on enemy Heroes standing on Ignited
Oil Spill
and makes your Basic Attacks automatically Ignite them. To make up for the auto-Ignite feature,
Oil Spill will still Slow enemies,
albeit for a slightly lower amount compared to non-Ignited ones.
While it provides a fair amount of damage, we do not recommend picking this Talent because
it cannot compete with the high amount of burst damage provided by
Collision Course, which is more useful when trying to secure kills.

Jet Propulsion's collision deals 275 (+4% per level) damage to the first enemy Hero hit.
Collision Course is a strong Talent which greatly increases
the damage done by
Jet Propulsion to the first enemy Hero hit,
making your engage quite powerful at taking down whoever is being focused by your team.
Level 16 Talents for Blaze

Each enemy hit by Jet Propulsion grants 10 Armor for 3 seconds and reduces its cooldown by 1.25 seconds.
Thermal Protection provides Blaze with a large amount
of Armor when you need it most, which is to say, after
initiating with
Jet Propulsion.
The cooldown reduction provided by this Talent also synergizes well with
Fuel Leak at Level 7. Thermal Protection may be more
powerful than its
Heat Treatment alternative if your team
composition features two Healers, as Armor's potency
increases as more healing becomes available.

Heal for 75% of the damage dealt by Pyromania.
Heat Treatment turns
into an extremely potent self-heal that heals him for approximately 12% of his
total Health pool per target hit over Pyromania's 4-second duration, including
Minions and Structures. Combined with his Armor and
Oil Spill's healing, Heat Treatment can situationally
make Blaze very difficult to kill.

- Cooldown: 30 seconds
Activate to gain 50 Spell Armor for 3 seconds. Upon expiration, gain a Shield equal to 125% of the Spell Damage taken while Juggernaut Plating was active.
Juggernaut Plating is a situational Talent that, once every 30 seconds,
can be activated to increase your Spell Armor by a lot for a few seconds.
Upon expiration, 125% of the Spell Damage
and percent-based damage during that time window
will be converted into a Shield.
Consider picking this Talent against team compositions which feature at least one Mage (such as Alarak), so that you will be able to negate a good portion of their damage on you.
Level 20 Talents for Blaze

Occupants can cast Oil Spill from Bunker Drop every 6 seconds. Additionally, Bunker Drop's Armor bonus upon exiting is increased by 25, and its duration by 1 second.
Fortified Bunker is a strong Talent which empowers
the Armor bonus provided by
Bunker Drop:
the Armor is increased to 50 and the duration is increased to 3 seconds.
Furthermore, whoever enters in the Bunker can cast
Oil Spill
and Blaze can light it up with
Flame Stream as usual.
We find this Talent particularly strong in coordinated play, when your teammates
will have an easier time to enter in the Bunker as you will probably alert them
in voice chat while casting Bunker Drop. Outside of coordinated play,
the value you will get from this Talent will vary a lot from game to game.

While Channeling Combustion, Blaze's Movement Speed is no longer reduced, and nearby enemies are Slowed by 60%.
Flash Fire allows
to instantly generate value by granting it an impressive Slowing effect that
can often force opponents to use gap closers to
escape. Flash Fire also removes the Slowing penalty from Blaze himself, which
helps him keep up with potential targets.

Basic Attacks Slow enemies by 5% and deal an additional 18 (+4% per level) damage over 2.5 seconds. Stacks up to 5 times.
Burn Notice is a weak Talent that provides Blaze with modest damage increase
and constant Slow effect, stacking up to 5 times on the same target.
Because of that, if you have
Adrenaline Stimpack at Level 1,
damage and Slow provided by this Talent will ramp up faster.
We do not recommend this Talent because its bonus is too small to make a difference when compared to the alternatives in the same Tier. Using it when going Core is not great either because it will rarely make a difference and, if the enemy team manages to defend, then you will end up having a bad Talent for the rest of the game.
- 17 Oct. 2024: Guide reviewed for the latest Balance Update.
- 14 Jul. 2024: Guide reviewed.
- 22 Sep. 2023: Guide reviewed for the latest Bug Fixes.
- 20 Sep. 2023: ARAM Build added.
- 07 Jul. 2022: Builds updated.
- 30 Jan. 2022: Builds and Talent Descriptions updated.
- 22 Jul. 2021: Guide reviewed for the latest Balance Update.
- 16 Jun. 2021: Guide reviewed for the latest Balance Update.
- 25 Feb. 2021: New layout.
- 20 Jan. 2021: Guide reviewed for the latest Balance Update.
- 18 Oct. 2020: Builds updated.
- 24 Sep. 2020: Builds updated.
- 20 Jul. 2020: Talents and recommendations reviewed and updated.
- 03 Jul. 2019: Guide reviewed and updated.
- 23 May 2019: Updated Talent discussions and recommendations following patch v2.45.1 changes.
- 03 Dec. 2018: Updated Talent discussions and recommendations following patch v2.40.1 changes.
- 13 Mar. 2018: Recommended build updated to better reflect metagame state.
- 09 Feb. 2018: Recommended Talents updated to better reflect metagame state.
- 28 Jan. 2018: Updated for patch 2.29.9.
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Elitesparkle is a multiple times Master player in Europe who plays Heroes of the Storm since its release. He is an active member of the community who likes to teach new and veteran players all he knows about his favorite game.
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