Braxis Holdout Map Guide

Last updated on Dec 06, 2024 at 09:42 by Elitesparkle

Welcome to our strategy guide for Braxis Holdout, a Map in Heroes of the Storm. On this page, you will find everything required to understand how it is designed and how to play it.

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Braxis Holdout is a 2-lane Map belonging to the Starcraft universe. The signature Objective of this Map are Beacons that reward Zerg Waves. The team who wins the Objective will get a 100% power Zerg Wave, the other team will get a less powerful one.


Draft Strategy


Lane Assignments

Here you can find one or more formations that are viable on this Map. Keep in mind that positions in lane are not strict and will often change based on the situation.


Formation 1-4

The go-to formation for Braxis Holdout is 1-4:

  • 1 Hero, the Offlaner covers the top lane;
  • 4 Heroes cover the bottom lane.

Use this formation to counter the 1-3-1 formation.


Formation 2-3

Another good formation for Braxis Holdout is 2-3:

  • 2 Heroes with tools to overwhelm the enemy Offlaner cover the top lane;
  • 3 Heroes with tools to stop a push cover the bottom lane.

Use this strategy to counter the 1-4 formation.


Formation 1-3-1

Another good formation for Braxis Holdout is 1-3-1:

  • 1 Hero, the Offlaner covers the top lane;
  • 3 Heroes constantly roam between the bottom and the top lanes;
  • 1 Hero, the Anchor, covers the bottom lane.

Use this strategy to counter the 2-3 formation.


Map Strategy

  • At 1:00 minute or right after the Zerg Waves die, start clearing the allied Bruiser Camp and capture it as soon as possible. To make this Mercenary Camp join the lane behind allied Minions, capture it at 1:20 minutes or 20 seconds after a wave of Minions spawned.
  • After 1:00 minute, whenever your team has an advantage while there is no Objective to contest or the Objective is in stall, start clearing the allied Siege Camp and capture it as soon as possible. To make this Mercenary Camp join the lane in front of allied Minions, capture it at 1:40 minutes or 10 seconds after a wave of Minions spawned.
  • At 1:30 minutes or whenever Beacons activate, make sure to have a durable Hero on each of them. Secure at least one Beacon and keep control of it for as much as possible without dying. Then, whenever your team gets an advantage, capture the other Beacon to get progress and thus make your Zerg Wave more powerful. On the other hand, if the enemy team has an advantage, you should retreat.
  • If your team wins the Objective with a big difference (such as 100% against 25%), you should push with the allied Zerg Wave. If it is the first Zerg Wave of the game and it is still early game, the Offlaner can keep soaking.
  • If your team wins the Objective with a small difference (such as 100% against 75%), you should defend from the enemy Zerg Wave unless you can destroy the enemy Core with it. If it is the first Zerg Wave of the game and it is still early game, the Offlaner can keep soaking.
  • If your team loses the Objective with a big difference (such as 25% against 100%), you should defend allied Structures from the enemy Zerg Wave. If it is the first Zerg Wave of the game and it is still early game, of the game, the Offlaner can keep soaking.
  • If your team loses the Objective with a small difference (such as 75% against 100%), you should defend allied Structures from the enemy Zerg Wave unless you can destroy the enemy Core with it. If it is the first Zerg Wave of the game and it is still early game, of the game, the Offlaner can keep soaking.
  • After 10:00 minutes, whenever your team has an advantage while there is no Objective to contest, you can capture the Boss Camp and push with it. Avoid doing it earlier if you do not have a dedicated team composition.

Mercenary Camps

As shown in the image below, Braxis Holdout has a total of 5 Mercenary Camps:

  • 1 allied/enemy Bruiser Camp and 1 allied/enemy Siege Camp in the top lane;
  • 1 neutral Boss Camp in the middle of the battlefield;
  • 1 allied/enemy Siege Camp and 1 allied/enemy Bruiser Camp in the bottom lane.

Mercenary Camps on Braxis Holdout disappear from the battlefield once the Zergs begin spawning and reappear only after all the Zergs have been killed by both teams.

Mercenary Camps indicated with a red icon are immune to Bribe effects.


Siege Camp

This type of Mercenary Camp features 2 Hellbats. Once captured, it spawns the same units fighting for your team in the corresponding lane. When possible, push with them to get more value.

Spawn Respawn
1:00 minute 3:00 minutes after its last capture

Hellbats reduce the Armor of enemy Structures and Heroes hit by their cleaving Basic Attacks for 3 seconds by 4 Armor per Basic Attack, stacking 5 times, for a maximum of 20 Armor reduction.


Bruiser Camp

This type of Mercenary Camp features 3 Goliaths and 1 Raven. Once captured, it spawns the same units fighting for your team in the corresponding lane. When possible, push with them to get more value.

Spawn Respawn
1:00 minute 4:00 minutes after its last capture

Ravens do not use Basic Attacks. Instead, they fire a Seeker Missile (5-second cooldown) which Reveals the targeted Hero and damages them upon impact. Ravens deal only 20 (not scaling) damage per second whereas Goliaths deal 40 (+1 per minute) damage per second.


Boss Camp

This type of Mercenary Camp features 1 Archangel. Once captured, it spawns the same unit fighting for your team in the lane where enemy Structures have the least amount of damage taken in total. When possible, push with it to get more value.

Spawn Respawn
5:00 minutes 5:00 minutes after its last capture

While in combat, the Archangel will use Mortar (3-second cooldown) to fire a delayed projectile at an enemy and Bullet Storm (16-second cooldown) to fire a barrel of missiles in a large rectangular area towards the closest enemy.


Globe Generators

Braxis Holdout features 2 Globes Generators: one above the top lane and another below the bottom lane. They are positioned in a way that does not allow Heroes who are controlling the nearby Beacon to easily pick up a Regeneration Globe from them.

Spawn Respawn
30 seconds 45 seconds after picking up a generated Regeneration Globe

Globe Generators periodically spawns a neutral Regeneration Globe. Unlike other Regeneration Globes, the ones generated this way do not disappear with time. Try to pick them up when possible (without giving up the Objective) or the enemy team will get them.


Map Objective

The signature Objective of Braxis Holdout consists of Beacons that reward Zerg Waves. Heroes can claim Beacons to gain progress until they get pushed out of them. Capturing a Beacon takes 3 seconds if it is neutral, or 6 seconds if the enemy team has control over it.

Spawn Respawn
1:30 minutes 2:10 minutes after the Zerg Waves die
Braxis Holdout Objective 1
Capture the Beacons
Periodically two beacons will activate. Capture both to fill your Holding Cell with Zerg.
Braxis Holdout Objective 2
Fill Holding Cells
Once either Holding Cell fills, both open and unleash waves of Zerg at each team's base.
Braxis Holdout Objective 3
Zerg Waves
Hold out against the enemy's Zerg while helping yours. The Zerg will attack Heroes, so engage cautiously.

Beacons progress by 2% every 0.75 seconds, so going straight from 0% to 100% takes almost 40 seconds. Whenever a team reaches 100% progress, the Objective phase ends and each team gets a Zerg Wave whose strength is proportional to that team's progress.

If you step on a Beacon that is being controlled by the enemy team while an enemy Hero is on it, you will not be able to stop the enemy team from getting progress. You need to push them out!

Based on each team's progress, the respective Zerg Waves will have:

  • 10 Zerglings;
  • 0 Banelings (+1 every 10% progress);
  • 2 Hydralisks (+1 every 24% progress);
  • 1 Guardian (+1 every 30% progress);
  • 1 Ultralisk (+1 every 45% progress).

If the losing team has less than 18% progress when Zergs are spawning, they will automatically reach 18% progress and get a Zerg Wave based on that.

Zerg Waves will spawn in opposite lanes (starting randomly and then alternating for the rest of the game). Zergs prioritize Minions and Structures, but can also attack Heroes. Zergs have 50% resistance from crowd-control effects, meaning that these effects will last 50% less when used on them. Whenever they attack, Guardians and Ultralisks spawn Drop Pods (13-second cooldown) with 3 Zerglings and 1 Hydralisk. Banelings explode on hit for heavy damage but have low Health.


Core Ability

Every 4 seconds, the Core will shoot 5 Missiles at a nearby enemy Hero, dealing 5% maximum Health as damage per missile.


Win Conditions

To win the game on Braxis Holdout, you should count on any of the following win conditions:


Tips and Tricks

  • Avoid using the Healing Fountain (2-minute cooldown) early because the first Objective on this Map activates at 30 seconds, which is way lower than the Healing Fountain's cooldown.
  • If your Hero has an Ability which allows them to jump over impassable terrain, you can use it to quickly rotate from a lane to another.
  • Choose when to contest a Beacon and when to retreat depending on which team has an advantage in that area. If they commit top, try to get bottom (and vice versa).
  • Heroes with good waveclear are the best for defending from enemy Zerg Waves, so you should prefer sending them on that lane, especially when the enemy team gets a lot of progress.


  • 06 Dec. 2024: Guide created.
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