Chen Talents

Last updated on Dec 13, 2024 at 15:30 by Elitesparkle 28 comments
General Information

Welcome to our Talents page for Chen. Here, we give you an overview of how strong each of Chen's talents is. Then, we present several viable builds, before analyzing each talent row separately, so that you can make informed decisions.


Chen's Talent Build

Level Choices
1 Eye of the Tiger ? Freshest Ingredients Stormstout Secret Recipe ?
4 Deadly Strike Accumulating Flame ? Withering Flames ?
7 Gift of the Ox ? Brewmaster's Balance ? Elusive Brawler
10 Wandering Keg Storm, Earth, Fire ?
13 Pressure Point ? A Touch of Honey ? Ring of Fire ? Enough to Share
16 Flying Leap Celerity ? Combo Strikes ?
20 Untapped Potential ? Elemental Conduit ? Purifying Brew Energizing Brew ?

Chen's Talent Build Cheatsheet

Flying Kick Build

Level 1 Freshest Ingredients Icon
Level 4 Deadly Strike Icon
Level 7 Elusive Brawler Icon
Level 10 Wandering Keg Icon
Level 13 Enough to Share Icon
Level 16 Flying Leap Icon
Level 20 Purifying Brew Icon

Chen's Flying Kick Build is designed to keep your damage high when you cannot rely on Basic Attacks that much, either because you are countered by enemy Heroes or because team fights will be relatively short, and a lot of playmaking potential via Wandering Keg Icon Wandering Keg.

Flying Kick Icon Flying Kick will deal more damage thanks to Deadly Strike Icon Deadly Strike at Level 4. Tap Fortifying Brew Icon Fortifying Brew right before using Flying Kick Icon Flying Kick to deal even more damage thanks to Enough to Share Icon Enough to Share at Level 13 instantly giving you a Shield.

Thanks to the range increase it provides, Flying Leap Icon Flying Leap at Level 16 gives you more opportunities to Flying Kick Icon Flying Kick behind enemy Heroes and then Wandering Keg Icon Wandering Keg them towards your team.

Basic Attacks Build

Level 1 Eye of the Tiger Icon Stormstout Secret Recipe Icon ?
Level 4 Accumulating Flame Icon Withering Flames Icon ?
Level 7 Brewmaster's Balance Icon Elusive Brawler Icon ?
Level 10 Storm, Earth, Fire Icon
Level 13 Ring of Fire Icon Enough to Share Icon ?
Level 16 Combo Strikes Icon
Level 20 Elemental Conduit Icon Purifying Brew Icon ?

Chen's Basic Attacks Build focus on increasing your damage as much as possible, mostly by empowering Basic Attacks. Paired with Chen's good survivability, the additional damage allows you to take down valuable enemy Heroes with little to no help from your team.

Combo Strikes Icon Combo Strikes at Level 16 is the signature Talent of this Build, heavily increasing your damage output especially when paired with Eye of the Tiger Icon Eye of the Tiger at Level 1 and/or Enough to Share Icon Enough to Share at Level 13.

Stagger Build

Level 1 Freshest Ingredients Icon
Level 4 Withering Flames Icon
Level 7 Gift of the Ox Icon
Level 10 Wandering Keg Icon
Level 13 Enough to Share Icon
Level 16 Celerity Icon
Level 20 Purifying Brew Icon

Chen's Stagger Build focuses on increasing your survivability as much as possible, mostly by making Stagger Icon Stagger more efficient. Your damage output will be lower but living longer will help you create space for your team.

The combination of Gift of the Ox Icon Gift of the Ox at Level 7 and Celerity Icon Celerity at Level 16 makes Chen harder to kill. Withering Flames Icon Withering Flames at Level 4 and Enough to Share Icon Enough to Share at Level 13 can be used to peel for allied Heroes or to mitigate incoming damage.

ARAM Build

Level 1 Freshest Ingredients Icon
Level 4 Deadly Strike Icon
Level 7 Elusive Brawler Icon
Level 10 Wandering Keg Icon
Level 13 Enough to Share Icon
Level 16 Flying Leap Icon
Level 20 Purifying Brew Icon

Chen's ARAM Build is designed to keep your damage high when you cannot rely on Basic Attacks that much, either because you are countered by enemy Heroes or because team fights will be relatively short, and a lot of playmaking potential via Wandering Keg Icon Wandering Keg.

Flying Kick Icon Flying Kick will deal more damage thanks to Deadly Strike Icon Deadly Strike at Level 4. Tap Fortifying Brew Icon Fortifying Brew right before using Flying Kick Icon Flying Kick to deal even more damage thanks to Enough to Share Icon Enough to Share at Level 13 instantly giving you a Shield.

Thanks to the range increase it provides, Flying Leap Icon Flying Leap at Level 16 gives you more opportunities to Flying Kick Icon Flying Kick behind enemy Heroes and then Wandering Keg Icon Wandering Keg them towards your team.


Level 1 Talents for Chen

Chen Eye of the Tiger ?
Eye of the Tiger (Level 1) World of Warcraft Chen

Basic Attacks against Brew-soaked enemy Heroes deal 50% more damage and heal Chen for 60% of the damage done.

Eye of the Tiger Icon Eye of the Tiger is a good Talent that gives Chen both damage and survivability over the course of the game, but only if Chen manages to consistently get Basic Attacks on Brew-soaked enemy Heroes.

As a consequence, this Talent provides less value against enemy teams that have access to Blind effects (for example Shield Glare Icon Shield Glare by Johanna).

Eye of the Tiger Icon Eye of the Tiger has synergy with Attack damage and Attack Speed buffs. Chen has Combo Strikes Icon Combo Strikes at Level 16, a Talent that provides both of them.

Chen Freshest Ingredients
Freshest Ingredients (Level 1) World of Warcraft Chen

Increase the healing duration of Regeneration Globes by 150%.

Quest: Gather 15 Regeneration Globes.

Reward: Reduce Fortifying Brew's cooldown by 2 seconds, and 50% of its Shield persists indefinitely after drinking.

Freshest Ingredients Icon Freshest Ingredients is a strong Quest-based Talent that drastically increases the duration of Regeneration Globes before its completion and make half of the Shield generated by Fortifying Brew Icon Fortifying Brew persist indefinitely rather than expiring after 4 seconds when the Quest is completed, other than slightly reducing the cooldown of your Trait.

The part that improves Regeneration Globes helps you to stay longer on the battlefield during the laning phase, especially against enemy Heroes who do not want to commit for a duel and prefer to poke you from the distance instead.

The part that improves the Shield helps you to survive against burst compositions that feature the scary combination of burst damage and crowd control, and has synergy with Talents that require the Shield from Fortifying Brew Icon Fortifying Brew to be active: Deadly Strike Icon Deadly Strike at Level 4, Pressure Point Icon Pressure Point at Level 13, and Combo Strikes Icon Combo Strikes at Level 16.

This is the only Talent of this Tier that does not suffer against healing reduction effects (for example Biotic Grenade Icon Biotic Grenade by Ana). Talking about counters, this Talent is weak against Heroes who can deal bonus damage to Shields (for example Varian who has access to Shattering Throw Icon Shattering Throw at Level 13).

Chen Stormstout Secret Recipe ?
Stormstout Secret Recipe (Level 1) World of Warcraft Chen

Chen heals for 3.5% of his maximum Health when his Basic Abilities hit an enemy Hero.

Stormstout Secret Recipe Icon Stormstout Secret Recipe is a good Talent that increases Chen's survivability by a solid amount, but it does not contribute to his damage output.

Pick this Talent when you are more worried about surviving than about doing damage or when the other options in the same Tier can be easily be countered by the enemy team. This is the highest healing boost you can get from this Tier and the least counterable Talent among them.


Level 4 Talents for Chen

Chen Deadly Strike
Deadly Strike (Level 4) World of Warcraft Chen

Flying Kick no longer costs Brew. Additionally, its damage is increased by 125% while Chen has Shields from Fortifying Brew.

Deadly Strike Icon Deadly Strike is a strong Talent that increases the damage done by Flying Kick Icon Flying Kick and removes its Brew cost.

Thanks to the Brew cost removal, Deadly Strike Icon Deadly Strike has synergy with Flying Leap Icon Flying Leap at Level 16 because reducing the cooldown of Flying Kick Icon Flying Kick makes it more expensive in terms of Brew per second.

Deadly Strike Icon Deadly Strike has anti-synergy with Brewmaster's Balance Icon Brewmaster's Balance because you will not be able to easily reach 50 Brew anymore.

Chen Accumulating Flame ?
Accumulating Flame (Level 4) World of Warcraft Chen

Increase Ignited damage by 30%. Basic Attacks against enemy Heroes who are Ignited increase its duration by 0.75 seconds.

Accumulating Flame Icon Accumulating Flame is a good Talent that empowers Breath of Fire Icon Breath of Fire in two ways: it increases Ignite's damage and, more importantly, allows Chen to extend Ignite's duration when hitting Ignited enemy Heroes with Basic Attacks.

While the damage bonus provided by this Talent is not that great, it easily adds up when clearing Minions, making it important for improving Chen's mediocre waveclear.

The duration bonus is less effective when the enemy team has access to Blinds, however, it should not stop you from picking this Talent to empower your waveclear.

Chen Withering Flames ?
Withering Flames (Level 4) World of Warcraft Chen

Igniting an enemy Hero reduces their Spell Power by 60% for 4 seconds.

Withering Flames Icon Withering Flames is a situational Talent that reduces the Ability-based damage and healing done by enemy Heroes hit with Breath of Fire Icon Breath of Fire.

We recommend picking this Talent only against Heroes who can deal a lot of damage with their Abilities and have access to survivability tools as well (notably Kerrigan).


Level 7 Talents for Chen

Chen Gift of the Ox ?
Gift of the Ox (Level 7) World of Warcraft Chen

Increase the duration of Stagger's damage prevention by 2 seconds, and reduce the amount of damage taken over time to 50% of damage taken.

Gift of the Ox Icon Gift of the Ox is a situational Talent that buffs Stagger Icon Stagger by increasing its duration and boosting its effectiveness.

Contrary to Elusive Brawler Icon Elusive Brawler, this Talent works best against Spell Damage.

Gift of the Ox Icon Gift of the Ox has synergy with Celerity Icon Celerity at Level 16 because it reduces the cooldown of Stagger Icon Stagger.

Chen Brewmaster's Balance ?
Brewmaster's Balance (Level 7) World of Warcraft Chen

While at or below 50 Brew, gain 20% Movement Speed. While at or above 50 Brew, regenerate an additional 18 (+4% per level) Health per second.

Brewmaster's Balance Icon Brewmaster's Balance is a good Talent that increases Chen's Movement Speed when having 50 Brew or less and quadruples Chen's Health Regeneration when having 50 Brew or more.

When Chen has exactly 50 Brew, he gets both effects. The easiest way to meet this condition is to use Keg Smash Icon Keg Smash, Breath of Fire Icon Breath of Fire, and Flying Kick Icon Flying Kick in any order. Due to this, Brewmaster's Balance Icon Brewmaster's Balance has anti-synergy with Deadly Strike Icon Deadly Strike at Level 4.

Chen Elusive Brawler
Elusive Brawler (Level 7) World of Warcraft Chen
  • Cooldown: 25 seconds

Activate to gain 30% Movement Speed and Evade enemy Basic Attacks for 2 seconds. Chen's Basic Attacks reduce this cooldown by 2 seconds.

Elusive Brawler Icon Elusive Brawler is a strong Talent that gives you access to an Active Ability that can be used to give Chen additional Movement Speed and allow him to Evade all Basic Attacks for 2 seconds. Basic Attacking reduces the cooldown of this Ability by 2 seconds.

We recommend picking this Talent as it gives the most value in team fights compared to the other options in the same Tier, especially against enemy Heroes who heavily rely on Basic Attacks (for example Tychus), and it is a great mobility tool to survive ganks.

Keep in mind that Elusive Brawler Icon Elusive Brawler also allows you to dodge shots from enemy Structures, including the Armor reduction from Forts and Keeps.


Level 10 Talents for Chen

In this section we discuss when and why to pick a given Heroic Ability. If you want to read how they work in detail and/or you are looking for some tips on how to use them, check them out on the Abilities and Strategy page.

Chen Wandering Keg
Wandering Keg (Level 10) World of Warcraft Chen
  • Cooldown: 50 seconds

Roll around inside an Unstoppable barrel with 70% increased Movement Speed and 25 Armor, dealing 59 (+4% per level) damage to enemies in the way and knocking them back. Lasts for 5 seconds.

Wandering Keg Icon Wandering Keg is a strong Heroic Ability that gives a lot of value against enemy Heroes who lack mobility as you can easily Displace them in whatever direction you prefer.

Prefer this Heroic Ability when your team needs a tool to interrupt a powerful enemy Heroic Ability (for example Mosh Pit Icon Mosh Pit by E.T.C.).

Chen Storm, Earth, Fire ?
Storm, Earth, Fire (Level 10) World of Warcraft Chen
  • Cooldown: 120 seconds

After 1 second, Chen splits into three elemental spirits for 12 seconds, each with 70% of Chen's maximum Health and a unique Ability. The last spirit Ability that is cast is empowered. If all three spirits are killed, Chen will die as well.

Storm can grant the spirits a Shield.

Earth can leap to an area and Slow enemies.

Fire can grant the spirits Attack Speed, damage.

Storm, Earth, Fire Icon Storm, Earth, Fire is a decent Heroic Ability that allows Chen to dive the enemy backline in a relatively safe way thanks to the multiple bodies that basically double his survivability for a dozen of seconds.

Do not pick this Heroic Ability when the enemy team has multiple Heroes with interrupts and/or one or more Heroes who can deal a lot of area of effect damage (for example Kael'thas) and easily deny the advantage you would get by having multiple bodies.


Level 13 Talents for Chen

Chen Pressure Point ?
Pressure Point (Level 13) World of Warcraft Chen

Flying Kick Slows the target enemy by 40% for 1 second, or by 80% if Chen has Shields from Fortifying Brew.

Pressure Point Icon Pressure Point is a situational Talent that adds a 40% Slow for 1 second to Flying Kick Icon Flying Kick, with double effectiveness but same duration when having Shields from Fortifying Brew Icon Fortifying Brew.

You may need this Talent to Slow down enemy Heroes who are hard to catch (such as Lúcio) and thus be able to land another Basic Attack on them.

Due to its Shield requirement, Pressure Point Icon Pressure Point has synergy with Freshest Ingredients Icon Freshest Ingredients at Level 1.

Chen A Touch of Honey ?
A Touch of Honey (Level 13) World of Warcraft Chen

Increase the Slows from Keg Smash by 30% and its duration by 0.5 seconds.

A Touch of Honey Icon A Touch of Honey is a situational Talent that increases the Slow applied by Keg Smash Icon Keg Smash from 10% to 40% during the first 1.25 seconds and from 40% to 70% during the remaining 1.75 seconds, extended to 2.25 seconds.

You may need this Talent as a setup for allied Heroes who rely on skillshot-based Abilities that are hard to aim but important to land.

Chen Ring of Fire ?
Ring of Fire (Level 13) World of Warcraft Chen

After Igniting an enemy, become bathed in a fiery aura, dealing 60 (+4% per level) damage every second to nearby enemies for 6 seconds.

Ring of Fire Icon Ring of Fire is a good Talent that, after Igniting an enemy with Breath of Fire Icon Breath of Fire, allows Chen to deal a decent amount of area of effect damage to nearby enemies for 5 seconds.

You can pick this Talent to not only increase your damage output but also to improve your otherwise poor waveclear, which is particularly useful on big Maps (such as Sky Temple). When playing on Infernal Shrines, this Talent can be used to kill the Guardians with ease.

Chen Enough to Share
Enough to Share (Level 13) World of Warcraft Chen

Fortifying Brew instantly grants Chen a Shield that absorbs 180 (+4% per level) damage, and each second grants nearby allied Heroes a Shield that absorbs 140 (+4% per level) damage, up to 420 (+4% per level).

Enough to Share Icon Enough to Share is a strong Talent that makes Fortifying Brew Icon Fortifying Brew immediately give a Shield equivalent to 1 second of channeling; furthermore, it makes each second of channeling give about 80% of baseline Fortifying Brew Icon Fortifying Brew to nearby allied Heroes for 4 seconds.

While generally valuable, we find this Talent particularly good when you want to help allied Heroes to survive against scary enemy Heroes who dive in the backline of your team (for example Zeratul).

You can combine this Talent with Combo Strikes Icon Combo Strikes at Level 16 to easily gain Attack Speed from it and thus increase your damage output. For this reason, Enough to Share Icon Enough to Share is a better offensive option than Ring of Fire Icon Ring of Fire, which is instead more suited for clearing Minions.


Level 16 Talents for Chen

Chen Flying Leap
Flying Leap (Level 16) World of Warcraft Chen

Increase Flying Kick's range by 15% and reduce its cooldown by 0.5 seconds each time an enemy Hero takes damage from being Ignited.

Flying Leap Icon Flying Leap is a is strong Talent that improves Flying Kick Icon Flying Kick by increasing its range and reducing its cooldown when Ignite damage ticks.

Pick this Talent when you cannot get value from Basic Attacks as both Celerity Icon Celerity and Combo Strikes Icon Combo Strikes rely on them in different ways.

By increasing range and uptime, Flying Leap Icon Flying Leap has synergy with Flying Leap Icon Flying Leap-related Talents: Deadly Strike Icon Deadly Strike at Level 4 because of both the damage increase and Brew cost reduction, and Pressure Point Icon Pressure Point at Level 13 because of the empowered Slow.

Chen Celerity ?
Celerity (Level 16) World of Warcraft Chen

Basic Attacks against Stunned, Rooted, or Slowed enemy Heroes reduce the cooldown of Stagger by 2 seconds and grant Chen 30 Armor for 3 seconds.

Celerity Icon Celerity is a good Talent that reduces the cooldown of Stagger Icon Stagger and gives him a solid amount of Armor when using Basic Attacks against enemy Heroes affected by Stuns, Roots, and Slows.

Mostly because of the cooldown reduction, Celerity Icon Celerity has synergy with Gift of the Ox Icon Gift of the Ox at Level 7.

Chen Combo Strikes ?
Combo Strikes (Level 16) World of Warcraft Chen

Every 3rd Basic Attack against the same target deals 75% bonus damage. While Chen has Shields from Fortifying Brew and for 2 seconds after, he gains 35% Attack Speed.

Combo Strikes Icon Combo Strikes is a strong Talent that allows Chen to deal bonus damage once every third Basic Attack and, when having Shields from Fortifying Brew Icon Fortifying Brew, increases Attack Speed by a good amount.

Due to its Shield requirement, Combo Strikes Icon Combo Strikes has synergy with Fortifying Brew Icon Fortifying Brew-based Talents: Enough to Share Icon Enough to Share at Level 13 and Freshest Ingredients Icon Freshest Ingredients at Level 1.


Level 20 Talents for Chen

Chen Untapped Potential ?
Untapped Potential (Level 20) World of Warcraft Chen

Increase Wandering Keg's Movement Speed bonus from 70% to 125%, and its Armor bonus to 75 for its duration and 5 seconds afterwards.

Untapped Potential Icon Untapped Potential is a decent Talent that makes Wandering Keg Icon Wandering Keg move faster and give more Armor, even for a few seconds after it ends.

Due to not being used to the higher Movement Speed, you will have a higher chance to mess up with Wandering Keg Icon Wandering Keg by pushing enemy Heroes in a direction you did not intend to.

The additional Armor provided is not really necessary while moving at high Movement Speed as you will be hard to hit anyways, but the fact that it remains active for a few seconds after Wandering Keg Icon Wandering Keg ends may be useful in some scenarios.

Chen Elemental Conduit ?
Elemental Conduit (Level 20) World of Warcraft Chen

Increase the spirits' Health to 100% of Chen's maximum Health and all of their Abilities are empowered.

Elemental Conduit Icon Elemental Conduit is a good Talent that increases each elemental spirit's maximum Health from 70% to 100% of Chen's maximum Health and makes each unique Ability provided by Storm, Earth, Fire Icon Storm, Earth, Fire empowered regardless of the order you cast them.

The unique Abilities coming from Storm, Earth, Fire Icon Storm, Earth, Fire have been already discussed while talking about the corresponding Heroic Ability. If you want to read how they work and/or you are looking for some tips on how to use them, check out the dedicated section in the Abilities and Strategy page.

Chen Purifying Brew
Purifying Brew (Level 20) World of Warcraft Chen

Casting Fortifying Brew grants Chen Unstoppable for 1.5 seconds.

Purifying Brew Icon Purifying Brew is a strong Talent that gives Chen Unstoppable for 1.5 seconds when he starts channeling Fortifying Brew Icon Fortifying Brew.

While the full channel of Fortifying Brew Icon Fortifying Brew lasts 3 seconds, 1.5 seconds of channel will ensure you 75 Brew and 270 Shield before being vulnerable to interrupts.

Storm, Earth, Fire Icon Storm, Earth, Fire takes 1 second to cast, so being Unstoppable for 1.5 seconds is enough to ensure it goes off regardless of enemy interrupts being thrown at you.

Pick this Talent when you go for Storm, Earth, Fire Icon Storm, Earth, Fire at Level 10 and want an additional layer of safety against enemy Heroes who have access to powerful crowd control effects (for example E.T.C.) or when you go for Wandering Keg Icon Wandering Keg at Level 10.

Chen Energizing Brew ?
Energizing Brew (Level 20) World of Warcraft Chen

If Chen Channels Fortifying Brew for its full duration, then he gains 20% bonus Health and 20% bonus damage for 25 seconds.

Energizing Brew Icon Energizing Brew is a decent Talent that, when Chen channels Fortifying Brew Icon Fortifying Brew for the maximum amount of 3 seconds, gives him 20% bonus Health and damage for 25 seconds.

While being vulnerable to interrupts is not really an issue for Energizing Brew Icon Energizing Brew as you can cast Fortifying Brew Icon Fortifying Brew a dozen of seconds before a team fight happens, this Talent is a bit awkward to use due to the requirement to stand still every now and then to keep the buff active and ready for any team fight that may suddenly start.



  • 13 Dec. 2024: Guide reviewed.
  • 17 Oct. 2024: Guide reviewed for the latest Balance Update.
  • 17 Dec. 2023: Guide reviewed.
  • 20 Sep. 2023: ARAM Build added.
  • 07 Jul. 2022: Builds updated.
  • 16 Jan. 2022: Builds updated.
  • 25 Jun. 2021: Builds updated.
  • 14 Mar. 2021: Builds updated.
  • 05 Nov. 2020: Guide reviewed for the latest Balance Update.
  • 21 Aug. 2020: Talent Build page updated.
    • Balance Update revision.
    • Minor fixes.
    • New layout.
  • 12 Aug. 2020: Talent Build fully revised to match new standards.
    • Talent Build and Talent Build Cheatsheet modified to reflect the current metagame.
    • Talent Descriptions modified to better describe when to pick them.
    • New layout.
  • 09 Apr. 2020: Talent Build partially revised to match new standards.
    • Talent Build and Talent Build Cheatsheet modified to reflect the current metagame.
    • Talent Descriptions modified to better describe when to pick them.
  • 23 Jan. 2020: Revised Chen's Guide due to the new Balance Update and found that no updates needed to be made for now. We'll keep an eye on Chen's further development.
  • 12 Jul. 2019: Revised the guide and found it was still on par with the latest Balance Update.
  • 17 Jun. 2019: Completely overhauled and updated Chen's talents and builds in accordance with the recent Hero Rework.
  • 07 Jun. 2019: Updated Chen's talents and builds.
  • 22 Sep. 2017: Updated Chen's talents in accordance to the latest balance update.
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