Chromie Talents
Welcome to our Talents page for Chromie. Here, we give you an overview of how strong each of Chromie's talents is. Then, we present several viable builds, before analyzing each talent row separately, so that you can make informed decisions.
Chromie's Talent Build
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Chromie's Talent Build Cheatsheet
Sand Blast Build
RecommendedThis is a well-rounded way to build Chromie.
Timewalker's Pursuit at Level 1 gives Chromie a nice early-game damage bonus,
and the reveal helps with scouting enemy hero ganks or camps.
At level 14, the talent
Shifting Sands combined with
Piercing Sands
marks a significant late game power spike for Chromie, allowing her
to nuke down the enemy backline through their frontline.
Dragon's Breath Build
SituationalThe Dragon's Breath build focuses on enhancing Chromie's Dragon's Breath
ability. Through Deep Breathing, Chromie
can significantly increase the damage output. The build heavily relies
on hitting enemy heroes in the center of your Dragon's Breath, therefore,
having CC on your team and waiting for them to use their abilities
will greatly improve your own damage output. Thanks to the slow from
Mobius Loop,
hitting an enemy hero with the first wave can increase the chance of them getting hit by all three.
Level 1 Talents for Chromie

Quest: Hit 40 Heroes with Sand Blast from Chromie or her Echoes.
Reward: Increase the maximum number of active Echoes to 2, and increase Echo damage to 45%.

Quest: Every time Dragon's Breath hits a Hero increase its damage by 1%, up to 20%.
Reward: After hitting 20 Heroes, reduce the cooldown of Dragon's Breath by 4 seconds and its Mana cost from 65 to 40.

- Cooldown: 25 seconds
Gain 15% Spell Power and reduce the arming time of Time Traps by 0.75 seconds. Activate to reveal the targeted area for 4 seconds. Enemies seen are revealed for 4 seconds.
Once Again the First Time's stacking Quest is relatively easy and quick
to complete and provides a nice bonus to Chromie's damage thanks to the second echo. This Talent
synergizes well with Chromie's Level 18 Talent
Piercing Sands as the Echoes
benefit from it as well.
Timewalker's Pursuit provides Chromie with an early level damage increase
that transitions well into the late game as well. The reduced time of arming Chromie's traps can help
you make more impactful plays with them. The reveal is a nice side bonus to this Talent and can definitely
help out scouting ambushes or if the enemy team is working on a Mercenary Camp.
Deep Breathing increases the damage output of your Dragon's Breath and is
fairly easy to complete. After completing the quest, Chromie gets a huge bonus to cooldown reduction
and the Mana reduction is a nice touch to the Talent, allowing Chromie to use more Abilities
before having to go back.
Level 2 Talents for Chromie

After its Time Stop ends, enemies affected by Time Trap are Slowed by 30% for 3 seconds and allies gain 30% Movement Speed for 3 seconds.

After its Time Stop ends, enemies affected by Time Trap lose 15 Armor for 3 seconds and allies gain 30 Armor for 3 seconds.

Increase the charges and maximum active Time Traps to 3, and reduce its cooldown by 8 seconds.
Time Troubles is an amazing Talent. Reducing enemy Heroes'
Armor can never be underestimated as it automatically buffs all damage done by your
allies on that target as well.
Andorhal Anomaly adds a lot more crowd control
to Chromie's kit, especially if the enemy team features multiple hard-engaging
Chronic Conditions can provide a nice bonus if your
team is not bursty enough
to benefit from
Time Troubles where the Slow can help
out setting up plays instead.
Level 5 Talents for Chromie

Hitting a Hero with Sand Blast from Chromie or her Echoes grants 50% additional Basic Attack damage for 5 seconds.

Dragon's Breath deals 30% bonus damage to enemies hit by its center. Enemy Heroes hit by its center are Slowed by 40% for 0.75 seconds.

Damaging a Stunned, Rooted, or Slowed enemy Hero grants 20% additional damage for 3 seconds.
A Proper Greeting is the best choice here as it is easy to activate
and provides a 25% additional overall damage, compared to Bronze Talons which only increases
your Basic Attack damage.
Bronze Talons is weaker than A Proper Greeting,
however it has some use if you are facing an enemy Hero
like Tracer, where the Basic Attack damage increase is can be very useful.
Mobius Loop is a huge increase to Dragon's Breath power.
With Mobius Loop, it becomes more important to carefully aim your Dragon's Breath
so that you are certain to hit the enemy with the center for the damage bonus,
while the slow will help with hitting them with all three waves.
Level 8 Talents for Chromie

- Cooldown: 5 seconds
Summon a sand vortex that Slows enemies by 10% every 0.25 seconds, up to 70%.

- Mana: 60
- Cooldown: 50 seconds
Choose an enemy Hero. After 3 seconds, they are teleported back to the location where Temporal Loop was cast on them.
Basic Abilities recharge 500% faster for 3 seconds after casting Temporal Loop.
In this section we discuss when and why to pick a given Heroic Ability. If you want to read how they work in detail and/or you are looking for some tips on how to use them, check them out on the Abilities and Strategy page.
Slowing Sands is a great choice on Maps that
feature several choke points like Cursed Hollow
or Towers of Doom. Besides, Slowing Sands gains a lot of value if the
enemy team composition consists of multiple melee and low-range Heroes, which
will likely stay close to each other during team fights. It is of utmost
importance, however, to remember to manually re-cast the Ability
depending on the enemy team's location.
Temporal Loop allows Chromie to execute deadly
burst damage against a single trapped target. In order to successfully
do that, however, you need to carefully watch the timer on Temporal Loop.
As soon as the little clock shows less than 40% of the remaining time,
you should start casting
Dragon's Breath followed
Sand Blast. Keep in mind that Temporal Loop can also be cast defensively to
trap an engaging Melee Assassin
or Tank in order for Chromie to escape. Never pick this Talent if
the enemy team has something to counter it. Cleanse effects
which make their target Unstoppable
will completely deny
Temporal Loop's
displacement effect,
but only if timed so that they are active exactly at the end,
when the effect actually goes off.
Level 11 Talents for Chromie

After casting Sand Blast, Chromie gains 20% Movement Speed and 200% increased Health Regeneration for 3 seconds.

- Cooldown: 20 seconds
Activate to teleport to an area near an Echo, swapping it with Chromie's previous location.

- Cooldown: 60 seconds
Activate to place Chromie in Stasis and gain Invulnerability for up to 5 seconds. Can be reactivated to end the effect early.
Gnome Speed Ahead! has virtually no drawbacks, since Chromie does not
even have to successfully land
Sand Blast in order to benefit
from the Movement Speed and Regeneration effects.
Time Out is a reliable defense tool against bursty
enemy team compositions that feature multiple mobile
Assassins. If your
survival cannot be guaranteed, Time Out may just be the Talent you need in
order to survive.
Here and There is a rather bad Talent compared to the
other two, due to always
having to keep up with where your echoes are, however, it does see some use if
you are facing heavy-dive Heroes such as Tracer, Illidan, or Zeratul, but even
then, Time Out would be a better choice.
Level 14 Talents for Chromie

Hitting an enemy Hero with Chromie's primary Sand Blast grants 5% Spell Power for 8 seconds, up to a maximum of 50%. The duration is refreshed whenever an enemy is damaged by the primary Sand Blast.

If Chromie's primary Sand Blast travels at least 50% of its base distance and hits a Hero, its cooldown is reduced to 0.5 seconds and it refunds 10 Mana.

- Cooldown: 45 seconds
Activate to increase Spell Power by 30% for 8 seconds. Hitting an enemy Hero with Sand Blast reduces this cooldown by 3 seconds.
Shifting Sands is a great Talent, especially
if your planned Build features other Talents to empower
Sand Blast.
Even if not, Shifting
Sands provides decent value, since you should be able to hit enemy Heroes
during team fights quite easily.
Quantum Overdrive can be a great damage boost if
your team has plenty of crowd control at their disposal. This guarantees some
good hits with
Sand Blast and
Dragon's Breath
while Quantum Overdrive is active.
Fast Forward is too unimpactful to make it a worthwhile
investment. While the cooldown reduction (if it applies in the first place) is nice to have,
the additional damage provided by either of the other Level 14 Talents is too important to give up
when it comes to bursting down enemy targets in the late game.
Level 18 Talents for Chromie

Every 0.25 seconds, enemy Heroes Slowed by Slowing Sands have their Spell Armor reduced by 10 up to 50.
Passive: Increase Slowing Sands cast range by 50%, and Slowing Sands persists for 5 seconds after it is cancelled.

Temporal Loop teleports the target a second time after the first, and Basic Abilities continue recharging for an additional 3 seconds. Increase the cooldown recharge rate from 500% to 700%.

Sand Blasts cast from Chromie and her Echoes now pierce all enemies hit.

- Cooldown: 30 seconds
Activate to cause Chromie and all allied Heroes to gain 20% Movement Speed and their Basic Abilities recharge 35% faster for 8 seconds.
Hitting an enemy Hero with Sand Blast from Chromie or her Echoes reduces the cooldown of Blessing of the Bronze by 1 second.
Blessing of the Bronze is a very bad choice compared to Piercing Sands.
Blessing of the Bronze has too small of a visual indicator (no one on your team will know you used it),
and Chromie has to stay alive during it's effect. Since you are the damage dealer
and you want to burst down
squishy enemy Heroes, Piercing Sands is always the way to go.
Piercing Sands greatly amplifies Chromie's damage output, especially
against teams that consist of multiple melee Heroes who tend to clump up during team fights.
This Talent turns Chromie into a monster and allows her to nuke out the enemy backline through
the frontline, making nobody safe from her Sand Blasts. This Talent also affects the
Sand Blasts from your echoes.
Unravelling provides Chromie with higher damage the longer enemies remain in
Slowing Sands. This is certainly not a bad thing, however, since the Ability
can be avoided, it is a rather unreliable Level 18 investment.
Stuck in a Loop is an interesting Talent,
since it causes
Temporal Loop
to teleport the trapped target twice. It also allows Chromie to use more Abilities during
Temporal Loop due to it happening twice. For a Sand Blast Build it is still
recommended to get Piercing Sands, but Stuck in a Loop does see a lot of use in the Dragon's Breath Build.
- 11 Feb. 2025: Guide has been reviewed and no changes are needed.
- 16 Apr. 2022: Guide has been reviewed and no changes are needed.
- 28 Oct. 2020: Updated talents and builds.
- 15 Sep. 2020: Guide has been reviewed and no changes are needed.
- 23 Aug. 2020: Updated talents and builds.
- 08 Aug. 2020: Builds updated
- 02 Jul. 2020: Changed wording on Bronze Talons.
- 04 Sep. 2019: Guide has been reviewed for latest patch and no changes are needed.
- 19 Jul. 2019: Updated talent choices.
- 29 Mar. 2019: Overhauled and updated Chromie's talents and talent builds in accordance with the latest rework. All hail the Blessing of the Bronze!
- 01 Mar. 2019: Updated Chromie's talents and builds.
- 12 Aug. 2018: Updated Chromie's talents in accordance with her rework in the Whitemane release patch.
- 17 Sep. 2017: Here and There was mistakenly marked (recommended, instead of not recommended).
- 16 Sep. 2017: Updated Chromie's talents in accordance with the Kel'Thuzad update.
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Outofmilk is an avid Heroes of the Storm player, and has been playing this game since the first wave of Alpha invites. He currently plays around the Grandmaster / high Master area and is now here to share his knowledge with you.
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