Diablo Talents

Last updated on Feb 04, 2025 at 17:13 by Elitesparkle 48 comments
General Information

Welcome to our Talents page for Diablo. Here, we give you an overview of how strong each of Diablo's talents is. Then, we present several viable builds, before analyzing each talent row separately, so that you can make informed decisions.


Diablo's Talent Build

Level Choices
1 Feast on Fear ? Devil's Due ? Soul Shield
4 Sacrificial Soul ? Souls to the Flame Life Leech ?
7 Eternal Flames Malevolence ? Diabolical Momentum ?
10 Apocalypse ? Lightning Breath
13 Devastating Charge ? Hellfire Cruelty ?
16 Domination ? Debilitating Flames Overpowering Nightmare ?
20 Dying Breath ? Hellstorm ? Lord of Terror ? Hellgate

Diablo's Talent Build Cheatsheet

Fire Stomp Build

Level 1 Soul Shield Icon Devil's Due Icon ?
Level 4 Souls to the Flame Icon
Level 7 Eternal Flames Icon
Level 10 Lightning Breath Icon Apocalypse Icon ?
Level 13 Hellfire Icon
Level 16 Debilitating Flames Icon
Level 20 Hellgate Icon Hellstorm Icon ? Lord of Terror Icon ?

Diablo's Fire Stomp Build boosts your survivability and damage output when hitting enemy Heroes with Fire Stomp Icon Fire Stomp. Remember to alternate it with other Basic Abilities to get more value from Eternal Flames Icon Eternal Flames at Level 7.

While you can play this Build in most games, the self-healing provided by Fire Stomp Icon Fire Stomp empowered by various Talents makes this Build particularly useful when playing against Heroes who counter you (for example Tychus) and therefore force you to not play aggressively.

Shadow Charge Build

Level 1 Devil's Due Icon
Level 4 Sacrificial Soul Icon
Level 7 Malevolence Icon
Level 10 Apocalypse Icon
Level 13 Devastating Charge Icon
Level 16 Domination Icon
Level 20 Hellgate Icon Lord of Terror Icon ?

Diablo's Shadow Charge Build provides superior burst damage and crowd control on closed Maps where one can reliably slam opponents against impassable terrain (notably Infernal Shrines).

You should constantly look for good angles for Shadow Charge Icon Shadow Charge because you have various Talents depending on your target being Stunned with it. Ideally, you should go for squishy enemy Heroes, but any target is fine when they are out of position and/or have no defensive tools.

Sacrificial Soul Icon Sacrificial Soul at Level 4 makes it harder to get Souls back as you have to fully commit to Stun enemy Heroes with Shadow Charge Icon Shadow Charge. Malevolence Icon Malevolence at Level 7 increases your burst damage when doing so.

Basic Attacks Build

Level 1 Feast on Fear Icon
Level 4 Life Leech Icon
Level 7 Diabolical Momentum Icon
Level 10 Apocalypse Icon
Level 13 Cruelty Icon
Level 16 Domination Icon Overpowering Nightmare Icon ?
Level 20 Hellgate Icon Lord of Terror Icon ?

Diablo's Basic Attacks Build provides superior self-sustain and fair single-target damage potential. As a key Talent, Diabolical Momentum Icon Diabolical Momentum allows Feast on Fear Icon Feast on Fear to trigger often through repeated Ability casts for significantly increased combat survivability, especially once you get Cruelty Icon Cruelty.

You can get the most out of this Build when the enemy team has a low amount of crowd control—including Blinds—at their disposal as you will be generally free to hit your target and heal up via Life Leech Icon Life Leech at Level 4.

Hybrid Build

Level 1 Soul Shield Icon Devil's Due Icon ?
Level 4 Souls to the Flame Icon
Level 7 Eternal Flames Icon
Level 10 Apocalypse Icon
Level 13 Devastating Charge Icon
Level 16 Domination Icon
Level 20 Hellgate Icon Lord of Terror Icon ?

Diablo's Hybrid Build provides superior burst damage and crowd control on closed Maps where one can reliably slam opponents against impassable terrain (notably Infernal Shrines).

You should constantly look for good angles for Shadow Charge Icon Shadow Charge because you have various Talents depending on your target being Stunned with it. Ideally, you should go for squishy enemy Heroes, but any target is fine when they are out of position and/or have no defensive tools.

Souls to the Flame Icon Souls to the Flame at Level 4 makes it easier to get Souls back as you do not have to fully commit to hit enemy Heroes with Fire Stomp Icon Fire Stomp. Combined with it, Eternal Flames Icon Eternal Flames at Level 7 helps you get Souls and makes you more durable when you commit.

ARAM Build

Level 1 Soul Shield Icon Devil's Due Icon ?
Level 4 Souls to the Flame Icon
Level 7 Eternal Flames Icon
Level 10 Lightning Breath Icon Apocalypse Icon ?
Level 13 Hellfire Icon
Level 16 Debilitating Flames Icon
Level 20 Hellstorm Icon Hellgate Icon ? Lord of Terror Icon ?

Diablo's ARAM Build boosts your survivability and damage output when hitting enemy Heroes with Fire Stomp Icon Fire Stomp. Remember to alternate it with other Basic Abilities to get more value from Eternal Flames Icon Eternal Flames at Level 7.


Level 1 Talents for Diablo

Diablo Feast on Fear ?
Feast on Fear (Level 1) Diablo Diablo

Stunning an enemy Hero with Shadow Charge or Overpower heals Diablo for 10% of his maximum Health over 3 seconds.

Feast on Fear Icon Feast on Fear is a good Talent that provides direct combat self sustain. It should be noted that Feast on Fear does not stack, meaning that multiple applications will merely refresh the effect's duration. As such, it may be worth trying to use Shadow Charge Icon Shadow Charge and Overpower Icon Overpower with a few seconds of spacing, although never at the expense of setting up kills.

You can get more value from this Talent by combining it with Diabolical Momentum Icon Diabolical Momentum at Level 7 and/or Domination Icon Domination at Level 16.

Diablo Devil's Due ?
Devil's Due (Level 1) Diablo Diablo

Black Soulstone increases the effects of Regen Globes and Healing Fountains by 2.25% per Soul.

Devil's Due Icon Devil's Due is a strong Talent that increases your survivability and self sustain through two secondary sources of healing, Regeneration Globes and Healing Fountains.

Assuming 100 Souls and Devil's Due Icon Devil's Due, a Regeneration Globe will provide Diablo with 36% of his maximum Health, whereas Healing Fountains will provide him with 120%. This healing can and should be used as a way of trading, as there are only few Heroes who can burn through such healing.

Diablo Soul Shield
Soul Shield (Level 1) Diablo Diablo
  • Cooldown: 45 seconds

Activate to gain 25 plus 50% of Diablo's current Souls as Spell Armor for 4 seconds. Every time Diablo damages an enemy Hero, reduce this cooldown by 1 second.

Soul Shield Icon Soul Shield is a strong Talent that reduces the damage you take from enemy Abilities by increasing your Spell Armor, which is a threat in many games. It is worth noting that both Fire Stomp Icon Fire Stomp and Lightning Breath Icon Lightning Breath can significantly reduce or outright recharge Soul Shield's cooldown if multiple enemy Heroes are hit, making it wise to use Soul Shield early on during engagements.


Level 4 Talents for Diablo

Diablo Sacrificial Soul ?
Sacrificial Soul (Level 4) Diablo Diablo

Stunning a Hero with Shadow Charge grants 10 Souls and 20 Armor for 3 seconds. While at 100 Souls, increase this Armor to 40.

Sacrificial Soul Icon Sacrificial Soul provides a significant amount of Armor if there are enough opportunities to trigger Shadow Charge Icon Shadow Charge's collision-based Stun. As such, this Talent is recommended on wall-heavy Maps such as Battlefield of Eternity, Cursed Hollow, Dragon Shire, Garden of Terror, Infernal Shrines, Towers of Doom, and Volskaya Foundry. It works particularly well with Domination Icon Domination at Level 16.

Diablo Souls to the Flame
Souls to the Flame (Level 4) Diablo Diablo

Fire Stomp grants 1 Soul every 3 times it damages an enemy Hero, and heals for an additional 1.3% of its damage dealt per Soul.

Souls to the Flame Icon Souls to the Flame is a reliable way of improving your self sustain. It works particularly well with Eternal Flames Icon Eternal Flames at Level 7. Further, it is the most effective choice for generating Black Soulstone Icon Black Soulstone stacks.

Diablo Life Leech ?
Life Leech (Level 4) Diablo Diablo

Diablo gains 1 Soul and heals for 1.75% of his maximum Health when Basic Attacking an enemy Hero. While at 100 Souls, increase this healing to 3.5% of his maximum Health.

Life Leech Icon Life Leech has the highest potential for self-healing, provided you are able to deliver Basic Attacks. Not recommended against Tychus, who may punish you easily. Very powerful otherwise, particularly when combined with Cruelty Icon Cruelty.


Level 7 Talents for Diablo

Diablo Eternal Flames
Eternal Flames (Level 7) Diablo Diablo

Reduce the cooldown of Fire Stomp by 1 second. When Diablo Stuns an enemy Hero with Shadow Charge or Overpower, reset the cooldown of Fire Stomp and restore 45 Mana.

Eternal Flames Icon Eternal Flames is a strong Talent that resets the cooldown of Fire Stomp Icon Fire Stomp when Stunning enemy Heroes with Basic Abilities. The cooldown reset provided has great synergy with all Fire Stomp Icon Fire Stomp-related Talents: Soul Shield Icon Soul Shield at Level 1, Souls to the Flame Icon Souls to the Flame at Level 4, Hellfire Icon Hellfire at Level 13, and Debilitating Flames Icon Debilitating Flames at Level 16.

Diablo Malevolence ?
Malevolence (Level 7) Diablo Diablo

Basic Abilities cause Diablo's next Basic Attack within 6 seconds to deal an additional 100 (+4% per level) Spell Damage. Stores up to 2 charges.

Malevolence Icon Malevolence is a good Talent that increases your burst damage when using Basic Abilities. The damage provided by this Talent can be easily amplified thanks to the Armor reduction provided by Devastating Charge Icon Devastating Charge at Level 13 and triggered more often with Domination Icon Domination or even Overpowering Nightmare Icon Overpowering Nightmare at Level 16.

Diablo Diabolical Momentum ?
Diabolical Momentum (Level 7) Diablo Diablo

When Diablo's Basic Attacks damage enemies, reduce the cooldown of Shadow Charge and Overpower by 1.5 seconds.

Diabolical Momentum Icon Diabolical Momentum is a good Talent which reduces the cooldown of your Basic Abilities when hitting enemy Heroes with Basic Attacks. The cooldown reduction provided has synergy with Feast on Fear Icon Feast on Fear at Level 1 and Cruelty Icon Cruelty at Level 13 as they can give you more self-sustain and more crowd control respectively.


Level 10 Talents for Diablo

In this section we discuss when and why to pick a given Heroic Ability. If you want to read how they work in detail and/or you are looking for some tips on how to use them, check them out on the Abilities and Strategy page.

Diablo Apocalypse ?
Apocalypse (Level 10) Diablo Diablo
  • Mana: 50
  • Cooldown: 90 seconds

Create a demonic rune under each enemy Hero on the battleground. After 1.75 seconds the rune explodes dealing 137 (+4% per level) damage and Stunning them for 1.75 seconds.

Apocalypse Icon Apocalypse is a good Heroic Ability that can be used to Stun one or more enemy Heroes. Since it has a delay, you should use it in combination with other crowd control effects (for example Dragon's Arrow Icon Dragon's Arrow by Hanzo).

The single-target combo (explained in the Abilities page) is unreliable when playing against Heroes who can stop the animation of Shadow Charge Icon Shadow Charge and/or Overpower Icon Overpower (for example Raynor with Penetrating Round Icon Penetrating Round) because you will not be able to lock the desired enemy Hero in place while Apocalypse Icon Apocalypse goes off. Cleanse effects are also good against it.

The multiple target combo (explained in the Abilities page) can be countered with Abilities that can remove the Apocalypse Icon Apocalypse's Stun or the crowd control that is being used as a setup from multiple Heroes at the same time (for example Soothing Mist Icon Soothing Mist by Brightwing).

Be aware that Apocalypse Icon Apocalypse's runes do not spawn below Heroes removed from the battlefield by Stasis effects that affect enemy Heroes (for example Devouring Maw Icon Devouring Maw by Zagara).

Diablo Lightning Breath
Lightning Breath (Level 10) Diablo Diablo
  • Mana: 80
  • Cooldown: 90 seconds

After 0.5 seconds, become Unstoppable and Channel for up to 4 seconds, dealing 50 (+4% per level) damage every 0.25 seconds to enemies in front of Diablo. Enemies affected are Slowed by 4% for 2 seconds, up to 40%.

Lightning Breath's direction changes with your mouse cursor position.

Lightning Breath Icon Lightning Breath is a strong Heroic Ability as it deals a huge amount of damage to enemy Heroes hit. When combined with Hellfire Icon Hellfire at Level 13, it deals even more damage thanks to the Spell Power provided.

If your team has Heroes who deal more damage to Slowed enemy Heroes, you can use Lightning Breath Icon Lightning Breath in combination with them (for example Fenix with Purification Salvo Icon Purification Salvo).

If the enemy team has Heroes who can Time Stop you (notably Containment Disc Icon Containment Disc by Maiev), you should avoid picking Lightning Breath Icon Lightning Breath because they can freeze you while you are channeling it and move away from its area, taking little to no damage from it.


Level 13 Talents for Diablo

Diablo Devastating Charge ?
Devastating Charge (Level 13) Diablo Diablo

Increase Shadow Charge's terrain collision damage by 50%.

Quest: Hit an enemy Hero against terrain 5 times.

Reward: Hitting enemy Heroes against terrain reduces their Armor by 20 for 4 seconds.

Devastating Charge Icon Devastating Charge can provide a powerful Armor-reduction effect when it matters most: right after a successful initiation with Shadow Charge Icon Shadow Charge. As such, this Talent is specifically recommended on wall-heavy Maps such as Battlefield of Eternity, Cursed Hollow, Dragon Shire, Garden of Terror, Infernal Shrines, Towers of Doom, and Volskaya Foundry, although it remains powerful on other Maps. It works particularly well with Domination Icon Domination.

Diablo Hellfire
Hellfire (Level 13) Diablo Diablo

Each enemy Hero hit by Fire Stomp grants 3% Spell Power for 10 seconds, up to 30%. While at maximum stacks, Diablo deals 33 (+4% per level) damage per second to nearby enemies.

Hellfire Icon Hellfire has the highest damage output potential at this Tier when combined with Eternal Flames Icon Eternal Flames at Level 7 and Lightning Breath Icon Lightning Breath.

Diablo Cruelty ?
Cruelty (Level 13) Diablo Diablo

Stunning an enemy Hero with Shadow Charge or Overpower increases Diablo's Attack Speed by 50% for 7 seconds, up to 100%.

Cruelty Icon Cruelty, on its own, is underwhelming. Its true power comes online, however, when combined with other Talents that benefit from Basic Attacks, notably Diabolical Momentum Icon Diabolical Momentum; the Attack Speed increase translates into additional Abilities for significantly increased damage output and crowd control.


Level 16 Talents for Diablo

Diablo Domination ?
Domination (Level 16) Diablo Diablo

Casting Overpower resets the cooldown of Shadow Charge.

Domination Icon Domination is a game-changing Talent for Diablo. The ability to completely reset the cooldown of Shadow Charge Icon Shadow Charge allows you to follow any Overpower Icon Overpower cast with another Shadow Charge. This is particularly potent when used to drag opponents right back to your teammates or to drive them into a wall for a Stun after using Shadow Charge to close the distance. It works particularly well with Sacrificial Soul Icon Sacrificial Soul and Devastating Charge Icon Devastating Charge.

Diablo Debilitating Flames
Debilitating Flames (Level 16) Diablo Diablo

Enemy Heroes hit by Fire Stomp are Slowed by 6% for 4 seconds, up to 60%. Heroes Slowed by 24% or more by Debilitating Flames deal 50% less damage.

Debilitating Flames Icon Debilitating Flames provides Diablo with some team-wide defensive utility by allowing you to significantly cripple the damage output and mobility of Heroes who lack ways of reliably avoiding Fire Stomp Icon Fire Stomp. Debilitating Flames is recommended against team compositions that feature three or more melee Heroes, as they tend to be much easier to hit with Fire Stomp.

Diablo Overpowering Nightmare ?
Overpowering Nightmare (Level 16) Diablo Diablo

Gain 2 additional charges of Overpower, with a 2 second cooldown between uses.

Overpowering Nightmare Icon Overpowering Nightmare provides Diablo with a disruptive and reliable way to peel and stick to any given target. Outstanding synergy with Malevolence Icon Malevolence and Feast on Fear Icon Feast on Fear for more self sustain than Domination, but less engagement potential.


Level 20 Talents for Diablo

Diablo Dying Breath ?
Dying Breath (Level 20) Diablo Diablo

Apocalypse's cooldown is reduced by 25 seconds for every enemy Hero hit (to a minimum of 5 seconds) and is cast for free when Diablo dies.

Dying Breath Icon Dying Breath provides a respectable cooldown reduction to Apocalypse Icon Apocalypse, as well as a nasty surprise upon dying. The Talent is, however, overshadowed by other options. You may need this Talent when your team features a combo of Heroic Abilities among which Apocalypse Icon Apocalypse has the highest cooldown.

Diablo Hellstorm ?
Hellstorm (Level 20) Diablo Diablo

Lightning Breath lasts 200% longer.

Hellstorm Icon Hellstorm allows Diablo to output an extreme amount of damage over a large area. One added benefit of this Talent is the duration increase—equal to an impressive 8 seconds—it provides is also applied to Lightning Breath Icon Lightning Breath's crowd control immunity clause, making it excellent against team compositions that feature a good amount of it. Hellstorm allows you to punish team compositions that lack mobility. For this reason, Hellstorm is an outstanding tool for contesting Bosses.

Diablo Lord of Terror ?
Lord of Terror (Level 20) Diablo Diablo
  • Cooldown: 60 seconds

Activate to steal 10% of the maximum Health of nearby enemy Heroes and gain 5 Souls per Hero hit.

Lord of Terror Icon Lord of Terror is a good defensive Talent against team compositions that feature at least two Tanks or otherwise high-Health Heroes, given the nature of percentage-based damage and healing. Lord of Terror is also useful for finishing off opponents that are on the brink of death in a pinch, as it is often unexpected.

Diablo Hellgate
Hellgate (Level 20) Diablo Diablo
  • Cooldown: 100 seconds

Teleport and place a demonic rune at target location. After 1.75 seconds the rune explodes dealing 137 (+4% per level) damage and stunning enemies for 1.75 seconds.

Hellgate Icon Hellgate is a strong versatile Talent that can be used to escape or to engage. When teleporting with it, Diablo spawns a rune that works exactly like Apocalypse Icon Apocalypse, dealing damage and Stunning enemies hit for almost 2 seconds.

Teleporting away, especially in the late game, can easily make the difference between winning and losing the game as Diablo may not always have enough Souls to instantly respawn with Black Soulstone Icon Black Soulstone. Using it to save Souls is fine too.

Teleporting in can give you good angles for Shadow Charge Icon Shadow Charge or enough range for Overpower Icon Overpower. You can also use impassable terrain to keep the target enemy Hero inside the rune with the help of Shadow Charge Icon Shadow Charge.



  • 04 Feb. 2025: Guide reviewed.
  • 19 Aug. 2024: Guide reviewed.
  • 11 Feb. 2024: Explanation for Heroic Abilities improved.
  • 17 Dec. 2023: Guide reviewed.
  • 20 Sep. 2023: ARAM Build added.
  • 15 Sep. 2023: Guide reviewed.
  • 03 Feb. 2022: Guide reviewed for the latest Balance Update.
  • 03 Nov. 2021: Builds updated.
  • 10 Sep. 2021: New layout.
  • 20 May 2021: Builds updated.
  • 22 Nov. 2020: Q build re-added to recommended builds.
  • 30 Aug. 2020: Talent builds and recommendations updated to better reflect metagame state.
  • 05 Apr. 2020: Descriptions reviewed for Soul Armor and Devastating Charge.
  • 15 Oct. 2019: Talent builds and recommendations reviewed and updated.
  • 05 Jun. 2017: Talents updated to better reflect metagame state.
  • 22 May 2018: Talents updated to account for the Diablo rework patch.
  • 14 Jan. 2018: Updated Heroic Talent assessments. Updated Shadow build.
  • 26 Jun. 2017: Updated the Shadow Charge build.
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