Free-To-Play Hero Rotations
On this page you can find all possible Free-To-Play Hero Rotations for Heroes of the Storm, following a scheduled loop that changes every 1st, 8th, 15th, and 22nd of the month.

Free-to-Play Hero Rotations (usually referred to as Free Rotations), are groups of 14 Heroes playable for free, automatically updating every 1st, 8th, 15th, and 22nd of every month. They rotate always in the same order from January 1st to the end of the year, except when there is a special Free Rotation due to an Event.
On this page you can find all possible Free Rotations over a year, for a total of 48 weeks. Note that the last Free Rotation of each month usually lasts a bit more than a week. Heroes that are more commonly in Free Rotation are listed first and have been marked with a green border. Heroes that require Account Level 5, 10, 15, or 20 are listed last and have been marked with a red border and a LVL label.
Free-To-Play Hero Rotations
January 1st (Week 1)
January 8th (Week 2)

January 15th (Week 3)

January 22nd (Week 4)
February 1st (Week 5)

February 8th (Week 6)

February 15th (Week 7)

February 22nd (Week 8)
March 1st (Week 9)

March 8th (Week 10)
March 15th (Week 11)

March 22nd (Week 12)
April 1st (Week 13)

April 8th (Week 14)

April 15th (Week 15)

April 22nd (Week 16)
May 1st (Week 17)

May 8th (Week 18)

May 15th (Week 19)

May 22nd (Week 20)
June 1st (Week 21)

June 8th (Week 22)

June 15th (Week 23)

June 22nd (Week 24)
July 1st (Week 25)

July 8th (Week 26)

July 15th (Week 27)

July 22nd (Week 28)
August 1st (Week 29)
August 8th (Week 30)

August 15th (Week 31)

August 22nd (Week 32)
September 1st (Week 33)

September 8th (Week 34)

September 15th (Week 35)
September 22nd (Week 36)
October 1st (Week 37)

October 8th (Week 38)
October 15th (Week 39)

October 22nd (Week 40)
November 1st (Week 41)

November 8th (Week 42)

November 15th (Week 43)

November 22nd (Week 44)
December 1st (Week 45)

December 8th (Week 46)

December 15th (Week 47)

December 22nd (Week 48)
- 19 Feb. 2025: Guide created.
Elitesparkle is a multiple times Master player in Europe who plays Heroes of the Storm since its release. He is an active member of the community who likes to teach new and veteran players all he knows about his favorite game.
- Heroes of the Storm PTR Patch Notes: February 21
- Heroes of the Storm Live Patch Notes: January 27th
- Heroes of the Storm PTR Patch Notes: January 6th
- Dominate Every Map in Heroes of the Storm: Complete Guide
- Heroes of the Storm Live Patch Notes: December 9th
- Heroes of the Storm Updated PTR Patch Notes: November 26th
- Celebrating 30 Years of Warcraft in Heroes of the Storm
- Heroes of the Storm PTR Patch Notes: November 14th