Hanzo Talents
Welcome to our Talents page for Hanzo. Here, we give you an overview of how strong each of Hanzo's talents is. Then, we present several viable builds, before analyzing each talent row separately, so that you can make informed decisions.
Hanzo's Talent Build
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Hanzo's Talent Build Cheatsheet
Scatter Arrow Build
Recommended Scatter Arrow Build focuses on Talents that improve
Scatter Arrow, transforming it into your primary Ability. Of the 3 builds, this
one is the hardest to use, and an inexperienced Hanzo will deal much less
consistent Hero damage with it. However, this build can perform well
if you really want a playstyle focused around Scatter Arrow. This build works
best on maps that have narrow corridors, where Scatter Arrow's ricochets are
more likely to hit enemies.
Grab Simple Geometry at Level 1 to improve Scatter Arrow once you complete
the quest. Serrated Arrows will only be good at Battlefield of Eternity
or Hanamura Temple.
Explosive Arrows has
better waveclear than Serrated Arrows; pick it
up at Level 4, if you are not in one of the 2 mentioned maps. Furthermore,
Ignore All Distractions is an excellent choice on Volskaya Foundry.
This build really comes online at Level 16. We recommend choosing
Giant Slayer, as it greatly improves your
burst damage with
Scatter Arrow
and your sustained damage with Basic Attacks.
Piercing Arrows is also a good option.
It allows Scatter Arrow to be
shot into terrain through an enemy Hero. This opens up many more angles for
Scatter Arrow, and makes it much harder for enemies to prevent it from
colliding with terrain. Piercing Arrows also allows Explosive Arrows to explode
twice with each Storm Bow arrow, greatly improving your waveclear, being relevant
in maps such as Infernal Shrines or Tomb of the Spider Queen.
At Level 10, you should usually take Dragon's Arrow. It
gives you some much needed crowd control, which
can be used to turn a team fight, or to set up and secure kills.
can also work with this build, but requires your team to have some way to
set up a wombo-combo.
The Dragon Awakens makes it possible to reset Dragonstrike
quickly enough to cast it more than once in a team fight after Level 20.
Basic Attack Build
SituationalThe Basic Attack Build takes Talents that dramatically improve Hanzo's sustained damage. As with any ranged Basic Attack strategy, you want to position yourself near maximum range while delivering Basic Attacks to enemy Heroes.
Redemption significantly increases Hanzo's otherwise sluggish attack speed.
This is important for a playstyle centered around Basic Attacks, and works well
with the other Talents you will be taking.
Ignore All Distractions serves as
the primary PvE tool for this build. Because it causes your Basic Attacks
to instantly kill Minions, it will get more value when used on Minions with
more Health (like melee minions or catapults). Remember that it increases your
Basic Attack range each time you Basic Attack a Minion; use this range to
harass nearby enemy Heroes. This can be very useful while laning.
Sharpened Arrowheads is an excellent way to enhance your damage,
and will increase your team's damage as well. Each consecutive Basic Attack or
Storm Bow arrow against an Enemy Hero will reduce their armor for several
Never Outmatched will also be a good choice, but is much
harder to use, and we only recommend it for very experienced Hanzo players.
Giant Slayer works very well against enemy Tanks with large health pools.
If the enemy frontline is lacking and you need finishing power against squishy
enemy Heroes,
Flawless Technique can be a good choice instead.
Storm Bow Build
BeginnerThe Storm Bow Build has excellent poke damage, good
and very long range. This build requires accurate and successful Storm Bow hits
in order to be effective. It will be more difficult to use against highly
mobile Heroes, as they are likely to avoid skillshots. This build should never
be used against Abathur; the slug can easily prevent you from ever completing
Target Practice.
Explosive Arrows enhances your waveclear and gives you
a stronger presence
in lanes; you can easily hit enemies with explosions if they position
themselves near their Minions.
The Dragon Hungers is a good
choice at Level 7, as it will always be useful. However,
Never Outmatched
adds more damage overall, but requires much more experience to use.
Piercing Arrows has several synergies with the rest of the Talents
in the build. When you pair Explosive Arrows with Piercing Arrows, it becomes
possible to cause two explosions with each Storm Bow arrow. There must be
sufficient space between Minions for this to occur, but it allows you to clear
Minion waves very quickly during the late game. Piercing Arrows also enables
you to hit Heroes near their Minions with Storm Bow and an explosion,
effectively dealing double damage to them. Piercing Arrows also has synergy
Ninja Assassin, because you can reset
Natural Agility's much faster by hitting 2 heroes with Storm Bow. However,
Flawless Technique can also be picked at Level 16
as an option when enemy team has weak frontline.
Level 1 Talents for Hanzo

Quest: Hit every enemy Hero with Storm Bow.
Reward: After hitting every enemy Hero once with Storm Bow, its range is increased by 30%.
Reward: After hitting every enemy Hero 3 times with Storm Bow, its damage is increased by 100.

Quest: Hit a Hero with multiple arrows from the same Scatter Arrow cast 20 times. Each arrow hit after the second grants additional progress.
Reward: Upon hitting terrain for the first time, Scatter Arrow creates 2 additional arrows.

Quest: Every 2 Basic Attacks against the same Hero within 10 seconds grants 1 Redemption, stacking up to 12. Dying decreases Redemption by 3, and Redemption can be lost even at maximum stacks.
Reward: At 12 Redemption, gain 50% Attack Speed.
Target Practice is a great Talent that enhances Storm
Bow's range and damage. Achieving the first quest reward is extremely easy
against most team compositions, and will enable you to poke from great
distances. While completing this quest will usually be a simple task, certain
enemy Heroes can make this quest difficult (or even impossible) to complete. If
the enemy team has Abathur, this Talent is not recommended.
Simple Geometry's quest reward will cause
Scatter Arrow to create additional projectiles. This
makes it a key Talent to take for a Scatter Arrow build, but also makes it
nearly useless for other builds. It can be difficult to complete in the early
game on battlegrounds with wide lanes, as enemy Heroes will be far away from
any terrain features during the laning phase.
Redemption significantly increases Hanzo's otherwise
sluggish attack speed once stacked, bringing him more in line with other
Heroes. This Talent is essential if you plan to build around Basic Attacks.
Level 4 Talents for Hanzo

Upon hitting a Minion or Monster, Storm Bow deals 60% of its damage to enemies around its target.

Scatter Arrow deals 100% more damage to Minions, Mercenaries, and Monsters.

Basic Attacks instantly kill Minions and increase Hanzo's Basic Attack range by 2 for 3 seconds.
Explosive Arrows dramatically improves Hanzo's
waveclear. This Talent can cause Hero damage during confrontations
that take place near Minions or Monsters, which can be very good in teamfights
that take place in lanes.
Serrated Arrows is not very good after the nerfs to the
Level 7 Talent,
Never Outmatched. It used to enable Hanzo
to solo-capture Mercenaries very quickly, but this is no longer the case. The
waveclear provided by this Talent is outshined by Explosive Arrows, even if no
other Talents are invested into
Storm Bow. However, in
Battlefield of Eternity or Hanamura Temple, it is still a good
option, since it will deal more damage to Sentinels and Immortals.
Ignore All Distractions will help you
waveclear with a Basic Attack build. It also increases
your Basic Attack range for a short duration after killing a Minion, which will
help you harass enemy Heroes in or around lanes.
Level 7 Talents for Hanzo

Hitting a Hero with Storm Bow grants 5% Spell Power for 12 seconds, stacking up to 20%.

Reduce Scatter Arrow's Mana cost from 50 to 30. Basic Attacks against Heroes lower the cooldown of Scatter Arrow by 3 seconds.

Hitting a Hero with Storm Bow or Basic Attacks reduces their Armor by 3 for 3 seconds, up to a maximum reduction of 20 Armor.
There is not much to say in this tier. Each Talent will be good for the
corresponding build: The Dragon Hungers with a
Storm Bow build,
Never Outmatched with
Scatter Arrow,
Sharpened Arrowheads for a Basic Attack build.
The Dragon Hungers can be useful with the Storm Bow build,
where you will constantly poke with Storm Bow from great distances.
Never Outmatched is an important part of the Scatter Arrow build. This
Talent reduces the mana cost of Scatter Arrow, and reduces its cooldown each
time you Basic Attack an enemy Hero. If you are a very experienced Hanzo player, this
Talent can be picked in Basic Attack build, since it will deal more damage than
Sharpened Arrowheads as long as you keep using Scatter Arrow when available.
Sharpened Arrowheads applies an armor debuff to enemy Heroes
each time they are hit by your Basic Attacks or Storm Bow arrows. Enemies with
negative armor values will take increased damage from all sources. With this Talent, it is
important to not change focus between heroes for long, since it will reset your stacks and
remove the armor reduction from them. Make sure to always hit the enemy at least once every 3
to reapply the debuff
Level 10 Talents for Hanzo

- Mana: 60
- Cooldown: 60 seconds
After 1.5 seconds, summon a pair of Spirit Dragons which travel forward, dealing 84 (+4% per level) damage every 0.25 seconds to enemy Heroes in its area. Enemies in the center take 75% increased damage.

- Mana: 90
- Cooldown: 70 seconds
Fire a missile that travels across the battleground. Explodes upon hitting an enemy Hero, dealing 130 (+4% per level) damage to all nearby enemies and Stunning them for 0.5 seconds.
After traveling a medium distance, the damage is increased to 260 (+4% per level) and the Stun duration to 1.25 seconds.
After traveling a long distance, the damage is increased to 390 (+4% per level) and the Stun duration to 2 seconds.
In this section we discuss when and why to pick a given Heroic Ability. If you want to read how they work in detail and/or you are looking for some tips on how to use them, check them out on the Abilities and Strategy page.
Dragonstrike is Hanzo's iconic Ability
from Overwatch, and performs as one would expect. Due to the channel time,
audio cues, and slow travel speed, this Ability is easy for enemies to avoid if
they are not trapped or crowd-controlled. Additionally, the center area that
deals more meaningful damage is very thin. Dragonstrike does not damage
non-Heroic units or structures; it can only damage enemy Heroes. This Ability
is strong on maps that have objectives that spawn in tight corridors, such as
the tributes on Cursed Hollow. Keep in mind the dragons do not spawn directly
from Hanzo, and will not hit Heroes who are within close range of him.
Dragon's Arrow is a linear skillshot that travels
globally across the map, dealing damage and stunning in an area of effect upon
impact. The damage and stun duration increase as Dragon's Arrow travels past
distance intervals, which are demarcated while aiming the Ability. At maximum
distance Dragon's Arrow will be at its strongest, but you will not be in range
to follow up with your other Abilities (unless you have
Play of the Game). Dragon's Arrow is usually going to be
the correct Heroic to take. It is easier to hit enemies with it, does not need
to be channeled, and can be used both as follow up Heroic
or as an engage tool.
Level 13 Talents for Hanzo

Hitting a Hero with Storm Bow grants 10% Movement Speed for 6 seconds, up to 30%.

Hitting Heroes with Storm Bow lowers Natural Agility's cooldown by 10 seconds. Additionally, Hero Takedowns reset Natural Agility's cooldown.

Reduce the cooldown of Summon Mount by 2 seconds. Upon mounting, gain 25% additional Movement Speed for 5 seconds. Using Natural Agility instantly mounts.
Fleet of Foot helps Hanzo kite
enemies while repeatedly casting Storm Bow. This is particularly effective with
the Storm Bow build, as you can chase or retreat from enemies at long range, but
can be picked with any Build.
Ninja Assassin allows you to greatly reduce the Cooldown on your
escape, Natural Agility. It is a good option if you are against enemy Heroes
who will dive you, because it will increase the likelihood that Natural Agility
is available when you need it.
Mounted Archery immediately mounts Hanzo once
Natural Agility concludes, and grants bonus mounted
Movement Speed for a short duration. This Talent greatly improves Hanzo's
rotation speed across all battlefields, and is always an acceptable choice.
Level 16 Talents for Hanzo

Hitting Heroes with Storm Bow increases the damage of Hanzo's next Basic Attack within 5 seconds by 40%. Basic Attacks against Heroes increase the damage of Hanzo's next Storm Bow within 5 seconds by 40%.

Storm Bow and Scatter Arrow pierce, hitting an additional enemy. Additionally, Scatter Arrow can pierce through 1 enemy each time it ricochets.

Enemy Heroes hit by Scatter Arrow and Basic Attacks take a bonus 2% of their maximum Health as damage.
Flawless Technique greatly increases Hanzo's single
target damage potential.
Fleet of Foot works very well
with Flawless Technique, because the increased Move Speed will help you deliver
Basic Attacks after each hit from
Storm Bow. This Talent
has great synergy with
Sharpened Arrowheads, because they
both promote the delivery of Basic Attacks between Storm Bow casts.
Piercing Arrows allows you to hit enemy Heroes with
optimal splits of
Scatter Arrow much more easily, as the
initial Scatter Arrow projectile will pass through the first enemy Hero it
comes in contact with. This Talent also affects the arrows caused by Scatter
Arrow's split, meaning that the split will continue to ricochet after raking
your initial target. Piercing Arrows also allows
Explosive Arrows
to explode twice, greatly increasing waveclear and team fight damage.
Giant Slayer is a nice addition to a Basic Attack
build, because it increases Basic Attack damage dealt to enemy Heroes based on
their maximum Health. It is a good substitute for Flawless Technique in
situations where Storm Bow arrows may be blocked by enemy Tanks. It is also good
when paired with
Simple Geometry, as it increases Scatter Arrow's
damage, which threatens enemy Heroes who are near terrain features.
Level 20 Talents for Hanzo

Hitting a Hero with Storm Bow, Scatter Arrow, or Basic Attacks reduces the cooldown of Dragonstrike by 4 seconds.

While in flight or for up to 2 seconds after impacting a target, Dragon's Arrow can be reactivated to teleport to its location and jump backwards. If used after impact, Hanzo shoots arrows that deal 132 (+4% per level) damage to each target hit by the impact.
Hanzo is Unstoppable during Play of the Game.

Increase Sonic Arrow's speed and center radius by 100%. Additionally, Heroes hit by Sonic Arrow's center are Stunned for 1 second.

Natural Agility gains a 2nd charge and its cooldown is reduced by 10 seconds.
The Dragon Awakens can be very powerful if you are using the Scatter Arrow
build. This build makes it possible to reset the cooldown of
very quickly.
Play of the Game allows Hanzo to travel to any point on
the map, by teleporting to
Dragon's Arrow's location. This
should usually be used to join a team fight, as teleporting to the arrow after
it impacts will cause you to fire additional arrows when you arrive. Using Play
of the Game this way also allows Hanzo to split off from the main group until
he is needed.
Bullseye is the default level 20 option for Hanzo,
since it basically increases the stun duration of
Dragon's Arrow by 1 second,
and can also be used to cancel a channeled Ability from afar, or to follow up
an engage. Try to always use
Sonic Arrow on the target you stunned
with your Heroic Ability, prolonging the stun duration.
Perfect Agility is very useful if you need additional escape during
the late game.
- 11 Dec. 2022: Scatter Arrow Build updated.
- 17 Feb. 2021: Builds and Talents updated to better reflect current meta.
- 24 Aug. 2020: Builds and Talents updated to reflect current meta.
- 14 Apr. 2020: Builds and Talents updated to better reflect current meta.
- 30 Aug. 2019: Guide reviewed to ensure meta relevance after balance patch.
- 21 Jun. 2019: Builds, Talents, Abilities, Maps, and Role discussion updated to reflect current meta.
- 10 Jan. 2018: Talent choices and descriptions updated to reflect Blaze patch changes.
- 04 Jan. 2018: Updated Talents to reflect meta changes.
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Derenash has been playing Heroes of the Storm since 2015 and has achieved Grandmaster in multiple seasons, peaking at Top 1 in Season 3 and 4 of 2018. He participated in the HGC Copa America in 2018 where his team had a strong victory. He is passionate about teaching others about the game, and streams often on Twitch in Portuguese, and you can find him in Wind Striders' Discord as well where he is happy to answer any questions in English or Portuguese.
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