Heroes of the Storm Map-based Tier Lists
The goal of the Map-based Tier Lists is to inform players regarding how strong and popular Heroes are on each Map.

Heroes of the Storm features a huge amount of Maps, each of them having a slightly different metagame, even if the overall metagame is approximately the same. To learn how to choose which Hero to play in the current metagame based on the Map you are playing on, take a look at our Map-based Tier Lists linked below.
Alterac Pass
Alterac Pass is a 3-lane Map with 2 Boss Camps, and 1 Siege Camp. You can double-soak just fine and being global is useful. Heroes who can poke through impassable terrain can be quite annoying for the enemy team when the Objective is on your side and your middle Fort is still up.
Battlefield of Eternity
Battlefield of Eternity is a 2-lane Map with no Boss Camps, 2 Bruiser Camps, and 2 Siege Camps. You cannot double-soak and being global is rarely useful. Considering that the Objective is the equivalent of a Boss, damage against Monsters can be quite useful here, especially if coming from a ranged Hero.
Blackheart's Bay
Blackheart's Bay is a 3-lane Map with 1 Boss Camp, 3 Bruiser Camps, and 2 Siege Camps. You can double soak middle and top lanes because they are close to each other and you can get value from global Heroes because the Map is big. Mercenary Camps give Coins for the Objective and can be used to force the enemy team to split before trying to pay for the Objective, so Heroes who are good at clearing Mercenary Camps are extremely valuable here.
Braxis Holdout
Braxis Holdout is a 2-lane Map with 1 Boss Camp, 2 Bruiser Camps, and 2 Siege Camps. You cannot double-soak and being global can be useful for ganks. Due to the nature of the Objective, it is quite important to have a sutain Healer rather than a burst one. A solid Offlaner who is hard to gank helps too. Avoid late game Heroes. Mercenary Camps are not a priority here, but they can still be useful.
Cursed Hollow
Cursed Hollow is a 3-lane Map with 2 Boss Camps, 2 Bruiser Camps, and 2 Siege Camps. You cannot double-soak and being global is strong. Heroes who can poke to stall the Objective are quite good here. Keep in mind that the Objective is basically split in multiple pieces, each having only 1/3 of the total value, so you can decide to skip some of them in order to get value somewhere else by sieging enemy Structures. Make sure to have some Heroes who can take care of Mercenary Camps.
Dragon Shire
Dragon Shire is a 3-lane Map with no Boss Camps, 3 Bruiser Camps, and 2 Siege Camps. Although it is not the preferred strategy, you can double-soak just fine and being global is strong. In addition to a solid Offlaner for the top lane, you will also need a reliable anchor to control the Objective in the bottom lane. Being able to roam as 3-man to gank enemy Heroes in any lane is a scary strategy for the enemy team. Make sure to have some Heroes who can take care of Mercenary Camps.
Garden of Terror
Garden of Terror is a 3-lane Map with no Boss Camps, 2 Bruiser Camps, and 4 Siege Camps. You cannot double-soak and being global is strong. Heroes who can poke to stall the Objective are quite good here. Keep in mind that the Objective is basically split in multiple pieces, each having only 1/3 of the total value, so you can decide to skip some of them in order to get value somewhere else by sieging enemy Structures. Make sure to have some Heroes who can take care of Mercenary Camps.
Hanamura Temple
Hanamura Temple is a 2-lane Map with no Boss Camps, 2 Sentinel Camps, 2 Fortification Camps, and 2 Recon Camps. You cannot double-soak and being global is not that useful. Be aware that the Objective is not that strong, thus your main focus should be the Sentinel Camp followed by the Fortification Camp. As a consequence, you will need Heroes who are relatively good at capturing Mercenary Camps. Avoid picking Heroes who rely on impassable terrain to get value from their Abilities.
Infernal Shrines
Infernal Shrines is a 3-lane Map with no Boss Camps, 2 Bruiser Camps, and 3 Siege Camps. You can easily double-soak and being global can be useful sometimes. You may want to pick Heroes who can easily clear the Objective, otherwise just make sure to kill enemy Heroes before they can secure it. Make sure to have some Heroes who can take care of Mercenary Camps.
Sky Temple
Sky Temple is a 3-lane Map with 1 Boss Camp, 2 Bruiser Camps, and 2 Siege Camps. You cannot double soak and being global is strong. Any point of damage to Structures is valuable here because the Objective does a lot of damage to them and, in the late game, the team with Structures advantage can play around it to keep and further increase the lead. Make sure to have some Heroes who can take care of Mercenary Camps.
Tomb of the Spider Queen
Tomb of the Spider Queen is a 3-lane Map with 1 Boss Camp, 2 Bruiser Camps, and 1 Siege Camp. The standard strategy here is to rotate between middle and top lane as 4-man, therefore you will not need to pick Heroes who can double soak. Instead, pick an Offlaner who can safely clear enemy Minions and collect Gems, preferably with a good amount of waveclear because it extremely valuable for any Hero on any Role here. Mercenary Camps are not a priority here, but they can still be useful.
Towers of Doom
Towers of Doom is a 3-lane Map with 1 Boss Camp, and 3 Sapper Camps. You can double soak middle and top lanes because they are relatively close to each other and you can get value from global Heroes because the Map is big. Heroes who can poke to stall the Objective are quite good here. You can decide to give up part of the Objective to instead take down some Heroes and/or some Structures. Mercenary Camps are easy to capture as a team, so you will not really need dedicated Heroes.
Volskaya Foundry
Volskaya Foundry is a 3-lane Map with no Boss Camps, 1 Sentinel Camp, 2 Fortification Camps, and 2 Siege Camps. Considering that the Objective takes a while to be secured, you will need Heroes who can shine in prolonged team fights, in particular sustain Healers. Mercenary Camps should be captured as much as possible, so make sure to have at least a Hero who can deal decent damage to them. Heroes who can dive are quite strong to punish the team who won the Objective by aggressively engaging who is not piloting it.
Warhead Junction
Warhead Junction is a 3-lane Map belonging to the Starcraft universe. The signature Objective of this Map are Warheads. They can be collected and launched on a target location, usually to damage enemy Structures. On this Map, you can also find the Slime Boss, a unique Mercenary Camp that deals a huge amount of damage to enemy Heroes and Structures.
- 01 Feb. 2024: Tier Lists reworked.
- 04 Feb. 2022: Tier Lists updated.
- 13 Dec. 2021: Tier Lists updated.
- 04 Sep. 2021: Page created.
Elitesparkle is a multiple times Master player in Europe who plays Heroes of the Storm since its release. He is an active member of the community who likes to teach new and veteran players all he knows about his favorite game.
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