Heroes of the Storm Map Guides
The goal of the Map Guides is to inform players regarding how to draft and play on each Map available.

Heroes of the Storm features a huge amount of Maps, each of them needing a different strategy to succeed, even if the general approach is approximately the same. To learn how to draft and play on each Map available, take a look at our Map Guides linked below.
Alterac Pass
Alterac Pass is a 3-lane Map belonging to the Warcraft universe. The signature Objective of this Map are Cavalries. One per lane, they will fight alongside the team who freed them from Prison Camps, buffing allied Heroes nearby.
Battlefield of Eternity
Battlefield of Eternity is a 2-lane Map belonging to the Diablo universe. The signature Objective of Infernal Shrines consists of Immortals: Ilarian and Beleth. Defeating the enemy Immortal will make the allied Immortal join you in lane to destroy enemy Structures with his powerful attacks.
Blackheart's Bay
Blackheart's Bay is a 3-lane Map belonging to the Nexus universe. The signature Objective of this Map are Doubloons to collect from Treasure Chests and Mercenary Camps. Whenever a team pays the required amount of Doubloons, Captain Blackheart will use the cannons of his ghost ship to shoot at enemy Structures.
Braxis Holdout
Braxis Holdout is a 2-lane Map belonging to the Starcraft universe. The signature Objective of this Map are Beacons that reward Zerg Waves. The team who wins the Objective will get a 100% power Zerg Wave, the other team will get a less powerful one.
Cursed Hollow
Cursed Hollow is a 3-lane Map belonging to the Nexus universe. The signature Objective of this Map are Tributes. Whenever a team gets 3 Tributes, the Raven Lord casts a Curse on the enemy team, weakening enemy Minions and disabling enemy Structures.
Dragon Shire
Dragon Shire is a 3-lane Map belonging to the Nexus universe. The signature Objective of this Map are Shrines that reward a Dragon Knight. The team who controls both Shrines can pilot the Dragon Knight, a powerful Vehicle that can be used to deal heavy damage to enemy Structures.
Garden of Terror
Garden of Terror is a 3-lane Map belonging to the Nexus universe. The signature Objective of this Map are Seeds required to get Garden Terrors. One per lane, they will fight alongside the team who gets 3 Seeds, temporarily disabling enemy Structures on their path.
Hanamura Temple
Hanamura Temple is a 2-lane Map belonging to the Overwatch universe. The signature Objective of this Map is a Payload. Once successfully escorted to its final destination, it deals damage to enemy Structures. On this Map, you can also find the Sentinel Camp, a unique Mercenary Camp that deals a lot of damage to enemy Heroes and Structures.
Infernal Shrines
Infernal Shrines is a 3-lane Map belonging to the Diablo universe. The signature Objective of this Map are Shrines. When active, each team has to kill 40 Guardians. The first team who does that gets a Punisher, a powerful unit that will enable a strong push.
Sky Temple
Sky Temple is a 3-lane Map belonging to the Nexus universe. The signature Objective of this Map are Temples. When active, Heroes can stand on them to fire laser shots at enemy Structures.
Tomb of the Spider Queen
Tomb of the Spider Queen is a 3-lane Map belonging to the Nexus universe. The signature Objective of this Map are Webweavers. One per lane, they will fight alongside the team who pays the required amount of Gems, dealing heavy damage to enemy Structures on their way.
Towers of Doom
Towers of Doom is a 3-lane Map belonging to the Nexus universe. The signature Objective of this Map are Altars. Cores have 40 Health and cannot be attacked directly. When captured, Altars deal 1 damage to the enemy Core, increased by 1 for each Bell Tower (Fort or Keep) under your team's control. Bring the enemy Core to 0 Health to win the game.
Volskaya Foundry
Volskaya Foundry is a 3-lane Map belonging to the Overwatch universe. The signature Objective of this Map is a Capture Point that rewards a Triglav Protector. The team who wins the Objective can pilot the Triglav Protector, a massive Vehicle with 2 seats that can be used to deal damage to enemy Structures and to Shield allied Heroes.
Warhead Junction
Warhead Junction is a 3-lane Map belonging to the Starcraft universe. The signature Objective of this Map are Warheads. They can be collected and launched on a target location, usually to damage enemy Structures. On this Map, you can also find the Slime Boss, a unique Mercenary Camp that deals a huge amount of damage to enemy Heroes and Structures.
- 16 Aug. 2024: Page created.
Elitesparkle is a multiple times Master player in Europe who plays Heroes of the Storm since its release. He is an active member of the community who likes to teach new and veteran players all he knows about his favorite game.
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