Heroes of the Storm Towers of Doom Tier List

Last updated on Feb 04, 2025 at 12:09 by Elitesparkle 35 comments

The goal of this Tier List is to inform all kind of players regarding how strong Heroes are in the current metagame on Towers of Doom.

Towers of Doom Tier List Banner Image


The goal of this Tier List is to inform players regarding how strong Heroes are in the current metagame on Towers of Doom.

Towers of Doom is a 3-lane Map with 1 Boss Camp, and 3 Sapper Camps. You can double soak middle and top lanes because they are relatively close to each other and you can get value from global Heroes because the Map is big. Heroes who can poke to stall the Objective are quite good here. You can decide to give up part of the Objective to instead take down some Heroes and/or some Structures. Mercenary Camps are easy to capture as a team, so you will not really need dedicated Heroes.



A well-rounded team composition has: 1 Tank, 1 Offlaner, 1 Ranged Assassin, 1 Flex, and 1 Healer. The flex slot can be filled with: 1 Bruiser, 1 Melee Assassin, 1 Ranged Assassin, or 1 Healer. If a given Hero can be played in different Roles (for example Tank and Offlaner), we mention them multiple times because each of their Roles may belong to a different tier.

Heroes that are generally worth banning at the beginning of the draft have been marked with a red border and a BAN label, however, in some circumstances it may be better to ban other Heroes instead, either to target-ban a player and/or to remove a counter to Heroes your team will pick.

Heroes that do better on this Map compared to their overall ranking have an upward-pointing arrow and name in green whereas Heroes that do worse on this Map compared to their overall ranking have a downward-pointing arrow and name in red. You can see their overall ranking in our General Tier List.


Tier S

In this tier you can find overpowered Heroes that will do great in most games.

Tank 2 Heroes
Offlaner 2 Heroes
Ranged Assassin 2 Heroes

Auriel can use Sacred Sweep Icon Sacred Sweep on enemy Minions to gain a lot of Energy and keep her teammates healthy. You may need healing reduction effects to deal with her.

Brightwing is a well-rounded Healer with crowd control, global presence, a powerful Cleanse effect, and a solid healing output. She is particularly good at dealing with high-mobility Heroes (for example Genji).

Dehaka excels on big Maps, where you can get value from Brushstalker Icon Brushstalker to quickly join your team. This tool can be used to outnumber the enemy team while the enemy Offlaner is busy somewhere else or still traveling due to not being global like Dehaka.

Diablo has access to a solid combination of crowd control, self-sustain, and damage compared to other Tanks. If left unchecked, he becomes deadly for any squishy Hero within range, especially near impassable terrain.

Hogger is a well-rounded Bruiser who can clear Minions and Mercenaries efficiently and dish out a solid amount of damage against Heroes during team fights, especially in the late game.

Johanna is not only the most durable Tank in the whole game but she can also provide a good amount of crowd control to disrupt enemy plans and help her teammates in team fights.

Mephisto is the most powerful Ranged Assassin in the game when it comes to damage done to enemy Heroes in team fights, however, he does not excel at macro, especially at capturing Mercenaries. Avoid unnecessary team fights and spread when fighting against him.

Rehgar is currently a solid Healer who can provide a balanced mix of sustain and burst healing, with the ability to quickly clear Minions and Mercenaries.

Valla is a formidable Ranged Assassin who can deal an insane amount of damage to anyone, including Tanks. Due to her low durability, she loves to be paired with Supports or to have a second Healer.


Tier A

In this tier you can find strong Heroes that will perform well in a lot of games.


Imperius can get enough waveclear from Talents to become a good Offlaner, however, he performs better when picked as Melee Assassin in the 4-man.

Even though she does not have self-sustain, Johanna has enough waveclear to be played as Offlaner on bigger Maps, where the offlane matchup is not that important.


Tier B

In this tier you can find good Heroes that will generally be fine but not that strong.


Arthas can be played as Offlaner against melee Heroes who rely on Basic Attacks and cannot deal with Frozen Tempest Icon Frozen Tempest because they lack mobility tools to disengage whenever they want.

Thrall is not a great Offlaner because he does not have a lot of waveclear, therefore he performs better when picked as Melee Assassin in the 4-man.


Tier C

In this tier you can find situational Heroes that will only do well in some circumstances.


Uther can also be drafted as secondary Healer to enable a powerful Melee Assassin (for example Kerrigan) or Ranged Assassin (notably Valla) so that they can deal more damage.


Tier D

In this tier you can find weak Heroes that will do poorly in most games.

Tank 2 Heroes
Ranged Assassin 2 Heroes
Support 1 Hero
Healer 1 Hero

E.T.C. can be played as Offlaner by picking Stage Dive Icon Stage Dive and using it to join allied Heroes after taking care of a side lane. This strategy is particularly good on big Maps, where global Heroes are valuable.



  • 04 Feb. 2025: Tier List updated.
  • 09 Nov. 2024: Tier List updated.
  • 22 Aug. 2024: Tier List updated.
  • 03 Jun. 2024: Tier List updated.
  • 01 Feb. 2024: Tier List reworked.
  • 09 Aug. 2022: Tier List updated.
  • 04 Apr. 2022: Tier List updated.
  • 04 Feb. 2022: Tier List updated.
  • 13 Dec. 2021: Tier List updated.
  • 03 Oct. 2021: Tier List updated.
  • 04 Sep. 2021: Tier List created.
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