Hogger Abilities and Strategy
Welcome to our Abilities page for Hogger. Here, we give you an overview of every ability in Hogger's kit. For each of them, we explain what it does, how to best use it, and how it works in combination with Hogger's other abilities. We also give you strategy tips to play Hogger efficiently.
Hogger's Tips and Tricks
Staggering Blow can be used to Knockback enemy Heroes into
Ez-Thro Dynamite.
Ez-Thro Dynamite explodes immediately if thrown directly on enemy Heroes.
Hogg Wild can be used to quickly clear Mercenary Camps between two parallel segments of impassable terrain or, when that is not possible, with the use of
Loot Hoard on one side.
Hoardapult has Vector Targeting that allows you to choose on which side of the Loot Hoard you want to land.
Shockwave is easier to use on enemy Heroes previously Slowed with
Ez-Thro Dynamite and is a great setup for using
Loot Hoard right behind them for getting full value from
Staggering Blow immediately after.
Loot Hoard can be canceled before it expires to immediately collect its Meat and/or to open up a path that would be otherwise inaccessible for a few more seconds.
- Both
Hoardapult and
Loot Hoard can be used to interrupt stationary-channeled Abilities.
Hogger has 100 Rage (not scaling) instead of Mana, but it is not used to pay
for Abilities. Instead, it gives cooldown reduction for Basic Abilities
and increases the damage done with Hogg Wild.
The cooldown of your Basic Abilities refreshes 1% faster every 2 Rage stored,
up to 50% additional cooldown refresh rate at maximum Rage, and
Hogg Wild deals 0.5% more damage to enemy Heroes every 1 Rage,
up to 50% additional damage at maximum Rage. There are some Talents
that can be picked to increase the benefits you get from your Rage.
Basic Attacks generate 5 Rage and taking an instance of damage generates 1 Rage.
After not gaining Rage for 3 seconds, you will lose 10 Rage per seconds,
but it will not decay during Hogg Wild.
Staggering Blow

- Cooldown: 12 seconds
Swing your chain in a wide arc, dealing 140 (+4% per level) damage to enemies hit and knocking them away. If an enemy hits terrain, deal an additional 150 (+4% per level) damage, Stun for 0.75 seconds, and gain 15 Rage.
Staggering Blow is a Basic Ability that allows Hogger
to damage and Knockback enemy Heroes away from him.
If they hit impassable-terrain
in the process, Hogger gains 15 Rage
while they take bonus damage and get Stunned.
You can use Staggering Blow on Minions or Mercenaries
nearby impassable terrain to quickly get 15 Rage per target Stunned with it,
however, it does not work on Bosses because they cannot be affected by crowd control.
Regardless of the presence of impassable terrain nearby,
you can use Staggering Blow to peel
away enemy Heroes that are threatening your team. If you have good reaction times,
you can also interrupt some animations
(such as
Shadow Charge) with it.
When there is impassable terrain nearby, you can use Staggering Blow
to engage on enemy Heroes by pushing them towards it
to trigger the Stun. Remember that
you can use
Loot Hoard or
to create your own impassable terrain right behind enemy Heroes when needed.
Ez-Thro Dynamite

- Cooldown: 8 seconds
Toss a bundle of Dynamite with a 1.5 second fuse. Upon detonation, enemies take 180 (+4% per level) damage and are Slowed by 30% for 2 seconds.
The Dynamite instantly detonates when landing on an enemy Hero granting Hogger 10 Rage.
Ez-Thro Dynamite is a Basic Ability that can be used
to throw a Dynamite on the ground. After 1.5 seconds, it explodes.
If the Dynamite lands exactly where an enemy Hero is, then it explodes
without any delay and gives 10 Rage. The explosion deals damage
and applies a Slow to all enemies within range.
You can use the Slow provided by Ez-Thro Dynamite
to better body block enemy Heroes, especially near
impassable terrain, or to increases the chance to hit them with
Hogg Wild

- Cooldown: 14 seconds
After 0.25 seconds, become Unstoppable and uncontrollably spin towards the target direction, ricocheting off terrain. Ricocheting off terrain refreshes the duration.
Every 0.125 seconds, deal 44 (+4% per level) damage to nearby non-Structure enemies. Damage against Heroes is increased by .5% for each point of Rage.
Hogg Wild is a Basic Ability with a unique design
that, after a brief delay, gives Hogger Unstoppable
and makes him spin in the chosen direction and damage non-Structure enemies along his path,
ricocheting off impassable terrain marked with terrain outlines
(for example
Loot Hoard by Hogger himself)
but ignoring impassable terrain without them
(such as
Entomb by Leoric).
When you want to clear waves of Minions, try to use Hogg Wild
in a way that will hit the Minions, bounce on impassable terrain, and then hit the Minions again.
In case there isn't impassable terrain nearby, you can cast
Loot Hoard
behind the Minions and then use
Hogg Wild in its direction.
When you want to clear Mercenary Camps, you can cast Hogg Wild
between two parallel segments of impassable terrain or, when that is not possible,
with the use of
Loot Hoard on one side.
You cannot use the same trick to take down enemy Structures
as they do not take any damage from
Hogg Wild.
The required settings for doing Mercenary Camps efficiently are:
- set your Keyboard Scroll Speed at 100%;
- disable Camera Follow
- set
Hogg Wild for casting On Release;
- and (optionally) enable Cursor Guides.
To do Mercenary Camps with the aforementioned settings:
- put Hogger in position, on the
Hogg Wild path you intend to use;
- put your mouse cursor far from Hogger in the direction
that you will cast
Hogg Wild;
- hold the [E] key to aim
Hogg Wild and do not move your mouse cursor;
- use the arrow keys to move your camera in the same/opposite direction
that you will cast
Hogg Wild;
- release the [E] key to cast
Hogg Wild and you can move your mouse cursor again;
- press the [Space] key to reset your camera position to where Hogger currently is.
During team fights, you can use Hogg Wild to execute
powerful engages to threaten the enemy backline
with the help of at least another allied Hero who can do the same aggressive play.
If you find a good trajectory for it, you can use Hogg Wild
to move from a lane to another faster than when using your Mount,
however, you need to know the exact place and aim required to use this trick,
else you will not get any value out of it because you will end up ricocheting in random directions.
In case you do not like your direction anymore or want to perform other actions,
just press its key again to cancel it, but you cannot do it within 0.5 seconds
from when Hogg Wild actually started.
In this section we discuss how this Heroic Ability works and give some tips on how to use it. If you are looking for a detailed explanation on when and why you should pick it, check out the dedicated section in the Talent Build page.

- Heroic
- Cooldown: 60 seconds
Launch an empowered Loot Hoard with Hogger attached, dealing 100 (+4% per level) damage and Slowing enemies by 50% for 2 seconds.
Hoardapult's Loot Hoard lasts for up to 20 seconds, decaying rapidly while not nearby. Every 10 seconds Hogger can take a chunk of Meat from the Loot Hoard.
Hoardapult is a Heroic Ability with Vector Targeting
that allows Hogger to execute a long and Unstoppable jump,
creating a special
Loot Hoard at its final destination.
When hitting the ground, it deals damage to all enemies hit and pushes them away
from its area where the impassable terrain marked with terrain outlines will appear.
The terrain outlines allow Hogger to bounce on it during Hogg Wild.
Upon landing, Hogger applies a Slow to all nearby enemies
and pushes them away, a subtle effect
that can interrupt
stationary-channeled Abilities
(such as
Mosh Pit by E.T.C.).
The special Loot Hoard created via
throws a chunk of Meat towards Hogger once every 10 seconds
and leaves a chunk of Meat on the ground when it expires or gets canceled,
so you can get up to 3 chunks of Meat from it.
Read the Trait section below for more details about Meat.
Remember to use the Vector Targeting system to choose on which side
of the Loot Hoard you want to land,
else you might find yourself stuck behind impassable terrain and be forced to remove
Loot Hoard by pressing again the corresponding key,
but only after 0.75 seconds of cooldown.
The special Loot Hoard created via
lasts for up to 20 seconds, but its timer goes insanely fast if Hogger is not within 15 range—the
same as
Hoardapult's maximum cast range.
In this section we discuss how this Heroic Ability works and give some tips on how to use it. If you are looking for a detailed explanation on when and why you should pick it, check out the dedicated section in the Talent Build page.

- Heroic
- Cooldown: 70 seconds
After 0.5 seconds, slam the ground, sending out a shockwave that travels in a long line. Enemies hit by the initial slam take 335 (+4% per level) damage and are Stunned for 1.5 seconds. Enemies only hit by the shockwave take 230 (+4% per level) damage and are Stunned for 0.75 seconds.
Shockwave is a Heroic Ability that provides crowd control.
After a 0.5-second channel, Hogger will Stun for 1.25 seconds
all enemies in a circular area in front of him and for 0.75 seconds all enemies across a line in front of him.
They will also take damage, slightly higher in the initial impact area.
Hogg Wild can be used as a gap closer
at the beginning of the sequence or as a finisher at the end of the sequence.
Loot Hoard

- Cooldown: 20 seconds
Toss a pile of junk onto the battlefield, dealing 102 (+4% per level) damage in an area, knocking enemies away, and acting as terrain for up to 5 seconds.
When the Loot Hoard expires or is destroyed, a chunk of Meat falls out that can be picked up to restore 3% of maximum Health every second for 4 seconds.
Reactivate to destroy Loot Hoard.
Loot Hoard is a Trait that can be used to throw
a block of impassable-terrain
marked with terrain outlines on the battlefield.
When hitting the ground, it deals damage to all enemies hit
and pushes them away, a subtle effect
that can interrupt
stationary-channeled Abilities
(such as
Mosh Pit by E.T.C.).
The terrain outlines allow Hogger to bounce on it during
Hogg Wild.
When it expires or gets canceled, it leaves a chunk of Meat on the ground. A single chunk of Meat heals Hogger for a total of 12% of his maximum Health over 4 seconds. In order to collect a chunk of Meat, Hogger has to be almost on top of it.
After 0.75 seconds from its creation, you can cancel Loot Hoard
by pressing the same key in order to free the path and/or immediately collect its Meat.
- 26 Sep. 2023: Settings and explanation for doing Mercenary Camps added.
- 27 Nov. 2022: Guide reviewed.
- 17 May 2021: Guide reviewed for the latest Patch.
- 22 Apr. 2021: Abilities page improved.
- 03 Mar. 2021: Guide reviewed for the latest Balance Update.
- 20 Jan. 2021: Guide reviewed for the latest Balance Update.
- 04 Dec. 2020: Abilities page improved.
- 01 Dec. 2020: Guide reviewed for the latest Patch.
- 30 Nov. 2020: Guide created.
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Elitesparkle is a multiple times Master player in Europe who plays Heroes of the Storm since its release. He is an active member of the community who likes to teach new and veteran players all he knows about his favorite game.
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