Junkrat Talents
Welcome to our Talents page for Junkrat. Here, we give you an overview of how strong each of Junkrat's talents is. Then, we present several viable builds, before analyzing each talent row separately, so that you can make informed decisions.
Junkrat's Talent Build
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Junkrat's Talent Build Cheatsheet
Steel Trap Build
RecommendedThe Steel Trap build works well against an enemy
team consisting of assassins like Genji or Zeratul. Once you have the talent
Gotta Trap 'Em All!, you will be able to set up a
perimeter around you, saving yourself from enemy assassins diving you, and then
proceed to punish them for it. You will still want to go for
RIP-Tire and
Cannonball! at
level 10 and 20 to nuke a trapped enemy hero.
Concussion Mine Build
SituationalThe Concussion Mine build works well with
an organized team due to the displacement power of this build.
We prioritize getting all of the cooldown-reducing talents allowing
Junkrat to always have Concussion Mine up for the occasion.
Talents such as
Bogged Down and
reward Junkrat greatly for hitting an enemy hero with a mine, triggering
Blow 'Em Up! and slowing the displaced enemy hero, effectively
resulting in securing a kill.
Frag Launcher Build
SituationalJunkrat's Frag Lanucher Build emphasizes his ability to
deal large amounts of damage from a distance. Taste For Explosions
scales the damage done by
Frag Launcher and makes Junkrat more powerful when heading into
the late game.
Endless Nades enables Junkrat
to deal more reliable sustain damage
during critical standoffs or trades and will help accrue stacks of Taste for Explosions more
Ripper Air provides Junkrat with a much welcome
kiting tool and means of self-peel
when being dove by the enemy team.
A well-placed
RIP-Tire can be the difference between a lost and won teamfight.
Level 1 Talents for Junkrat

While Frag Launcher has no charges left, Junkrat gains 10% Movement Speed and his Basic Attacks deal 15% bonus damage.

The final grenade launched from Frag Launcher deals 120% bonus damage, and Frag Launcher grenades last an additional 2 seconds before automatically detonating.

Hitting an enemy Hero with Concussion Mine or Steel Trap causes Junkrat to deal 25% more damage with Basic Attacks and Basic Abilities for 6 seconds.
Tricky Shuffles increases the
Movement Speed and damage of Junkrat's Basic Attacks.
The Movement Speed bonus of this Talent is too good to give up,
especially when you can get it at Level 1. The Attack Damage increase
is a nice added bonus.
Extra-Wound Timers gives some added burst to the final grenade
of Frag Launcher and having the grenades thrown out last another two seconds before exploding
might surprise enemy Heroes during hectic team fight scenarios where they won't notice it too much.
Blow 'Em Up! increases your
damage dealt by 25% when hitting an enemy Hero with Concussion Mine
or Steel Trap. While you will rarely want to activate this with Concussion mine,
the added damage when trapping an enemy allows you to burst down anyone you trap,
making this Talent worth picking up if you decide to play the Steel Trap Build or Concussion Mine Build.
Level 4 Talents for Junkrat

Quest: Hitting a Hero with Frag Launcher increases its damage by 0.2%, up to 40%.

Hitting an enemy Hero with Concussion Mine reduces its cooldown by 10 seconds.

Steel Traps will slowly chase nearby enemy Heroes.
Taste For Explosions, currently, is the Talent that
allows Junkrat to scale so well into late game and synergizes perfectly with
the rest of the Build. Getting this quest done, paired with
Endless Nades and
Cannonball!, turns Junkrat into a Grenade Machine Gun and you need the damage
bonus this quest provides to be useful.
BOOM POW rewards Junkrat greatly for hitting
enemy Heroes, and due to the power of the Build relying on displacement, you want
your mine off cooldown most of the time. This Talent also synergizes with
Blow 'Em Up!, granting you almost 100% uptime on it.
Chattering Teeth gains potential from
its use in clustered fights where the enemies do not pay attention
to your traps. It adds extra coverage of the area where you throw it down,
which is very noticable once you can throw down two traps!
Level 7 Talents for Junkrat

Enemies launched by Concussion Mine are Slowed by 40% for 2.5 seconds upon landing.

Enemy Heroes who are hit by Steel Trap are Silenced for 2 seconds.

Increase the explosion radius of Total Mayhem by 20%. When Junkrat is Stunned, Rooted, or damaged by an enemy Hero while below 50% Health, he uses Total Mayhem, dropping 5 grenades at his feet that explode.
This effect has a 12 second cooldown.
Dirty Trickster can be very good in situations
where the enemy team consists of heavy divers because of the massive
damage increase and punishment it can provide. Imagine a
Li-Ming trying to finish you off with
and ending up killing herself or Sonya briefly Stunning you
Ancient Spear and just exploding right after.
Sticky Wicket adds a strong Silence effect
whilst Rooting
an enemy Hero, which can be crucial for killing a trapped target
who would otherwise be able to save themselves for example
by self-healing and/or by self-cleansing.
Bogged Down adds more value to displacing enemy
Heroes as the Slow lasts for a good amount and your allies get more time
to bog down the displaced enemy Hero.
Level 10 Talents for Junkrat

- Cooldown: 75 seconds
Create a motorized bomb with 530 (+4% per level) Health that lasts 15 seconds. While active, Junkrat is immobile but gains control of RIP-Tire's movement.
RIP-Tire can be reactivated to detonate immediately, knocking nearby enemies back and dealing 720 (+4% per level) damage to enemies near the center gradually reduced to 445 (+4% per level) to enemies on the edge.

- Cooldown: 75 seconds
After 1.25 seconds, Junkrat launches into the air. While in the air, he can steer the landing location by moving.
After 3.75 seconds, Junkrat lands, dealing 935 (+4% per level) damage to nearby enemies and activating Total Mayhem. 5 seconds after landing, Junkrat reappears at the Hall of Storms and gains 150% additional Movement Speed until dismounted.
In this section we discuss when and why to pick a given Heroic Ability. If you want to read how they work in detail and/or you are looking for some tips on how to use them, check them out on the Abilities and Strategy page.
Currently, the viable ultimate
is RIP-Tire, as it provides the highest burst damage
and, the most overpowered of it all, acts as a distraction. What this means is that
during a team fight where the enemy team is focusing down your allies, the
second they hear your RIP-tire they will start looking for it and try to nuke
it down. This will make them unfocused and potentially get hit by skillshots
from your teammates they would otherwise dodge. If they do not focus it, enjoy
the free damage. It is best to use RIP-tire from a safe distance, as it has a
very wide range and activated directly on top of an enemy. Do note that in most
cases, you will want to activate it rather too early than too late. The
RIP-Tire has very low Health and can be nuked down in a few Basic Attacks or
Rocket Ride is not considered viable due to the
downtime in teamfights. As Junkrat, you want to be in the team fight for its
entire duration, throwing out grenades and displacing enemies. Rocket Ride does have the
advantage of providing no Experience to the enemy team, but you should not die
too much as Junkrat. If you do, you should rather look at how you position
yourself, as that is key for surviving as Junkrat.
Level 13 Talents for Junkrat

Increase Junkrat's Basic Attack range by 1. Frag Launcher grenades fired within 0.5 seconds of using a Basic Attack deal 30% bonus damage.

Junkrat is knocked back 50% farther by Concussion Mine. Additionally, Concussion Mine's cooldown is reduced by 12 seconds if only Junkrat is hit.

Reduce Steel Trap's cooldown by 5 seconds and increase the maximum number of active traps to 2.

Steel Trap now only hits Heroes, and Heroes hit have their Armor reduced by 15 for 3 seconds. Increases Steel Trap's radius and damage by 50%.
Ripper Air is a phenomenal Talent that only benefits
Concussion Mine when it is used solely as a means of
repositioning Junkrat. Not only does the 50% increased distance help Junkrat to
better disengage from a potential threat, but it will also help Junkrat more
quickly catch up to a fleeing enemy or safely reposition to a desired location
for whatever reason. The most powerful component of Ripper Air is the significantly
reduced cooldown of Concussion Mine. Especially when utilizing the
Frag Launcher Build, Junkrat's ability to
stay safe within the backline of his team by repositioning
every few seconds is very powerful. Since the cooldown of Concussion Mine
begins once the mine is placed, if Junkrat places a mine and immediately
detonates it on himself, he will only have to wait about 2 seconds before being able to
place another mine. When Junkrat is only repositioning himself with
the mines, he is able to keep up this shortened cooldown indefinitely.
Gotta Trap 'Em All! allows Junkrat
to put out an extra Trap, allowing you to effectively set up a perimeter
through which enemies cannot run. This Talent synergizes very well with
the rest of the
Steel Trap-based Talents and is a must pick for the Steel Trap Build.
This Talent will be better than Big As in situations where the enemy team consists of dive Heroes.
Bombs Away increases the range and damage
of Junkrat's Basic Attacks. This Talent is huge in terms of effective DPS.
If you are able to utilize the sequence noted in the
Tips section,
this Talent can give some incredible value. While it does have competition with Ripper Air,
it will be more valuable on small Maps, where quickly moving across the battlefield is less important.
The increased size of Steel Trap granted by
Big As causes the trap to connect much easier with
enemy Heroes. The larger radius also causes it to be a much more threatening
zoning tool, being able to cover a larger portion of
narrow corridors and choke points. With the added
functionality of not being triggered by anything other than Heroes, it can see
more use during the laning phase and to counter enemy Heroes with Summons.
Big As is a great Talent for the Steel Trap
Build and synergizes incredibly well with
Chattering Teeth.
Level 16 Talents for Junkrat

Frag Launcher fires all of its charges in a continuous burst, its cooldown is reduced by 6 seconds, but it loses 1 maximum charge.

Hitting an enemy Hero with Frag Launcher reduces its cooldown by 1.5 seconds.

- Cooldown: 30 seconds
Activate to make Frag Launcher fire 2 additional grenades in a spread. Works for up to 4 total charges, or until Frag Launcher runs out of charges.
Burst Fire reduces the cooldown of
Frag Launcher
by half but at the cost of 1 charge and the ability to determine when
each grenade will be fired. Burst Fire shoots all 3 grenades faster than Junkrat
would be able to normally, however all 3 shots will always fire together in the same
direction in which Frag Launcher was originally cast. Although this allows Junkrat
to fire 6 grenades every 12 seconds (as opposed to 4), the inability to control
the direction of each shot makes Burst Fire very difficult to control. In its
current state, Burst Fire often times feel more like a set-back than a
step-forward and is best left unselected.
Endless Nades is a buff to the cooldown duration
Frag Launcher, assuming Junkrat is able to
successfully land grenades on enemy Heroes. Because each Hero hit with a
grenade reduces the cooldown by 1.5 seconds, when Junkrat is targeting
a single Hero and is able to connect all 4 grenades, he will reduce the total
cooldown of Frag Launcher by 6 seconds. EVERY Hero hit by a single
grenade will also reduce the cooldown by an additional 1.5 seconds. This implies
that if Junkrat is able to hit all 5 enemy Heroes with the first grenade shot,
Frag Launchers remaining cooldown will be 4.5 seconds (12 - 5 × 1.5). The
cooldown reduction provided by Endless Nades will generate a steady stream
of grenades for Junkrat, which will not only allow him to more quickly complete
Taste For Explosions if it has not been completed already, but will also
do massive amounts of sustain area of effect damage to enemy
teams positioned closely together.
Spread Volley grants Junkrat the ability to deal a
significant amount of burst damage, especially against teams grouped up
tightly or trapped within a choke point. The Talent
needs to be activated and does not go onto cooldown until all of the charges
Frag Launcher are used or the cooldown of Frag
Launcher expires after Spread Volley had been activated. This is why
in order to generate the most grenades and value from Spread Volley,
it is recommended to only activate it when Junkrat has all charges of
his Frag Launcher available. It is possible to hit a single target with
all 3 shots of each charge of Frag Launcher under the effect of Spread Volley.
However, Junkrat should be cautious when attempting this because it requires him
to be positioned next to his desired target, which could put him in a potentially
dangerous situation.
This Talent should only be used when you go for the Steel Trap Build
to benefit from the shotgun effect of Spread Volley.
Level 20 Talents for Junkrat

Increase RIP-Tire's knockback distance by 50%, and its cooldown is reduced by 25 seconds for each enemy Hero hit.

Junkrat also gains the Ability RIP-Tire. Each time he uses his Heroic, it swaps to the alternate ability.
Passive: Reduce both Heroic cooldowns by 20 seconds.

Increase the radius and explosion radius of grenades from Basic Attacks and Frag Launcher by 50%.

Junkrat always rides his Rocket Ride Mount, which grants 150% increased Movement Speed, but his Mount cooldown is increased to 8 seconds.
Extra Oomph has become more viable due to the huge amount of
cooldown reduction from hitting even just one enemy Hero. The Talent really shines on
Maps featuring Objectives that may require
the enemy team to clump up, or Maps with tight corners
allowing you to get the most of the cooldown reduction back, effectively allowing you to spam
your Heroic Ability to get that extra oomph in. That said, do not pick this Talent when
the enemy team has a reliable way to interrupt
before you can get it in a good position to detonate it because then
you will not be able to get any value from this Talent.
Puckish Scamp this Talent
now allows Junkrat to get RIP-tire aswell as Rocket Ride.
However due to how bad Rocket Ride is and you have to ride it
until Level 20 makes this Talent pretty bad and not worth picking up.
Cannonball! is a passive Talent that significantly
increases the area of effect splash damage radius of
Frag Launcher and Junkrat's Basic Attacks. This will
make it significantly easier to complete the
Taste For Explosions Quest if it remains unfinished. The
increased size of the splash-damage by Cannonball! is incredibly generous and
feel immediately impactful, especially in team fights when multiple Heroes are
stacked close to one another. If Talented into
Endless Nades at Level 16, the increased splash damage
of Junkrat's grenades will significantly reduce the cooldown of Frag Launcher,
generating even more value. Cannonball! also makes Junkrat an even greater
master of waveclear. This may be very useful when at
least one Keep has been already destroyed by the enemy team and Junkrat will
need to constantly monitor the heavy flow of game-ending Catapults that will
now be pressing down the lane. This is the Talent that turns Junkrat into the
DPS monster he is late game.
I Hate Waiting! provides Junkrat
with insane mobility, but if we needed mobility, we would rather go with
Ripper Air at Level 13 so that we do not lose out on Cannonball or Extra Oomph!
- 09 Dec. 2021: Updated Steel Trap build.
- 30 Aug. 2021: Talents have been updated.
- 19 May 2021: Guide has been updated with the new functionality of Big As
- 03 May 2021: Updated builds and talents.
- 21 Nov. 2020: Updated builds and talents.
- 25 Aug. 2020: Guide has been reviewed and no changes are needed.
- 08 Aug. 2020: Builds updated
- 02 Jul. 2020: Guide has been reviewed and no changes are needed.
- 24 Nov. 2019: Reviewed guide and no changes are needed.
- 26 Sep. 2019: Updated Junkrat to reflect his newest rework.
- 05 Jun. 2019: Updated most talent tier discussions and recommendations.
- 02 Nov. 2017: Updated the guide following the most recent balance patch, with the following changes being notable.
- Level 4 Talent Gotta Trap 'Em All (E) has had the Heroes hit requirement reduced from 8 to 7.
- Level 7 Talent Sticky Wicket (E) has had the Slow duration increased from 3 to 3.5 Seconds.
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Outofmilk is an avid Heroes of the Storm player, and has been playing this game since the first wave of Alpha invites. He currently plays around the Grandmaster / high Master area and is now here to share his knowledge with you.
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