Kael'thas Talents
Welcome to our Talents page for Kael'thas. Here, we give you an overview of how strong each of Kael'thas's talents is. Then, we present several viable builds, before analyzing each talent row separately, so that you can make informed decisions.
Kael'thas's Talent Build
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Kael'thas's Talent Build Cheatsheet
Standard Flamestrike Build
Recommended The Standard Flamestrike Build focuses on bolstering the damage output and utility
of Flamestrike, providing Kael'thas with an even stronger kit and higher teamfight presence.
It is important for Kael'thas to try to complete the quest portion of Mana Addict
as early as possible, as the reward will grant a massive shield that can be used defensively to help Kael'thas survive teamfights.
Every talent synergizes with eachother in this build which is what makes it so great.
Empowering Flamestrike with
Verdant Spheres is crucial to make it
easier to hit enemy heroes, making great use of either
Ignite or
Fury of the Sunwell.
ARAM Build
ARAMKael'thas's ARAM build is similar to the standard build as the build works very well even in ARAM. Focusing on heavy siege and getting the most out of Flamestrikes makes Kael'thas a desirable pick should you get him in ARAM.
Level 1 Talents for Kael'thas

Quest: Damaging an enemy Hero with Flamestrike increase its damage by 5, up to 100. This bonus is lost on death.
Reward: After hitting 20 enemy Heroes, increase Flamestrike damage by an additional 100 and no longer lose any bonuses on death.

Increases Kael'thas's Spell Power by 4%. Kael'thas heals for 94 (+4% per level) Health when activating Verdant Spheres.

Quest: Gathering a Regeneration Globe increases Kael'thas's maximum Mana by 15.
Reward: After gathering 20 Globes, Kael'thas can activate Arcane Barrier to gain a Shield equal to 100% of his maximum Mana for 4 seconds. 45 second cooldown.
Convection, when fully stacked, will prove to be a
good Talent. The high-risk, high-reward nature of
Convection makes it a challenging, yet rewarding choice. The large increase
in damage to
Flamestrike may be useful
when you plan to pick synergistic Talents. It is very important to play safe when trying to
complete the Quest portion of Convection, as Kael'thas will lose all progress
should he be killed before it is accomplished. Even if you stack it, however, it is still lackluster
when compared to
Mana Addict which gives you additional Mana to help
Pyromaniac and
to give you value while poking and/or fighting for longer.
Fel Infusion provides Kael'thas not only with a moderate
increase in damage but also some passive healing by means of activating
Verdant Spheres. Unfortunately, neither of these
benefits are strong enough to justify Fel Infusion's selection
over the damage increase of
Convection or
the lifesaving potential of
Mana Addict.
Mana Addict is a phenomenal source of damage mitigation
and Mana Regeneration for Kael'thas. Mana Addict will be integral in success against
burst compositions, as the large Shield may help
keep him up during the enemies' focus fire, especially in
the late game. The increased Mana pool will also help players last longer when
trading over Objectives or sieging.
The bonus Mana granted after gathering a Regeneration Globe is immediate,
and can be seen as an additional source of Mana Regeneration. Picking up globes
still stack the quest even after finishing it, making Mana Addict alot more impactful
during late game where you want a big Shield that can potentially save you during a teamfight.
Level 4 Talents for Kael'thas

Increases Gravity Lapse's range by 30%. When Gravity Lapse hits an enemy Hero, refund 80 Mana.

Reduce the Mana cost of Gravity Lapse by 70. If Gravity Lapse hits a Hero, reduce its cooldown by 8 seconds.

Activating Verdant Spheres restores 5% of Kael'thas's maximum Mana.
Nether Wind is an excellent Talent that increases the
utility of
Gravity Lapse twice over. The increase in
range will allow Kael'thas to more safely catch out enemies or peel for
allies. Nether Wind is incredibly strong when combined with
Verdant Spheres, as it will allow Kael'thas to land
Gravity Lapse on Heroes hidden behind the enemy
frontline. The Mana refund is also a great bonus that
will help to somewhat relieve Kael'thas from the burden of his Mana intensive
Energy Roil provides a significant reduction in the Mana cost of
Gravity Lapse which will prove quite useful since its cooldown
will be dropped to just 5 Seconds. This Talent can be great versus dive-heavy teams
that would allow you to spam CC with Gravity Lapse. Energy Roil also synergizes
very well with
Mana Tap lacks the utility bonus of
Nether Wind, but is a reliable
source of Mana Regeneration. Mana Tap synergizes very well with Mana Addict,
and in the late game, it will provide you with enough Mana to cast Flamestrike
on cooldown without going out of Mana.
Level 7 Talents for Kael'thas

When Flamestrike damages 2 or more Heroes, they take additional damage equal to 8% of their maximum Health.

Living Bombs that spread to enemy Heroes deal 35% more damage.

Activating Verdant Spheres causes Kael'thas's next 2 Basic Attacks to instead deal 115 (+4% per level) Spell Damage. If both of these Attacks hit enemy Heroes, gain 15% Spell Power for 10 seconds.
Burned Flesh will do massive amounts of damage to the
enemy team should a cast of
Flamestrike land on multiple
enemies. Make sure to always cast an empowered version of Flamestrike
Verdant Spheres in order to greatly
increase the size of the Ability and help ensure multiple enemies will be struck.
Sun King's Fury will cause
Living Bomb to do large amounts of
area of effect damage to enemies unable to spread out after
being struck. This effect works even when using Living Bomb on non-Heroes,
so it is particularly annoying to play against on Maps where team fights
happen near Monsters (such as Infernal Shrines) or Minions.
The same is true when facing Heroes who rely on Summons or Clones.
Sunfire Enchantment provides Kael'Thas with some single-target damage
and a nice added Spell Damage bonus.
This Talent can see some use if the enemy team consists of heavy
dive Heroes such as Greymane, Tracer or Illidan and can certainly be abused against enemy
Tanks who do not threaten Kael'thas enough.
Allied Heroes with displacement effects
(such as
Wrecking Ball by Garrosh)
can also help out with landing the 2 Basic Attacks
to trigger the Spell Damage bonus.
It has to be noted that this Talent can become a hassle to trigger,
especially if you overextend trying to trigger the bonus.
Burned Flesh is more recommended due to it
being entirely passive, but Sunfire Enchantment does provide more damage.
Level 10 Talents for Kael'thas

- Mana: 80
- Cooldown: 60 seconds
Launch a Phoenix to an area, dealing 84 (+4% per level) damage to enemies along the way. The Phoenix persists for 7 seconds, attacking enemies for 84 (+4% per level) damage and splashing for 42 (+4% per level) damage.

- Mana: 80
- Cooldown: 100 seconds
After 1.5 seconds, cast a slow-moving fireball that deals 810 (+5% per level) damage to an enemy Hero and 405 (+5% per level) damage to enemies nearby.
In this section we discuss when and why to pick a given Heroic Ability. If you want to read how they work in detail and/or you are looking for some tips on how to use them, check them out on the Abilities and Strategy page.
Phoenix is a great reliable source of
area of effect damage that should be the standard pick for the
vast majority of matches. There are a multitude of uses for Phoenix, such as
zoning, waveclearing, and
sieging. Unfortunately Phoenix
lacks any sort of crowd control, so many times enemies
will be able to easily walk out of its effect. That is why Phoenix is best used
in conjunction with reliable sources of crowd control.
The 60-second cooldown of Phoenix further makes it a great Ability. The
relatively short cooldown of Phoenix can help guarantee that it will be
available for most teamfights or skirmishes, particularly those surrounding
important Objectives.
Pyroblast is hands down the most powerful
single-target Ability in the game. Pyroblast can be used to finish off most
targets, particularly squishier enemies such as Healers
or Assassins. Alas, Pyroblast is the definition of
situational, as it is incredibly unreliable and difficult to channel. The
1.5-second channeling time puts Kael'thas in an incredibly vulnerable position.
Most enemies, especially those with a source of
interrupt or burst damage, will attempt to
capitalize on Kael'thas's exposure. Even if Kael'thas is able to successfully
cast Pyroblast, the slow speed of its projectile will give enemies
ample time to react. There are many ways the damage of Pyroblast can be
completely negated, such as by Uther's
Divine Shield
or Tyrael's
Sanctification. Pyroblast should never been taken
should the enemy team have a means to counter it.
Level 13 Talents for Kael'thas

Each time Living Bomb deals periodic damage, Kael'thas's Basic Ability cooldowns are reduced by 0.5 seconds.

Living Bomb's explosion slows enemy Movement Speed by 30% for 2 seconds.

Increases Living Bomb's explosion radius by 20%.
Pyromaniac is the go-to Talent when trying to
maximize Kael'thas's damage output.
The reduction in cooldown for Kael'thas's
Basic Abilities will greatly increase his damage
uptime. Also, the reduction in cooldown of
Gravity Lapse will provide Kael'thas with
additional utility allowing him to be more useful in teamfights and
Backdraft provides a nice element of
crowd control to
Living Bomb. Enemies under the effect of Backdraft will
also have a much more difficult time trying to escape the
area of effect damage of
When confronted by melee Heroes, the Slow provided by Backdraft will
assist Kael'thas in kiting them. This talent is, however, not used much
and has a very low value compared to Pyromaniac.
Fission Bomb is useful in terms of increasing
the area-of-effect zone of
Living Bomb. The 20%
increase in explosion radius will most importantly make it much easier to
apply new stacks of Living Bomb to unaffected targets, especially after having
Talented into
Master of Flames at Level 20.
Level 16 Talents for Kael'thas

Flamestrike will explode a second time 1.5 seconds later.

Flamestrikes apply Living Bomb to the enemy Hero closest to its center who is not currently affected by Living Bomb.

Verdant Spheres gains a second charge.
Passive: Kael'thas benefits from all of his level 7 talents.
Fury of the Sunwell is an incredibly strong Talent that is mostly used
to allow Kael'thas siege down Towers, Forts, or Keeps. The strongest feature of Fury of the
Sunwell is that the second cast of
inherits all of the original cast's Talent-related bonuses. This means both
Convection and
Burned Flesh
will be included in the second explosion, allowing a single cast of
Flamestrike to do absolutely devastating amounts of damage to the enemy
team or Structures.
Ignite is the best option for any Build,
as the stack of Living Bomb applied by
will be bolstered by all of Kael'thas's Living Bomb oriented Talents such as
Sun King's Fury and
This Talent provides Kael'thas with an even higher teamfight presence and synergizes very well
with the Level 20 Talent Flamethrower.
Twin Spheres can be very niche, giving Kael'thas
all his Level 7 Talents and might see some use in very specific situations.
Compared to
Fury of the Sunwell and
it is still quite underwhelming as the above two Talents are more of a gamechanger than Twin Spheres.
Should Kael'thas decide to go with this Talent, it is important to note that each
cast of
Verdant Spheres will still interact with previous Talents that
upgrade it, such as
Fel Infusion,
Mana Tap,
Sunfire Enchantment.
Level 20 Talents for Kael'thas

Increases Phoenix duration by 100%. While alive, the Phoenix may be ordered to move to a different location.

Increases Pyroblast's explosion radius by 50%. Heroes that are hit by Flamestrike or have Living Bomb spread to them reduce the cooldown of Pyroblast by 10 seconds.

Living Bomb's spread from explosions can now also spread Living Bomb.

Increases the cast range of Flamestrike by 40%. If Flamestrike hits 2 or more Heroes, its cooldown is reduced by 4 seconds.
Rebirth allows Kael'thas to reposition his Phoenix
once, providing him with additional zoning potential. This
repositioning occurs from the location of the Phoenix, not Kael'thas, and can be
repositioned globally. The repositioning of the Phoenix can also be used to
target enemies who may have exhausted their gap-closers
to escape its reach, or follow enemies who attempt to engage
or disengage out of the area of the Phoenix. The 100% increase in duration
further magnifies its strength, particularly when being used to zone away enemies
from an Objective. However, compared to his
other Level 20 Talents, it is not very strong.
Presence Of Mind not only increases
the explosion radius of Pyroblast, but also allows
its cooldown to be significantly lowered by successfully landing casts of
Flamestrike and spreading
Living Bomb.
This Talent does take some time for the cooldown reduction to prove effective,
so remember that Presence of Mind may go completely wasted in very quick game-deciding
teamfights. Because of this, even after talenting into Pyroblast, Kael'thas may
still want to consider the immediate value of the other Level 20 Talents
(particularly the one that aligns with Kael'thas's build path).
Master of Flames vastly increases the impact of
Living Bomb in teamfights. The beauty of Master of
Flames is that the additional applications of Living Bomb will also benefit
from Talents that affect the skill, such as
Sun King's Fury,
Pyromaniac, and
Talenting into Master of Flames will force enemy teams to split up from those
struck by Living Bomb in order to prevent its spread. This splitting can be
capitalized on by Kael'thas and his allies, allowing isolated targets to be quickly
focused down.
Flamethrower is the best option in most cases
as it allows Kael'thas to cast his
strongest Basic Ability from a much safer distance. This allows him to safely
zone away enemies and more easily interrupt Heroes
attempting to capture an Objective such as an Altar on Towers of Doom or a
Tribute on Cursed Hollow. The decrease in cooldown from striking multiple
enemies with Flamestrike will allow it to be readily cast, vastly increasing
Kael'thas damage output. Combined with the effect of
Ignite and
Pyromaniac, Kael'thas will be able to trigger a
volley of Flamestrike explosions that will chunk large amounts of Health from
the entire enemy team.
- 20 Jan. 2021: Guide has been updated for the Twin Spheres change.
- 22 Dec. 2020: Updated Level 4 talents.
- 28 Oct. 2020: Updated Sunfire Enchantment's discussion.
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Outofmilk is an avid Heroes of the Storm player, and has been playing this game since the first wave of Alpha invites. He currently plays around the Grandmaster / high Master area and is now here to share his knowledge with you.
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