Kel'Thuzad Talents
Welcome to our Talents page for Kel'Thuzad. Here, we give you an overview of how strong each of Kel'Thuzad's talents is. Then, we present several viable builds, before analyzing each talent row separately, so that you can make informed decisions.
Kel'Thuzad's Talent Build
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Kel'Thuzad's Talent Build Cheatsheet
Standard Build
RecommendedKel'Thuzad's Standard Build focuses on helping you out in hitting your skillshots, siege damage and
crowd control. The key to playing
Kel'Thuzad well is managing to time your combo.
With Chilling Touch, this becomes a lot easier
due to the area of effect Slow component of it.
Once Kel'Thuzad hits Level 10, he gets access to
Frost Blast which can be a
gamechanger either for catching an enemy hero out of bounds or in teamfights, rooting several members of the
enemy team.
When we get to level 20 and pick up
The Damned Return, Kel'Thuzad is able to
dish out a lot of siege damage.
To successfully perform a combo, we recommend using E-W-E.
You have to cast Chains of Kel'Thuzad on an enemy Hero,
then cast
Frost Nova between that Hero and another enemy Hero,
and then reactivate Chains of Kel'Thuzad targeting the other enemy Hero.
When using Glacial Spike, the recommended combo is landing Chains, use Glacial Spike,
Frost Nova right in front of the Glacial Spike and reactivating Chains onto the spike.
Should the enemy hero be slowed, stunned or rooted from other sources, it can also be fine to pop Glacial Spike and
chaining from the Spike onto the enemy hero.
With Frost Blast the combo doesn't change.
Frost Blast can be used either before or after the combo, depending on the situation. Should you use Frost Blast
before a combo, Glacial Spike has some follow-up value. Should you go with
Shadow Fissure,
the combo becomes E-W-E-R.
Should you struggle to perform the recommended combo, you can use the E-E-W Combo,
but it's less effective because Heroes with mobility can get out.
ARAM Build
ARAMKel'Thuzad's ARAM build is similar to the standard build as the build works very well even in ARAM. Kel'Thuzad hits his powerspike pretty fast as landing his spells on multiple targets is a lot easier in ARAM. He also makes great use of Phylactery as globes are easy to come by.
Important Hero-Specific Information
Kel'Thuzad's playstyle revolves around what we call "The Combo". The combo,
to which we will often refer to throughout this guide, is best described as an
Ability chain performed by pulling Heroes into
Frost Nova's area of effect with
Chains of Kel'Thuzad. This is typically
followed up with
Shadow Fissure, if it was selected as a Heroic
Ability, and
Death and Decay to deal a large amount
of area of effect damage to Heroes frozen by Frost Nova.
Level 1 Talents for Kel'Thuzad

Increase Death and Decay's duration by 1 second. After gaining 30 Blight, increase the radius of Death and Decay's pool by 30%.

Frost Nova deals 75% more damage to enemies in the center. After gaining 30 Blight, increase Frost Nova's Root duration by 0.5 seconds.

Increase Chains of Kel'Thuzad damage by 125%. After gaining 30 Blight, Chains of Kel'Thuzad reduces the Armor of pulled Heroes by 10 for 4 seconds.
This Tier focuses on improving the damage output of Kel'Thuzad's Basic Abilities.
The Plaguelands increases
Death and Decay's damage potential by approximately
35%, assuming the target remains within the Ability's area of effect for its
full duration. The area of effect increase provided by the Talent helps with
keeping Heroes within said area of effect somewhat, although it remains unlikely
for Death and Decay to ever deal its full damage. As such, we judge The
Plaguelands to be primarily PvE- and siege-oriented; it helps with
taking down Mercenaries and razing Structures, on top of improving Kel'Thuzad's
waveclear by allowing Death and Decay to hit an entire Minion wave, which is
difficult to do without the radius increase provided by the Talent. The
Plaguelands also has obvious synergy with
The Damned Return, as it
also benefits the summoned Shade's own Death and Decay.
Blighted Frost's power lies in its increase to the
duration of
Frost Nova's Root effect, which is
important to Kel'Thuzad's ability to further inflict damage, as well as
potential follow up from allies. Blighted Frost
synergises particularly well with
Hungering Cold, as
the increased Root duration increases the potential number of damage
instances that can be inflicted by
Death and Decay.
The burst damage provided by this Talent is also notable
Master of the Cold Dark has been completed.
Blighted Frost also shines if you have an allied team
consisting of crowd control Heroes. The 0.5-second
duration can likely entice your allies into further CCing the enemy Hero.
Barbed Chains provides a notable damage
increase to
Chains of Kel'Thuzad;
its power, however, lies in improving the damage of any follow up
through its Armor reducing effect. As such, with high-level or otherwise reliable
teammates, Barbed Chains-based Builds are likely to yield more damage than
other builds.
Level 4 Talents for Kel'Thuzad

Pulling a Hero with Chains of Kel'Thuzad grants Kel'Thuzad a permanent 128 (+4% per level) Shield, stacking up to 2 times.
Additionally, Chains of Kel'Thuzad deals up to 270 (+2.5% per level) bonus damage to Heroes' Shields.

Quest: Collect 12 Regeneration Globes to charge Kel'Thuzad's Phylactery.
Reward: Kel'Thuzad's Phylactery can be activated while dead to immediately respawn at the Hall of Storms, but must be charged again.
Passive: Kel'Thuzad heals for 10% of all Spell Damage dealt while the Phylactery is charged.

- Cooldown: 25 seconds
Activate to gain 50 Physical Armor for 4 seconds. Upon activation, nearby enemies take 45 (+4% per level) damage and are Slowed by 35% for 4 seconds.
This Tier focuses on improving Kel'Thuzad's survivability.
The Shielding effect provided by Strip Shields is equal to approximately 15%
of Kel'Thuzad's total Health pool, which is reasonably powerful, especially
considering it can be reapplied with relative ease mid-combat. Strip Shields
gains real value, however, when used to counter team compositions that make
heavy usage of Shields. As such, we recommend Strip Shields against heroes like
Zarya, and against team compositions that feature at least two of the
following Heroes: Abathur, Anub'arak, Artanis, Chen,
Johanna, Kerrigan, Lúcio, Tyrael, and Xul.
Strip Shields has notable synergy with
It should be noted that Strip Shields' bonus damage against Shields does scale
with the Spell Power provided by
Master of the Cold Dark.
Phylactery of Kel'Thuzad provides Kel'Thuzad with two powerful effects, granted
you hurry and gather the 12 required Regeneration Globes as quickly as possible.
The self-healing aspect is Kel'Thuzad's sole form of sustain,
whereas the respawn element is extremely powerful in the late-game.
Phylactery of Kel'Thuzad effectively lets you play more aggressively and
potentially "trade" your life for that of an enemy Hero to then revive instantly
for an advantage, or, less ideally, make a mistake less punishing for your team.
Be sure to revive when relevant; reviving when your entire time has died, for
instance, would have no value.
Armor of the Archlich provides Kel'Thuzad with instant, on-demand protection against
Basic Attacks. Armor of the Archlich is particularly useful against sticky
melee Assassins which rely on Basic Attacks to deal damage,
as Kel'Thuzad tends to be a priority target due to his lack of reliable escape
means. The Slowing effect is also useful for easily following up with
Frost Nova. This Talent is particularly useful against Illidan, Samuro,
The Butcher, and Tracer.
Level 7 Talents for Kel'Thuzad

Each time a Hero is hit by Death and Decay's pool, they take 25% more periodic damage from Death and Decay for the next 4 seconds, stacking up to 4 times.

Every 8 seconds, Kel'Thuzad's next Basic Attack hits all enemies in the area for 80% additional damage, deals Spell damage instead of Physical, and Slows by 30% for 2 seconds.

Reduce the cooldown of Glacial Spike by 10 seconds and increase its damage by 400%.
This Tier focuses on improving Kel'Thuzad's damage output and utility.
Accelerated Decay has the potential of greatly
Death and Decay's
damage against Heroes. It does, however, require opponents to stand within the
Ability's area of effect. Works well with
The Damned Return, as
both effects can rapidly increase one another to Death and Decay's damage cap.
However, considering the raw power of Chilling Touch, we do not recommended
picking Accelerated Decay.
Chilling Touch provides Kel'Thuzad with something he sorely lacks:
an unavoidable source of damage and Slowing effect. Chilling Touch is
particularly useful when used to Slow a target before initiating the combo, as
Slowed targets are less likely to be able to avoid your Abilities. The
unavoidable nature of the damage provided by this Talent is also especially
useful against mobile Heroes who may be difficult to hit with Abilities, such
as Genji, Illidan, or Tracer. It is worth noting
that Chilling Touch's damage scales with
the Spell Power provided by
Master of the Cold Dark and
Power of Icecrown. Chilling Touch is also useful for waveclearing
when used with
Frost Nova against the centermost Minion.
Ice Cold provides
Glacial Spike with a reasonably strong cooldown reduction.
The alternatives are likely to provide more long-term value, however, particularly
as one becomes better at hitting Heroes without relying on Glacial Spike.
Level 10 Talents for Kel'Thuzad

- Mana: 45
- Cooldown: 50 seconds
Launch a meteor of ice at an enemy Hero. Upon impact, the meteor deals 115 (+2.5% per level) damage to its target and 275 (+2.5% per level) damage to enemies in the area. All enemies hit by Frost Blast are Rooted for 2 seconds.

- Mana: 40
- Cooldown: 16 seconds
Create a fissure anywhere on the Battleground that explodes after 1.5 seconds, dealing 320 (+2.5% per level) damage to enemy Heroes in its area. If an enemy Hero is hit, set its cooldown to 1.5 seconds.
In this section we discuss when and why to pick a given Heroic Ability. If you want to read how they work in detail and/or you are looking for some tips on how to use them, check them out on the Abilities and Strategy page.
Frost Blast is Kel'Thuzad's
crowd control-oriented Heroic Ability choice.
It can be used to great effect as the initiating Ability of
burst compositions that seek to isolate a specific target.
One side effect of Frost Blast's extremely telegraphed effect is how it forces
opponents to spread out and away from your target. Frost Blast can also be
used as a counter-initiation move as a means of making following up
more difficult.
Shadow Fissure works well in conjunction
with any crowd control,
including Kel'Thuzad's own. This is Kel'Thuzad's most versatile Heroic Ability and it provides you with a lot
of burst damage which is needed to make sure you are able to
finish off an enemy Hero should you hit them with
a full combo.
Level 13 Talents for Kel'Thuzad

Increase Frost Nova's Slow by 20%. Each time Kel'Thuzad damages enemies Slowed by Frost Nova, reduce the cooldown of Frost Nova by 0.75 seconds.

After Chains of Kel'Thuzad's Stun expires, the enemy is also Slowed by 60% for 1 second.

Pulling a Hero with Chains of Kel'Thuzad reduces its cooldown by 5 seconds and refunds its Mana cost.
This Tier focuses on improving Kel'Thuzad's crowd control potential.
Icy Grasp provides a situationally powerful
reduction to
Frost Nova's
Cooldown. This talent also provides us with a more powerful slow on our Frost Nova
Chains of Ice provides a powerful Slow effect when it is most
needed. Its sheer intensity makes it much easier to follow up
for you and your allies after successful
Chains of Kel'Thuzad hits,
even without
Frost Nova.
Chain-Link reduces the cooldown of what is arguably Kel'Thuzad's most
important Ability by 50%. Chain-Link requires good accuracy however, as the
Cooldown reduction may only trigger on double hits. This makes it a poor choice
for novice players. Otherwise, Chain-Link has particularly strong synergy with
Strip Shields and
Barbed Chains;
pick if you went for either Talent.
Level 16 Talents for Kel'Thuzad

Whenever Kel'Thuzad hits an enemy Hero with Death and Decay's explosion, its cooldown is reduced by 1.5 seconds.

Enemies that are Rooted take an additional 55 (+2.5% per level) damage each time they are damaged by Kel'Thuzad.

Stunning, Rooting, or Slowing a Hero grants 6% Spell Power for 10 seconds, stacking up to 5 times.
This Tier focuses on improving Kel'Thuzad's damage output.
Arcane Echoes can be rather difficult to benefit from; although the cooldown
reduction is reasonable, and may work with
Accelerated Decay
to maintain the damage increase
effect, situations where you are able to chain several
Death and Decay casts are rare. The cooldown reduction provided by Arcane Echoes
does not trigger through
The Damned Return's Death and Decay casts.
Hungering Cold provides a massive damage increase to the combo. Successfully casting
Death and Decay against a Hero Rooted
Frost Nova
Frost Blast increases Kel'Thuzad's short term damage
output immensely, on top of making subsequent Basic Attacks extremely powerful.
Further, Root effects provided by allied Heroes can also trigger Hungering
Cold, making it powerful with Arthas, Deckard, and
Malfurion, among others.
Power of Icecrown is a simple and powerful damage increase that affects
all of Kel'Thuzad's most relevant damage sources. A single
Chains of Kel'Thuzad
hit against two Heroes grants four stacks immediately.
Level 20 Talents for Kel'Thuzad

When Frost Blast's Root expires, enemies are Slowed by 40% for 3 seconds. Heroes killed while under the effects of Frost Blast instantly release another Frost Blast explosion.

If a Hero is hit with Shadow Fissure, a second one is cast below them 1 second later. This second cast will not duplicate itself.

- Cooldown: 240 seconds
Activate to dash forward, dealing 150 (+2.5% per level) damage to enemies in the path. Takedowns reset the cooldown of Shifting Malice.

- Cooldown: 15 seconds
Activate to create a Shade of Naxxramas that lasts 15 seconds and mimics Kel'Thuzad's casts of Death and Decay.
This Tier focuses on improving Kel'Thuzad's damage output and utility.
Deathchill is a winmore Talent that serves mostly to
punish poor play or as a counter to The Lost Vikings. Hitting more than one Hero with
Frost Blast is rare, and successfully triggering Deathchill hits
is about as rare.
Might of the Scourge's potential depends on just
how much crowd control
your team composition has to offer. With two or more Stuns or Roots besides
your own, and some Map awareness, Might of the Scourge may constitute
a proper win condition. Otherwise, look
The Damned Return instead.
Shifting Malice is essentially a defensive Talent for Kel'Thuzad,
and is reminiscent of a
Bolt of the Storm which can be used to deal
a fair amount of damage, but cannot pass through
impassable terrain. Shifting Malice is
especially useful when being heavily pressured by melee Assassins or
otherwise dived repeatedly.
The Damned Return turns Kel'Thuzad into an extremely powerful
sustained damage dealer by essentially doubling the effects of
Death and Decay. This lets Kel'Thuzad waveclear,
claim Mercenary Camps, and siege better than most Heroes, on top of
improving his poke. The summoned Shade also acts as an indestructible
unit to provide vision over a small area, and may be used as a means of
increasing the range of Death and Decay by casting the Ability by proxy. Be
creative with this one.
- 30 Sep. 2024: Updated talents and build.
- 23 Sep. 2020: Updated talents and build.
- 08 Sep. 2020: Talent builds and recommendations reviewed and updated. Again.
- 19 Jul. 2020: Talent builds and recommendations reviewed and updated.
- 05 Apr. 2020: Description updated for Chain-Link.
- 03 Sep. 2019: Talent descriptions and recommendations updated to reflect latest Talent rework.
- 30 Aug. 2018: Talent descriptions and recommendations updated to reflect latest balance patch.
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Outofmilk is an avid Heroes of the Storm player, and has been playing this game since the first wave of Alpha invites. He currently plays around the Grandmaster / high Master area and is now here to share his knowledge with you.
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