Kharazim Abilities and Strategy
Welcome to our Abilities page for Kharazim. Here, we give you an overview of every ability in Kharazim's kit. For each of them, we explain what it does, how to best use it, and how it works in combination with Kharazim's other abilities. We also give you strategy tips to play Kharazim efficiently.
Kharazim's Tips and Tricks
Radiant Dash can be used on your Elemental Allies (even over Walls and other unpassable terrain) in order to escape pursuing enemies.
- Avoid smashing your Q-button too quickly when playing Kharazim, as it may cause
Radiant Dash to use both charges on the same target.
- Do not use any healing or shielding abilities on the target you used
Divine Palm on before it gets triggered.
- During team fights, especially in the later stages of the game, it is often better to use
Radiant Dash on allies in order to heal them and reposition yourself.
- It is incredibly important to wait for the right moment before you use
Seven-Sided Strike. Ideally, you want to focus its damage on one enemy only to unfold all its damage on the same target. It is good to wait for the target to be immobile to dash towards a point in which your ult will only hit that specific target.
- Use your
Earth Ally very early into the fight, since it has a long duration and will mitigate much damage.
- Both
Quicksilver and
Cleansing Touch can be used either as a peeling Ability, or as an engage tool. By dashing towards your tank, you will be enabling an unstoppable Garrosh with extra Movement Speed to catch an enemy.
Instead of getting a predefined Trait, Kharazim chooses
his Trait at Level 1. Depending on which role he is going to fulfill in the
current match, his choice can vary. While
Transcendence and
seem to be good for increasing Kharazim's healing capabilities, we do not recommend them,
because he is very dependent on
Iron Fists.
The extra healing from Transcendence will not be as effective as the increased damage option.
While Insight is good when completed, Kharazim shines when applying pressure in the
early game. He cannot abuse it if he needs to focus on
stacking his Level 1 Talent.
Transcendence (Trait #1)

- Passive
Every 3rd Basic Attack heals the lowest nearby allied Hero for 104 (+4% per level) and gives 25% increased Move Speed for 2.5 seconds.
Transcendence is the healing upgrade for Kharazim's Trait. It causes every third Basic Attack to heal the lowest nearby ally for a medium amount while also providing a 25% Movement Speed buff to Kharazim himself for 2 seconds.
Iron Fists (Trait #2)

- Passive
Every 3rd Basic Attack deals 110% bonus damage and gives 25% increased Move Speed for 2.5 seconds.
Iron Fists is the damage upgrade for Kharazim's Trait. It causes every third Basic Attack to deal 125% additional damage while at the same time increasing his Movement Speed by 25% for 2 seconds. This Trait is excellent if his team requires Kharazim to play the role of a melee Assassin in order to take down enemy Heroes more quickly.
Insight (Trait #3)

- Passive
Quest: Every 3rd Basic Attack restores 14 (+4% per level) Mana, grants a stack of Insight, and gives 25% increased Movement Speed for 2.5 seconds.
Reward: Upon getting 100 stacks of Insight, every 3rd attack also reduces Basic Ability cooldowns by 1.75 seconds.
Insight is the self-sustain upgrade for Kharazim's Trait. It causes every third Basic Attack to restore a small amount of Mana and also provides him with a 25% Movement Speed buff to Kharazim himself for 2 seconds. After this effect triggers 100 times, every 3rd Basic Attack will also reduce the cooldown of all Basic Abilities by 1 second.
Radiant Dash

- Mana: 25
- Charges: 2
- Recharge Time: 12 seconds
Jump to an allied or enemy unit. Enemies are immediately hit with a Basic Attack.
Stores up to 2 charges.
Radiant Dash has two charges with a recharge time of 12 seconds. This ability
enables Kharazim to quickly jump to an enemy or allied target, allowing him to
become extremely mobile in combat. Assisting allies in need, chasing enemies, or
juking hostile pursuers — Radiant Dash is an
extremely versatile ability that feels very rewarding if used correctly.
Breath of Heaven

- Mana: 65
- Cooldown: 10 seconds
Heal nearby Heroes for 285 (+4% per level) and give them 15% Movement Speed for 3 seconds.
Breath of Heaven synergises extremely well with
Radiant Dash,
as the latter enables Kharazim to quickly reach his desired target while the former is
capable of healing and accelerating him and his allies. Just like the rest of Kharazim's kit,
Breath of Heaven is an incredibly versatile ability. Use it to help
your allies escape dangerous situations or to catch up to retreating
Deadly Reach

- Mana: 45
- Cooldown: 10 seconds
Kharazim's next Basic Attack increases his Attack Speed and Attack Range by 100% for 2 seconds.
Deadly Reach is a formidable offensive ability, allowing Kharazim to quickly
dish out a significant amount of damage while keeping a healthy distance to his
target. The increased attack range also prevents him from exposing himself to
the enemy team which makes Kharazim a unique Hero who combines close
combat and medium range attacks.
Seven-Sided Strike
In this section we discuss how this Heroic Ability works and give some tips on how to use it. If you are looking for a detailed explanation on when and why you should pick it, check out the dedicated section in the Talent Build page.

- Heroic
- Mana: 77
- Cooldown: 50 seconds
Become Invulnerable and strike 7 times over 2 seconds. Each strike hits the highest Health nearby Hero for 7% of their maximum Health.
Seven-Sided Strike is a strong offensive Heroic
Ability that can deal a moderate amount of damage to several enemies at the same time or
an an insane amount to only 1 Hero. It also makes Kharazim
invulnerable for a short period of time, which forces the enemy team to choose
other priority targets while Seven-Sided Strike is active. However, this Heroic
Ability has one major disadvantage, which is its fixed area of effect. Similar to
or Kael'thas's
Phoenix, enemies can simply walk out of Seven-Sided Strike's radius,
which requires Kharazim to wait for the right moment to use it.
Divine Palm
In this section we discuss how this Heroic Ability works and give some tips on how to use it. If you are looking for a detailed explanation on when and why you should pick it, check out the dedicated section in the Talent Build page.

- Heroic
- Mana: 50
- Cooldown: 50 seconds
Protect an allied Hero from death, causing them to be healed for 1200 (+4% per level) if they take fatal damage in the next 3 seconds.
Divine Palm is a very powerful supportive Heroic Ability capable of
single-handedly deciding the outcome of a team fight if used correctly.
Activating Divine Palm causes Kharazim to mark an allied Hero (visible to the
enemy team as well), preventing them from dying for 3 seconds. If
the enemy team kills the marked ally, that Hero will receive an enormous amount of
healing after a short delay. This puts the enemy team into a precarious
situation when playing against Kharazim: on the one hand they want to focus
priority targets as quickly as possible while on the other hand they have to pay
special attention to Divine Palm, as otherwise they will have wasted a lot of
firepower on a target only to restore it to full health again. This ability
feels very challenging to use correctly, yet extremely powerful if it
does go off successfully.
- 15 May 2020: Updated Transcendence and Insight descriptions to match Talent discussion.
- 02 Nov. 2017: Updated Transcendence, Iron Fists, and Insight following the latest balance update.
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Derenash has been playing Heroes of the Storm since 2015 and has achieved Grandmaster in multiple seasons, peaking at Top 1 in Season 3 and 4 of 2018. He participated in the HGC Copa America in 2018 where his team had a strong victory. He is passionate about teaching others about the game, and streams often on Twitch in Portuguese, and you can find him in Wind Striders' Discord as well where he is happy to answer any questions in English or Portuguese.
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