Li Li Abilities and Strategy
Welcome to our Abilities page for Li Li. Here, we give you an overview of every ability in Li Li's kit. For each of them, we explain what it does, how to best use it, and how it works in combination with Li Li's other abilities. We also give you strategy tips to play Li Li efficiently.
Li Li's Tips and Tricks
- Sometimes
Healing Brew requires you to position near who you want to heal because they are in danger and far from who you do not want to heal because they are already safe.
- Due to its short Attack Range while active,
Cloud Serpent should be used on frontline Heroes as they engage.
- Use
Blinding Wind only when enemy Heroes step up for doing damage because the Blind is relatively short.
- Do not cast
Jug of 1,000 Cups too late during team fights, but use it to top off your team, because it is pretty slow at healing.
- When safe to do so, intentionally take a small amount of damage to activate
Fast Feet for a few seconds, then repeat if possible.
Healing Brew

- Mana: 25
- Cooldown: 4 seconds
Heal the lowest Health allied Hero within 6 range for 175 (+4% per level) Health.
Healing Brew is a Basic Ability that, after a short but noticeable travel time,
heals the allied Hero who has the lowest percentage of Health within range,
marked with a blue circle under their Hero model.
The corresponding icon is grey when there are no valid targets nearby.
When multiple allied Heroes have about the same percentage of Health and you want to choose who to heal, you can position Li Li in a way that only one of them will be in range. Unfortunately, the healing will always target Li Li when she has the lowest percentage of Health within range.
If you want to maximize your casting speed and there are no other valid targets nearby that you could target by mistake with a wrong position, you can hold down [Q] to instantly cast Healing Brew on your desired target when it comes off of cooldown.
Cloud Serpent

- Mana: 35
- Cooldown: 11 seconds
Summon a Cloud Serpent on an allied Hero that attacks nearby enemies every second. Each attack deals 26 (+4% per level) damage and heals the ally for 20 (+4% per level). Lasts for 8 seconds.
Cloud Serpent is a Basic Ability that summons a Cloud Serpent
to assist an allied Hero—or even Li Li herself—with damage and healing for 8 seconds.
Cast it on allied Heroes who are within range of enemies or who are about to engage. As a rule of thumb that will help you avoid wasting Mana, only cast this Ability when the target allied Hero is in danger or will stay near an enemy for at least 4 seconds.
When more than two enemy Heroes are within range of this Ability but you want to hit a particular Hero among them, you can position Li Li in a way that only two of them will be in range. Remember that the effect will always hit Heroes over non-Heroes.
Blinding Winds

- Mana: 30
- Cooldown: 12 seconds
Throw a cloud of wind at the 2 nearest enemies (prioritizing Heroes), dealing 133 (+4% per level) damage. Heroes hit are Blinded and Slowed by 15% for 1.5 seconds.
Blinding Wind is a Basic Ability that simultaneously damages enemies,
reduces the damage that they can deal by Blinding them,
and Slows them.
The corresponding icon is grey when there are no valid targets nearby.
While it can be used both offensively and defensively, try to use it defensively most of the time. The Blind effect provided can be a lifesaver for your team, especially against enemy Heroes who deal a lot of damage with Basic Attacks (for example The Butcher). Use it for dealing damage only when you can secure a kill.
We recommend not using it on Minions because it does relatively low damage, it costs a considerable amount of Mana, and has a long cooldown that should be saved for use against Heroes.
Jug of 1,000 Cups
In this section we discuss how this Heroic Ability works and give some tips on how to use it. If you are looking for a detailed explanation on when and why you should pick it, check out the dedicated section in the Talent Build page.

- Heroic
- Mana: 80
- Cooldown: 20 seconds
Channel for up to 6 seconds. Every 0.25 seconds, increase the cooldown of Jug of 1,000 Cups by 2 seconds, up to 50 additional seconds, and heal the lowest Health nearby allied Hero for 75 (+4% per level) Health.
Jug of 1,000 Cups is an Heroic Ability which provides
a massive amount of healing for you and your team. While it looks as an
area of effect Ability, its healing output is the same
regardless of how many allied Heroes are within range. As a consequence,
you can use it to save a single allied Hero without fear.
The corresponding icon is grey when there are no valid targets nearby.
Due to the short delay between the key press and the delivery of the first heal and the fact that the healing happens over 6 seconds, it is important to cast this Heroic Ability pre-emptively when you think an allied Hero is going to need it.
Considering the moderately long channel time, it is recommended to cast all your Basic Abilities before using this Heroic Ability because their cooldown will progress in the meanwhile.
Be careful when you use it because, being a channeled Ability, it can be interrupted by most crowd control effects. The range is long enough that you can stay safe in the backline during team fights and still be able to heal your frontline.
If you do not need its effect anymore, you can press [R] again to cancel it. Whether its channeling gets interrupted by yourself this way or by the enemy via ccrowd control effects, its total cooldown of 70 seconds will be reduced based on how many seconds of channel were remaining.
Each second of unused channel is worth 8 seconds of cooldown reduction, with a limit of 50 seconds. The cooldown starts as soon as you begin channeling and cannot be higher than 64 seconds—in case of full channel—or lower than 20 seconds—in case of immediate interrupt.
The targeting mechanic of this Heroic Ability works like Healing Brew.
When multiple allied Heroes have about the same percentage of Health and you want to choose who to heal,
you can position Li Li in a way that only one of them will be in range. Unfortunately,
the healing will always target Li Li when she has the lowest percentage of Health within range.
Water Dragon
In this section we discuss how this Heroic Ability works and give some tips on how to use it. If you are looking for a detailed explanation on when and why you should pick it, check out the dedicated section in the Talent Build page.

- Heroic
- Mana: 60
- Cooldown: 50 seconds
Li Li channels for 2 seconds, summoning a Water Dragon that hits the nearest enemy Hero within 12 range and all enemies near them, dealing 300 (+4% per level) damage and slowing their Movement Speed by 70% for 4 seconds.
Water Dragon is an Heroic Ability that, after 2 seconds
of channel, damages and Slows the nearest
enemy Hero within range and all enemies around them.
The corresponding icon is grey when there are no valid targets nearby.
While the damage is high enough to make the difference and secure a kill, what makes this Ability strong is the powerful and long lasting Slow that will work as a form of engage or peel for your team.
Fast Feet

Upon taking damage, your Basic Ability cooldowns refresh 50% faster and you gain 10% Movement Speed for 1 second.
Fast Feet is a Trait that gives Li Li cooldown reduction
and Movement Speed when she takes damage, increasing her healing output and
making her very hard to kill without burst damage and
crowd control.
To keep this effect active, try to take
a small amount of damage (for example walking into Psionic Storm
by Tassadar for a brief moment) whenever you can safely do so.
- 13 Dec. 2024: Guide reviewed for the latest Balance Update.
- 28 Sep. 2021: Guide reviewed for the latest Balance Update.
- 06 Mar. 2021: Guide reviewed for the latest Balance Update.
- 15 Jun. 2020: Ability and Strategy partially revised to match new standards.
- Ability Descriptions modified to better explain how to use Abilities effectively.
- 17 Oct. 2019: Reviewed Abilities discussion to ensure relevance after balance patch.
- 23 Aug. 2018: Updated Cloud Serpent discussion to reflect changes in balance patch.
More Healer Guides
Elitesparkle is a multiple times Master player in Europe who plays Heroes of the Storm since its release. He is an active member of the community who likes to teach new and veteran players all he knows about his favorite game.
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