Lt. Morales Talents
Welcome to our Talents page for Lt. Morales. Here, we give you an overview of how strong each of Lt. Morales's talents is. Then, we present several viable builds, before analyzing each talent row separately, so that you can make informed decisions.
Lt. Morales's Talent Build
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Lt. Morales's Talent Build Cheatsheet
Healing Beam Build
RecommendedBasic Attacks Build
SituationalLt. Morales's Basic Attacks Build is great for healing your team during prolonged team fights, but it requires to use Basic Attacks on enemy Heroes as often as possible, without exposing and dying.
The combination of Caduceus Feedback at Level 1
Bedside Manner at Level 13 is pretty good
for pressuring the enemy frontline with Basic Attacks
while also generating Energy for your heals.
Displacement Grenade Build
SituationalLt. Morales's Displacement Grenade Build gives you a lot of utility in the form of personal Shields and a powerful Slow in the early game, with extremely low cooldown once you reach the late game.
You can use this Build against team compositions featuring a lot of low-range Heroes.
Since they tend to play near each other, you will easily get multi-hits
with Displacement Grenade and, as a consequence,
more value from
Second Opinion at Level 20
Blast Shield at Level 4.
Level 1 Talents for Lt. Morales

Increases Attack Range by 1.1 and Basic Attacks against Heroes generate 4 Energy.
Caduceus Feedback is a good Talent that increases
your Attack Range and, more importantly, makes your Basic Attacks generate Energy.
Just be careful with your positioning when using this Talent because, once dead,
your remaining Energy will not matter anymore.
Ideally, this is the best Energy Regeneration tool you have at your disposal for when
you need to constantly channel Healing Beam,
but you will not be able to use Basic Attacks against enemy Heroes all the time,
so its real value will vary based on how aggressive the enemy team will be
and it obviously will not work while not fighting against enemy Heroes.
Pick this Talent only if you can use Basic Attacks without risking death
because it allows you to generate a considerable amount of Energy,
even while channeling Healing Beam.
With it, you can extend
Healing Beam's duration from about 17 seconds
(equivalent to 100 Energy) to about 25 seconds (equivalent to 100 + 50 Energy)
if you can Basic Attack (equivalent to 100 + 200 Energy) once every 2 seconds (usually possible)
or to about 50 seconds if you can Basic Attack once per second (rarely possible).
All that said, in order to match the value of
Life Support
in a sustain healing scenario,
you only need about 1 Basic Attacks every 3 seconds.

During the first 2 seconds of Energy regeneration, Healing Beam regenerates 100% more Energy.
Passive: Increase your maximum Energy by 10.
Life Support is a strong Talent that
increases your maximum Energy by a small amount
and slightly empowers
your Energy Regeneration for a brief period after stopping channeling
Healing Beam.
Thanks to how the bonus Energy Regeneration works,
assuming you are in a situation where your team needs
sustain healing and not burst healing,
you can basically heal for 50% value without spending Energy by playing as follows:
channel Healing Beam
for 4 seconds, stop channeling it, wait 4 seconds, and repeat.
This playstyle is pretty good for
First Responder at Level 16.

Quest: Each enemy Hero hit with Displacement Grenade restores 3 Energy.
Reward: After hitting 15 Heroes, reduce the cooldown of Displacement Grenade from 12 seconds to 9 seconds.
Reward: After hitting 30 Heroes, increase the detonation area of Displacement Grenade by 25%.
Clear! is a decent Talent that empowers
Displacement Grenade by reducing its cooldown,
increasing its detonation area, and making it restore 3 Energy for each enemy Hero hit.
Thanks to the cooldown reduction and the area increase provided, this Talent has synergy
with Blast Shield at Level 4
Second Opinion at Level 20,
as well as with any Level 13 Talent:
EMP Grenade,
System Shock, and
Bedside Manner.
Level 4 Talents for Lt. Morales

Consume 30 Energy to heal Lt. Morales for 30% of her maximum Health over 3 seconds. Caduceus Reactor is disabled while this is active.
Passive: Generate 2 Energy each time Safeguard reduces damage, up to a maximum of 10 Energy per use.
Cellular Reactor is a strong Talent for keeping
Lt. Morales alive in dangerous situations at the cost of 30 Energy.
In addition to that,
Safeguard will regenerate
2 Energy for each instance of damage, up to 5 instances of damage per cast,
for a total of 10 Energy gained in the best-case scenario.
Without this Talent, she can only heal herself via Caduceus Reactor
Healing Beam cannot be self-cast.
While its cooldown is relatively low, try to have it ready for team fights
and keep an eye on your Energy consumption otherwise you will not have
enough Energy to heal allied Heroes with
Healing Beam.

Taking damage while below 40% Health grants 40 Armor for 3 seconds. This effect has a 30 second cooldown.
Passive: Increase the healing provided by Caduceus Reactor from 2% to 4% of Lt. Morales's maximum Health per second.
Trauma Trigger is a situational Talent that, once every 30 seconds,
automatically provides a solid amount of Armor to Lt. Morales
if she gets damaged when below 40% of her maximum Health and passively doubles
the healing provided by
Caduceus Reactor, healing her
for about 20% of the healing done by
Healing Beam to allied Heroes.
The extra Armor provided by this Talent is only
useful when the enemy team wants to take you down using crowd control
that will not allow you to cast Safeguard on yourself
and/or activate
Cellular Reactor before it is too late.
Keep in mind that Armor effects do not stack,
so you should try to use Safeguard either before
or after
Trauma Trigger automatically goes off.

Enemy Heroes hit by Displacement Grenade are Slowed by 50% for 1 second after being knocked away and grant Lt. Morales a Shield equal to 6% of her maximum Health. This shield stacks up to 5 times.
Blast Shield is a good Talent that allows Lt. Morales
to Shield herself
Displacement Grenade while also Slowing every enemy Hero hit.
To get the most out of this Talent, you need Clear! at Level 1
to increase the area of
Displacement Grenade
Second Opinion at Level 20
to heavily reduce its cooldown when hitting multiple Heroes at the same time.
Level 7 Talents for Lt. Morales

Safeguard removes all Slows from its target and its cooldown is reduced by 3 seconds.
Physical Therapy is a situational Talent that slightly
reduces the cooldown of
Safeguard and makes it able to
remove Slow effects from the targeted allied Hero.
Consider picking this Talent to counter powerful Abilities
or Talents which rely on Slows being active
(for example Virulent Reaction at Level 16 on Stukov).

While an ally affected by Safeguard is Stunned or Rooted, Safeguard grants an additional 20 Armor.
Passive: Increase the duration of Safeguard by 1 second.
Vanadium Plating is a strong Talent that slightly
increases the duration of the Armor provided by
Safeguard and grants additional Armor
to allied Heroes who are Stunned or Rooted.
Go for this Talent when the enemy team has burst damage,
especially if they also have at least a Stun
(for example Powerslide by E.T.C.)
or Root (such as
Entangling Roots by Malfurion).

Allies with Safeguard receive 75% of the healing done by Healing Beam on another ally.
Medi-Drone is a situational Talent that makes
Safeguard heal for 75% of the healing done via
Healing Beam while the Armor
effect is up. This effect does not work if whoever you are trying to heal
Healing Beam is at full Health.
Pick this Talent when you want to mitigate Lt. Morales's weakness to area of effect damage—as it basically lets you heal 2 Heroes at the same time—or to survive against dive—because it can be used on Lt. Morales too.
Level 10 Talents for Lt. Morales
In this section we discuss when and why to pick a given Heroic Ability. If you want to read how they work in detail and/or you are looking for some tips on how to use them, check them out on the Abilities and Strategy page.

- Cooldown: 70 seconds
Grant an allied Hero 75% Attack Speed and 25% Movement Speed for 10 seconds.
Stim Drone is a strong Heroic Ability that can be
used to boost the combat performance of a Marksman or
even a Bruiser who heavily relies on Basic Attacks.

- Cooldown: 45 seconds
Unlock the Medivac Dropship and Reinforcements abilities. These abilities share a cooldown.
Medivac Dropship
Target a location for a Medivac transport. For up to 10 seconds before takeoff, allies can right-click to enter the Medivac.
Call down a Medivac Dropship at your Hall of Storms for your allies. After 10 seconds, or when the Ability is activated again, the Medivac will travel to the original cast location to unload its passengers.
Medivac Dropships provides a situational Heroic Ability
that can be chosen when you need additional protection and/or a global,
especially on big Maps where traveling from a point to another takes a lot of time.
Level 13 Talents for Lt. Morales

Displacement Grenade deals an additional 96 (+4% per level) damage over 2 seconds, and up to 400 (+4% per level) bonus damage to Shields.
EMP Grenade is a situational Talent that deals high
damage against enemy Shields (such as
Shield Overload
on Artanis) and moderate damage to Heroes without Shields.
Being a damage Talent, it competes with Bedside Manner.
You should only pick this Talent when your team needs burst damage
to quickly take down enemy Heroes who are protected by Shields, not necessarily
every time you see Shields in the enemy team, especially if you need
the damage reduction from
System Shock.

Heroes hit by Displacement Grenade deal 30% less damage for 3 seconds.
System Shock is a strong Talent in most games because
it helps Lt. Morales to mitigate incoming damage, increasing her strength
against burst damage even more.

Heroes hit by Displacement Grenade will take an additional 6% of maximum Health as damage from Lt. Morales's next Basic Attack against them.
Passive: Basic Attacks against Heroes deal an additional 1% of maximum Health as damage.
Bedside Manner is a good Talent that gives you access to
percent-based damage: 1% from Basic Attacks against
any enemy Hero and 6% from the next Basic Attacks within 6 seconds against enemy Heroes
who have been recently hit by
Displacement Grenade.
You can combine this Talent with Caduceus Feedback
at Level 1 to get more value from it, especially if the enemy team has a low-threat
Tank that you can constantly pressure from the distance.
Level 16 Talents for Lt. Morales

Channeling Healing Beam on a Hero for at least 3 seconds causes them to be healed for 258 (+4% per level) over 3 seconds when Healing Beam ends.
Passive: Increase the range of Healing Beam by 30%.
Extended Care is a strong Talent which slightly increases
the range of
Healing Beam so that Lt. Morales has to
expose a bit less for healing an allied Hero and which provides extra healing
over time when
Healing Beam ends.
Thanks to this Talent, Healing Beam and
will basically have the same range. This is extremely useful when trying to save allied Heroes
who are taking a lot of damage because you can start healing them sooner, increasing the chances they will survive.
The extra range provided by this Talent indirectly increases your survivability because you will be able to be in a slightly safer position while healing allied Heroes who are positioned forward, in the frontline of your team.
You can trigger the extra healing from Extended Care
by switching the allied Hero you are targeting with
Healing Beam,
assuming the target your are currently healing does not need your help anymore.

While above 60 Energy, Healing Beam's healing is increased by 20% and both Lt. Morales and her Healing Beam target gain 15% Movement Speed.
First Responder is a good Talent that basically gives
burst healing when having high Energy, something that
can make a significant difference in keeping focused allies
Heroes alive against enemy burst damage.
In case you picked
Medi-Drone at Level 7, the additional healing provided
by this Talent increases its healing as well. You can use this synergy
to make Lt. Morales harder to kill for a few seconds by using
on herself while channeling
Healing Beam on a damaged Minion
or injured allied Hero nearby.
Talents that increase the Energy at your disposal
have synergy with First Responder
because they allow you to stay above the Energy threshold for longer.

Safeguard gains a second charge and its range is increased by 60%.
Shield Sequencer is a good Talent that empowers
Safeguard by increasing its range,
to easily cast it on aggressively positioned allied Heroes without exposing too much,
and by giving you an extra Charge, something
that enables Lt. Morales to get double value from any related Talent.
The extra range is great for saving allied Heroes who are way too far,
especially if you have Vanadium Plating at Level 7
and they get either Rooted or Stunned.
This is the only Talent in this Tier that boosts Lt. Morales's own survivability. Keep that in mind when you are struggling to survive against enemy Heroes who tend to flank or dive, causing your premature death in team fights.
Level 20 Talents for Lt. Morales

Reduce the cooldown of Stim Drone from 70 seconds to 35 seconds, and increase the Movement Speed bonus from 25% to 50%.
Hyperactivity is a strong Talent that doubles the
Movement Speed bonus, useful for chasing and dodging,
and heavily reduces the cooldown of
Stim Drone,
sometimes letting you cast it twice in the same team fight.
You can pick this Talent to further empower the Hero in your team
that you buffed with Stim Drone during the game,
unless you need the defensive value provided by
Hospice Care.

After exiting the Medivac, allies are Protected from all damage for 3 seconds.
Passive: Reduce the cooldown of Medivac Dropship abilities by 15 seconds.
Safe Zone is a situational Talent that may be useful
when using
Medivac Dropships for a backdoor or to force
an engage, strategies that only work if playing
with a coordinated team. To get value from this Talent, land near Structures so
that you can start damaging them when the Protected
effect is still up.
Reinforcements benefits from this Talent as well.

Safeguard grants its target Unkillable for 1 second. If the target is under 50% maximum Health when the Unkillable effect ends, they are healed for 8% of their maximum Health.
Hospice Care is a situational Talent which empowers
Safeguard so that it gives the Unkillable status
to the targeted allied Hero and then, if they have less than 50% maximum Health,
they get healed for 8% maximum Health. You can use it on Lt. Morales as well.
You should consider picking this Talent when the enemy team has a scary amount of crowd control and burst damage, to the point that even your Tank is constantly in danger. Since frontline Heroes have more maximum Health, using this Talent on them means it is easier to trigger the healing effect.

Hitting 2 or more Heroes with Displacement Grenade reduces its cooldown to 2 seconds.
Second Opinion is a good Talent that almost resets
the cooldown of
Displacement Grenade when hitting
multiple enemy Heroes with it.
When planning to go for this Talent, it is important to have
Clear! at Level 1 because it increases
Displacement Grenade's area, making it easier
to hit multiple enemy Heroes with it.
If you have good aim and the enemy team tends to clump,
the cooldown reduction given by this Talent will help you
get more value from both the Slow and the Shield
provided by Blast Shield at Level 4.
- 17 Dec. 2023: Guide reviewed.
- 20 Sep. 2023: ARAM Build added.
- 02 Jun. 2022: Builds updated.
- 01 Sep. 2021: Builds updated.
- 26 Aug. 2021: Guide reviewed for the latest Balance Update.
- 23 Jul. 2021: Guide reviewed for the latest Balance Update.
- 14 Jun. 2021: Builds updated.
- 25 Feb. 2021: New layout.
- 17 Jul. 2020: Guide reviewed for the latest Balance Update.
- 05 Jun. 2020: Builds and Descriptions changed according to the latest Balance Update.
- 28 Apr. 2020: Talent Build fully revised to match new standards.
- Talent Build and Talent Build Cheatsheet modified to reflect the current metagame.
- Talent Descriptions modified to better describe when to pick them.
- 23 Mar. 2020: Outdated and misleading information corrected.
- 16 Oct. 2019: Added the Medi-Drone talent at Level 7 and applied it to Lt. Morales' builds in accordance with the latest Balance Update.
- 17 Jun. 2019: Updated Lt. Morales' talents in accordance with the latest state of the game.
- 13 Oct. 2018: Updated Lt. Morales' Talent Builds in accordance with the recent Balance Update.
- 15 Jan. 2017: Changed Cellular Reactor from Not Recommended to Situational.
- 22 Dec. 2017: Changed First Responder from Not Recommended to Recommended.
- 12 Sep. 2017: Changed Life Support from Not Recommended to Recommended.
- 08 Sep. 2017: Updated Lt. Morales' talents page in accordance with the Kel'thuzad patch.
More Healer Guides
Elitesparkle is a multiple times Master player in Europe who plays Heroes of the Storm since its release. He is an active member of the community who likes to teach new and veteran players all he knows about his favorite game.
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