Lúcio Talents
Welcome to our Talents page for Lúcio. Here, we give you an overview of how strong each of Lúcio's talents is. Then, we present several viable builds, before analyzing each talent row separately, so that you can make informed decisions.
Lúcio's Talent Build
Level | Choices |
1 |
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4 |
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7 |
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10 |
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13 |
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16 |
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20 |
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Lúcio's Talent Build Cheatsheet
Advanced Build
RecommendedLúcio's Advanced Build is aimed at experienced Lúcio players. In order to get value
from Talents such as Accelerando and
Smooth Moves, you should be playing more offensively, by
either abusing Accelerando's increased Movement Speed to Harass enemies, or by
constantly attacking and sustaining yourself through
Smooth Moves.
Accelerando takes some practice to maintain the boost constantly up, but once you get used to it, you will feel the difference it makes. Smooth Moves at Level 1 is also good, since it allows you to be more offensive and take some damage for your team.
At Level 20, Mixing Fire should be picked if you got
High Five, while
Summer Anthem when the enemy team
has a wombo combo composition.
House Party
will be good against compositions without much burst.
Bossa Nova
can be an option if your team is dying before the fight starts,
since the cooldown Reduction is very noticeable.
Crossfade Build
BeginnerLúcio's Crossfade Build is directly aimed for the novice Lúcio players, since it increases Crossfade's range and makes it easier to heal all your team without any concerns. This build has a smaller potential for making plays, and enables an easier and more defensive Lúcio playstyle.
All the Talents at Level 7 are good for this build. You can get Boombox
to provide more vision to your team, and even heal them from distance.
Reverse Amp
is also a good option, since it will increase your damage and add little crowd control
to Lúcio. Together with
Off the Wall,
Good Vibrations
adds more resilience to Lúcio, and should be the choice if you are being focused by enemy team.
Even though
All Together gives Lúcio a much needed increased mobility,
Slip is a good choice against dive compositions willing to kill you.
Level 1 Talents for Lúcio

Quest: Play Lúcio's Crossfade tracks to nearby allies. Multiple allies provide additional time.
Reward: For every 1 Minute played, permanently increase Lucio's maximum Mana by 10.
Reward: Once you have played for 8 minutes or more, permanently increase Crossfade's range by 20%.

Wall Ride's Movement Speed bonus gradually increases to 40% over 4 seconds while Lúcio maintains its effect.

While Wall Ride is active, Basic Attacks heal for 30% of the damage dealt and restore 1 Mana.
Passive: Increase Wall Ride duration by 1 second.
Party Mix plays very well into Lúcio's kit, since he normally
tries to stay close to his allies in the first place. Thus, completing this Quest Talent should
not take very long, while the increased
size of both Healing and Speed Boost after completion marks a significant early power spike for Lúcio.
This Talent is recommended for new players trying Lúcio, since it is easier to use
than the other options and will be very effective in every game.
Experienced Lúcio players will get more value from Accelerando or Smooth Moves.
Accelerando focuses more on Lúcio's own mobility instead of
buffing nearby allies. This allows him to rotate around the battlefield much quicker, while at the same time
making him a lot harder to kill during team fights. This is the default Talent
for this tier. Still, be aware that it is harder to use than Smooth Moves or Party Mix,
without proper execution, Accelerando will not be as effective as it could be.
Smooth Moves's self-heal and Mana Regeneration enables Lúcio
to be more offensive, since most of the damage and poke received will be negated
by his sustain. Considering this Talent's effect is instantaneous and increases
Wall Ride's duration, it is more efficient on Maps where
you cannot be constantly on walls, like in Hanamura Temple.
Level 4 Talents for Lúcio

Enemies within the first half of Soundwave's range are knocked back 75% further.
Quest: Hit 3 enemy Heroes with a single Soundwave.
Reward: Increase Soundwave's arc by 50% and its range by 20%.

Hitting an enemy with Soundwave while Wall Ride is active reduces its cooldown by 3 seconds.

While Wall Ride is active, Push Off's cooldown recharges 100% faster.
Subwoofer's extra range after quest completion can be
good for interrupting some engages from tanks, such as E.T.C.'s
Powerslide, Blaze's
Jet Propulsion
or Varian's
Charge. The extra knockback effect
is useful when using
Push Off followed with
Soundwave. It is a good option for veteran Lúcio players
that can easily complete this quest.
Off the Wall is the most reliable Talent for this tier, since
it will be useful in all games. The cooldown reduction provided turns Lúcio into
a very annoying Hero to play against. Do not hesitate to use
to peel an ally or to harass enemies, it will be ready for use
in 4 seconds.
Supersonic's cooldown reduction has outstanding synergy
Heavy Casters at Level 13, which turns
Push Off's Slow into a Stun,
allowing Lúcio to peel more efficiently for his allies.
Level 7 Talents for Lúcio

Hitting an enemy with Soundwave grants Lúcio a 38 (+4% per level) Shield for 7 seconds. Hitting enemy Heroes grants 3 times this amount.

Blast Lúcio's active Crossfade track at enemy Heroes. While Amp It Up is active, Healing Boost deals 50 (+4% per level) damage per second and Speed Boost Slows by 20%.
This ability is unaffected by Crossfade talents.

- Cooldown: 20 seconds
Place a boombox that plays Lúcio's active Crossfade track. Its volume adjusts with Amp It Up. Allied Heroes near the boombox gain 5 Armor.
Crossfade tracks do not stack.
Good Vibrations is good if you took
Off the Wall
at Level 4, since it allows Lúcio to be more aggressive when harassing enemies.
Reverse Amp's damage beat can be quite noticeable over time, while the Movement Speed
reduction beat is great to chase retreating enemies. The Talent comes with very little downsides and a lot of room
for impactful plays. The cooldown is low enough to make this Talent a recommended choice.
Boombox is an extremely versatile Talent. It can be used
in several ways, being more of an utility Talent, than a numerical one. However, it
does not provide as much upfront value as
Reverse Amp
Good Vibrations, so it will only be better if you use it
Boombox can be used to:
- Scout enemy Mercenaries, bushes, or other important areas.
- Heal your team while you dismount enemies rotating.
- Tank shots from enemy Towers (not other Structures) during a dive or from any enemy Structures while pushing, usually with a high siege damage Hero, like Greymane or Sonya.
- Slightly increase your team's Armor in a teamfight.
- Heal your Offlaner while you are with the rest of the team.
It is important to note that it has a very small cooldown that counts down while it is up. It is always good to have one positioned somewhere, as when it gets destroyed, you will already have another one ready to be used.
Level 10 Talents for Lúcio

- Mana: 100
- Cooldown: 80 seconds
After 1 second, Lúcio and nearby allied Heroes gain a 1296 (+4% per level) point Shield that rapidly decays over 6 seconds.

- Mana: 30
Quickly skate to an allied Hero. Upon arrival the ally is healed for 230 (+4% per level), Lúcio is healed for 80 (+4% per level), and both gain Unstoppable for 1 second.
In this section we discuss when and why to pick a given Heroic Ability. If you want to read how they work in detail and/or you are looking for some tips on how to use them, check them out on the Abilities and Strategy page.
Sound Barrier offers an incredible amount of area of effect
burst damage protection for short period of time, as its Shield decays rapidly.
It is also worth mentioning that Sound Barrier needs to be cast with caution.
Before activating it, Lúcio has a 1-second activation timer in which he jumps up in the
air before casting the Ability. During that short time window,
any Stun, Polymorph,
or Silence effect will cancel Sound Barrier's casting animation, causing it to
go on a 10-second cooldown.
High Five works as an anti crowd control tool that Lúcio can use
when an ally is in danger. The additional heal it provides works well to get
the target out of the danger zone in many cases. What makes this Heroic Ability particularly interesting
is its short cooldown. Experienced Lúcio players can use their Movement Speed to their advantage
and always be in range to use High Five. We recommend picking High Five if the enemy team
features several single-target crowd control and you
do not need Sound Barrier. It is a good option against Qhira as well,
since the Unstoppable effect it provides
interrupts her
Revolving Sweep.
High Five can be used against area of effect crowd controls as well, but it requires Lúcio to use it in a specific way. To save an ally hit by an area of effect Ability you have to first use High Five on an ally Hero close to you, getting the Unstoppable for 1 second, to then use it on the Hero in danger. Without this technique, Lúcio will get Stunned or Rooted by that Ability, cancelling High Five and dying alongside his ally.
Level 13 Talents for Lúcio

For each ally affected by Crossfade, Lúcio gains 5% Movement Speed that stacks with other bonuses.

Push Off no longer Slows enemies, and instead Stuns them for 0.5 seconds.

While Wall Ride is active, passing near an enemy Hero increases its Movement Speed bonus to 40%, and grants 15 Armor, for 1 second.
All Together is a good Talent in most games.
It has great synergy with
Party Mix, since by the
time Level 13 becomes available, Party Mix' Quest bonus should usually be
active, which allows Lúcio
to get the Movement Speed bonus more easily.
Heavy Casters has outstanding synergy
Supersonic at Level 4, which lowers
the cooldown of Lúcio's
Push Off. Is a great option
against Heroes that are very punished by crowd control,
like Sonya, Yrel, or Genji.
Slip's extra armor and Movement Speed
allows Lúcio to play more aggressive. However, we do not recommend this Talent, because
you have to risk too much to get value from it.
Level 16 Talents for Lúcio

While Amp It Up is active, Crossfade's Healing Boost heals for an additional 2.5% of the target's maximum Health each second.

Hitting enemy Heroes with Basic Attacks reduces the cooldown of Amp It Up by 0.4 seconds.
Passive: Wall Ride increases Basic Attack range by 2.2.

Increase the duration of Amp It Up by 1 second. While Amp It Up is active, enemy Heroes hit by Soundwave or Push-Off further increase its duration by 0.3 seconds.
Rejuvenescência provides strong extra raw healing,
especially on high-Health Tanks and Bruisers.
It is a good option if you are not confident to be
constantly delivering Basic Attacks into enemies.
Up the Frequency lowers the cooldown of
Amp It Up
but requires Lúcio to keep attacking targets as well. This can be a great Talent but do not chase enemy targets
blindly just to get a few extra Basic Attacks in. Experienced Lúcio players will in most cases
get more value from Up the Frequency than from Rejuvenescencia.
Up To Eleven slightly increases
Amp It Up's
duration. However, for most Heroes, Rejuvenescência will be much more effective in terms of healing
Up To Eleven. Even though this Talent increases
Reverse Amp's
duration, if you are looking to get more value from Reverse Amp,
Up the Frequency
will be a better choice.
Level 20 Talents for Lúcio

Reduce the cooldown of Sound Barrier to 30 seconds, but the Shield now decays over 4 seconds.

High Five can now be cast on enemy Heroes, dealing 160 (+4% per level) damage and reducing all healing received by 50% for 3 seconds.
Passive: Reduce the cost and cooldown of High Five by 30%.

For each ally affected by Crossfade, Lúcio gains 8% increased healing.

- Cooldown: 60 seconds
Activate for allies affected by Crossfade to become Unkillable for 1.5 seconds.
Bossa Nova comes with a significant drawback, namely reducing the Shield duration
to 4 seconds, however, it also comes with an even more significant reward,
which drastically reduces
Sound Barrier's
cooldown to 30 seconds. This provides more Shields overall and also makes
missing Sound Barrier much more forgiving in the
late game.
Mixing Fire should be the go-to choice if
High Five was picked at Level 10. It not only greatly reduces
High Five's cost and cooldown, but also adds the ability to
inflict damage on enemy Heroes, while reducing all healing received. However,
it is important to highlight that using High Five to save allies usually
has higher priority than chasing down enemy Heroes when playing Lúcio.
House Party works very well with the increased
Crossfade radius granted by
Party Mix
at Level 1. This combination allows you to significantly increase Lúcio's
late-game healing power but even without it, House Party
is a tremendous help with keeping allies alive more easily.
Summer Anthem can be a real game winner if used properly.
And that is also what makes this Talent situational at best:
the short time window during which it grants allied Heroes the Unkillable status is very easy
to miss, requiring good game sense.
Spot-on timing make this Talent hard to use but very powerful if used well.
- 30 Jan. 2022: Level 13's Talent recommendations updated.
- 24 Jul. 2021: Builds and Talents updated after recent balance patch.
- 04 Jun. 2021: Updated Talents and builds to ensure meta relevance.
- 21 Jan. 2021: Updated Talents and builds after recent balance patch.
- 21 Oct. 2020: Updated Smooth Moves's discussion.
- 10 Apr. 2020: Updated builds and Talents to better reflect current meta.
- 17 Jun. 2019: Revised the guide and found it to be still up-to-date.
- 28 Mar. 2019: Overhauled and updated Lucio's talents and builds in accordance with his latest rework.
- 05 Nov. 2018: Removed We Move Together (the talent was removed from the game last week), leaving Accelerando the only recommended talent at Level 1.
- 26 Mar. 2018: Changed talents at Level 7 and updated Lucio's Sound Barrier Build.
- 11 Jan. 2018: Changed Maximum Tempo and Reverse Amp to Not Recommended.
- 22 Dec. 2017: Removed the Reverse Amp Build.
- 14 May 2017: Changed Can't Stop Won't Stop from Not Recommended to Recommended and changed Back in the Mix from Recommended to Situational.
- 11 May 2017: Removed Heliotropics.
- 12 Apr. 2017: Changed the evaluation of Accelerando from not recommended to recommended.
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Derenash has been playing Heroes of the Storm since 2015 and has achieved Grandmaster in multiple seasons, peaking at Top 1 in Season 3 and 4 of 2018. He participated in the HGC Copa America in 2018 where his team had a strong victory. He is passionate about teaching others about the game, and streams often on Twitch in Portuguese, and you can find him in Wind Striders' Discord as well where he is happy to answer any questions in English or Portuguese.
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