Lunara Build Guide “Taste my spear!”
Welcome to our guide for Lunara, a Ranged Assassin in Heroes of the Storm. Within these pages, you will find everything required to understand how best to play this hero, in both different map styles and team compositions.
Lunara's Overview
Lunara is a Ranged Assassin who relies on her high Movement Speed and damage over time abilities to fight her enemies from a large distance. She combines the ability to grant vision to her team with strong Basic Attacks and outstanding maneuverability, especially during the later stages of the game. As most ranged Assassins, she requires good positioning and map awareness in order to unfold her true strength. Lunara is a challenging Hero to master, however, she is a very rewarding Assassin, capable of having a massive impact on team fights and skirmishes.
Lunara's Strengths and Weaknesses
Strong sustain DPS in teamfights
Good PvE ability with dedicated Talents
Very mobile due to Trait
Susceptible to crowd control
Fairly high learning curve
No real burst damage
Requires good positioning
Lunara's Talent Build Cheatsheet
Noxious Blossom Build
RecommendedLunara's Noxious Blossom Build turns her into a sort of hybrid damage class. Your main focus should be keeping up stacks through Basic Attacks thus activating the damage portion of Choking Pollen to deal some great burst damage.
Standard Auto Attack Build
BeginnerThe Standard Auto Attack Build is where Lunara shines the brightest. Focusing on
enhancing her auto attack damage, Lunara can quickly stack up Nature's Toxin, activating
Choking Pollen's extra damage. After level 16, Lunara
can shred tanks through
Invigorating Spores.
Nature's Toxin Build
SituationalThe Nature's Toxin Build enhances Lunara's trait damage. Focus on stacking up her poison on all enemies rewards you greatly once at 3 stacks, slowly withering the enemies down. Leaping Strike is the most viable Heroic ability due to the small burst damage it has and also allows you to stick on a target in case they were to flee.
ARAM Build
ARAMThe ARAM Build enhances Lunara's trait damage. Focus on stacking up her poison on all enemies, as it rewards you greatly while at 3 stacks, slowly withering the enemies down. Leaping Strike is the most viable Heroic ability due to the small burst damage it has and also allows you to stick on a target in case they were to flee.
Lunara's Synergies and Counters
Lunara works with a variety of different Heroes and team compositions, however,
she truly shines if paired with crowd control heavy Heroes such as
Arthas, Jaina,
or Muradin who all provide plenty of Slow for
Lunara's Unfair Advantage talent at Level 16 to get value from.
Lunara gets countered by two things: mobile Assassins like Illidan
or Genji that can chase her down even after
she used Leaping Strike and strong AoE healing provided by Healers like
Malfurion or Stukov who can shut down
Nature's Toxin's poison damage.
Lunara's Maps

Lunara performs quite well on most maps with the exception of
Warhead Junction where the fact that Lunara cannot use a mount causes her
to feel very clunky and slow. On Battlefield of Eternity, however, Lunara feels
even more powerful than on other battlegrounds thanks to her Level 4 talent
Nature's Culling, which allows her to inflict heavy damage
onto enemy Immortals.
Lunara's Tips and Tricks
- The fact that Lunara cannot use a mount is a both blessing and curse. In team fights, make sure to use your increased Movement Speed to kite enemy Heroes. Out of combat, do not forget about informing your allies about your position during rotations if you are falling behind.
Leaping Strike is a great escape mechanism against hard-engaging Tanks and melee Assassins like Illidan or Muradin.
- Lunara's efficiency sometimes depends on the type of Healer Hero the enemy team chose during draft. While she counters single-target Healers like Lt. Morales or Uther, her AoE damage over time gets countered by strong AoE Healers like Stukov or Malfurion.
- On larger maps,
Hippity Hop allows Lunara to rotate as fast as any mounted Hero, which greatly helps her to stay close to her allies.
Lunara's Role in the Current Meta
Lunara shines when she is able to stack and spread
Nature's Toxin on multiple targets undisturbed. Thus,
keeping her poison active should become her primary goal. Fortunately,
abilities like
Noxious Blossom and
Crippling Spores can help out greatly in that regard.
Crippling Spores, in particular, can be used to instantly refresh the duration
of Nature's Toxin and also slows each affected enemy.
Although Lunara's Heroic Abilities are quite easy to understand, it is
extremely important to know when to use them.
Thornwood Vine adds a fairly reliable source of
additional AoE damage and also allows Lunara to control her
Nature's Toxin stacks more efficiently.
Leaping Strike, on the other hand, focuses more on
mobility and repositioning. As such, you should carefully assess your own and
the enemy team composition and then decide which ability to pick at Level
- 30 Sep. 2024 (this page): ARAM Build updated
- 26 Sep. 2023 (this page): ARAM Build added.
- 20 Jun. 2022 (this page): Updated builds
- 12 Dec. 2021 (talents page): Updated level 13 talents.
- 12 Dec. 2021 (this page): Updated level 13 talents.
- 30 Aug. 2021 (this page): Talents have been updated in builds.
- 01 Jun. 2021 (talents page): Talents have been updated.
- 01 Jun. 2021 (this page): Guide has been updated with new builds.
- 09 Nov. 2020 (talents page): Guide has been reviewed and no changes are needed.
- 09 Nov. 2020 (this page): Guide has been reviewed and no changes are needed.
- 02 Jul. 2020 (talents page): Guide has been reviewed and no changes are needed.
- 02 Jul. 2020 (abilities page): Guide has been reviewed and no changes are needed.
- 02 Jul. 2020 (this page): Guide has been reviewed and no changes are needed.
- 05 Dec. 2019 (this page): Added a note regarding this seasons Anomaly.
- 25 Jul. 2019 (talents page): Updated Lunara's talents.
- 25 Jul. 2019 (abilities page): Reviewed Lunara's Abilities section.
- 25 Jul. 2019 (this page): Guide updated.
- 23 May 2018 (talents page): Updated Lunara's talents in accordance with her most recent rework.
- 23 May 2018 (abilities page): Updated Lunara's abilities in accordance with her most recent rework.
- 16 Jan. 2018 (this page): Guide moved to new format.
More Ranged Assassin Guides
Outofmilk is an avid Heroes of the Storm player, and has been playing this game since the first wave of Alpha invites. He currently plays around the Grandmaster / high Master area and is now here to share his knowledge with you.
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