Malfurion Talents
Welcome to our Talents page for Malfurion. Here, we give you an overview of how strong each of Malfurion's talents is. Then, we present several viable builds, before analyzing each talent row separately, so that you can make informed decisions.
Malfurion's Talent Build
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Malfurion's Talent Build Cheatsheet
Regrowth Build
RecommendedMalfurion's Regrowth Build provides superior healing, a bit of survivability, and utility. Because of its versatility, you should use this Build in most if not all your games, with minor adjustments based on the situation.
Emerald Dreams at Level 1 is great
when allied Heroes can get value from its Sleep
effect. If you feel that is not the case, you can replace it with
Vengeful Roots to increase your damage dealt
or to intercept skillshots.
Nature's Swiftness at Level 13 is a key Talent
as it gives reach and safety.
Rejuvenation at Level 4
helps you heal yourself without self-casting
and also makes
Nature's Swiftness at Level 13
give you a bit more Movement Speed.
ARAM Build
ARAMMalfurion's ARAM Build provides superior healing, a bit of survivability, and utility. Because of its versatility, you should use this Build in most if not all your games, with minor adjustments based on the situation.
Emerald Dreams at Level 1 is great
when allied Heroes can get value from its Sleep
effect. If you feel that is not the case, you can replace it with
Vengeful Roots to increase your damage dealt
or to intercept skillshots.
Nature's Swiftness at Level 13 is a key Talent
as it gives reach and safety.
Rejuvenation at Level 4
helps you heal yourself without self-casting
and also makes
Nature's Swiftness at Level 13
give you a bit more Movement Speed.
Level 1 Talents for Malfurion

Entangling Roots grows 25% larger, and persist on the ground 40% longer.
Repeatable Quest: Every time an enemy Hero becomes Rooted, gain 14 Mana permanently.
Deep Roots is a weak Talent that
Entangling Roots significantly more difficult to avoid.
Since the initial area of the Ability is also increased by this Talent,
Deep Roots also helps with accuracy when you need to Root a moving target.
We find this Talent lackluster because Malfurion should not have big Mana issues when played correctly and the zoning value provided is not good enough when compared to the alternatives in the same Tier.

Entangling Roots spawns a Treant that deals 58 damage per second and lasts 10 seconds.
Repeatable Quest: Hitting enemy Heroes with Entangling Roots permanently increases the Treant's Basic Attack damage by 7.
Vengeful Roots is a good Talent that provides Malfurion with
surprisingly potent single-target damage output, allowing him
to fend off several Assassins. The Treant summoned by this Talent may also
block certain Abilities to mitigate damage or otherwise
make targeting difficult.

- Mana: 65
- Cooldown: 12 seconds
Entangling Roots Sleeps enemy Heroes for 2 seconds after its Root expires.
Emerald Dreams is a strong Talent that adds a powerful
Sleep effect to
Entangling Roots,
right after its Root gets removed or expires.
Thanks to the fact that Sleep does not break when the target takes damage within 0.5 seconds from its application, this Talent can be used to keep an enemy Hero locked in place for 0.5 more seconds while they are being focused by your team.
Alternatively, you can keep an enemy Hero out of combat for up to 3.25 seconds, given your allies do not damage them and thus break the Sleep effect or interrupt powerful channeled Abilities.
Level 4 Talents for Malfurion

Casting Regrowth on an ally also grants Malfurion its effect for 50% normal duration.
Rejuvenation allows Malfurion
to benefit from
Moonfire's triggering
effect without having to waste precious
Regrowth casts upon himself,
indirectly increasing your survivability.
This free Regrowth counts for Talents
that become more powerful based on its presence or their quantity:
Tranquility at Level 10 for Armor on Malfurion,
Nature's Swiftness at Level 13 for Movement Speed on Malfurion,
Ysera's Gift at Level 16 to self-heal and meet the Health threshold,
Moonlit Harmony at Level 16 to heal more with
Serenity at Level 20 to heal more with

Increase Moonfire's reveal duration by 3 seconds. Malfurion's Basic Attacks against Heroes revealed by Moonfire deal 85% more damage.
Celestial Alignment provides Malfurion with surprisingly
potent single-target damage output. The increased reveal duration is also
particularly useful for keeping track of opponents around Objectives that
feature surrounding bushes and impassable terrain,
such as on Cursed Hollow, Dragon Shire,
Infernal Shrines, or Towers of Doom. Celestial Alignment is viable in the rare
cases where the opposing team composition features no dive or otherwise
threatening Assassin to try and pick you off. Celestial
Alignment is particularly effective against Genji and Tracer, as their limited
Health pools and reliance on avoiding damage to survive makes them weak to
powerful Basic Attacks.

Gain a second charge of Innervate. Its cooldown recharges 25% faster per ally affected by Regrowth.
Shan'do's Clarity essentially
Innervate's cooldown by 40 to
50%. The Talent may be worthwhile if your team composition features a mage, such
as Jaina, Kel'Thuzad, Kael'thas, or Li-Ming.
Level 7 Talents for Malfurion

Each Hero hit by Moonfire extends the duration of currently active Regrowths by 1 second.
Wild Growth increases
the combat duration of
Regrowth by
approximately 10 seconds, given you are being consistent with
hits. This allows you to maintain Regrowth on more targets and reduces the
chance its duration will run out during key moments to ultimately greatly
improve Malfurion's overall healing output in a subtle way.

Increase the Root duration of Entangling Roots by 25%. When Malfurion is Stunned, the cooldown of Entangling Roots is instantly reset. This can only occur every 10 seconds.
Tenacious Roots is a situational Talent
that can be useful to stop dive Heroes
with a second
Entangling Roots
after Malfurion gets Stunned, granted you manage to cast
the first
Entangling Roots before that happens.

Activate to remove all Stuns, Roots, and Slows from allies affected by Regrowth.
Nature's Cure provides Malfurion with a potentially powerful area of effect
cleanse effect (although it does not give Unstoppable)
with unlimited range as long as
Regrowth is
active on your intended target.
Level 10 Talents for Malfurion
In this section we discuss when and why to pick a given Heroic Ability. If you want to read how they work in detail and/or you are looking for some tips on how to use them, check them out on the Abilities and Strategy page.

- Mana: 80
- Cooldown: 80 seconds
Heal nearby allied Heroes for 80 (+4% per level) Health per second for 8 seconds. Allies affected by Regrowth within Tranquility's area gain 10 Armor.
Tranquility's popularity stems from its simplicity
and effectiveness. There is little that can go wrong with delivering a sizeable
amount of healing in a large area of effect; it just needs to be used at the right
time, which is to say, during important team fights.

- Mana: 100
- Cooldown: 90 seconds
After 0.5 seconds, deal 310 (+4% per level) damage in a large area around Malfurion, Silencing enemies making them unable to use Abilities for 3 seconds.
Although Malfurion is a Healer,
Twilight Dream deals a surprisingly large
amount of area of effect damage. The Silence effect, however, is what makes
Twilight Dream so dangerous. Silencing an entire team, or even a few key Heroes,
for such a long duration is more than debilitating; it is fight-winning,
especially when valuable channeled Abilities
end up being interrupted by it. Though hitting multiple
enemies can be mechanically easy due to the Ability's enormous area of effect,
Malfurion is seldom going to be allowed to freely position himself where it
would be optimal. This is why Twilight Dream is typically used as a secondary
piece of an Ability combo, or as a means of counter-engaging.
Level 13 Talents for Malfurion

Malfurion gains 6% Movement Speed for every active Regrowth.
Nature's Swiftness is a strong Talent that provides
Malfurion, who has no other options for mobility,
with a modest yet extremely reliable Movement Speed increase. By maintaining
between 3 and 4 instances of
Regrowth on allies at all times,
as you should, this represents a near-permanent 18 to 24% increase. This
allows you to play slightly more aggressively with
Moonfire and
follow up with
Entangling Roots, on top of
making it more difficult for opponents to isolate you.

Moonfire Slows Heroes hit by 25% for 3 seconds.
Hindering Moonfire is a decent Talent
that gives you the ability to Slow enemy Heroes
hit with
Moonfire. Apart from the general benefits
of Slowing enemy Heroes, this Talent
can help you land
Entangling Roots
and the next
Moonfire more reliably.
With its potential 100% uptime, we find
this Talent particularly good for triggering
effects that require the target to be Slowed
(such as Ace In The Hole at Level 1 on Raynor),
however, the majority of team compositions will have other ways to do that
without you having to give up a better Talent in this Tier.

Using Innervate also grants Malfurion 15% of his max Mana and causes his Basic Ability cooldowns to refresh 50% faster for 5 seconds.
Revitalize provides Malfurion with a modest amount of Mana and cooldown reduction,
which in turn improves healing output. You can pick this Talent in combination with
Shan'do's Clarity at Level 4 to have a second charge
at your disposal. It can also be picked along
Deep Roots at Level 1
for more value, although that is the weakest Talent in that Tier.
Level 16 Talents for Malfurion

While Malfurion is above 75% Health, Regrowth's healing-over-time is increased by 75%.
Ysera's Gift is a situational Talent that
increases the healing from
when Malfurion is almost full Health.
This is the best Talents for out-of-combat sustain healing,
when there are no enemy Heroes to hit with Moonfire.
That said, you will rarely need this Talent because it provides less in-combat value
compared to the other options in the same Tier.

Increase Moonfire's area by 25% and Regrowth's duration by 5 seconds.
Nature's Balance allows you to maintain Regrowth on more targets and reduces the
chance its duration will run out during key moments to ultimately greatly
improve Malfurion's overall healing output in a subtle way. The increased
Moonfire area of effect also improves your ability to hit multiple Heroes.

Increase Moonfire's heal by 20%, and 15% per ally affected by Regrowth.
Moonlit Harmony improves Malfurion's
burst healing, but requires you to be
accurate with
Moonfire hits.
If you manage to hit multiple Heroes with a single cast,
you will get even more value from this Talent.
Level 20 Talents for Malfurion

Each enemy Hero hit by Moonfire reduces the cooldown of Tranquility by 3 seconds. Increase Tranquility's healing by 25% and 10% per ally affected by Regrowth.
Serenity significantly increases
Tranquility's healing output on top of
potentially greatly reducing its cooldown. Serenity is a strong choice against
large amounts of area of effect damage, but requires you to maintain
Regrowth up on as many targets as possible.

Activate to Channel for 1 second, and then instantly teleport and cast Twilight Dream at the targeted location. Cooldown is shared with Twilight Dream.
Passive: Increase Twilight Dream's Silence duration to 5 seconds.
Astral Communion allows Malfurion to make offensive plays. Whether
or not Astral Communion is worth the investment depends on the team compositions
in play; if your team has been the aggressor, Astral Communion allows you to
follow up very nicely. If you have been defensive or struggling to survive,
Lunar Shower will serve you much better.

Casting Regrowth instantly heals its target for 10% of their missing Health.
Lifebloom is a situational Talent that turns
Regrowth into a potentially
powerful instant single-target heal. In most scenarios, however, Regrowth needs
to be maintained on multiple targets, making Lifebloom awkward to use,
particularly since its healing amount is based on missing Health.

If Moonfire hits a Hero, its cooldown is reduced by 1 second and the next Moonfire within 6 seconds deals 20% more damage. This damage bonus stacks up to 60%.
Lunar Shower essentially increases
Moonfire's potential healing output
by 33%, on top of providing Malfurion with a bit more overall damage. This
Talent works particularly well with the Level 16 Talents
Nature's Balance and
Moonlit Harmony, as their effects directly benefit each other.
For pure healing purposes, Lunar Shower yields much more overall healing than
Serenity, though it is not as strong
against burst damage. Lunar Shower
shines in longer team fights.
- 17 Dec. 2023: Guide reviewed.
- 22 Sep. 2023: ARAM Build added.
- 07 Jul. 2022: Builds updated.
- 04 Feb. 2022: Guide updated for the latest Balance Update.
- 25 Jun. 2021: Builds updated.
- 07 Mar. 2021: Talent tier 1 and 2 swapped and recommendations updated following March 2 patch rework.
- 27 Oct. 2020: Tranquility and Serenity recommended.
- 19 Jul. 2020: Talents and recommendations reviewed.
- 15 Feb. 2020: Talents and recommendations updated to reflect February 12 patch rework.
- 11 Oct. 2019: Talent builds and recommendations reviewed and updated.
- 28 Jul. 2018: Talents and recommendations updated to reflect July 25 balance patch changes.
- 09 Jan. 2018: Guide fully updated to reflect the Malfurion rework of the Blaze patch.
- 29 Nov. 2017: Removed the Moonburn Talent and added its Celestial Attunement replacement.
- 13 Jun. 2017: Complete revamp of the page following Malfurion's rework in Malthael's patch.
- 26 Apr. 2017: Made Scouting Drone situation (was previously not recommended).
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Elitesparkle is a multiple times Master player in Europe who plays Heroes of the Storm since its release. He is an active member of the community who likes to teach new and veteran players all he knows about his favorite game.
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