Murky Talents
Welcome to our Talents page for Murky. Here, we give you an overview of how strong each of Murky's talents is. Then, we present several viable builds, before analyzing each talent row separately, so that you can make informed decisions.
Murky's Talent Build
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Murky's Talent Build Cheatsheet
Slime Build
RecommendedMurky's Slime Build is designed to increase his survivability during team fights,
especially if he happens to hit multiple enemies with Slime.
Pufferfish Build
AdvancedMurky's Pufferfish Build is designed to empower your macro
with the help of Tufferfish at Level 4. If played properly,
you can consistently reach the late game, at which point
your Hero is strong and annoying thanks to
Big Tuna Kahuna at Level 20
combined with
Rejuvenating Bubble at Level 13.
ARAM Build
ARAMMurky's ARAM Build is designed to increase his survivability during team fights,
especially if he happens to hit multiple enemies with Slime.
Level 1 Talents for Murky

Egg's Health is increased by 100%, its sight radius is increased by 300% and it can see Stealthed enemies.
Passive: Spawning from his Egg increases Murky's mount speed to 45% for 5 seconds.
Fish Eye promotes aggressively using
Spawn Egg by significantly increasing its
Health pool and sight range. This Health increase is generally enough to re-cast
Spawn Egg should a Hero find and attack your Egg, granted you react quickly
enough. The real power of this Talent, however, lies in its ability to detect
Stealthed Heroes and generally give vision in a wide area,
drastically reducing the space usable by enemy Heroes to approach you unnoticed.
Using your Egg anywhere where a team fight might erupt can absolutely frustrate opposing flanking attempts, particularly by Heroes with Stealth (such as Nova, Samuro, Valeera, or Zeratul). The Movement Speed provided by the Talent is also useful for quickly returning to any ongoing fight.

- Cooldown: 3 seconds
Activate to place a fake Egg. If the fake Egg dies, it casts an untalented Slime. Maximum 3 fake Eggs.
Passive: Spawning from his Egg grants Murky Stealth for 5 seconds.
Egg Hunt provides fake Eggs that are useful and expendable scouting devices
that apply
Slime to anyone foolish enough to stand near them as
they are destroyed. By stacking several Eggs in a given bush, it is possible to
deal a significant amount of damage should all the Eggs be destroyed at once.
This tactic is particularly useful when laning, as you could trap
a nearby bush to use for cover. Otherwise,
the Stealthed effects, although short in duration, is useful
for for making it more difficult for opponents to guess where your real Egg
might be hidden.

Killing a Minion with Pufferfish grants a stack of Bribe. Use 8 stacks to bribe a Mercenary, instantly defeating them. Does not work on Elite Mercenaries.
Maximum of 32 stacks of Bribe.
A Fishy Deal turns Murky into one of the most effective Mercenary Camp
claimer. With proper preparation and setup, as little as two Minion waves can
set you up for capturing basic Mercenary Camps. This is, however, reliant on how
effective your opponents are at killing
Pufferfish. Furthermore,
the Talent is less than effective on Maps where Mercenary Camps are not plentiful. The
task can also be made even more difficult by allied Heroes preventing you from
killing Minions. As such, you should let them know of your intention.
The key to using A Fishy Deal is learning just how much you need to weaken
Minions for Pufferfish to be able to kill them. For your typical Minion wave,
Melee Minions are generally at the right level of Health due to the fighting.
Ranged Minions, however, must be set up with Slime and at least two
Basic Attacks each. As you grow stronger, fewer Basic Attacks will be necessary.
Try Mode is particularly helpful for learning how to gauge just how much damage
you need to deal at any particular Level. The
Talent helps significantly with this process.
A Fishy Deal is particularly recommended on the following Maps: Blackheart's Bay, Cursed Hollow, Dragon Shire, Garden of Terror, and Sky Temple.
Level 4 Talents for Murky

Quest: Slime enemy Heroes that are already Slimed.
Reward: After Sliming 10 Heroes, increase Slime's bonus damage by 125.
Reward: After Sliming 20 Heroes, increase Slime's slow amount to 30%.
Slime Time significantly boosts
the effectiveness of
Slime. However,
the Quest can be quite difficult to complete, especially against ranged Heroes.
As such, it is only recommendable against team compositions that feature at
least two melee Heroes.
To get this Quest done at
an opportune time, you will have to be very aggressive with using Slime
against opponents that have already been Slimed. It should be noted that the
Black Lagoon,
Toxic Buildup,
Fish Oil Talents can make this Quest
much easier to complete, although the latter two come online rather late.

Pufferfish gains 50 Spell Armor and deals 50% more damage to Slimed targets.
Tufferfish makes
a bit more difficult to destroy, although
not by much, and especially not versus Heroes with quick Basic Attacks. The
damage increase is also rather negligible when compared to the two other
Talents available at this Tier, and even more so should the Pufferfish be
This Talent's saving grace is its ability to improve your
Octo-Grab combo, although
Slime Time
Living the Dream will both
provide more overall sustain damage. Tufferfish also works well against solo
Laners who rely on Abilities to destroy Pufferfish, such as Azmodan.

Quest: Every 15 seconds Murky is alive, he gains 5% Spell Power, up to 25%. This bonus is reset upon his death.
Living the Dream generally competes with
Slime Time in terms of raw added damage
output. Its main upside is that you get to benefit from the Talent almost as
soon as you pick it up, unlike Slime Time. Living the Dream also increases the
damage output of all your Abilities (including
March of the Murlocs) and some Talents
Time to Krill), making it generally more versatile. Slime Time, however, is
not lost on death, on top of providing additional Slow,
meaning that Living the Dream makes dying twice as punishing, although this risk
can be mitigated by later Talents. When playing against Heroes with limited
burst damage, making it easier for you to survive, Living the Dream surpasses
Slime Time so slightly that the risk is simply not worth it.
Level 7 Talents for Murky

Increase Slime's radius by 30%.
Black Lagoon is a good Talent that nearly doubles the
area of effect of
Slime. On top of simply allowing Murky to more reliably
hit multiple Heroes, this increased area of effect also provides him with a
pseudo-ranged Ability that allows to kite melee Heroes and easily
keep up with ranged Heroes trying to escape, granted they have already been
affected by Slime.

Gain 50% Movement Speed and move through units while in Safety Bubble. Additionally, Safety Bubble's cooldown is reduced by 2 seconds.
Slippery When Wet is a strong Talent that provides Murky with some combat mobility.
The main advantage of this Talent is that it allows you to unconditionally waltz
right up to your intended
Octo-Grab target. The Movement Speed increased by
Slippery When Wet allows Murky to effectively escape all but the most mobile of
Heroes while using
Safety Bubble, which may help maintaining
Living the Dream Stacks.

Basic Attacks against Heroes deal an additional 7 (+4% per level) damage a second and slow the target by 7% for 4 seconds. This effect can stack up to 5 times.
Time to Krill is a decent Talent that increases your damage
when you can use Basic Attacks a lot, however, it needs a few seconds to ramp up.
Do not pick this Talent when playing against burst damage or you will end up having a dead Talent.
Level 10 Talents for Murky
In this section we discuss when and why to pick a given Heroic Ability. If you want to read how they work in detail and/or you are looking for some tips on how to use them, check them out on the Abilities and Strategy page.

- Cooldown: 110 seconds
After 0.75 seconds, Murky commands a legion of Murlocs to march in a target direction, each one leaping onto the first enemy Hero or Structure they find. Each Murloc deals 125 (+4% per level) damage and slows its target by 15% for 5 seconds. Murlocs deal 50% damage to Structures.
March of the Murlocs has the potential
of dealing an immense amount of damage. This is, however,
reliant on using the Ability in conjunction with some form of area of effect
crowd control, or during a fight from which your opponents can not (or
should not) avoid.

- Cooldown: 50 seconds
Murky becomes Unstoppable and Stuns target enemy Hero for 3 seconds while he hits them for 1 damage a second.
Octo-Grab is one of the longest targeted Stuns
in the game. It is almost always used
in conjunction with
Pufferfish to guarantee a large amount
of damage. Besides killing Murky, the only reliable way of preventing Octo-Grab
from being used as a way of locking down kill targets is to use cleanse effects
(for example
Intercession by Whitemane),
as well as a few other select Heroic Abilities and Talents. If the opposing team
has a particularly important target to focus down, this is the choice for you.
Level 13 Talents for Murky

Safety Bubble restores 40% of Murky's maximum Health.
Rejuvenating Bubble greatly increases Murky's survivability by essentially allowing
him to near-fully heal during
Safety Bubble when combined with his very high
baseline Health Regeneration. Rejuvenating Bubble becomes particularly effective
when combined with
Big Tuna Kahuna. Just make sure to use Safety Bubble
when you have actually taken damage.

Spawning from his Egg grants Murky a Shield equal to 100% of his maximum Health. Casting Spawn Egg refreshes this Shield for an amount equal to 35% of Murky's current Health.
Egg Shell is a bad Talent that gives a big Shield
whenever you respawn from
Spawn Egg and a portion
of that Shield whenever you place
Spawn Egg.
If you cast
Spawn Egg multiple times without taking damage,
you will eventually get a Shield equal to the one you get when you respawn.
We do not recommend this Talent because it only gives you a full Shield when
you respawn and a partial Shield when you place Spawn Egg,
meaning you will often be without a Shield and not able to get it back without
wasting precious time to find a good position for
Spawn Egg.

Murky is healed for 25% of the damage he deals with Basic Attacks and Basic Abilities.
Fish Tank increases Murky's survivability against team compositions
with limited damage output. Double Healer compositions
may actually find it impossible to shed Murky unless they can also commit a
damage dealer's time to dealing with him, particularly with
Builds. It should be noted that the area of effect-nature of Murky's
Abilities means that Fish Tank works exceptionally well when surrounded by
Level 16 Talents for Murky

Every 3rd consecutive Basic Attack against an enemy Hero causes a free Slime to be cast upon them.
Toxic Buildup turns Murky's Basic Attacks into something to be feared by
all Heroes. This Talent single-handedly allows Murky to take on the majority of
Heroes in a head-on fight. This high damage output, however, is dependent on
your ability to deliver said Basic Attacks. As such, Toxic Buildup is generally
recommendable against team compositions that feature at least 3 melee or low-range Heroes.

The Pufferfish casts Slime at its location upon landing.
Fish Oil is a good Talent that hits all enemies
near the
Pufferfish's landing spot with a free
Slime, damaging and Slowing them.
The fact that it applies Slime on enemies
makes this Talent work well in combination with
at Level 4, which makes
Pufferfish deal more damage to
Slimed targets.

Heroes hit by Pufferfish take additional damage equal to 15% of their maximum Health over 5 seconds.
Wrath of Cod is a good Talent that increases
the damage done by
Pufferfish by applying a debuff
which deals percent damage to enemy Heroes hit.
Due to the nature of its damage, we find this Talent useful against Heroes with high maximum Health (for example Azmodan) because they will take more damage from it or against Heroes who rely on Armor to survive (such as Garrosh) because they will not be able to mitigate its damage.
Level 20 Talents for Murky

March of the Murlocs can be channeled, sending little Murlocs indefinitely.
Never-Ending Murlocs turns
March of the Murlocs
into a win condition.
If your opponents are unable to interrupt the Ability, they are essentially forced
off any Objective or away from Structures they may be trying to defend or
assault. Keep track of important interrupts to get the most out of
this Talent.

Increase the damage of Octo-Grab by 13700%.
... And a Shark Too! adds a measly amount of damage to an Ability that is generally used
as a combo piece for your allies to follow up upon for near-unconditional kills.
You will get more mileage out of other Talent choices.

Murky's maximum Health and Egg respawn time are doubled.
Big Tuna Kahuna makes Murky twice as big, and twice as frustrating to deal with. Since
Murky's damage output is tuned around being relatively easy to dispatch, Big
Tuna Kahuna flips expectations upside-down with Murky becoming about as
resilient as your typical Bruiser. You do, however, need to be careful about
actually dying, as this Talent comes with an important downside.

Reduces the cooldown of Slime from 4 seconds to 2 seconds.
Making Inky provides Murky with yet another large damage increase option.
Since the Talent competes with
Big Tuna Kahuna, however, you should see to
use it only when you feel like your survivability has not been an issue. Against
Heroes such as Li-Ming, however, go for the alternative.
- 13 Dec. 2024: Guide reviewed for the latest Balance Update.
- 21 Sep. 2023: ARAM Build added.
- 20 Sep. 2023: Guide reviewed.
- 11 Mar. 2021: Builds updated.
- 25 Feb. 2021: New layout.
- 24 Sep. 2020: Builds updated.
- 05 Apr. 2020: Description updated for Egg Hunt and Octo-Grab.
- 11 Oct. 2019: Talent builds and recommendations reviewed and updated.
- 28 Jul. 2018: Updated Talents and recommendations to reflect July 25 balance patch changes.
- 14 Jan. 2017: Updated Tier 1, 3, and 6 Talent assessments. Updated Balanced build.
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Elitesparkle is a multiple times Master player in Europe who plays Heroes of the Storm since its release. He is an active member of the community who likes to teach new and veteran players all he knows about his favorite game.
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