Probius Abilities and Strategy
Welcome to our Abilities page for Probius. Here, we give you an overview of every ability in Probius's kit. For each of them, we explain what it does, how to best use it, and how it works in combination with Probius's other abilities. We also give you strategy tips to play Probius efficiently.
Probius's Tips and Tricks
- Unlike mounts,
Worker Rush may be used in combat. Keep in mind that ALL damage (including damage-over-time such as poisons) will immediately break the effect.
- Place Pylons from
Warp In Pylon within brush or behind terrain or allied fortification to protect them from being immediately destroyed.
- Do not be afraid to poke enemies with
Disruption Pulse when unable to set up or waiting on the cooldown of
Warp Rift.
Warp Rift is most effective when used in narrow corridors and chokepoints that force enemies to travel through its AoE.
Photon Cannon is great for zoning as well as soaking damage from Minions, Mercenaries, and enemy structures.
- Save
Pylon Overcharge for teamfights surrounding important Battleground objectives. This will force the enemy to either stay within its range or give up the objective to disengage, either of which are good for Probius and his allies.
- Instead of simply placing
Null Gate across a pathway to block it off, Null Gate can be angled slightly (depending on the space) to maximize the distance an enemy will be forced to travel through it.
Worker Rush (Z)

- Cooldown: 30 seconds
Activate to gain an additional 60% Movement Speed for 5 seconds. Taking damage ends this effect early. Worker Rush is always active while at the Hall of Storms.
Passive: Probius moves 10% faster by hovering over the ground.
Worker Rush is Probius' movement mechanic, taking place of the traditional
Mount most other Heroes utilize to traverse the Nexus. The passive 10%
increased Movement Speed is incredibly useful for kiting
enemies around Probius' Photon Cannons and teammates.
The activatable portion of Worker Rush is incredibly important as its rather
lengthy cooldown requires it to be used wisely. Unlike mounts, Worker Rush can be
activated during combat. Keep in mind that ALL damage (including damage-over-time
such as poisons) will break the Movement Speed bonus effect and place Worker
Rush on full cooldown.
Turbo Charged may be talented
into at Level 4 to greatly increase the Movement Speed of Worker Rush while
in a Pylon's Power Field as well as significantly reduce the cooldown of Worker Rush.
Warp In Pylon (Trait)

- Cooldown: 14 seconds
Warp in a Pylon that generates a Power Field and grants vision of the surrounding area. Probius only regenerates mana while inside a Power Field. Enemy Heroes and Minions drop Minerals when killed. Gather Minerals to reduce the cooldown of Warp In Pylon by 0.75 seconds.
Up to 2 Pylons can be active at a time.
Being able to know when and where to warp in a Pylon on the Battlefield is
key to mastering Probius' rather unique play style. Probius should always fight
in or nearby his Pylon's Power Fields as these fields are the only place
Probius will be able to restore Mana and summon
Photon Cannons. When possible, Pylons should be placed
in bushes or behind cover to prevent enemies from immediately attacking and
destroying them. The 14-second cooldown of
Warp In Pylon can be unforgiving, as
Pylons are essentially required for fights and skirmishes. Therefore, try to not
carelessly place pylons simply for the sake of placing them. Only two Pylons
can be active at one time, and if a third Pylon is summoned the first will simply
be destroyed.
Grabbing Minerals on Heroes and Minions' deaths reduce Pylon's cooldown. However, it may be dangerous to advance to grab them. Very often, it will be better to play safely, waiting for the Pylon's cooldown to refresh.
Disruption Pulse

- Mana: 75
- Cooldown: 3 seconds
Fire a burst of energy forward, dealing 142 (+5% per level) damage to all enemies it passes through.
Hitting the center of a Warp Rift will cause it to explode, dealing additional damage.
Disruption Pulse is a linear projectile with medium range that is the driving
force behind much of Probius' power. Disruption Pulse has a short cooldown
allowing it to be cast often to poke down enemies. Dependable
accuracy with Disruption Pulse is key, as it will be used to not only strike opponents,
but to also explode
Warp Rifts placed by Probius for
additional damage.
Warp Rift

- Mana: 150
- Charges: 2
- Recharge Time: 6 seconds
Open an unstable Warp Rift at a location that takes 1.25 seconds to arm, which then Slows nearby enemies by 25% lasting 3 seconds.
Armed Warp Rifts explode when they expire or when hit by Disruption Pulse, dealing 261 (+5% per level) damage to nearby enemies.
Warp Rift is Probius' main source of
AoE damage and
crowd-control. The ability stores two charges with
a 6 second cooldown. The Warp Rifts last for 9 seconds once summoned, so
Probius should cast and leave them in positions that he will expect enemies to
be while he is regenerating more charges. Warp Rift needs to be struck with a
cast of
Disruption Pulse in order to explode for
damage. This W+Q combo is a phenomenal source of
waveclear and allows Probius to delete minion waves
very quickly. Probius also has the option to wait to detonate a Warp Rift with
Disruption Pulse until an enemy has travelled across the entire Rift and has
been slowed for its maximum duration. This can allow allies to more
kite a Hero or catch them should they be trying to flee.
Photon Cannon

- Cooldown: 15 seconds
Warp in a Photon Cannon that deals 105 (+4% per level) damage. Lasts for 13 seconds.
While within a Pylon's Power Field, Photon Cannons gain 40% Attack Speed over 4 seconds and reveal nearby enemies.
Photon Cannon is a great distraction
Probius can utilize to keep more close range enemies at bay.
The cannons last for a total of 13 seconds and will always prioritize enemy Heroes.
A Photon Cannon may also be used to tank damage from Towers, Forts, Keeps or Mercenaries.
Probius may even use Photon Cannon to absorb certain enemy skillshots
such as Li-Ming's
Arcane Orb.
Keep in mind that Photon Cannons can be summoned anywhere, but they will have reduced
attack speed when not within the Power Field of a Pylon.
Like previously mentioned, try to keep the Pylons safe in order to
prevent them being destroyed resulting in weakened Photon Cannons.
Pylon Overcharge
In this section we discuss how this Heroic Ability works and give some tips on how to use it. If you are looking for a detailed explanation on when and why you should pick it, check out the dedicated section in the Talent Build page.

- Heroic
- Mana: 100
- Cooldown: 80 seconds
For 8 seconds, increase the size of Pylon power fields and allow them to attack enemy Heroes within it for 96 (+4% per level) damage per second. Pylons are Invulnerable for the duration.
Pylon Overcharge gives Probius incredible area
control, particularly the area revolving around Battleground objectives. When
possible, Pylon Overcharge should only be activated when Probius has been able
to place both of his Pylons, as this will greatly increase its effectiveness.
Probius should try to hold onto at least one Pylon at all times in order to
ensure he is never further than 14 seconds away from having two Pylons up in
one area at one time. Once Pylon Overcharge is activated, the size of a
Pylon's power field is greatly increased. This means that for the duration of the ability,
Probius will be able to not only benefit from the Pylons passive buffs within
a larger area, but can also place
Photon Cannons
in areas where he otherwise would not have been able to.
Null Gate
In this section we discuss how this Heroic Ability works and give some tips on how to use it. If you are looking for a detailed explanation on when and why you should pick it, check out the dedicated section in the Talent Build page.

- Heroic
- Mana: 100
- Cooldown: 25 seconds
Project a barrier of negative energy in the target direction that lasts 4 seconds. Enemies who touch the barrier take 76 (+4% per level) damage per second and are Slowed by 80% for as long as they remain in contact with it.
Null Gate is an amazing
zoning tool that has a multitude of applications. The 80%
slow is crippling to all enemies who find themselves trapped within its path,
and the ticking damage (although relatively small) will force dismounts and
even break Stealth. Null Gate can be used to either prevent enemies from
closing in on an area (oftentimes Battleground objectives) or to cut off
unsuspecting targets. This zoning potential is significantly increased by
Gate Keeper at Level 20 which allows Null Gate to
remain indefinitely as long as Probius is able to maintain a Power Field at
either end of the gate. The directional targeting component of Null Gate allows
Probius to place Null Gate in any orientation he so desires. This is incredibly
strong, as Probius can place the gate ALONG pathways instead of across them,
forcing enemies to have to travel through a much longer portion of the gate. It
is most important that enemies are forced to run into some portion of the gate,
so Probius should never accidentally leave an opening for escape when trying to
cast Null Gate with the "perfect" angle.
- 09 Feb. 2022: Updated Pylon's description after recent balance patch.
- 09 Dec. 2021: Abilities section updated after recent balance patch.
- 04 Jun. 2021: Updated Cooldowns and durations to correspond to their real values.
- 17 Jul. 2019: Abilities section reviewed.
- 07 Jul. 2017: Updated Pylon Overcharge description, as it no longer gives Pylons bonus Health.
- 16 May 2017: Changed Pylon Overcharge's passive shield amount from 50% to 30% in accordance to the May 10, 2017 Balance Update.
- 11 May 2017: Fixed error regarding Photon Cannon's duration and target prioritization.
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Derenash has been playing Heroes of the Storm since 2015 and has achieved Grandmaster in multiple seasons, peaking at Top 1 in Season 3 and 4 of 2018. He participated in the HGC Copa America in 2018 where his team had a strong victory. He is passionate about teaching others about the game, and streams often on Twitch in Portuguese, and you can find him in Wind Striders' Discord as well where he is happy to answer any questions in English or Portuguese.
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