Probius Talents
Welcome to our Talents page for Probius. Here, we give you an overview of how strong each of Probius's talents is. Then, we present several viable builds, before analyzing each talent row separately, so that you can make informed decisions.
Probius's Talent Build
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Probius's Talent Build Cheatsheet
Photon Cannon Build
RecommendedPhoton Cannon's Build is a balanced Probius build that focuses on always having
several Photon Cannons active in the battlefield.
Echo Pulse is picked instead of
Gather Minerals
because of its synergy with his Level 7 Talent,
Tower Defense.
It is important to always use Photon Cannons and
Disruption Pulse
when they are available, as Probius can get a whole cooldown refund in a single
Disruption Pulse with these Talents.
Level 1 Talents for Probius

Disruption Pulse now returns to Probius 1.25 seconds after reaching its target, dealing 100% damage on the return trip.

Quest: Hit Heroes with Warp Rift explosions.
Reward: After hitting 8 Heroes with Warp Rift explosions, increase the explosion damage by 120.
Reward: After hitting 16 Heroes with Warp Rift explosions, Warp Rift gains 1 additional charge.

Quest: Gather Minerals to increase the Health of Photon Cannons by 8, up to 560.
Reward: After collecting 70 Minerals, Photon Cannons deal 35% more damage.
Gather Minerals can be a good option for Photon Cannon centric
build, as it vastly bolsters the usefulness of his
Photon Cannons. However, we do not recommend this Talent,
because the extra Photon Cannons provided by the returning
Disruption Pulse
Echo Pulse will be more impactful than this extra Health
and damage.
Warp Resonance is a solid talent option that
emphasises the power of Probius' AoE burst
potential. Not only is the damage bonus of Warp Resonance a huge power spike to
Probius, being able to store an additional charge of
Warp Rift can prove to be invaluable.
Echo Pulse is an excellent Talent in every build.
It increases Probius's Damage in teamfights, waveclear,
harass potential, Cooldown reduction from
Tower Defense,
and makes it much easier to detonate
Warp Rifts.
Level 4 Talents for Probius

While a Photon Cannon is alive and powered, Probius gains 40 Spell Armor.

Worker Rush grants an additional 10% passive Movement Speed while in a Power Field, and its cooldown is reduced by 14 seconds.

Probius gains permanent Shields equal to 10% of his max Health. Shields regenerate quickly as long as he hasn't taken damage recently.
Turbo Charged tends to be a safe choice
for Level 4, as it provides Probius with incredible benefits to his movement
Worker Rush which is straight forward
and comes with no downsides or requirements.
Shield Capacitor is a solid
defensive talent to help aid Probius with his fragility in battle.
It is a useful tool to stop early poke damage
from tearing Probius's little health pool apart.
Photon Barrier is a great source of damage
mitigation which may be considered when matched up against several
different sources of spell damage. This is an excellent Talent
when paired with
Tower Defense, even if the opposing
team does not have much spell damage.
Level 7 Talents for Probius

After hitting 3 Heroes with Disruption Pulse, the next Warp Rift detonated by a Disruption Pulse fires 4 additional pulses that deal 78 (+5% per level) damage from the impact location in different directions.
Passive: Reduce the cooldown of Disruption Pulse by 0.5 seconds.

Hitting a Warp Rift with Disruption Pulse within 1 second of it arming deals 105 (+5% per level) damage over 3 seconds.

Reduce Photon Cannon's cooldown by 3.5 seconds when Disruption Pulse or Warp Rift damages an enemy Hero.
Rift Shock adds 40% more damage to
Warp Rift,
and should not be ignored. This Talent might not be as consistent as
Tower Defense, but if Probius constantly hit enemies with his
rifts, it can be a great choice.
Tower Defense is a fun and strong talent option that gives
Probius a much more genuine "Probe" feel as he will be able to summon
significantly more
Photon Cannons. This talent is only
recommended with either
Echo Pulse or
Gather Minerals at Level 1.
Particle Accelerator adds a good Cooldown reduction to
Disruption Pulse, but since there are not many other
ways to empower his pulses, we do not recommend this Talent. In comparison with
Tower Defense, this Talent will deal 78 damage when
Disruption Pulse hits 3 enemies, while Tower Defense will give Probius a free
Photon Cannon.
Level 10 Talents for Probius

- Mana: 100
- Cooldown: 80 seconds
For 8 seconds, increase the size of Pylon power fields and allow them to attack enemy Heroes within it for 96 (+4% per level) damage per second. Pylons are Invulnerable for the duration.

- Mana: 100
- Cooldown: 25 seconds
Project a barrier of negative energy in the target direction that lasts 4 seconds. Enemies who touch the barrier take 76 (+4% per level) damage per second and are Slowed by 80% for as long as they remain in contact with it.
In this section we discuss when and why to pick a given Heroic Ability. If you want to read how they work in detail and/or you are looking for some tips on how to use them, check them out on the Abilities and Strategy page.
Pylon Overcharge gives Probius incredible area
control, particularly the area revolving around Battleground objectives. When
possible, Pylon Overcharge should only be activated when Probius has been able
to place both of his Pylons, as this will greatly increase its effectiveness.
Probius should try to hold onto at least one Pylon at all times in order to
ensure he is never further than 14 seconds away from having two Pylons up in
one area at one time. Once Pylon Overcharge is activated, the size of a
Pylon's power field is greatly increased. This means that for the duration of the ability,
Probius will be able to not only benefit from the Pylons passive buffs within
a larger area, but can also place
Photon Cannons
in areas where he otherwise would not have been able to.
Null Gate is an amazing
zoning tool that has a multitude of applications. The 80%
slow is crippling to all enemies who find themselves trapped within its path,
and the ticking damage (although relatively small) will force dismounts and
even break Stealth. Null Gate can be used to either prevent enemies from
closing in on an area (oftentimes Battleground objectives) or to cut off
unsuspecting targets. This zoning potential is significantly increased by
Gate Keeper at Level 20 which allows Null Gate to
remain indefinitely as long as Probius is able to maintain a Power Field at
either end of the gate. The directional targeting component of Null Gate allows
Probius to place Null Gate in any orientation he so desires. This is incredibly
strong as Probius can place the gate ALONG pathways instead of across them,
forcing enemies to have to travel through a much longer portion of the gate. It
is most important that enemies are forced to run into some portion of the gate,
so Probius should never accidentally leave an opening for escape when trying to
cast Null Gate with the "perfect" angle.
Level 13 Talents for Probius

Pylon's Power Field grants allied Heroes 35% increased Attack Damage.

Pylon's Power Field grants allied Heroes 10% increased Spell Power and 2 Mana per second.

Pylon's Power Field grants allied Heroes 28 (+4% per level) Shields per second, up to 112 (+4% per level). Shields persist for 2 seconds after exiting a Pylon Power Field.
Shield Battery is an incredible talent that looks
slightly underwhelming at first but will, throughout the course of the game,
add much appreciated protection to both Probius himself and his allies.
Power Overflowing slightly enhances all your allies' effectiveness,
but it should only be picked if your team already has a good way to handle
poke damage, or
Shield Battery will be a
better option.
Aggressive Matrix can be a decent Talent if Probius's team
is aware of the extra damage and will play around Pylons. We do not recommend this
Talent if you are not communicating with your team.
Level 16 Talents for Probius

Enemies continue to be slowed for 3 seconds after their last contact with a Warp Rift.

Enemies are slowed more the closer they are to the center of the Warp Rift, up to a maximum slow of 60%.

Enemy Heroes hit by Warp Rift explosions have their Spell Power reduced by 35% for 5 seconds. Additionally, enemies hit by Warp Rift explosions are knocked away from the center.
Quantum Entanglement's slow can slightly help Probius
and his team to land skillshots. It will be decent in most scenarios, being a safe
choice for this tier.
Gravity Well greatly increases
Warp Rift's
slow. However, since
Warp Rift only lasts for 3 seconds,
this is a very situational Talent.
Interference's Spell Power reduction is a useful perk, as it can
shut down enemy Assassins, especially the ones who rely on Ability Damage and
Healers alike, since Spell Power reduction also affects healing done. But the Knockback
added to this Talent is very concerning, since it will often push enemies away
from danger.
Level 20 Talents for Probius

Probius can now have up to 3 active Pylons, and increase the damage of Pylon Overcharge by 25%.

Null Gate lasts indefinitely if either end is within a Power Field.

Enemy Heroes hit by Disruption Pulse take a bonus 2.5% of their maximum Health as damage.
Passive: Reduce the cooldown of Disruption Pulse by 0.5 seconds.

Whenever a Rift explosion hits 1 or more enemy Heroes, create a new Warp Rift in the same location.
Construct Additional Pylons is a great Level 20
talent option should Probius have previously talented into
Pylon Overcharge at Level 10. The fact that more Pylons can
be summoned and live at the same time also synergizes really well with
Shield Battery
at Level 13, since more ground can now be covered by Pylons which also increases the "shielded" area for
allies to be protected in.
Like previously mentioned, Gate Keeper causes
Null Gate to become an even more valuable
zoning tool that can be used for lengthy
peel or to lock down an important area in contest on the
map (such as a game winning objective or Boss fight). Be aware that it allows different
Null Gates to be active at the same time, and you should be already preparing the
Pylons and Gates around objective 1 or 2 minutes before it spawns.
Probius Loop is an incredibly strong talent that
will drastically increase Probius' damage output and kill potential. Probius Loop also has an
incredibly strong interaction with
Echo Pulse from
Level 1, where a new Rift can be created and destroyed for free on top of
multiple enemies with a single cast of
Disruption Pulse.
Shoot 'Em Up is a decent Talent, as it adds good damage
Disruption Pulse, but we only recommend it if Probius
cannot get
Construct Additional Pylons.
- 09 Feb. 2022: Buidls and Talents updated after recent balance patch.
- 09 Dec. 2021: Builds and Talents updated after recent balance patch.
- 04 Jun. 2021: Updated description for Photon Barrier.
- 31 Jan. 2021: Updated Probius Loop's description.
- 07 May 2020: Updated Warp Rift Build and Talent page in accordance to May 6th balance patch.
- 09 Apr. 2020: Removed Interfence as a viable option.
- 23 Jan. 2020: Removed Repulsor in accordance with the latest Balance Update and revised the guide.
- 25 Jul. 2019: Updated Particle Accelerator's talent description. The talent remains Not Recommended.
- 17 Jul. 2019: Completely overhauled the Probius guide and added new talent builds.
- 07 Jul. 2017: Updated Pylon Overcharge description, as it no longer gives Pylons bonus Health.
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Derenash has been playing Heroes of the Storm since 2015 and has achieved Grandmaster in multiple seasons, peaking at Top 1 in Season 3 and 4 of 2018. He participated in the HGC Copa America in 2018 where his team had a strong victory. He is passionate about teaching others about the game, and streams often on Twitch in Portuguese, and you can find him in Wind Striders' Discord as well where he is happy to answer any questions in English or Portuguese.
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